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The Full Blessing Of Pentecost

Andrew Murray
Jesus said: “If you love Me, you will We read that the Holy Spirit “was not
keep My commandments. And I will pray yet given” because Jesus was not yet
the Father and He shall give you another glorified (John 7:39). It was only after His
Comforter, that He may be with you for ever, glorification that the Holy Spirit, as the
even the Spirit of truth” (John 14:15-17). Spirit of Godhead, united with manhood.
Let us see how the blessing of Pentecost Only then could the Spirit of the complete
was for the first time given from heaven. indwelling of God in man be given. It is the
What was the disposition of heart that fitted Spirit of the glorified Jesus that the disciples
the disciples for receiving the Spirit? Then received on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit
we shall know for all coming time what of the Head, penetrating all the members
remains to be done by ourselves to enjoy of His body.
the same blessing. The first disciples serve It is evident without proof that if the
us as examples and forerunners on the way fullness of the Spirit thus dwells in Jesus,
to the fullness of the Spirit. a personal relationship to Him is the first
What was there in them which enabled condition for the reception of the full gift of
them to become the recipients of these the Comforter. It was to attain this end that
heavenly gifts and made them fit objects of the Lord Jesus throughout all His three years’
the unspeakable grace that in them first of work on earth kept the disciples in such close
all the Three-One God came to take up His converse with Himself. He desired to attach
abode? The right answer to this question them to Himself. He wanted them to feel
will help us not a little on the way to be themselves truly one with Him. He wanted
filled with the Holy Spirit. What do we find them to identify themselves with Him as
in these first disciples? far as this was possible. By knowledge and
In the first place, there is the fact that they fellowship, by love and obedience, they
were deeply attached to the Lord Jesus became inwardly knit to Him. This was the
The Son of God came into the world in preparation for participating in the Spirit of
order to unite the divine life which He had His glorification.
with the Father with the life of man, and The lesson that is here taught us is indeed
thus to secure that the life of God should extremely simple, but it is one of profound
penetrate into the life of the creature. When significance. There are not a few Christians
He had completed the work in His own who believe in the Lord and are very
person by His obedience, and death, and zealous in His service, who eagerly desire
resurrection, He was exalted to the throne to become holy and who yet do not succeed
of God on high. This was in order that in their endeavor. It seems oftentimes as
in spiritual power in the might of the all- if they could not understand the promise
penetrating sovereign presence of God, His of the Spirit. The thought of being filled
disciples and His Church might participate with the Spirit exercises but little influence
in His very own life. upon them. The reason is obvious. There
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is lacking in their religion that personal and receive the heavenly gift with an
relationship to the Lord Jesus. They have undivided heart.
not that inward attachment to Him, that The Lord has left us no outward directions
perfectly natural reference to Him as the as to how much of the world we are to
best and nearest Friend, as the beloved Lord, abandon or in what manner. But by His
which was so characteristic of the disciples. whole Word He teaches us that without
This, however, is absolutely indispensable. sacrifice, without a deliberate separation
It is a heart that is entirely occupied with the from the world and forsaking of it, we shall
Lord Jesus, and depends only upon Him that never make much progress in grace. The
can alone hope for the fullness of the Spirit.
spirit of this world has penetrated so deeply
They had left all for Jesus into us that we do not observe it. We share
“Nothing for nothing.” This proverb in its desire for comfort and enjoyment, for
contains a deep truth. A thing that costs me self-pleasing and self-exaltation, without
nothing may nevertheless cost me much. our knowing how impossible these things
It may bring me under an obligation to the make it for us to be filled with the Spirit.
giver, and so cost me more than it is worth. Let us learn from the early disciples that
I may have so much trouble in appropriating
to be filled from the heavenly world with
it and keeping it that I may pay much more
the Spirit that dwells there, we must be
for it than the price which should be asked
separate from the children of this world or
for it.
from worldly Christians. We must be ready
“Nothing for nothing”: the maxim holds and eager to live as entirely different men,
good also in the life of the kingdom of who literally represent heaven upon earth,
heaven. The parables of the Pearl of great because we have received the Spirit of the
price and the Treasure hid in the field (Matt.
King of heaven.
13:44-45) teach us that in order to obtain
possession of the kingdom within us, we They had despaired utterly of
must sell all that we have. This is the very themselves and all that is of man
renunciation that Jesus literally demanded Man has two great enemies by whom the
of the disciples who followed Him. This is devil tempts him and with whom he has to
the requirement He so often repeated in His contend. The one is the world without; the
preaching: “He that forsaketh not all that he other is the self-life within. This last, the
hath cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33). selfish ego, is much more dangerous and
The two worlds betwixt which we stand stronger than the first. It is quite possible
are in such direct conflict with one another, for a man to have made much progress
and the world in which we by nature live in forsaking the world while the self-life
exercises such a mighty influence over us retains full dominion within him. You
that it is often necessary for us, even by see this fact illustrated in the case of the
external and visible sacrifice, to withdraw disciples. Peter could say with truth: “Lo,
from it. It was thus that Jesus trained His we have left all, and have followed Thee”
disciples to long for that which is heavenly. (Mark 10:28). Yet how manifestly did the
Only thus could He prepare them to desire selfish ego, with its self-pleasing and its
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self-confidence, still retain its full sway Oh, that we understood better that there
over him. is nothing which so hampers us as secret
As the Lord at their first calling led them reliance on something in ourselves or in
up to the point of forsaking their outward the Church around us which we imagine
possessions and following Him, so shortly can help us! On the other hand, there is
afterwards He began to teach them that a nothing that brings so much blessing as
disciple must deny himself and lose his own entire despair of ourselves and of all that is
life if he would be worthy of receiving His. upon the earth, in the way of teaching us to
He must hate not only father and mother, turn our hearts only and wholly to heaven
where this was necessary, but even his own and to partake of the heavenly gift which
life. It was love for this self-life more than comes thence.
all love for father and mother that hindered They received and held fast the promise
the Lord Jesus from doing His work in of the Spirit given by the Lord Jesus
the heart. It was to cost them more to be In His farewell address on the last night
redeemed from the selfish ego within them of His sojourn on earth, Jesus comforted
than to give up the world around them. The His disciples in their sorrow over His
self-life is the natural life of sinful man. He departure with one great promise – namely,
can be liberated from it by nothing save by the mission of the Holy Spirit from heaven.
death – that is, by first dying to it and then This was to be better than His own bodily
living in the strength of the new life that presence among them. It would be to them
comes from God. the full fruit and power of His redemption.
