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Human Design Profile – The 6 Lines

January 3, 2020

There are 12 profiles in Human Design. You can find your profile either in the information
section of your body graph or by finding the conscious and unconscious sun in the list of
planets (the first planet). Take the conscious (black) line first, and the unconscious (red)
line second. It’s the smaller decimal point after your sun gates. This is where your profile
comes from.

There isn’t really anything to “do” with your profile except become aware of it. And in
your awareness, let go of any ways you may have been conditioned to think there is
something wrong with you for the way you were meant to naturally exist in the world.

The bottom 3 lines are called the lower trigram. (Line 1, 2, 3) are intrapersonal lines.
These energies are all about your own personal karma and experience. The top 3 lines are
transpersonal energy. This means you learn it with others, in the context of relationship
rather than from your own personal experience. The top and bottom parts of the trigram
mirror each other— the 1st line is similar to 4th, 2nd to 5th, and the 3rd to the 6th.

These profiles are like archetypes that we tend to naturally embody. They are the
characters we play on the stage of life. They correlate with the 6 lines in an I Ching
hexagram, and they can be combined in various ways to make the 12 profiles. The first
number is conscious and therefore you may be more aware of it. The second number is
unconscious and others may be able to see it more than you see it yourself. As you become
more aware of your human design, you may start to notice how your profile lines, both
conscious and unconscious, have been constant themes throughout your life.

To understand the profiles, we must first understand the basic characteristics of each of
the 6 lines in Human Design.

Line 1: The Investigator

The Investigator wants to get to the bottom of things, to figure things out. Investigators
often have a strong knowledge base and can teach what they’ve learned through their

Line 2: The Hermit
As the total opposite of the 1, the hermit’s knowledge is inherent. They are naturally gifted
and the best thing they can do for themselves is to become absorbed in their own process.
During their process, they don’t want to be disturbed, thus giving off those hermit vibes.
Because their knowledge is so inherent, they may have trouble seeing their own gifts and
need others to point them out to become aware of them.

Line 3: The Experiential (Martyr)
Line 3 people learn by trial and error, by life experiences. They have a natural ability to
keep trying again even if they fail because they aren’t afraid of failing. People may
naturally be drawn to a 3 because they tend to be very likable.

Line 4: The Opportunist
The opportunities lie not with strangers, but rather within personal networks. Line 4
people want to have a close group or network of friends–their people. Their quality of life
is determined by the quality of their relationships.

Line 5: The Heretic (Creative Rebel)
The 5 is the total opposite of the 4 as their process is external and impersonal. This
doesn’t mean they don’t have close relationships, but they can easily network with
strangers. They have a hero sort of energy which often causes others to project onto them.
If you have a line 5, remember that you don’t have to save everyone— it’s okay to say no.

Line 6: The Role Model
The 6 line has three main cycles throughout life. The first cycle (Age 0 to ~30) is all about
trial and error; essentially the 6 line is more like a 3 line until just after the Saturn return.
The second cycle (Age 30 to ~50) is about taking everything you’ve learned and
formulating it into something. This time is sometimes referred to as “being on the roof”
and indicates a time of going inward and honing a craft. Later (~50+, correlating to the
Chiron Return), the third cycle is about sharing the mastery and wisdom learned over a
lifetime. The 6 line may always be seeking a close-knit community, soul mate or family.
Trust is very important to the 6 line profiles.


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