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United States Department of the Interior





Denver, Colorado
March 1953
Engineering Monograph

No. 13



by Harold J. Gibbs
Engineering Laboratories Branch
Design and Construction Division

Technical Information Office

Denver Federal Center
Denver, Colorado

“,” .-._._.* .___

in limited editions for the technical staff of the
Bureau of Reclamation and interested technical
circles in government and private agencies.
Their purpose is to record developments, inno-
vations, and progress in the engineering and
scientific techniques and practices that are em-
ployed in the planning, design, construction, and
operation of Reclamation structures and equip-
ment Copies may be obtained from the Bureau
of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Denver,
Colorado, and Washington, D. C.


INTR9DUCTION.. ......................................... 1


Equipment and Procedure .................................. 3

Information Obtained from the Test ............................ 3


TESTDATA ........................................... 5

Load Consolidation ....................................... 5

’ Time Consolidation ....................................... 7



LOADEDAREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

EXAMPLE OF SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 15

EXAMPLE OF TIME OF CCNSOLIDATION ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 16

CLOSING DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 17
Number Page
1. The one -dimensional consolidometer ....................... 2
2. Load-consolidation test curve for a moist clay ................ 3
3. Time-consolidation test data for each increment of load
application. .* ......................................
4. Method of determining the Compression Index, Cc ..............
5. Determination of the Compression Index for the typical example .....
6. Procedure for determining the Coefficient of Consolidation, C, .....
7. Determination of the Coefficient of Consolidation, C,, for the
typical example .................................... 9
8. Time factor curves for Cases No. 1, 2, and 3 .... . ............. 10
9. Time factor curves for Cases No. 4 and 5 ................... 11
10. Movements caused by loading ............................ 12
11. Pressure distribution by Boussinesq’s Equation ............... 19
12. Pressure distribution by Newmark’s Chart ................... 20
13. Pressure distribution by Newmark’s Table ................... 21
14. Settlement determination by change in void ratio method .......... 22
15. Settlement determination by compression index method ........... 23
16. Time of consolidation determination ....................... 24

Number Page
1 Summary of One-Dimensional Consolidation Test Results . . . . .. . . . 5


This monograph demonstrates the ap- 2. Rate of consolidation

plication of one-dimensional consolidation
test data to a foundation settlement analysis. 3. Influence of saturation on
Soil samples are tested in the laboratory to consolidation
determine the settlement characteristics
of the soil under load. These characteris- 4 Permeability of the material
tics are used to estimate the amount of while under load.
settlement of a structure which would result In addition to giving information on these
from the consolidation of its earth foundation items, the testing equipment has been applied
because of the structure load. The test is to such specialized problems as soil-expan-
also used to determine the settlements that sion studies and the estimating of pore-
will occur within dams and earth embank- pressure development. The main purpose
ments. of the test and the reason for its develop-
The consolidation characteristics of a ment, however, are to permit rational esti-
soil mass are influenced by numerous fac- mates of structure settlement through the de-
tors. Some of these are size and shape of termination of consolidation characteristics.
the soil particles, moisture content, per-
meability, initial density, and physical and The discussions of consolidation and
chemical properties of the soil. Because settlement in this monograph include the de-
these factors are so numerous it is usually scription of the standard data obtained by the
not possible to describe the consolidation Bureau’s method of test, and general appli-
characteristics with a high degree of con- cations oi the results to settlement problems.
fidence by means of judgment and simple Much of the information has been obtained
index values. For structures that are crit- from a research study of many publications
ical regarding settlement and those whose dealing with consolidation problems in the
cost would justify such tests, it is advisable design of various structures; and throughout
to analyze settlement from consolidation this paper footnote references are given for
tests on the actual foundation material. the purpose of further study in this subject
by the reader when desired. These refer-
The one-dimensional consolidation test- ences are to publications issued prior to
ing equipment and procedures used in the August 1951, when the manuscript for this
Bureau of Reclamation laboratories are publication was completed.
similar to those developed by Casagrande. ’
The testing procedures now conform quite
consistently with the procedures presented The reader should bear in mind that,
in popular soil mechanics publications. 2~3~4 while this monograph is principally con-
As conducted by the Bureau the standard cerned with one-dimensional test data, the
test5 provides four main items of informa- possibility of shear failure must not be left
tion: unobserved, Thus in the design of any foun-
dation it is equally important that (1) the
1. Magnitude of consolidation for bearing capacity or criterion of shear fail-
various loads ure and (2) the settlement be studied.

1 Casagrande, A., “The Structure of 3 Taylor, D. W., Fundamentals of Soil,

Clay and Its Importance in Foundation En- Mechanics John Wiley & Sons, New York,
1948, pp. 212-215.

4 Lambe, T. W., Soil Testing for En-

Sk&n Wiley & Sons, New York, 1951,
. -.
2 Casagrande, A., and Fadum, R. E.,
Dotes on Soil Te t-for Enpineermg Pur- 5 “One-dimensional Consolidation Test
poses, Gradua: School of Engineering, Designation E- 13,” Earth Manual, Bureau
.Iarvard University, 1940, pp. 37-49 of Reclamation, Denver, 1951.
,-;;:-.~ rf~
~j-- *H1
-..1: i ;,

,-La ad plates.,

i i j I '; II i I


, " , 'C i ;; ;"

k ,

Base plate


FIGURE 1 -The one-dimensional consolidometer .