The forsaking of the world began at the The divine life – yea, He Himself, with the
outset of the three years’ discipleship. It Father – was to make abode within them.
was at the end of that period, at the cross The unheard-of wonder, the mystery of the
of Jesus, that dying to the self-life first took ages, was to be their portion. They were to
place. When they saw Him die, they learned know that they were in Him and He in them.
to despair of themselves and of everything At His ascension from the Mount of Olives,
on which they had hitherto based their hope. this promise of the Spirit was the subject of
Whether they thought of their Lord and the the last words He addressed to them.
redemption which they had expected, or It is evident that the disciples had still but
whether they thought of themselves and little idea of what this promise signified. But
their shameful unfaithfulness toward Him, however defective their understanding of it
everything tended to fill them with despair. was, they held it fast; or rather, the promise
Little did they know that was to prove held them fast and would not let them go.
the breaking up of their hard hearts – They all had only one thought: something
the mortification of the self-life and of has been promised to us by our Lord; it will
confidence in themselves – which would give us a share in His heavenly power and
enable them to receive something entirely glory; we know for certain that it is coming.
new – namely, a divine life through the Of what the thing itself was or of what their
Spirit of the glorified Jesus in the innermost experience of it was to be, they could give
depths of their souls. no account. It was enough for them that they
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had the Word of the Lord. He would make Spirit. No: the Spirit is God. God is in the
it a blessed reality within them. Spirit who comes to us, even as He was in
It is just the same disposition that we the Son. The gift of the Spirit is the most
have so much need of now. To us also, even personal act of the Godhead: it is the gift
as to them, has the Word of the Lord come of Himself unto us. We have to receive it in
concerning the Spirit who is to descend from the very closest personal contact with God.
the throne in the power of His glorified life. The clearer the insight we obtain into
“He that believeth in Me…out of his heart this principle, the more deeply shall we feel
shall flow rivers of living water” (John how little we can do to grasp the blessing
7:38). For us also it is the one thing needful by our own desiring, or endeavoring or
to hold fast that word; to set our whole believing. All our desiring, and striving and
desire upon the fulfillment of it; to lay aside believing can only issue in a more complete
all else until we inherit the promise. The acknowledgment that we ourselves can do
word from the mouth of Jesus concerning nothing to win the boon. It is the goodness
the reception of the Spirit in such measure of God alone that must give it. It is His
that we shall be endued with power from on omnipotence that must work it in us. Our
high must animate and fill us with strong
disposition must be one of silent assurance
desire, with firm and joyful assurance.
that the Father desires to give it to us; that
They waited upon the Father until the He will not keep us waiting one moment
performance of the promise came and longer than is absolutely necessary; and
they were filled with the Spirit that there shall not be a single soul which
The ten days of waiting were for them persists in waiting in the pathway of self-
days in which they were continually in the abnegation and dependence that shall not
Temple “praising and blessing God” and be filled with the glory of God.
“with one accord in prayer and supplication”
Every tree continues always to grow
(see Acts 1:14). It is not enough for us to
from the root out of which it first sprang.
endeavor to strengthen desire and to hold
The day of Pentecost was the planting of
fast our confidence. The principal thing is
the Christian Church, and the Holy Spirit
to set ourselves in close and abiding contact
with God. The blessing must come from became the power of its life. Let us turn
God; God Himself must give it to us; we are back to that experience. There is our power
to receive the gift directly from Him. What still. We learn from the disciples what is
is promised us is a wonderful work of divine really necessary. Attachment to Jesus, the
omnipotence and love. What we desire is the abandonment of everything in the world
personal occupancy and indwelling of God for Him, despair of self and of all help from
the Holy Spirit. God Himself must bestow man, holding on to the Word of promise, and
this personally upon us. then waiting on God, “the living God” – this
A man gives another a piece of bread or is the sure way of living in the joy and the
a piece of money. He gives it away from power of the Holy Spirit.
himself and has nothing further to do with (From The Full Blessing Of Pentecost by
it. It is not thus with God’s gift of the Holy Andrew Murray).
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John Thomas, Vizianagram, AP

I n our chat after marriage, my wife once

told me one of the important lessons
her father taught his children. It was the
the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know
that they do evil. Do not be rash with your
mouth, and let not your heart utter anything
acronym for the word WATCH. hastily before God. For God is in heaven
W - Watch your WORDS and you on earth; therefore let your words
be few”(Eccl 5:2). Though we are children
A - Watch your ACTIONS
of our heavenly Father, we should not take
T – Watch your THOUGHTS advantage and talk to God carelessly. Oh,
C – Watch your CHARACTER if we only realize our ignorance against
H – Watch your HEART God’s wisdom that is past finding! Hannah
When BYM declared this year 2019 prayed weeping, but spoke in her heart; lips
as the Year of Watchfulness, I remembered moved; voice was not heard, but she was
this acronym. There are plenty of lessons in heard (1Sam 1:10, 13, 27).
the Bible touching the above five aspects of This does not mean that we send an
life. Let me put a few of them down from SMS prayer and sit back. We are commanded
my little knowledge of the Scripture and to persevere in prayer (Lk18:1); to pray
from my humble experience. without ceasing (1Thes 5:17); pray without
Watch your Words fainting (Ps 84:2); and to be watchful in
prayer against temptation (Matt 26:41);
As we speak to God and man, we and be watchful in prayer for the Second
are expected to be careful with our words. Coming of Christ (Lk 21:36). Waiting on
We reap the consequences as per our God helps us more to hear from God than
watchfulness. to speak to Him.
