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The Left Angle Cross of the Plane

36 (Crisis)6 (Friction)10 (Behavior of the Self)15 (Extremes)

The energy of your Cross is to find balance in intimacy with people in your life. Your energies are driven to find the personal
pleasure you require, but to balance that with your life as it fits within the collective. On one hand, you have this push to grab
one of your dreams and run off to the cave to be alone, and on the other hand, to be part of the group around the campfire.
Finding and displaying the balance is the key gift that you can bring to this world.

The Interpersonal Life Theme of THE (EARTH) PLANE (1)

Your Life Theme is to become accomplished and wise in the handling of the more difficult aspects of life. You find your way
into challenges and at the same time out of them by creating new options that turn breakdowns into advantages. Ultimately,
you direct others to make positive and beneficial changes when they encounter some of the tougher experiences that life can
offer. You can be a friend to all, drawing to you disadvantaged people as well as more capable ones and smoothing the path
for everyone.

Mostly you will find yourself in the role of the diplomat or trusted advisor who helps people get their lives in order. You will
be called into emotional situations of all sorts, sometimes applying a loving hand and at other times needing to bang people’s
heads together to get them to see sense. The challenge for you is to remain objective in dramas so that you are emotionally
clear yourself. Your gift is getting people to appreciate both themselves and those in their life who are in a position to affect
their emotional well-being.

With your Conscious Sun in Gate 36, you are constantly reminded to seek out the silver lining to each cloud, to find the
amazing resolutions that come from engaging consciously with trials, because when challenges begin to pile up, you have
the means to resolve them if you persevere. You will often find yourself propelled into other people’s emotional chaos, into
all the highs and lows of life, including their misunderstandings about pleasure and pain, delight and disaster, and sex, food,
drugs, and addictions.

Although you could make it your mission, your life is not always about fixing other people’s difficulties; it is more about
appreciating that there are certain conditions and influences for everyone living on Earth. You are given access to experience
some of the more difficult aspects of life and to acknowledge, appreciate, and see the best and perhaps the most considerate
and compassionate ways through them. Pay close attention to your Type and Authority to recognize those people and
situations that really merit your attention and those you should avoid.

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