Equipment and Procedure at frequent time intervals until consolidation

is complete. The specimen is allowed to
A photograph and an elevation drawing of consolidate fully under each increment of
the standard consolidation test equipment load so that a final magnitude of consolida-
(one-dimensional consolidometer) are shown tion may be observed. (This generally re-
in Figure 1. The soil specimen is confined quires from 5 to 24 hours.)
laterally by a rigid ring 4-l/4 inches inside
diameter by l-1/4 inches in depth, and is A permeameter tube, attached to the
loaded and drained in the vertical direction. base of the container and leading directly
Porous plates at the top and bottom allow into the bottom porous plate, is provided to
moisture and air movements into or out of saturate the specimen and measure its per-
the specimen. The top porous plate is free meability. The head of water in the tube
to move downward when a load is applied, provides the pressure that causes flow
and the amount of settlement of the speci- through the soil, and the amount of water
men is read on a dial gage graduated to flowing through the specimen in any given
l/10,000 of an inch. time interval is measured by the drop in
head in the tube. From these data the co-
The load is applied in a series of four efficient of permeability of the soil may be
or more increments, usually 12.5, 25, 50, computed for the density or void ratio con-
and 100 percent of the maximum load. In- dition at the time of the test.
crements of 1.5, 3, 6, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, and
200 percent are recommended when a
greater number of increments are desired. Information Obtained From the Test
The intensities of load to be used depend on
the weight of the structure and the over- The general method of plotting test re-
burden pressures that occur in the mate- sults is shown in Figures 2 and 3. The
erial, and should be of such values as to curves in these figures are plotted on the
include the maximum anticipated pressure basis of consolidation in percent of initial
on the foundation Loading the test speci- volume. They show accurately the con-
men is performed expeditiously and as ac- solidation of the test specimen, and give a
curately as possible to secure readings at general indication of the magnitude and rate
such early time intervals as 4, 10, and 20 of settlement which may be expected in the
seconds. The rate of consolidation is ob- foundation material represented by the
tained by observing the amount of movement specimen.

FIGURE 2 - Load-con-
solidation test
curve for a moiet
c2ey. Addition of
water after applica-
tion of final load
does not effect con-

0 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160

IO I00 1000 In-n,.
01 I I - I , I I I, ^ I

16 I II
IWater addeddp9
I ,1,,,,. I
Note : The dotted vertical iinee represent the time intervals att which readinge
are ueually me&e for etandard teats.

FIGURE 3 - Time--Consolidation teat data for each increment of

load application.

These curves may show several other time water is added. This feature is fre-
characteristics of soil volume change. A quently important in arid regions where
sudden downward bend may indicate a break- ordinarily dry soils will eventually become
down of soil structure at a particular load- wetted through the operation of hydraulic
ing, whereas normally the shape of the con- structures. Another characteristic may be
solidation curve is concave upward. Figure obtained from the load release data. The
2 (load-consolidation curve for a moist clay) position of the load release point indicates
shows that the addition of water after appli- the amount of the elastic rebound. For an
cation of the final load does not affect con- ordinary soil, it will, in general, be only
solidation. Yet some soils, such as those a portion of the total settlement. On the
tested when they are initially quite dry, may other hand an expansive characteristic is
show effects due to saturation that will be seen in a specimen which rebounds to almost
indicated by a change in settlement at the its initial volume or beyond it. Many more

soil characteristics may be derived from curve at later time intervals. Figure 3 is
this curve as the analyzer becomes familiar an example of the curves for a moderately
with its various shapes. slow-consolidating clay; the sloping part of
the curves indicates that a major part of the
Figure 3 shows the standard method of consolidation for the test specimen occurred
presenting the time-consolidation data. between 10 and 800 seconds. If this soil
These curves are obtained from specimen were rapid-consolidating the curves would
consolidation readings taken at frequent in- be quite flat or gently sloping within this
tervals, and are shown for each increment time interval; the major portion of the con-
of load. A general indication of the rate of solidation for each increment of load would
consolidation may be obtained by visual ex- have occurred near the beginning of the
amination of these curves. The curves of a curve or before the 4-second reading.
rapid-consolidating soil will show that prac-
tically all of the settlement occurs in a very Information describing the initial and
short time, sometimes in less than four final conditions and the permeability of the
seconds. The delay in settlement of a slow- test specimens is shown in tabular form as
consolidating soil is indicated by a sloping Table 1.


58 3a TP-5 41.0-42.0 2.670 90.8 30.2 96.5 6.1 8.7 12.2 15.8 15.8 11.0 107.8 20.5 100.0 0.06



The consolidation-load and consolidation- a natural clay soil, initially deposited in a

time data may be studied in greater detail by very loose condition and gradually loaded
further analysis of the test curves. A con- with increasing overburden and structural
venient way to study consolidation-load data pressures (referred to as normally-loaded
is to plot void ratio against pressure. This soil), has been found to be an approximately
curve may be plotted by arithmetic scales straight line on a semilogarithmic plot.
or with the pressure values to a logarithmic It may be represented by the empirical
scale, depending on the type of material. equation,
The usual method is to use a semilogarith-
mic plot sheet, as in Figures 4 and 5. When e = e, - c, Loglo- P, +AP . . . . (1)
using such a plot for clayey soils the rec-
ognized theories 6y7related to this plotting PO
method are very often helpful.
Load Consolidation C, = compression index
The shape of the consolidation curve for eO
= initial void ratio