Our words with God Our words with Men
Jesus said, “When you pray, do not King David prays, “Set a guard, O
use vain repetitions as the heathen do. Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the
For they think that they will be heard for door of my lips. Do not incline my heart to
their many words.” Heathen do not have a any evil thing, to practice wicked works with
God, Omniscient, but we have. Therefore men who work iniquity” (Ps141:3, 4).
let our words be few. Sometimes we try to That is to keep a watch over his words
explain in prayer as though it is difficult so that he may not utter unwholesome words
for God to understand us. Or at times we to (or rebuke) people who are against him.
try to give God suggestions. In case if you Great! He did not want to spill out words
stand before an earthly king, would you do impatiently, and then bite his tongue. James
that? Never. Even Solomon the king, with says, tongue, a little member of our body,
all his divine wisdom dared not do that. but is untamable, poisonous, hypocritical
His advice holds good for us even today. and so on. He allots a full chapter on the
“Walk prudently when you go to the house power of tongue connecting wisdom at the
of God; and draw near to hear than to give end.
BLESSING / May 2019 6
On the other hand numerous are the ways (Pro 4:23-27). Should we not be role
commendations for the tongue used in the models to the future generation? Let us
right sense. Plenty do we find in the book watch ourselves before others watch us.
of Proverbs. Watch your Thoughts
Eg. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of Thoughts are unwieldy, so they need
gold in settings of silver” -25:11. to be harnessed. All that we speak or do
“The mouth of the righteous is a well springs up from the mind which is the seat of
spring of life” – 10:11. thoughts. A Christian has the mind of Christ
“Wisdom is found in the lips of him who (1Cor 2:16). Our responsibility is to update
has understanding” – 10:13. it by renewing it by prayer and Word that
Paul exhorts Timothy, “Hold fast the transforms us. Right? The devil doesn’t like
pattern of sound words” (2Tim 1:13). God it lest we conform to the image of the Lord,
created everything through His Word. We Christ. He tries to keep us conformed to the
can create our own world - good or bad by world of lusts (Rom 12:2; 1Jn 2:15,16).
our words. So, watch your words. There are two ways our thoughts can
Watch your Actions be diverted by the Enemy. One is by pushing
us into sinful and sensual things and the
‘Action speaks louder than words’
other is by pulling us away from spiritual
is not a new saying. Apostle Paul says,
exercises. To overcome this, we need the
“I disciplined my body and bring it into
help of the Holy Spirit. He alone can help
subjection, lest, when I have preached
us bring every thought into captivity to
to others, I myself should not become
the obedience of Christ. The antidote for
disqualified” (1Cor 9:27). Leading such
straying thoughts is in Phil 4:8, “Whatever
an exemplary life, while testifying to the
Ephesian elders, the first thing he spoke was, things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of
“You know, from the first day that I came to good report, good virtue and praise worthy,
Asia, in what manner I always lived among think on these things.”
you” (Act 20:18). Again he says in verse 35, Watch your Character
“I have shown you in every way”, referring Dr. Billy Graham said, “When wealth
to his life in action. is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost,
Paul followed the teachings of Jesus something is lost; when character is lost,
Christ. Jesus had told the Jews that they everything is lost”. How true it is in Joseph!
should not do what the Pharisees do, but to He lost his coat, the only wealth. He never
do what they ask them to do. Paul imitated bothered about it. He labored in the pastures,
Christ’s actions as we read in 1Cor 11:1, 23; prison and palace. He didn’t complain over
15:3; Gal 1:11, 12; 1Thes 1:6; 4:2. Peter and his physical hardship. But he was looking
John too imitated Christ (1 Pet 2:21; 1Jn 1:1, forward for the fulfillment of the dreams
5). How much more should we to follow the Lord gave him. He took care of his
our Lord! King Solomon warns his son to character. Joseph’s story challenges young
keep a watch on his heart with diligence; people of every generation. His character
mouth from deceit; lips from perverseness, of faithfulness to God and man is expressed
eyes from crookedness and feet from evil in his willingness to forgive those who had
BLESSING / May 2019 7
hurt him. Myriad of things in his life teaches To the attention of BYM Partners and
us great lessons on character. subscribers sending offerings
Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, All those who want to send their offerings
“Flee also from youthful lusts; but pursue to BYM (for missionary work, sponsorship,
righteousness, faith, love, peace with those magazine subscription and other supporting
who call on the Lord with a pure heart” funds) you can do so through any one of
(2Tim 2:22). the following methods:
Watch your Heart Home & NRE donors
Our heart belongs to the Lord. But Name : Blessing Youth Mission
the first man failed. The devil told him a lie
A/c No. 10545849472
that he could be like God. Thus God was
dethroned from the heart of man. As years Bank: State Bank of India
rolled by, it became desperately wicked Branch Name : Siruthozhil,
(Jer 17:9). Anything that takes the place of Vellore 632 006
God in our lives is an idol. God told prophet Branch Code: 007274
Ezekiel about Israelites, “Son of man, these IFSC No: SBIN0007274
men have set up their idols on their hearts”
(14:3,4,7). Gulf Donors
Sin of idolatry prevailed among them A/c Name : T. Prince Stachys Ravindran
right from the time the nation was called out A/c No: 35374362080
from Egypt. Idolatry is such a stubborn sin Bank Name : State Bank of India
that our hearts can become stony, be it our Branch Name : Siruthozhil
selfishness, desires, addictions or whatever. Vellore 632 006
But in the same book of Ezekiel, God
IFSC No : SBIN0007274
promises that He would restore a heart of
flesh in place of stone. What a loving God Online payment
we have! If only we realize who God is, and
fathom His love towards us, we cannot but When you transfer your offering through
love the Lord with all our heart. So, love net banking, please make sure that you fill
God and watch your heart. your name, address and the details of fund
I want to close with a poem by to be used for in the remarks column and
Margret Thatcher: notify us by any of the following methods
Watch your thoughts, -SMS to 9445275410
for they become words; -Phone call to +91 416 2242943 or
Watch your words,
for they become actions; -Email to
Watch your actions, Those who have contributed through
online from April 2018 to Feb 2019 and
for they become habits;
have not notified yet, are requested to
Watch your habits, kindly send the details as early as possible.
for they become character. Thank you.
