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Final Assignment M1


1. Analyze parts of the learning activities throughout Module 1.
2. Provide comments on each of the activities including its strength and weaknesses.
3. Share your opinion about the contribution of this particular module to improve your
professional competencies.
4. Write your work in the space available here.


- Give the - It is a kind of - Explain the - Explain the
information to functional text that listeners or listeners or
public give the readers that readers that
- Contain information to something should something
personal public or should not should or
information or - Based on certain happen or be should not
are a written function done. happen or be
- Can be written - There are several

conversation done.
- Still an anywhere whether arguments and - There are
important mode printed, electronic one several
of or through internet conclusion/reiterat arguments and
communication media ion recommendati
- The writer can on
convey his - The writer can
arguments to the convey his
reader with strong arguments to
evidence the reader with
- No - No
recommendation conclusion/
of the writer reiteration of
- In conveying his the writer

argumentatio, the - In conveying

writer should have his
strong evidence to argumentatio,
strenghten his the writer
opinion should have
evidence to
strenghten his
3. Share your opinion about the contribution of this particular module to improve your
professional competencies.

This modul gives lots of information to learn. Not only how to understand, but also apply
it (generating a good text). Here we can get information about the type of differrent texts and its
characteristics (the tenses usage, the conjunction, the structure, the social function, etc.) This
much materials of course helps me to gain more knowledge that can be shared to students.
Although the modul is still far away from perfection (not because the bad materials, but because
it still need more development before being given here). There many task which are not clear
what todo, and how to do. Yet we still gain and learn much information from it.

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