6 Terzaghi, K:, and Peck, R. B., U PO = initial load pressure

Mechanic in ngineerine: Prac i e
Wiley &‘S%s,%ew York, 1948, ki &I%? AP = structural pressure
7 Taylor, op. cit., pp. 217-219. e = final void ratio
The value of C, indicates the slope of the e = final void ratio
curve. This straight line is called the field
compression or the virgin compression H = depth of the stratum
By combining this equation with the equation
The method of calculating C, from a of the virgin compression curve (Equation
one-dimensional consolidation test curve is l), the settlement of a normally loaded soil
described and illustrated in Figure 4. The may be calculated in terms of the initial void
consolidation curve for a test specimen will ratio, the compression index, and the
always be a recompression curve with the change in soil pressure from the present
first part having a flatter slope and which overburden to the overburden plus the struc-
curves into the virgin compression curve at tural loading. The combined equation is
a value of pressure approximately equal to
a previous maximum loadirg. (In a normally p. +AP
loaded soil, as described above, this pre- s = * Cc Loglo . . . (3)
vious maximum loading will be very nearly 0 PO
equal to the present overburden. When soil
has been highly preconsolidated by desicca- where
tion or by past ice or depositional loads
which have since been removed, the pre- PO = overburden pressure
vious maximum loading will be larger than
the present overburden. Such a soil is AP = structural pressure
spoken of as being “highly preconsolidated”
in contrast to a ‘normally loaded” soil.)
The application of such a plot to the typical
example is shown in Figure 5. The virgin Equation 2 is applicable to any soil structure
compression curve has been drawn and the in which the initial and final void ratios can
compression index is given at the bottom of be estimated from one-dimensional consoli-
the figure. dation test results. Equation 3 is applicable
only to a soil stratum that has a consolida-
The settlement of a soil stratum may be tion characteristic showing the structural
calculated in terms of the change in void pressures to be in a range described by the
ratio with the equation virgin compression curve (normally loaded
soils). That is, the maximum previous
pressure is equal to the present overburden
S = - H . , . . . . . . . . . , . . (2) Soils preconsolidated by greater pressure
1 + e, than the present overburden cannot be ana-
lyzed with the compression index and may
where best be analyzed in terms of estimated initial
and final void ratios. Frequently these soils
S = settlement are so firm and dense that the settlement
problem is not of sufficient importance to
e. = initial void ratio warrant a detailed analysis.

, Recompression Curve The Virgin Compression Curve, or the Field

{ From Consolidation Test Consolidation Curve, for ordinary cleys,appears in a
semi-logarithmic diagram a6 a straight line as shown
'\\ at left. Thie line can be represented by the
I‘\, \ eauatjon
PO +Ap
0 - cc log10 po
4 Compression in which c
e. -------- (dimensionless) is the Compression Index.
I\,, Curve
0 &e Virgin Compression Curve is established
g by extending the straight-line part of the Recoqres-
oz t \ sion Curve. By selecting two point.8 (e,, po) and (e, p)
and substituting in the above equation; Cc- can be de-

FIGURE 4 - Method of determining the Compression Index, Cc.

Time Consolidation In many of our studies these assump-
tions will generally be acceptable. Actual
The time-consolidation data may be applications will most commonly deviate
studied in greater detail by means of the from these in assumptions 1 and 4. That is,
Terzaghi theory,* which was advanced about natural soils may not be 100 percent sat-
25 years ago and is still quite widely ac- urated and consolidation may be somewhat
cepted. This theory is based on the time delayed for reasons other than permeability,
required for the escape of pore water. The such as plastic lag.9 The phenomenon of
most important assumptions for its true plastic lag is noticeable in the gradual slope
application are: of the latter part of the time-consolidation
curve (Figure 3). This is referred to as
1. The soil is completely secondary consolidation, The portion of the
saturated. consolidation which complies with the
Terzaghi theory is that represented by the
2. The water and solid constit- steeper slope and the reverse curvature in
uents of the soil are incompressible. Figure 3 and is called the primary con-
solidation A large part of the consolidation
3. Darcy’s law is valid and the delay may in most cases be explained by the
coefficient of permeability is constant Terzaghi theory, which permits at least
during a particular loading. rough estimates of the speed at which settle-
ment will take place. Although the secondary
4. The time lag of consolidation consolidation may appear to be large in the
is due entirely to the low perme- laboratory test on a small specimen, it may
ability of the soil. not be of serious consequence in the founda-
tion of the structure. The greater time re-
quired for primary consolidation in a deep
8Terzaghi, K., Theoret& Soil w soil stratum of the structure foundation will
chanics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1943,
pp. 265-290. g Taylor, op. cit., pp. 243-247.


x., \
I I llllll I \
I oborotorv I
1 Test Curve
..I. ---'
FIGURE 5 - Determination
of the Compression Index
for the typical example.

vote: The value of Cc is

conveniently obtained by .62
taking the difference in
the values of void ratio
for one complete loga-
rithmic cycle on the vir-
gin or field compression
curve. By doing this,
the denominator in the
equation in Figure 4 be-
comes equal to one.


Elapsed Time (Lag scale) FIGURE 6 - Procedure for determin-
ing the Coefficient of
Coneolidation, Cv.

a. (left) Analysis of the consolida-

tion curve for the calculation of
the Coefficient of Coneolidation
C (Reference: Casagrande, A.,
2 Fadum, R. E., "Application of
Soil Mechanica inDesigning Build-
ing Foundatione," Transactions
ASCE, No. 109, l@, p. 473.)

Using 50% consolidation TIME FACTOR, T

T,,=Time factor = 0.20
(see below)
H,,=V2 depth at 50%
c $20 H;o

t SO

b. (right) Theoretical con-

6olidation curve (after
Terzaghi) for obtaining
the time factor, T. This
curve is for free drain-
age at the top.d bottom
of the layer, and there-
fore is applicable to the
one-dimeneional consoli-
dation test.

cause the primary consolidation to greatly a coefficient of consolidation, C is ob-

overshadow the secondary consolidation. tained
^ . which ^identifies
-. . the
. chara&ristics
_ . - .
01 tne rate of COnSOllciationfor the labora-
The application of the Terzaghi theory tory test specimen. The theoretical con-
involves the fitting of a theoretical con- solidation curve and procedure for fitting
solidation curvelo to the laboratory test it to the laboratory test curve are described
curve. Based on the fitting of these curves, in Figure 6. The equation,

lo The theoret.ical consolidation curve c, = $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)

is a plot of degree of consolidation against
a pure number called the time factor, T.
The value of T is dependent only on the where
conditions of loading (shape of the vertical-
pressure distribution curve) and the condi- T = time factor (for rectangular-
tions of drainage. Its shape and position shaped pressure distribution
on the plot therefore depend on whether the and drainage at the top and
pressure distribution is rectangular, tri- bottom)
angular, or trapezoidal, and whether free H = greatest distance for pore
drainage takes place at both sides of the soil water to flow for drainage
layer or at just one side. The value of T (one-half the specimen
has been developed for these various con- height)
ditions and is included in the form of curves
for convenient use in the time-of-consolida- t = time for consolidation to take
tion equations. place,