BLESSING / May 2019 8
Youth Page Download And Do Upload
Esme Robina, Madhya Pradesh
Don’t we all like to download? Its think for a while. Yeah! If you ever read it,
fun downloading stuff and enjoying it, like then and only then you can understand this.
games, videos, movies, pics... Well, why are So ready for some downloading at least till
we talking about downloading? … We do the end of this article, aye? Right, now take
download, but do we download worthwhile your Bible and turn with me to Psalms 119.
stuff? Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me? You had to
To survive in this world we need to take the biggest chapter ever…ughhh. Well,
download the Word of God to our brain. So it will be fun, you’ll see. Here we go…
we have come to the point. Now check out these cool verses…
Yeah, you gotta do that, otherwise Ps 119: 1 - “Blessed are they whose ways
you will be an easy prey for the predator. are blameless, who walk according to the
Meditating daily on the Word of God will law of the Lord.”
make us download a lot rather than merely V 9 - “How can a young man keep his way
reading the Bible daily or once in a while pure? By living according to your Word.”
when we feel like. Once in a while reading V 11- “I have hidden your Word in my heart
will get us locked in a cage with sharks all that I might not sin against you.”
around us, figuratively speaking. So we
V 50 - “This is the comfort in my affliction,
don’t want that, aye. To be fully prepared in
For your Word has given me life.” (NKJV)
the world rife with evil, we need, literally,
the BIBLE in our brain, no matter what. V105 - “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and
So you have no choice but to download, a light for my path.”
unless you wanna find yourself in the dark V 130 - “The unfolding of your words gives
with no escape. light; it gives understanding to the simple.”
Now, we tend to download mostly, V160 - “All your words are true; all your
but do we upload? That remains a question. righteous laws are eternal.” (The entirety
You gotta think. We read the Bible, we have of Your Word is truth).
it in our brain, why do we need to upload? V162 - “I rejoice at your word As one who
That’s what we think. If you have something finds great treasure” (NKJV).
very interesting to share with your friends, V174 - “I long for your salvation, O LORD,
don’t you forward it to your friends? Do we and your law is my delight.”
share the Word of God with others? That is
Do you see the bold words? They
upload in this context. To comprehend it
describe the significance of meditating on
better, let’s read on.
the Word of God. In a nutshell, those who
Download daily meditate on God’s Word, they are
The Psalmist has a wonderful knack of blessed, their ways are pure, cannot sin
exploring the Word of God and painting it in when the Word of God is inside their hearts,
words of wonder that makes us to pause and they have life, it becomes their light and
BLESSING / May 2019 9
lamp for the path, and it gives understanding cool? Now the question is, do you share the
and wisdom to the simple. Cool, ain’t it? Not Word of God with others? That is uploading.
only that, the Word of God is true, eternal, You just downloaded some stuff, now all
a great treasure and a true delight. Don’t you gotta do is to share it with others by
forget that those who “meditate daily” will uploading it wherever you go. It could
have it. Emphasis on daily, not reading be done in anyway in social media or by
but meditating. There is a vast difference speaking or by writing or by testifying or by
between reading and meditating. So, get living it. We’ve all got an amazing message,
a diary and a pen to scribble Bible stuff in so how can we sit and do nothing about it.
it. It will be truly amazing. Well, you gotta We’ve gotta go, no matter what. That always
try to see the beauty of it. If you do that, doesn’t literally mean ‘to go’, but rather to
downloading will become easy. do something about it. In Psalms 149:6,
Everything in this world is fleeting. It we see, “May the praise of God be in their
remains only for a certain period of time. mouths and a double-edged sword in their
For instance, is our planet static- never hands”. In the combat with the world, we
moving nor changing? It changes all the need the Word of God to wield it against
time- climate changes, seasons change, the Devil, otherwise we will fall. Likewise,
unpredictable disasters…all this happens to prevent others from falling, we need to
in a wink and we wouldn’t even know. So share it. Won’t you help a friend in need?
is there anything which is timeless? Yep, Psalm 26: 7 - “Proclaiming aloud
Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers and your praise and telling of all your wonderful
the flowers fall, but the Word of our God deeds.”
stands for ever.” You will be thinking how Psalm 96:2 - “Sing to the LORD,
that is possible, it is just a book, but my dear praise his name; proclaim his salvation day
readers no… it is so much more than just a after day.”
book. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of Wherever we go, our actions should
God is living and active. Sharper than any speak louder and through them we need to
double-edged sword, it penetrates even to declare God’s Word.
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; The Word of God is alive and very
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the powerful. The prophet Jeremiah says in
heart.” Incredible! But how can a book Jeremiah 20:9, “ His Word is in my heart
have so much influence? Like I said it is not like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.” A
just a book but the Word of God, which is fire cannot be hidden. It burns so vividly
always in action. So, I believe now that you that anyone can see it. It will reveal itself.
will never forget to download the Bible in Paul, the first missionary, wasn’t ashamed
your brain, yep? of the Gospel. He went from one place to
Upload another and proclaimed His Word to all
The phone beeps with a new message- people, including the higher-ups. He says
it is so awesome that you forward it to all in Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the
of your friends in social media. Isn’t that gospel, because it is the power of God for
BLESSING / May 2019 10
the salvation of everyone who believes: first As these are the last days, check out
for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” Also in Amos 8:11-12: “The days are coming,”
2 Tim 1:8 “So do not be ashamed to testify declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will
about our Lord, or ashamed of me his send a famine through the land — not a
prisoner. But join with me in suffering for famine of food or a thirst for water, but a
the gospel, by the power of God.” So, let famine of hearing the words of the Lord.
