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2019 Academic Year – Summer Trimester 3

General & Continuing Education

Cross and Crossings

Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date: July 3, 2019 Number of Lessons: 5

Day of week: Wednesdays Regular Price: $450.00
Time of Lessons: 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $400.00

This Course / Workshop has its special focus on the Incarnation Cross and the Incarnation Crosses of the Life

Everyone has a very specific Life purpose that can be mapped out in your Human Design Chart. The
calculation of your Personality and Design Suns/Earths represent seventy percent of the imprinted and
consistent energy of your being. This is the Incarnation Cross. Your Incarnation Cross is something that will
slowly emerge and will get in the full expression of your potential over time Every time you meet the
“Crossing” deepens your understanding why you are and what you can leave your mark on the world.

Prerequisites: A Human Design Foundation reading

Click here for details and to register 25
2019 Academic Year – Summer Trimester 3

General & Continuing Education

Not Here To Work ~ The Ins & Outs Of
Projector Success
Semester 3 of 3
Ella Aboutboul

Start Date: June 2, 2019 Number of Lessons: 8

Day of week: Sundays Regular Price: $495.00
Time of Lessons: 16:30 GMT Early Bird Price: $445.00

Semester 3 - Purpose
In this semester we will look at where and how we tend to overwork when trying to draw attention to our gifts,
and overlooking the real opportunities to fulfill our purpose. Also how the process of our strategy and authority
will naturally point us towards less work and less effort with maximum fulfillment of purpose. Some of the
topics we will cover are:

Purpose in daily life; Recognition that brings out our gifts; Projector guidance - what it is and what it is not;
Ascendancy of the projector

Prerequisites: None

Click here for details and to register 26

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