has been developed from the consolidation The reader should note that the time
theory and is used for calculating the value factor or the theoretical curve used for the
of c, from the laboratory test results. test specimen is for the special case of
The application of this equation to the typi- uniform pressure (or rectangular distribu-
cal example of time-consolidation test curves tion of pressure throughout the specimen),
is shown in Figure 7. Calculations of C, complete lateral restraint, and free drain-
for the different loading increments are age at the top and the bottom of the speci-
made directly on the standard laboratory men. This curve is called Case No. 1, and
plot sheet. it applies to several types of pressure dis-
tribution for the condition of free drainage
This equation may be applied to the time at both the top and bottom. When drainage
of settlement in the field in the form is only on one side, the rectangular pres-
sure distribution is the only one which ap-
t=g . . . . . . ..*.....*. (5) plies to Case No. 1. The theoretical time-
factor curve for Case No. 1 and the various
types of pressure distribution that apply to
In this case it are shown in Figure 8.
H = greatest distance for pore In many cases the conditions of the
water to flow for drainage structure itself will compare to the con-
C, = coefficient of consolidation as ditions of the test specimen, The values of
obtained from the consolida- C, and the time factor, T, will be the
tion test same for the structure as for the laboratory
test., and Equation 4 indicates that the fol-
T = time factor (dependent on the lowing relation exists:
drainage conditions and the
shape of the pressure distri- Hf2 _ FHs2 . . . . . . . . . . ...*
bution curve caused by the (6)
structure) tf- t,
t = time required for settlement. where


Equation (4) is used
for determining Cv.
C, = t

The value8 of C, are

plotted for the average
preesure between incre-

FIm 7 - Determination of the Coefficient of Coneolidation,

Cv, for the typical example.

.OOl .Ol 1.0 10.0

Free draining tap boundary. Free draining boundary

Free dr&mg bottom boundary boundary lmperv ious boundary .

FIGURE 8 - Time factor curvee for Cases No. 1, 2, and 3.

Hf = thickness (height) of the rectangular, must be rgpresented by other

stratum in the field theoretical time-factor curves. These
curves have been developed for straight-
line variations in the vertical distribution
tf = time of settlement in the field of pressure; some are triangular and some
Hs = thickness (height) of laboratory are trapezoidal in shape. They include
specimen Cases No. 2 to 5 and are shown in Figures 8
and 9. Case No. 2, Figure 8, is for zero
t, = time of settlement of labora- pressure at the side of the stratum having
tory specimen. free drainage, and a distribution of pres-
sure varying in a triangular shape to the
If the pressure distribution in the field is side of the stratum having no drainage.
rectangular but drainage occurs in one di- Case No. 3, Figure 8, is for zero pressure
rection only, the relation becomes at the side of the stratum having no drainage,
and a distribution of pressure varying in
trianeular shaDe to the side of the stratum
4Hf2 Hs2 h.avi@ free drainage. Case No. 4, Figure 9,
- = - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) is for trapezoidal pressure distribution with
tf $3 the smallest pressure at the side of the
stratum having free drainage and the largest
The many cases where the field stratum pressure at the side having no drainage.
does not have drainage at both top and bot- Such a condition combines Cases No. 1 and 2.
tom, and pressure distributions are not Case No. 5, Figure 9, is for a trapezoidal

q. ____________. J ______ T-m.> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M-J-I-C.,‘- --

^^ For qase,

(Ratio of pressure at drained surface to pressure at nondrained surface)

Free draining boundary Free draining boundary

(Shape of
uz f I vertical
j pressure
I distribution
Impervious boundary. Impervious boundary [curve.
FIGURE 9 - Time factor curves for Cases No. 4 and 5.

pressure distribution with the smallest It is intended here to show only the theoreti-
pressure near the side of the stratum having cal consolidation data in curve form for the
no drainage and the largest pressure near purpose of making practical applications to
the side having the free drainage. Such a settlement studies.
condition combines Cases No. 1 and 3.
The portion of the consolidation theory
involving time of consolidation contains the
most cumbersome mathematical derivations l2 Taylor, op. cit., pp. 220-234.
of the entire theory. These derivations are
fully carried out in many soil mechanics I3 Palmer, L. A., and Barber, E. S
texts and articles on consolidation. “*‘2~‘3 “The Theory of Soil Consolidation and Test:
ing of Foundation Soils,‘* Public Roads,
l1 Terzaghi, op. cit., pp. 265-290. Volume 18, No. 1, March 1937,~pp; l-20.

As seen in the descriptions of the appa- Not only do the gravel particles replace
ratus and the testing procedure, the one- compressible soil, but there is a definite
dimensional consolidation test represents indication that particle interference of the
the settlement of a soil structure that has gravel reduces the consolidation of the fine
total lateral restraint, and in which there is material. This reduction in consolidation
drainage only in the vertical direction. It becomes more pronounced as the rock con-
is quite apparent that these conditions are tent becomes greater. Although this effect
not truly comparable to the conditions found does occur with small rock contents, in
in most foundations. The degree of reliance general it is believed that the effect is only
to be placed on settlement studies based on slight for rock contents less than 25 percent.
this type of test depends on how nearly the
foundation conditions will approach those of In the case of a settlement study for a
the test specimen In any event, sound rea- stratum near the surface and for a small
soning is necessary to make the best appli- loaded area, lateral bulging may be of con-
cation of the data. In general, it is felt that siderable importance. Under these condi-
the actual structural loading most compa- tions the soil would not have complete lateral
rable to the laboratory test loading is that confinement and much settlement may be
exerted on a compressible stratum at rel- attributed to the shifting of material and not
atively great depth and of fine material of to consolidation Figure 10 is a diagram-
finite thickness, and which is bounded above matic sketch that illustrates the action of
and below by dense free-draining materials. the settlement of a loaded area. I5 The solid
In order for the consolidating load to be uni- lines below the footing represent an idealized
form over a reasonably large portion of the pressure bulb or zone within which appre-
stratum, the structural loading would have ciable stresses are caused by the structural
to cover a rather large surface area. loading on the footing. The displaced posi-
tions of these lines are shown by the dashed
The laboratory testing equipment, pri- lines with the magnitude of change consid-
marily intended for use in the study of the erably exaggerated. If the settlement is
consolidation of clays, limits the grain size caused principally by the squeezing out of
to minus No. 4 (4.76 mm diameter). Actu- the soil from under the loaded area, the
ally, the maximum grain size should be zone and the element shown in the center of
considerably smaller than No. 4 for best the zone are distorted with little change in
results in estimating settlement.
It has been found by experiment that
gravelly material reduces consolidation. I4 Consolidation and Related Pore Pressure
in Embankment Construction,” Proceedings
ASTM, Volume 50, 1950, pp. 1343-1360.
l4 Gibbs, Harold J., “The Effect of
Rock Content and Placement Density on I5 Taylor, op. cit., p. 570.