us not be ashamed but rather let us extend Men will stagger from sea to sea and
a helping hand to the people who light the wander from north to east, searching for the
way, who bear the Gospel and go from place word of the Lord, but they will not find it.”
to place. A famine is coming, so we need to
‘What if I choose not to proclaim be prepared and one way to do it will be
it?’, this thought will come lurking in through keeping the Word of God in our
your mind, yep? Clearly, the Bible has hearts.
the answer to that. When God has done so
You will now have a question, is there
much for us, can’t we just do something,
any use of this at all? Let me tell you, don’t
so little in return? It’s not that hard, yeah?
you wanna be successful and thriving. Well,
Matthew10:27 says, “What I tell you in
who doesn’t want to be successful, right?
the dark, speak in the daylight; what is
Joshua 1: 8 lucidly says, “Do not let this
whispered in your ear, proclaim from the
Book of the Law depart from your mouth;
roofs.” To do this sometimes it is hard due
meditate on it day and night, so that you
to the persecutions and the threats that come
from various sources. But Matthew 10:28 may be careful to do everything written
clearly says, “Do not be afraid of those who in it. Then you will be prosperous and
kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, successful.” Who doesn’t know this verse,
be afraid of the One who can destroy both yeah? Everyone does. So, y’all better start,
soul and body in hell.” Man cannot kill the otherwise during the famine you will have
soul, aye, so why should we be afraid? Our to cry…it’s not a joke, it’s a fact and the
God is more powerful and mighty, so let us truth. So let’s all get wired up to do some
do what little we can. downloading and don’t forget to upload.

Mr. M. Rajan (Age 84), father of Mr. Jabez went to be with the
Lord on 25th January 2019 in Tuticorin. He was born to Hindu parents in
small village in South Tamil Nadu. He accepted Lord during his school
days. He came in contact with Blessing Youth Mission in the year 1990
and then on became our Pledge Collector (Mission Mobilizer).
He loved missionaries and their children greatly. He also supported
Missions like IEM, IMS, VMM, ICGM, VISHWAVANI & IBT. He was
a faithful steward till the end. Their children and grandchildren have pledged to continue
the ministry of their father. May Heaven repay them with its choicest blessings in the
days to come. Kindly pray for the bereaved family members.
BLESSING / May 2019 11
Little Flock And Great Victory
A. Lionel
All of us desire to do something anything that might defile them. They were
great for God. But when we don’t find ‘big captives from Jerusalem but would not
crowds’ in our meetings, we tend to get partake in the royal food and wine (1:8).
discouraged. This is one of Satan’s master While the other young men who came with
tactics to paralyze us. If we believe in the them enjoyed the delicacies of the palace
following promise of Jesus, we will never and revelled in the roasts, the fussy four
lose heart: preferred sambar (An ordinary Indian dish!)
Luk 12:32 - “Do not be afraid, little and vegetables.
flock, for your Father has been pleased to When king Nebuchadnezzar dedicated
give you the Kingdom!” a gigantic idol of gold and commanded that
History reveals that the Lord has everyone should prostrate before it, the
used small groups to achieve great things. funny three flatly refused. They boldly
A small group may apparently be weak replied: “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not
and powerless. But with God’s help, this need to defend ourselves before you in this
minuscule will do valiantly. matter. If we are thrown into the blazing
furnace, the God we serve is able to save
Power of Small Groups
us from it, and He will rescue us from your
What is this small group? It is the hand, O king. But even if He does not, we
“two or three” coming together in Jesus’ want you to know, O king, that we will not
name! (Mt 18:19). It is not even five. Just serve your gods or worship the image of
two or three! gold you have set up” (3:16-18).
We long for crowds. We are often They were a little flock indeed;
disappointed when just one or two turn up but firm and zealous for God. They were
for prayer. We expect our prayer group to praying people. When the king was troubled
expand with the addition of newcomers by a dream and commanded that all wise
every week. Our aspiration is good. But if men who could not reveal the dream and
we let disappointment overtake us when its meaning be butchered, this prayer cell
that doesn’t happen, we lose sight of what did not tremble with fear. When Daniel told
the two or three can achieve. I would like the matter to his friends, they prayed. Then
to draw your attention to four such small God revealed the secret to him (2:17,18).
groups in the Bible. Human wisdom could not reveal the
1. Daniel and his friends dream or its meaning. But the four joined
This small but strong group existed hands and cried to God. When the answer
in the city of Babylon. They did not go came, the king said to Daniel, “Surely your
unnoticed in that thickly populated city, for God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings
they literally shook the city. They were just and a Revealer of mysteries” (2:47).
four members but were deeply dedicated to If the king of a heathen nation could
God. They stood for holiness and refused say that, you can imagine the impact this
to compromise. They would not touch little flock had made on that nation. The
BLESSING / May 2019 12
king decreed, “The people of any nation or Herod killed James with a sword. When it
language who say anything against the God pleased the Jews he put Peter too in prison.
of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut “But the church was earnestly praying to
into pieces and their houses be turned into God for him” (v5). The church was not
piles of rubble, for no other God can save sleeping. It did not organize a strike or
in this way”(3:29). Yes, the small group prepare a petition to be presented to Herod.
generated great power and accomplished a They gathered in a house and prayed. They
mighty task. just prayed!
2. Esther and her maids What happened when they prayed?
Again the setting is captivity. A An angel was released from heaven
captive girl was made queen of a heathenish to do what the poor church members could
kingdom. But she did not compromise her not do against the king’s power. Angel took
faith. Wherever God’s people are, there Peter past the first guard and then the second
will be enemies. The enemy played a trick guard. When they came to the Iron Gate
and a date was set to destroy God’s people. which was leading to the city… it opened
The situation seemed hopeless. Letters of like the 20th century automatic doors! Peter
execution were already sent. Can anyone was out of prison, on the streets!
reverse what was already done? Yes, a small
Can you believe it? All because of a
united group of people could.
home prayer cell.
