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Do you w*nt to he*l your life reduce stress *nd experience more joy pe*ce *nd
Or perh*ps you w*nt to incre*se your cre*tivity intuition or self-expression.?
Art is * powerful tool th*t unlocks your subconscious mind *llowing you to
rele*se p*in to process emotions
*nd find cl*rity *nd me*ning.
In f*ct *rt h*s been used to our hum*n history to express the depths of hum*n
experience bec*use our
minds underst*nd the *bstr*ct or symbols *t * deeper level th*n l*ngu*ge.
This course is designed to explore the use of *rt ther*py on yourself.
The ther*peutic process of cre*ting *rt for self-expression r*ther th*n putting
pressure on yourself
to m*ke your he*rt look good, will help you uncover *nd rele*se outd*ted
p*tterns, he*l p*st emotion*l
tune into your intuition *nd explore your deepest dre*ms *nd desires.
You will le*rn how to cre*te powerful *ncient *rt designs for medit*tion *nd
self-explor*tion, such *s
M*nd*l*s. As well *s explore modern d*y *rtistic *ppro*ches for go*l setting
*nd m*nifesting your dre*ms,
like vision bo*rds *nd dre*m bo*rds.
You'll *lso use * v*riety of other *rt ther*py methods including, journ*ling,
guided medit*tion *nd *rt
ther*py for stress reduction.
You'll le*rn the psychology behind your mind, which is your most powerful tool.
As well *s how to ch*nge
your thoughts *nd beliefs.
Use *ffirm*tions to incre*se your confidence *nd how visu*liz*tion c*n rewire
your br*in *nd tr*nsform
your life.
This course is designed for *dults,
but is tr*nsform*tion*l for *ny p*in.
Anyone c*n use or ther*py exercises no *rtistic *bility is required.
Th*t's the best p*rt of *ll. And *ll ther*peutic *ctivities t*ught in this course
you simple inexpensive
m*teri*l th*t you c*n e*sily gr*b from or run your house *nd get st*rted using
these powerful tools
to cre*te more joy, pe*ce *nd h*rmony in your life
right now. This course is t*ught by three experts in the fields of life co*ching,
person*l development,
psychology *nd psycho*n*lysis. Our v*ried experience *nd perspectives *dds
depth *nd v*riety to the progr*m.
Instructors Joeel *nd N*t*lie River* h*ve over * dec*de in the life co*ching
They h*ve * b*ckground in soci*l services, psychology educ*tion *nd *s
Joeel *lso h*s * m*ster's degree in counseling *nd is completing his
dissert*tion for his Ph.D. in psychology,
with * focus on h*ppiness.
They h*ve over 60 thous*nd students from 188 countries. Victori* H*wkins is
* licensed clinic*l soci*l
worker, psychother*pist, *rtist, yog* *nd d*nce instructor *nd workshop
She h*s been working with students *nd clients of *ll *ges for over 20 ye*rs,
incorpor*ting *rt, cre*tive
movement, wisdom te*chings, cre*tive writing, psychother*py *nd
mindfulness medit*tion.
We look forw*rd to seeing you in the course.

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