Loading Intensity, q

--l-I--K------->m-“i -
\ L

j Schtletnent ‘\., ‘x1_ EASE OF FOOTING

‘\ ‘. ‘--Before loading
OUTLINE OF AN ‘--After loading
I -\ 1
I ‘\ /
Before loading---j-’ I ’ \
q-- ‘\ ‘. 1
After loadingTci 4 ,
‘-. 1
/ -7.--__*‘-Before I oad i ng
1 /1 -After I oading

FIGURE I.0 - Movementscaused by loading.

volume. But if the settlement is due mainly by shear values and may be anal zed with
to the consolidation of the soil, the changes bearing capacity” equations. 18 On the
in position of horizontal lines would be those other hand, structures having deep footings,
of settling, while the shifting of the vertical or structures having extensive loaded areas,
lines would be considerably less. or both, are less likely to fail in shear and
are more likely to have consolidation as the
The shearing resistance of the material governing factor. To such structures the
largely governs the lateral bulging property consolidation test data are applicable. The
of a foundation Factors that may contribute data are also applicable when the compress-
to lateral shifting of material include foot- ible stratum is at greater depth, but still
ings at shallow depths, footings resting on within the effect of pressure from the loading.
material of low shearing resistance, and
footings of small area. The design criteria
for such conditions are generally governed l6 Terzaghi, op. cit., pp. 118-136.



As a first step toward applying the one- The elastic theories given by the Boussi-
dimensional consolidation test data to a nesq equations are most applicable to clay
settlement analysis, it is necessary to esti- materials. For more sandy materials, soil
mate the pressures in the foundation caused pressures become more concentrated, caus-
by the proposed structural loading and the ing larger pressures at greater depth. An
present overburden. Several theories have attempt has been made to adjust the Boussi-
been developed for obtaining pressure dis- nesq equations empirically to fit the cases
tribution due to structural loading. A theory of varying types of material. This approach
that has shown fairly reliable results and has been discussed by Cummings, and refer-
has been given perhaps the greatest recog- ences to the work of Frohlich and others are
nition in soil mechanics literature is that of given in his paper. 20 The theory involves
Boussinesq. The original Boussinesq equa- an adjustment in the Boussinesq formula by
tions17 describe the stress condition below changing the value of a constant called the
the horizontal surface of a semi-infinite “concentration factor.” An example of
elastic solid under a point load at the sur- how this factor is applied is as follows:
face. The development of these equations,
although long and involved, is based on the The Boussinesq equation for the verti-
fundamental theories of elasticity. To apply cal pressures caused by a concentrated load
them to a foundation study it is necessary at the surface of a semi-infinite elastic
to assume that the condition of a soil foun- solid is
dation material is that of a semi-infinite
elastic solid. This assumption is difficult
to conceive for a material such as soil, but
a number of experiments by such investiga-
tors Is,19 as Kogler, Scheidig, Enger, and where
Faber, indicate that the elastic theory can at
least be used for estimating soil pressures. gz = vertical pressure at the point
in question
P = concentrated load at the surface
l7 Boussinesq, J., “Application des Po-
tentials a 1’Etude de 1’Equilibre et du Mouve- Z = depth of the point in question
ment des Solides Elastiques,” Gauthier-
Billard, Paris, 1885. (The derivation is
given on pp. 328-331 of Theorv of Elasticity Vicksburg, Mississippi, April 1947.
by S. Timoshenko, McGraw-Hill, New York,
lg Cummings, A. E., “Distribution of
I8 “Soil Mechanics Fact Finding Sur- Stresses under a Foundation,” Transactions
vey,” Progre Reoort. Triaxial Shear PSCE, Vol. 101, 1936, p. 1072.
Research and Pzssure Distribution Studies
on Soils, Waterways Experiment Station. 2o Ibid.

R = distance of the point in question this equation is shown below:
from the location of the con-
centrated load
N = concentration factor Surfacec-~
,/‘ i’ a, ,/y ;
When the value of N is taken as 3, the for- ----t7---,__
mula becomes the original Boussinesq equa- Q z
(‘--.S “\;
tion and is applicable to a clayey type of
material. A value of 6 is recommended ‘.-- //’
when the material is a sand. The idea of a ----____---
concentration factor is not frequently used,
probably due to the complexity of handling, Since nearly all loads in practical prob-
but recent literature has indicated that use lems are not point loads but are spread over
of such a factor may increase in the future. an area, this equation must be converted to
a system of analysis applicable to loaded
The Boussinesq equations have been de- areas. This may be done by dividing a
veloped for both horizontal and vertical loaded area into small rectangles (usually of
stresses. The vertical-stress equations are a size such that the ratio of the depth con-
the only ones used, since the horizontal- sidered to the width of the loaded area is
stress equations include the elastic con- greater than 2) and summarizing the results
stant of Poisson’s ratio and are not recom- of all areas by treating them as individual
mended for soils. These equations have concentrated loads.
been developed by Newmark into tables and
charts *I,*2 for convenient use. These A more convenient method of determin-
charts are based on a concentration factor ing pressure distribution under loaded areas
of 3. The Waterways Experiment Station 23 is with charts24 and tables 24,*s prepared
has prepared charts for other concentration for application to uniform loads. These
factors similar to those shown by Newmark charts and tables are the basis for estimat-
for a factor of 3. ing pressures in the examples shown in this
monograph. Charts are generally more
Equation 8, above is the Boussinesq convenient for irregularly shaped areas,
equation as it is applied to soil foundations. tables more convenient for simple and regu-
For a concentration factor of N = 3, which larly shaped areas.
is considered applicable to clays but less
applicable to sands, this equation becomes Because of space limitations, such other
stress distribution theories as those devel-
oped by Westergaard, 26727 Picket, *s and
Burmister 29 cannot be discussed in detail
=3p 1
2flz2 2 5/2 * * ” (9)