Esther, though the queen, was not
The church has failed in this area
ashamed to kneel down with her maids.
miserably. It has failed to encourage its’
The heavily laden banquet table languished
members to gather in homes in twos and
for three days and nights as Esther and her
threes to pray. Churches are jam-packed for
maids fasted. What was the effect of the
prayer of this small group? It was a chain Sunday worship services. But how good are
reaction reversing the king’s order. It did the members in intercession? Our churches
not stop with that. The prayer slaughtered have not learnt the art of prayer. The early
the enemy. The king lost his sleep and Christians were gathering and praying
happened to read the history of his rule. wherever possible. Let churches take up the
The little flock’s prayer directed him to the challenge to form small groups. Such small
page where it was written about Mordecai. praying groups have been responsible for
So Mordecai was honoured. Then Haman the outbreak of great revivals.
was hanged and the king’s order to massacre 4. Lydia and her friends
the Jews was cancelled. The Jews were Some women regularly gathered by
granted to subjugate their enemies. “And the riverside for prayer in Philippi. Paul and
many people of other nationalities became his companions knew this place of prayer
Jews because fear of the Jews had seized and so they went and spoke to the women
them” (8:17). This is the power of the small gathered there. One woman by name Lydia
group that can change the course of history. responded to the message that she and the
3. Mary and fellow believers members of her household were baptized
We see another praying group in a (Acts 16:13-15). She took the team to
home, in the New Testament (Acts 12:12). her house and later on, her house became
BLESSING / May 2019 13
a church. Remember that there were no be the motive of a small group to expand
church buildings in those days (Rom 16:5). into a church and draw members from other
Small groups can be places for people to churches. If the number increases, split into
receive special spiritual experiences. You two or three groups and gather separately.
never know who will be touched by what However, the members of a small group
and when. Lydia was the first European may come from various churches.
convert and through her the gospel travelled Sing a song, worship and meditate
to another continent. Who knows what they a scripture portion briefly for 10 to 15
were praying for? They longed for God, and minutes. Each one can take turns to share.
to keep the flames alive, were gathering Allot maximum time for prayer. Pray for
regularly and praying. God honored their one subject each day. One day you can pray
faith and not only blessed them but blessed for the country, another day for a Mission or
others through them. There can be no better students’ ministry, spiritual leaders, revival,
example of the dynamism of a small group world evangelization, etc. You may also
than this little flock through which the Good include personal prayer requests.
News crossed the continents. Notice that the end result of all the
The advantages of small groups four small groups that we meditated was
As compared to large gatherings, evangelisation. At least once a week you
small groups have following distinctive should involve yourself in neighbourhood
advantages: evangelism. Don’t be waiting for invitation.
1) Each one can have an intimate fellowship Just go knocking at doors. We are not doing
with the other. God a big favour by serving Him. Rather,
2) Oneness is much easier in small groups. He honours us by allowing us to serve Him.
3) Individuals receive better attention and The Bible records an incident in which the
training in small groups. Israelites went out to fight the Arameans:
4)Both the shortcomings and gifts of “The Israelites camped opposite them
individuals go unnoticed in large groups. like two small flocks of goats, while the
5) Questions of seekers and growing Arameans covered the countryside” (1Ki
believers go unanswered in large groups. 20:27). Yet the Israelites overpowered the
How to start?
You may appear insignificant in your
Wherever you may be, get in touch
own eyes especially when you see the
with one or two Christians close by who
teeming millions around you held by the
can join with you for a short time of Bible
power of darkness.
meditation and prayer daily. If you are
students, you can gather in a hostel room. But remember, it is the Father’s good
If you are housewives, you can get together pleasure to give the Kingdom to the little flock.
after the children go to School, in the So fear not, little flock! Go ahead.
afternoon. If you are working in an office, The Lord will accomplish great things
you can profitably use your lunch hour. through you!
Remember, the small group is not a (Taken from the book “Showers of
substitute for the local church. It should not Blessing” by Mr. A. Lionel)
BLESSING / May 2019 14
andhra pradesh ➢ For Life Partner - Ranjit, Hem,
➢ Praise God for enabling missionary Chitramoni, Ruban, Rupjothi, Prathab,
Saroj to minister God’s Word to 90 Native Chitrasen and Hemanto.
missionaries who are ministering among gujarat
Koya tribe. Praise
➢ BYM Mission Sunday was observed ➢ 15 confessed their faith.
by Light of Living God Church, Guntur on ➢ 2 villages were visited and 103 New
17th March 2019. Testaments were distributed.
➢ Missionaries Rebekah Thomas and ➢ Received healing - Pradeep (Jaundice);
Bharathi Saroj and Mrs. Jayashree Tapan Pinal (Boils on whole body) and Ramila
from YFC, Vizag shared God’s Word to (Chest pain).
400 girls. ➢ 20 attended the two-days’ Ladies Fasting
➢ A village congregation of 500 plus Prayer. Missionary Esther Robinsam shared
members gave Rs.23,580 as an offering for the Word of God.
missionary work.
➢ VBS is planned in 5 places.
➢ For Healing - Hemalatha (Back pain);
➢ 24 people attended the Bible Study Sunitha (Chest Pain); Sandeep (Fits);
conducted in Jorhat. Soma (TB); Rasitha (Mental Illness) and
➢ More than 100 tracts, 50 New Yashika (Hearing problem).
Testaments and 15 Bibles were distributed
in the mission fields.
➢ 4 people obeyed the Lord. Praise
➢ Saritha shared the Word of God on ➢ Vijayalakshmi was blessed with a baby
Women’s Day in YWCA in Jorhat. 150 after seven years.
were blessed. ➢ 12 confessed their faith.
Pray ➢ Hema, Kasthuri, Rekha and Malthesh
were delivered from evil spirit.
