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11 – 56 – Curiosity

The Channel of Curiosity - 11-56, links the Ajna Center through the 11, the Gate of Peace, to the 56, the Gate of The Wanderer
in the Throat Center. The 11/56 never stops looking, thus it is also referred to as the design of the seeker and the searcher.

What must be understood about the 11-56 is that it is the seeking that moves them - not the finding. No matter what or how
much they find they just have to keep on searching for something else.

As part of the Collective Sensing circuit, of course, the 11-56 also has a need to share its interpretation of history - the past.
And they have the ability to make up an interpretation of the past and share it with the rest of us. For the 11-56, the Aha!
comes when it sparks an idea. It’s important for them that while the idea is to be shared it’s not necessarily a call to action. In
the Collective logic circuitry we can share a common pattern that we're all sure of - but with the past that can't be done.

It's simply the fact that everyone's experience of an event is different so there are many interpretations – many pasts, and
thus many ideas. This is another projector channel, so whether or not anyone else will resonate the sense of things or the
ideas the 11-56 has depends upon whether or not they’ve been recognized or invited to share them.

23 – 43 – Structuring

The Channel of Structuring - 43-23, links the Throat Center through the 23, the Gate of Splitting Apart, to the 43, the Gate of
Breakthrough in the Ajna Center. Here we see the channel of the expression of individual mind. Concepts are grasped as
insights that have broken through in gate 43 and re-structured, then expressed in the 23rd gate.

Called the channel of genius to freak, their unusual perspective reflects an ability to hold to their own point of view, at times
to the exclusion of hearing or being affected by what others have to say about their ideas. That doesn't mean that they actually
know anything; it just means that is what they say. Sometimes they know, other times they don't.

The channel is subtitled "Genius to Freak" implying a great range of possible insights and expressions. Just because a person
expresses something is no guarantee that they have expressed it intelligibly. Often the freak appellation is the result of poor
communication rather than faulty insight. When the expression of those with this channel is grasped by others successfully
they are considered geniuses, and if not understood, they seem like freaks.

Anyone who has this channel must learn two very important things: Speech skills and patience. Speech skills to reach the
audience and, because this is a projector channel, patience to wait for recognition so they have an audience that is ready to
hear what they have to say.

The ability of the "knower" is to empower others structurally. This channel is always structuring, and it's ultimate gift is to
make things more efficient. What you have to realize about these people is that if they can explain to you how to be more
efficient, they have been able to mutate you. The contribution those with this channel bring to us is to enhance our acceptance
of those who are different and the role they play in the transformation of our old order into new forms and values.
17 – 62 – Acceptance

Gives voice to the initiation of the logical circuit. This is the verbal formulation of the logical hypothesis or question. Note that
this is still a question. There is no energy in the mind and the speakings of the mind are just ideas without energy. As with
all things spoken from the Ajna, it is projected and is only heard and acted upon correctly when invited or recognized.
Hypothesis without proof is purely conjecture and opinions. Unsubstantiated ideas that can be experimented with once
recognized but resisted mightily when not asked for. The struggle of Logic is for energy. All energies within this circuit do
best either in response or through recognition. Without these key activations, ideas are just word carried away on the wind.
The flow of the 17/62 takes us from speculation and conjecture in the Gate 17 to a practical answer in the Gate 62. Note that
it is still only a possible answer, not THE answer. No energy or action here. Opinions are formed in this part of the circuit.
This can be a difficult energy if you have it in your chart. We like to share opinions. But not everyone wants to hear them. If
you absolutely have to share your thoughts, always ask first if it's okay to share them. It can soften the impact of this energy