c 01
1+ $

The coordinate system for illustrating

25 Terzaghi, op. cit., Appendix, pp. 484-

26 Westergaard, H. M., “A Problem

of Elasticity Suggested by A Problem in
Soil Mechanics: Soft Material Reinforced
by Numerous Strong Horizontal Sheets,”
Contributions to the Mechanics of Sol&,
21 Newmark, N. M., Simplified Comou- ersarv Vol-
tation of Vertical Pressures in Elastic F, MacMillan, New York, 1938, pp. 268-
Foundations, Circular 24, 1935, and Influence
Charts for Comoutation of Stresses in Elas-
tic Foundations, Bulletin 338, 1942, Engi- 27 Taylor, op. cit., pp. 250-266.
neering Experiment Station, University of
Illinois. 28 Pickett, Gerald, “Stress Distribu-
22 Terzaghi and Peck, op.cit., pp. 201- tion in a Loaded Soil with Some Rigid Bound-
207. aries,” ahwav Research Ro rd Proceed-
- Vol. 18, Part II, 1938a, pp. 35-48,
23 “Soil Mechanics Fact Finding Sur-
vey,” Propress Reoort Triaxial Shear 29 Burmister, D. M., “The Theory of
Research and Pressure Distribution Studies Stresses and Displacements in Layered
on Soils, Waterways Experiment Station, Systems and Application to Design of Air-
Vicksburg, Mississippi, April 1947, p. 198. port Runways, Hiahwav Research Board
24 Newmark, op. cit. Proceedinps, Vol. 23, 1943, pp. 126-148.

here. Almost all are based on the theory example of an area 40 feet square under a
of elasticity or some related theory. The uniform load of 50 pounds per square inch
Boussinesq equations are reviewed in greater (7,200 pounds per square foot):
detail because convenient charts and tables
based on these equations are readily avail- Pressure distribution using the Boussinesq
able in literature well known to foundation equation--Figure 11 (page 19).
engineers. Pressure distribution using Newmark’s
The following analyses demonstrate the chart--Figure 12 (page 20).
use of the Boussinesq equations in calculat- Pressure distribution using Newmark’s
ing stresses below a loaded area for a simple tables--Figure 13(page 21).


A prediction of the amount of settle- 2. Equation 3 (shown previously)

ment can be obtained after the soil char-
acteristics have been determined and the
pressure distribution below the loaded area S=H cc Log10Po
- +aP
resulting from the structural loading has 1 + e, PO
been estimated.
The first method is shown in Figure 14 (page
For a simple example of a foundation 22) and the second method is shown in Figure
condition, let it be assumed that the founda- 15 (page 23).
tion and loaded area are as shown in the
sketch at the bottom of the page. For the purpose of a demonstration
problem the area is considered to have a
In this example it is assumed that the loading of 58.7 psi. It will be noted in the
upper dense, firm, sandy clay and the lower sketch below that this loaded area is placed
dense sand are sufficiently incompressible at a depth of 10 feet. Thus, when the exca-
to be unimportant in contributing to the vation was made, a loading of 10 feet of
settlement For this reason the examples of overburden was removed For a wet density
settlement analyses which follow are con- of 125 pcf this excavated load amounts to
fined to the compressible clay stratum. 125 x lo/144 = 8.7 psi.

There are two general methods of settle- When excavations are made the removal
ment calculations: of overburden must be taken into account.
If the removed overburden load is relatively
small in comparison with the structural
1. Equation 2 (shown previously) load it may be accounted for by subtraction
from the structural load to be placed back
S=eo-eH on the foundation, In many cases it may be
1 + e. very large in relation to the structural load.

Loaded Areo
3 A 4o'x 40' r .
-p- -. 5a.7*psi I Dense, firm, desiccated
;b 0 sandy cloy
*Note : The losdlng of -&
‘f) i (Wet density 125 pCf)
58.7 psi was used for
thie example so that --- 1 -;u - Water-- Table-,+ __I__p-_-
* co
the resulting load A A
will be 50 psi (sa5e I
q, I
at3 in preeeure exam- l-S;~tY;eod~ple \, Compressible cloy
ples) after account- -s ( (Wet density 118pcf)
ing for the required !
excavation. I I
) Dense Sand