➢ Salvation - Birasan, Hematho, Baba,
➢ God protected missionary Shantagouda
Bironsi, Sornavathi, Sitaram, Rokom,
from a road accident.
Baskar, Sandha, Vikram, Bismo, Suseela,
➢ Virendra was delivered from alcohol.
➢ Backsliders - Pradip, Athraki, Jacob, Pray
Medini, Sunil, Banikanta, Lambari and ➢ Manantha, Engavva, Sangeetha and
Nityananda families. Savitha to be delivered from evil spirit.
BLESSING / May 2019 15
➢ New contacts - Ganappa, Dhevandra, ➢ Manmohan, Harshdoss, Ramprasath &
Manjunath, Kamala, Nagaveni, Reshma, Dulsy to be delivered from alcohol.
Vinoth, Ragu, Vishalakshi, Durga, Ratna, ➢ Amarav, Laxmi, Varsha, Bharath &
Manohar, Kanjappa, Umesh, Parthamma, Bettibai to be delivered from evil spirit.
Shobiya, Prema, Vandana and Ragasiya. ➢ Salvation- Ganesh, Savitha, Ramkumar,
➢ Healing - Gayathiri (Throat problem); Sukwathi, Nanne Bhari, Revathi, Hema,
Pricilla (Kidney problem); Suguna & Shoba Neethesh, Families of Sandeep, Govindram
(Typhoid); Manjunath (Heart problem); and Rajkumar.
Nagaraj (Jaundice) and Neelamma (Chest ➢ Suitable life partner - Puran, Ashvin,
Mayur, Samuel, Abhishit, Aline, Sonu,
kerala Ankita, Ashish, Bhijoi, Sanjana, Kanchan,
Pray Evan, Mahima, Rakshith, Victoria, Gracy,
➢ Salvation - Kader, Mohandas, Arul, Deepchand, Sandeep, Lalitha, Rachana,
Suresh and Mohammad. Ashok, Birjesh, Julie, Narayan, Reena,
➢ Healing - Dinesh’s mother (Cancer); Karishma, Pradom, Sandhiya, Ashish and
Tigi & Annie (Heart Problem) and Rema Dhanu.
(Thyroid). ➢ Pray for the blessing of the womb for
madhya pradesh Priyadahrshini, Sweety, Shalu, Sumitra,
Praise Elina, Neetal, Neelish, Priyanka, Rethu,
➢ Badamalehara church was dedicated Kamakshi, Akhansha, Paridhi, Sheela,
by Coimbatore partners on 3rd March. Sweta, Babili, Violet, Sheela, Pinki,
➢ Received Healing - Chanda (Mental Savitha and Priyanka.
Illness) and Rupa (Thyroid). ➢ Lallu is facing opposition in his village.
➢ 6 people heard the Gospel in which 4 maharashtra
accepted Christ. Praise
➢ 69 attended Women’s Meet in Shahgarh.
➢ During a village church service, a lady ➢ 40 obeyed the Lord.
walked in and requested the congregation ➢ 1128 attended the Revival Meetings
to pray for her son who left the house 15 in 4 places. Mr. Shantakumar shared the
years back. The believers earnestly prayed. Word of God.
Her son contacted and her faith has become ➢ A team of 50 youth from Good Shepherd
strong. Pray that they be united and also be Church, Dharavi, Mumbai, visited our field
saved. and had field exposure. They participated
Pray in the Sunday worship, had fellowship
➢ For healing - Leeladhar (Asthma); meal, listened to testimonies and field
Radha (Skin problem); Pintu (Eye history. Many committed to pray regularly
pain); Harri(Back pain); Mary (Neuro for missionary work and be a part of the
Problem); Manju (TB); Daniel & Ajay activities. They donated floor mats for our
(under Dialysis); Ashvini (Cancer); Chaya multipurpose hall at Waliapada.
(Tumour in Uterus) and Amith (Paralysis). ➢ 98 teachers were trained for VBS 2019.
BLESSING / May 2019 16
Pray punjab
➢ Our missionary couples Sandeep & Praise
Shaila Nadge, Nitin & Geetha Nadge need ➢ The Punjab missionaries were edified by
prayers for fruit of the womb as they are the Word shared by missionary Vinayagam
childless for many years. David.
➢ Planned SMP in May. ➢ Victor got a job after prayer and
odisha Santhose was healed from her eye problem.
Praise Pray
➢ 7 confessed their faith publicly. ➢ For healing - Swadeshi Kaur (Breathing
➢ 120 attended the Blessing Festival at problem) and Swapna(Paralysis).
Kenduguda. Missionaries Prakash Nag and rajasthan
Srikanth Barik shared the Word of God. Praise
➢ 200 participated in the Blessing Festival ➢ 5 came to the Lord.
at Ganjiaguda. Missionaries Ponnusamy ➢ Healings received - Ruplal (Paralysis);
and Sarasa shared the Word of God. Rakma (Bleeding) and Ramlal (Fits).
➢ Medamgandhi Blessing Festival was a ➢ Chandra was delivered from evil spirits.
blessing to 200. Pastor Rajesh Patra and ➢ Backslidden believer Bhagerath and his
Mr. Khetra Bagh shared the Word of God. family have come back to the fold.
➢ 80 were blessed in a Blessing Festival ➢ Sophia and Sindhu shared the true love
at Biriguda. Pastor Christopher and Pastor with boys and girls in a park on Valentine’s
Rajesh Patro shared the Word of God. day.
➢ By the grace of God we dedicated Pray
churches at Kenduguda and Dhepguda. ➢ Our first generation youth cell members
➢ 130 were blessed in a Youth Retreat Chanchal and Anita have taken a stand to
in Koraput. 23 committed their lives for marry only believers. For this reason they
the Lord. Missionaries Saroj and Kishore are beaten up and are locked inside their
shared the Word of God. houses. The Bibles they had were burnt.
➢ 65 were benefited in a Youth Retreat in They are now cut-off from our fellowship.
