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A Look Ahead - January 2010 By Dharmen and Leela Swann Herbert Human Design Journal January 2010 Hey,

, hey my fellow travelers on this spaceship Earth spiraling through space and time, thanks for joining me for this look ahead at the month of January. January begins with all the homogenized hoopla about beginning a new year. This is a deeply conditioned mythology that all kinds of people buy into. They make their new years resolutions, and by the 3rd week of January, those resolutions have all fallen by the wayside, and they are left wondering: Why does this happen every year? People mistake the start of the new calendar year for the start of a new cycle. The new cycle of the year begins much later than January 1st. This year it begins on January 22nd at 3:38 GMT, as the Sun enters the 41st gate. This is a powerful moment in the year, the only place in the wheel where we engage with the initiating codon of our DNA, the amino acid methionine, which begins every trait, every DNA sequence throughout each cell of our being. This initiating codon is highlighted in the BodyGraph and in the Rave Wheel by the 41st gate, the gate of Contraction, of Decrease, this fuel for fantasy and dreaming, of initiating change. This gate is the fuel for the entire human experiential way. Deep in the Root Center, this gate fuels the potential to recognize through feelings. This year, on the 22nd as the Sun moves into the 41st gate, it joins with Neptunes transit of the 30th gate to form a global definition of the channel of Recognition, with its design of focused energy. The 30th gate is the gate of Recognition of Feelings, of The Clinging Fire. This global definition of the 41/30 is a global conditioning pattern, meaning that everyone on the planet is being conditioned through the Root and Solar Plexus centers by this transit. Now if you have the 41/30 in your design, this is not such a strong conditioning force as you already have a specific way in which this channel operates. But for the rest of the folks out there in the world, this transit brings with it a strong, cranked up emotional energy bringing enormous pressure to get involved in making a decision about this change or that change - regardless of whether or not making a change is at all correct for us. And the illusion that is created here is that this change is going to bring us the right spirit, it carries with it the correction that weve been seeking and that there is no investigation necessary. Do you begin to see why it is so essential to follow your strategy and trust your decision making to your own authority? There are many other twists and turns to The Program in January. If you want to take a look at the conditioning factors that are shaping our world, and trying to influence you away from your own life, you can download the lecture A Look Ahead for January in the self-study section of the JAM player. Enough for today.

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