The removal of overburden has often been yw = unit weight of water (62.4 pcf)
used as a means of reducing the potential
settlement by excavating large basements so In calculating the overburden pressure dis-
that the overburden load removed is equal to tribution, the pressure increases with depth
or greater than the structural load put back according to the relation Tz (where z
on the soiL30 This is called “floating” the equals change in depth). When the water
structure. If an analysis of settlement is table is reached, the relation becomes
made for such a case the study will be con- CT- r,, z. As different strata are reached
fined to the recompression portion of the and densities change, the value of r changes
test curve and the situation becomes similar accordingly. The calculated overburden
to that of placing a structure on a precon- pressures are shown at right center in Fig-
solidated soil. As the excavation occurs the ure 14 for the assumed conditions of the
soil will have a slight rebound or expansion example.
and subsequently will have a slight recom-
pression when the structural load is re- By plotting the structural pressure (the
placed. In many instances where this con- average structural pressure in the example)
dition is encountered a detailed analysis as an added pressure to the overburden, as
may not be warranted for the same reason shown at right center in Figure 14, the
that preconsolidated soils frequently do not working pressures for a settlement analysis
warrant such an analysis. are obtained. Whenthe pressure distribu-
tion is curved, the general practice is to
In the illustrated example the removal divide the compressible stratum into suffi-
of overburden is considered to be relatively cient increments to permit fairly accurate
small in comparison with the structural settlement estimates for each increment,
loading, and is merely subtracted from the and then to make a summation of these for
structural loading. This leaves an effective the total settlement.
structural loading of 50 psi, which is the
load used in the previously discussed pres- Figures 14 and 15 are settlement cal-
sure distribution demonstrations. culations by different methods but for the
same conditions of loading and soil char-
Another important consideration in the acteristics as determined from the labora-
interpretation of overburden pressures is tory tests. Figure 14 demonstrates the use
the buoyant effect on material below the of Equation 2 and Figure 15 the use of Equa-
water table. A good discussion of this is tion 3. For simplicity in demonstrating the
given by Terzaghi and Peck.31 It is referred calculations, the results of only one labora-
to as hydrostatic uplift and submerged unit tory test are used in each example. In an
weight. The relationship for submerged actual problem it is advisable to have sev-
unit weight is eral tests at varying depths; the additional
tests improve the accuracy of the final esti-
T’= T- rw mate. Only when the material is normally
loaded can the results of a single test give
a reliable settlement estimate.
In the example in Figure 14, estimates
‘r’= submerged unit weight of the initial and final void ratios for each
increment of depth are obtained directly
“r= wet density of the material from the laboratory test curve; in Figure 15
the data are obtained from the virgin com-
pression curve. While appearing to be rep-
3o Casagrande A and Fadum R. E., resentative of a normally loaded soil, the
“Application of Soil -c\/ikchanics in besign- laboratory test curve is slightly lower than
ing Building Foundations,” Transactions the virgin compression curve in the range of
ASCE, Vol. 109, 1944, pp. 383-416. structural loading. As a result the estimate
of settlement in Figure 14 is slightly lower
31 Terzaghi and Peck, op. cit., pp. 51-55. in value than the estimate in Figure 15.


Figure 16 (page 24) demonstrates the of the figure the laboratory test data from
time-of-consolidation calculation for the il- Figure 7 are shown, and in the upper right
lustrated example. In the upper left corner corner the overburden and structural pres-

sure distribution from Figure 14 are shown. This compares to 3082 hours shown in
Although the pressure distribution is slightly the table in Figure 16 for Case No. 1. The
curved, it can be considered trapezoidal in difference is due to the fact that the aver-
shape with an average pressure of 42 psi. age pressure used in Figure 16 was 42 psi
4t this pressure the laboratory test data give whereas the nearest laboratory test curve
a soefficient of consolidation, C,, of 0.00075 was for 37.5 psi pressure.
in /sec. As a second demonstration in Figure 16,
Since the stratum above the compress- assume that the upper stratum is of a dif-
ible stratum is a sandy clay and the stratum ferent material than that previously shown
below is a dense sand, it is first assumed and does not permit drainage at the top of
that drainage takes place on each side of the the compressible stratum. Drainage is
compressible fat-clay stratum. This is the therefore permitted only into the dense sand
situation of Case No. 1. It is also assumed below and the situation becomes that of Case
that the load is applied rapidly in relation No. 4, a combination of Cases No. 1 and 2.
to the time required to reach total consoli- The time factor, T4, is solved with the
dation. The solution then becomes that of curves in Figures 8 and 9, and the equation,
Equation 5.
T4 = T1 + J(T2 - T1)
t (hr) = 2$
T4 = time factor for Case No. 4
Tl = time factor for Case No. 1
(various values obtained T2 = time factor for Case No. 2
from Figure 8)
T1 = time factor for Case No. 1
H = one-half depth of stratum in
inches (or the maximum J = factor obtained from Figure 9.
distance for drainage)
The time of consolidation is obtained from
C, = coeffi ient of consolidation Equation 5,
in in5 /hr.
T4 H2
A demonstration of Equation 6 is of t=-
interest, since drainage on both sides of the CV
stratum is the condition of Case No. 1 and
compares to the action of the laboratory where
test specimen. In Figure 7 the nearest lab-
oratory test curve that compares to the H = the total depth since drainage
structural loading is that for the 37.5 psi is only in one direction.
increment. In this increment the laboratory
test curve reached 50 percent consolidation p solution is shown at the bottom in Figure
in 78 seconds and the depth of the laboratory
specimen is 1.1603 inches. Then, by Equa-
tion 6, A comparison of the time of settlement
for the structure with the time of settle-
ment as determined in the laboratory test
cannot be made in this case with Equation
6 or 7, because the structural load distri-
tf = time of settlement in the bution is trapezoidal and the time factors
field = 2665 hours are not the same in the two cases.


The examples presented in this mono- mates. More frequently than not, actual
graph are considerably simplified and are structures will be more complicated and the
intended only to demonstrate the tools which application of these tools will be more
are available for making settlement esti- complex.