Ginjeriguda. Missionary Kishore shared Kindly pray for strength and guidance.
the Word of God. ➢ Couples Vivek & Chitra and Biwadi
Pray & Neemrana are ministering among the
youth as Tent-makers. Pray for them as
➢ Healing - Pingula & Bhimo (Mental they do not have children.
Illness); Kamala & Butuli (Paralysis); ➢ For the family members of Monu,
Ratai (TB); Rachel, Leya, Vicky & Sidhant Seema and Komal to come to the Lord.
(Sickle Cell Anaemia); Shiva & Laichan ➢ Bharat and Prashant need good jobs.
(Back Pain); Liza (Skin Disease) and ➢ For healing - Poolchand (Heart problem);
Soudamani (Uterus Problem). Manoj(Thyroid);Rheka(Jaundice);
➢ Chaitan & Kalavathi to be delivered Bhageram (Mental illness) and Nancy
from evil spirit. (Small pox).
BLESSING / May 2019 17
➢ Five year old Anjali is suffering from ➢ Mission Sunday was organized in three
Jaundice, Malaria and Typhoid. Pray for Churches in Jhansi.
healing. Pray
tamilnadu ➢ Ravi and his family members are
Praise suffering from skin infection.
➢ Sumathi was blessed with a baby after ➢ Sandhiya, Davendar, Prakash, Roshini,
15 years. Rahul need suitable life partners.
➢ 90 attended the Holy Spirit Rally Meet. ➢ Ghuman, Geetha, Ramkumari and
➢ Vijayarani was healed from her Uterus Angori to be blessed with children.
problem and missionary Kohila from brain ➢ For Hardhayal, Anoj, Mahesh,
fever. Ramdhas, Anek, Chandhmon, Suresh and
Gora to be delivered from drunkenness.
west bengal
➢ For suitable life partner - Manikandan,
Rahul and Ramya.
➢ 75 were blessed in a Blessing Festival
➢ Missionary Pushparaj is suffering from
in Chapati. Missionaries Chezhian &
Urinary tract problem. He had an operation.
Prema shared the Word of God.
Pray for healing.
➢ 55 youth participated in a youth meeting
➢ Salvation - Samanthi, Divya, Santhosh,
in Thitilligudi.
Santhi, Jothi, Soundarya and Sadachchi.
➢ 80 children attended a Children’s Camp
telengana conducted in Ganagoch.
Praise Pray
➢ 60 women were blessed by a Women’s ➢ Healing: Aabal (Mental disorder),
retreat conducted by Mission India in Michal (Injuries due to an accident).
Warangal. Missionary Jyothi Ratnakar ➢ Pray for Herold who is disturbing the
shared God’s Word. ministry.
➢ 150 people heard God’s Word shared by ➢ Rajan to be delivered from alcohol
Missionary Jyothi Ratnakar at Centenary addiction.
Baptist Church, Uppal. General
Pray ➢ Joshua Samson, son of our missionary
couple Ebenezar and Shanthi joined hands
➢ Vinod to find a suitable life partner. with Ida Hephzibah on 2nd March.
➢ Prabha and Jerusha to have children. ➢ Our active partner and pioneer lay leader
uttar pradesh of Rajasthan Mr. David Perinbadas went to
Praise be with the Lord on 26th February. He was
➢ Native worker Ram Ravesh’s daughter instrumental in developing the ministry of
Aradhana underwent a shoulder operation BYM in Rajasthan. He was also a guide
at HBM Mission Hospital at Lalitpur. and supporter to our missionaries. Pray for
➢ Partners Meet was organized in Jhansi the bereaved members of the family.
in which 110 were edified by the Word You can download more praise
shared by the missionary Robinsam. and prayer points from our website
➢ Subran was healed from a snake-bite.
BLESSING / May 2019 18
Integrity Contest - 2018 Watchfulness Contest 2019
Prize Winners Scripture Portion
I Prize: Mrs. Shiny Isaac (95 %), Nehemiah, I Peter & II Peter
Tamil Nadu Date: 17 November 2019
II Prize: Mr. Ebinesar (93%), Odisha (For Missionaries 18 November 2019)
II Prize: Mr. Zechariah Sasikumar
Application Form
(93%), Tamil Nadu
III Prize: Mr. A. Sakthivel (92%) (Kindly write the following details in
a white sheet of paper and send to the
Madhya Pradesh
address mentioned below along with
Prizes will be given in Blesso 2019
` 100 ( ` 50 for Missionaries) (MO/DD/
Quotable Quotes Online Transfer). You can also register
» One of the most important pieces for the online at
furniture is the family altar. Name :____________________________
- Martin Luther Age:___________Sex: M/F
»A man can no more diminish God’s glory
by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic Address:___________________________
can put out the sun by scribbling the word _________________________________
“Darkness” on the walls of his cell. _________________________________
- C. S. Lewis Pincode:______________
»The trouble with most of us is that we
would rather be ruined by praise than Mobile No:________________________
saved by criticism. Email id (if available):________________
- Norman Vincent Peale Language: English / Tamil / your own
»The eagle that soars in the upper air does language _________
not worry itself as to how it is to cross Note : Study Notes will be sent to you
within one month of receiving your
- Selected
Registration Fees.
»Life is a series of mistakes, and he is not
the best Christian who makes the fewest An Invigilator & Centre will be arranged
false steps. He is the best who wins the for you in a place nearer to you.
most splendid victories by the retrieval of Kindly send the above details to:
mistakes. Mrs. Esther Samidoss,
- F. W. Robertson
8, Church Colony,
»If we move when we ought to rest, or
rest when we ought to move, we shall not Vellore, Tamil Nadu, 632 006
have the Divine presence with us. Mobile: 9488430751
- Selected Last day for paying the Registration fees
»The hours of this present life are the is August 31.
ages in embryo of the life to come.
-A.J. Gordon Do Participate! Don’t Miss!

BLESSING / May 2019 19

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