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Mike, please answer all these questions answer them exactly how you would really say it.

Alyssa is going
to have to see if she knows what you said if get its wrong she has to put a piece of bubblegum in her
mouth​. ​(NO CHEATING or ASKING HER!!!!)

What Did He Say About His Bride????

1. What is the one thing she can’t live without :

Her dogs

2. What is her most prized possession:

Her engagement ring

3. What is her favorite candy:

Sour patch watermelon

4. How many piercings does she have:

3 (counting her ears as one each)

5. What is her biggest pet peeve:

Saying the word MOIST and being touched in any capacity

6. What is her favorite thing to spend money on:

Ice Cream

7. What does she do that really annoys you:

Cleans up my cooking utensils while i’m still cooking!

8. What do you do that really annoys her:

Try to get at least one hug a day

9. If she were a superhero who would she be:


10. Who is her ultimate Hollywood Crush:

Sam Hunt

11. Who wears the pants in the relationship:

I allow her to …..;) lol

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