A structure will frequently have odd- occurring in the foundation itself. The theo-
shaped foundations and loads that are not retical interpretation of consolidation pre-
evenly distributed. In such cases it may sented in this monograph is a tool by which
be desirable to analyze pressure and settle- a laboratory test may be used in making an
ment at various points under the structure estimate of the amount of settlement in the
instead of for an over-all average. The foundation. The method of analyzing the
strata contributing to settlement may vary in effect of present and past overburden pres-
thickness, a further reason for making anal- sures is common practice among most soil
yses at various points. Such conditions mechanics authorities.
contribute to differences in settlement
throughout the structure (called differential Accuracy in estimating the amount of
settlement) which may be far more serious settlement is improved if a large number of
than the total average settlement. Differ- samples are tested, Samples at various
ential settlement is the cause of cracking depths are particularly important, as less
and unexpected stresses in structures and dependencewill need to be placed on theore-
changes in slinement of moving machinery; tical effects of preconsolidation and existing
but uniform settlement, even though sub- overburden pressures. Numerous samples
stantial, may not seriously harm a structure. at the same elevation but at different loca-
tions are not nearly so valuable, although
A foundation is frequently made up of a they serve to indicate the consistency of
series of footings so closely spaced that the characteristics in a particular stratum.
pressure effect of one footing overlaps those
of adjoining footings, and the pressures of The time-of-consolidation theories are
all footings should be considered. This is long and involved and generally consume a
easily handled by dealing with scale draw- major amount of space in most articles on
ings of all footings and using the pressure consolidation Since time analyses are not
chart as in Figure 12. Close footings under so frequently required as analyses on the
a structure of large area may have a pres- amount of settlement, the space devoted to
sure effect on a deep stratum similar to time studies has been kept to a minimum In
that of the entire building acting as a single the examples it is assumed that the structure
spread footing. In this case it is advisable is constructed so rapidly that settlement
to analyze the structure as a whole instead during construction is small in comparison
of each footing separately. with that occurring after construction. Very
often the construction period may be suf-
In an analysis of laboratory data it is ficiently long to allow a considerable amount
always important to consider the laboratory of settlement to occur as the structure is
test as a recompression of the undisturbed built. For more precise estimates on the
material. When the laboratory specimen time of settlement, the construction period
was removed from the ground the overburden should be correlated with time of consol-
pressures were removed from it. Thus the idation by considering the load to be built
percentage of consolidation occurring in the up in periodic stages until construction is
laboratory specimen is not the same as that complete.

# #
g do g ,/’ /
p/z2 AREA 0 AREA 8 AREA @ AREA @

y$L-4o’-- ---__ +-
r,= 7. I’

100 1 0.43 1 0.451 0.451 0.471 72 1 31 1 32 32 1 34 1 129 1 3.6)
q=ks NOTE: Similar computations can be made at other locations below the area.
H----Loaded area 40’~ 40’50 PSI
[I + ;+)‘] S/2

-------Curve of pressure
distribution below
center of area.



This table givea the preesure below the of B rectangular area having a loading of one unit *reeawe per unit
area. The value “m” Is the ratio of one side of the axes to the depth considered, ad “n” is the ratio of the other side
to the depth considered.

The preeeure below any point in the area may be obtained by dividing the area into rectangles, each having a comer
at the point and eumaing up the preaeuree due to the rectangles.

(Reference: Terzaghi, K., Theoretical Soil Mechanice, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1943, pages 484-487.)


!,-FT. m
)E PTH Cl 12,
CD Uniform Lood
0 50.0
of u = 50 PSI.
20 I 35.0
40 .5 16.8
60 .33 8.9
100 .20 3.6
!*- FT.



60 8.5 L
/ 2.4 A
5 20
too p 40

g 60
L3- FT. m ;:
2% al
0 (0 25.0 i
20 2.0 20.0 x 100

40 1.0 12.0 SECTION X-X

100 0.40 3.3

FICUJRX13 - Pressure distribution by Newnark~s Table.

----Average pressure
below footing.

” Note: 5Op.s.i. is the pressure

resulting after accounting
for IOft. of excavation.
Dense sand



Ground surface--., 0 20 40 60 60
Bottom of footing--.- c’ [Overburden
-i L I


20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160


0 At p. = 213.6, e. = .694 At p = 49.6, e = ,651

,690 -.652
Depth At po = 32.8, eo = ,666 At p = 48.0,e = ,652 s= II = ,247 ft.
36'-47' Ave. e. = ,690 Ave. e = ,652

At p. = 32.6,e0 = .686
At p. = 37.1 , e. = ,674
At p = 48.0,e = ,652
At p= 48.0,e = ,652 s= II .680 - ,652
= .l83ft.
47'-58' Ave eo= ,680 Ave. e = ,652

At po= 37.1 eo= ,674

670 -.652
D$h Atpo=41.7’e I o--,666 At p=48’0’e=‘652
At p =49.3,e = .651 S=l2’
= .129ft.
58'-70' Ave eo = ,670 Ave e = ,652
Total settlement = .559ft.


FIGURE 14 - Settlement determination by change in void ratio method.

{Virgin compression curve I

curve------- I I,,, I,,

I I/I/1111 I lllliill \Y iiJi

I IlIIllll 1 I I//l/II
I , l/--i



Ground surfoce---y 20PRESS$E -“k.

Bottom of footing--+ k S
I re
g 20
Woter table---% 2
~ ~~-~-- ___
h (“40
/ I
; 2
Compressible cloy-~, ;
j =60





(Q s= II +& x log 30$+;.* =.281ft.

@ s= II +& x log 34$-;2.8 = .1g3ft.

@ S=l2 w. x log 39-;;z.o = . i39ft.

Total settlement = .6r3ft.


FIGURE 15 - Settlement determination by compression index method.

Ground surface--.,
Bottom of footing-., I

Dense sandy clayj :

6 .OOl2 Water ---table--, __-__

Compressible clay j 2 p.s.i.
v .0006

.ooo4~ 0 20 40 60
100 120 140
Dense sand

For average pressure of 42 p.s.i.

Cv= .00075 in*/sec.

CASE No. I - Drainage at top and bottom of stra turn.

TI (3“/2)2(144) = ,54,0T
t (hrs.) = g = .00075 (3600)

I % OF

CASE No.4 -Assuming that the upper stratum is of

a different material and does not permit drain-
age. Therefare,drainage is only at the bottom.
u = ‘/b = 7/e~ = .33, then J (Fig.91 = .53
T4= T, t J (T2-T,)
Te (34j2 (144)
t (hrs.) = q = = 6165OT4
.00075 (3600)

FIGURE l6 - Time of consolidation determination.


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