18 – 58 – Judgement
Judgment. Can pose some serious challenges to those who carry this energy. First of all, notice that this channel is way far
down in the chart and has no access to the throat. And also notice that this is one of the energy Centers in this circuit (the
Root). One of the challenges of Logic is getting the energy to the Throat. This is why Logic is so has to be proven
over time and meets with resistance until it stands the test of time. The Channel of Judgment is purely projected, meaning it
serves best when others ask for it. It contains the intuitive and energetic ability to make things correct in order to create a
perfect expression of the Joy of Life. Imagine how hard it must be to watch others doing things in less than perfect ways,
when you know exactly how to make it more correct and you can't say anything to fix it unless you are recognized or asked!
This energy can be exceptionally challenging, especially if you also have the energy for opinions (Gate 17) in your chart. This
energy is also exceptionally difficult for Projectors. The bottom line of this channel is that in order to be heard and for you to
have the platform to correct in a "correct" way, you MUST wait for recognition if you have this channel. If you do not wait,
then you run the risk of being perceived as critical by others and no one likes to be criticized. The beauty of this channel is
that the correction in the 18 leads to the 58, the Joy of Life. When the 18 waits to be recognized, they clear the path for the
perfected expression of the Joy of Life, the Root result of the Logical stream.

12 – 22 – Openness
The 12/22 is a very mysterious channel. Think about social dynamics. If you think about the tribe you have two specifically
social channels for the tribe. That is, the 59/6, obviously the intimacy of the 59/6 and the 40/37, the channel of community.
These are so-called social channels. There is only one other social channel. That’s the 22/12. Every collective channel is

So, when you see social capacity diminished you begin to understand something about beings as well and the way in which
the layer of humanity is structured. The collective is social at every possible level, so we end up with multiracial societies in
certain places where people can all exist together, and so forth and so on. This is collective. It is social at any level. But the
moment that you step into the tribe, you can see that the tribe is very limited in when it will be social. It will be social in order
to make more. It will be social within its own community to maintain its viability. But this is a closed off social environment.
You notice that any time you step into a foreign tribe’s environment. You know it right away. You are neither somebody who
is part of the intimacy or part of the community and you’re not going to receive any kind of true social invitation into that,
unless you happen to sneak into the farmer’s daughter’s bedroom. That may change the story. Either you’re shot gunned, or
you get married, one or the other.

But when you come to individuality it has one and only one social dimension. I know. This is an incredible limitation in the
individual. Individuals are deeply handicapped when it comes to establishing social bonds. Now of course, when we come to
the nature of seeing the holistic BodyGraph we know very well that people have all kinds of mixes of aspects within their
design. So, I’m speaking just theoretically here from an absolute point of view; in other words, looking at the pure individual.
Somebody like me, as an example, that only has individual definition, only having individual definition gives one a handicap

Now, I have some advantages in that I do have the 12th gate, I do have the 40th gate, so I have certain ways, and I have
certain collective gates, in which I can learn and connect to the tribe and the collective. But it’s not natural. So, when you’re
looking at the 12/22 you’re looking at something very unique, in a sense. Individuality is not allowed to be social because it’s
not here to be influenced. It’s not collective. It’s not here to be influenced. Individuality is here to express mutation. That’s the
whole point of having individuality in the BodyGraph. It is the evolutionary process in all of us.

So, it’s not here to be influenced, which means it’s difficult for individuality to form those kinds of long-term bonds, because
it’s very difficult for them to actually embrace the social dimension. It’s against their nature. And yet, the irony in all of that is
that all of our concepts of romance come from individuality, this yearning for the bond, because it’s so difficult to find it. And
of course, where do we find that? We find that in this stream from the 12 to the 22 to the 55 to the 39, it is here in this stream
that all of these concepts of romantic love and all of these things exist. It’s interesting to see it in that way; and to understand
the loneliness, in that sense, of individuality, that loneliness of “why can’t I?”

So, the 12/22 becomes a mechanism not for the individual to be able to express their romance, but for the individual to be
able to seduce the collective with its mutation, because the collective lives on social interaction. Individual action is intended
only to mutate the collective. And you can see it in the expression of the 12/22, because this is the channel of a social or an
anti-social being. It is so easy for this to be turned off, because the whole point is mutation. And the whole point is to be able
to mutate the other with this voice.

The individual takes action to try to affect the other. And that you can see that in the 12 and in the 35, you have fundamental
Manifestor themes, the impact that we talk about in terms of a Manifestor. This impact is in both of these gates. It is what
drives us. One drives us experientially and the other mutates us as we move along. It’s very powerful in their impact—
anifesting gates. So, for the individual it is all about this possibility in action to impact the other, to make them fall in love and
not necessarily with you as a being, but what you have to say or what you have to offer or what you know. I know that.

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