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From: Owen Ward

Sent: 15 July 2019 17:55

To: Hutton-Parr, Jahnelle <>
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Dear Jahnelle,

The streets need to be cleaned today or tomorrow - and the longer term problems can be
addressed later. To expect the streets to be cleaned after 11 days is absurd. Please take the
time to look at the photos that I have sent.

Sorry if you have read the first email and think that I am being a pest about a reply to that - I
understand it takes a lot of time to deal with something like that. The thing I am being
annoying about now is the state of the streets at this very moment - there are bin bags, a
dead pigeon, and dozens of bits of plastic and things all over the place. I've reported it
multiple times, but nothing has happened. Please get this cleaned up soon!


From: Hutton-Parr, Jahnelle <>
Sent: 15 July 2019 17:47
To: Owen Ward
Cc: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor)
Subject: RE: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Dear Mr Ward,

Thank you for your email. Your concerns have been raised with the Street Environment
Team and you should expect a response by 26/07/19 from officers on this.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,


Jahnelle Hutton-Parr
Member Support Officer

Telephone: +442079742407

From: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor) <>

Sent: 15 July 2019 17:42
To: Owen Ward
Cc: Hutton-Parr, Jahnelle <>
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hi Owen

I am waiting for a response on this. Copied in an officer who can chase for us.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Simpson
Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture & Community Services
Labour Councillor for King's Cross ward

Twitter: @CamdenJonathan

From: Owen Ward

Sent: 15 July 2019 17:40
To: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor)
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hi Jonathan,

The streets have still not been cleaned, and nobody has explained the wheelie bin. There
has been more fly tipping. I am going to start to keep a daily photo record of the mess here -
it's simply unacceptable now. I have attached some photos of the state of the streets
yesterday. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Best regards,

From: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor) <>

Sent: 11 July 2019 12:03
To: Owen Ward
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hi Owen

Thanks for the reminder - I'll get this looked in to.

Kind regards,

Jonathan Simpson
Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture & Community Services
Labour Councillor for King's Cross ward
Twitter: @CamdenJonathan

From: Owen Ward

Sent: 10 July 2019 18:44:08
To: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor)
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hi Jonathan,

I have sent an email about this already - I imagine that it has just been missed, so I'm
emailing again about it.
An old wheelie bin with a hole cut into the top has appeared on our road. It has been used
for litter and is now overflowing and has not been emptied. I wanted to double check with
you that this is not some temporary measure put in place by the council. If it is not, I will
report it as fly tipping.
I may as well take the opportunity to ask if there have been any updates since your last

Best regards,
Owen Ward

From: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor) <>

Sent: 30 June 2019 09:48
To: Owen Ward; Shah, Nadia (Councillor); Beales, Danny (Councillor); Callaghan, Patricia (Councillor);
Mason, Angela (Councillor)
Subject: Re: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hi Owen

I'm your ward Councillor in King's Cross and will follow this up. Really sorry to hear about
the extent of ASB in the area - we know that there has been a significant increase in rough
sleeping in the area and have a dedicated street response team. Their contact details are

I'll look in to your practical suggestions and get back to you ASAP.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Simpson
Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture & Community Services
Labour Councillor for King's Cross ward

Twitter: @CamdenJonathan
From: Owen Ward
Sent: 29 June 2019 16:51
To: Shah, Nadia (Councillor); Beales, Danny (Councillor); Callaghan, Patricia (Councillor); Mason,
Angela (Councillor); Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor)
Subject: Antisocial Behaviour Request.

Hello all,

I am unsure as to exactly who I should be sending this email as it seems to overlap all your

I live in Queen Alexandra Mansions, next to the Town Hall, on Judd Street. We have a lot of
problems with antisocial behaviour, as the roads surrounding our building form a 'cul-de-
sac,' and so are extraordinarily quiet given how close we are to the centre, and the stations.
I am sure that you are acquainted with in particular the problems with rough sleepers
around this area.

There are two main problems that we suffer: littering and vagrancy. I have been talking to
various members of the community to see how we can combat this.
I am in the process of finding how our building, QAM, can help. We installed gates at our
entrances and this proved to be very effective at reducing vagrancy. We are now
considering installing CCTV at the entrances as we still get a large number of littering
offences just around our entrances, as people like to sit at the bottom step and then eat
and/or smoke, which is not protected by the gates. They then simply leave their litter

I am hoping that the council will consider implementing two changes that would help us.

The first is to install more bins around our roads. There is currently one outside 'The
Dolphin', but no others. I have some photo evidence of how bad the littering situation can
become. I found around fifty sites of individual bits of litter on a single afternoon once. I do
believe that people would use more bins - I recently converted one of those gravel areas
around the trees into a flowerbed. It immediately started to be used as an ashtray, as the
soil hides the cigarette butts. Over a week about fifty butts built up. Of course this is
unfortunate for the flowers, but it shows that people are willing to bin cigarettes when
possible. I am not asking for a vast number - perhaps one at the corner of Hastings and
Tonbridge Street, and one in the middle of Hastings Street, or on the corner of Judd Street,
perhaps. I know that Camden employ someone almost every day to clear up this rubbish. I
think it makes more sense to have a bin, and then to have someone come once a week to
empty it.

The second is to install some sort of gating system on Hastings House, as we have done at
QAM. It is a big ask, but antisocial behaviour in these entrances is incredibly common, as an
enquiry to the police would show. I have seen and reported to the police drug dealing taking
place in these entrances on more than one occasion. It seems that in fact a drug dealer lives
within Hastings House which perhaps explains the unusual confluence of undesirable sorts
in that area. If those entrances were gated, I am sure it would all but eliminate antisocial
behaviour there, which is sometimes daily (or rather nightly). This is not conjecture, as the
gate system has had such an effect on QAM.

I have talked to residents of QAM, to the headmistress of Argyle School, and the local police
force about these issues. They all agree with these points and I can provide evidence of that
if necessary. The headmistress of Argyle School is particularly concerned about littering and
has observed even fly tipping outside the school grounds. I think given that there are so
many young children in this area even more consideration should be given to my
suggestions. It is a bad environment for children to be in when there is so much litter

I would also like to suggest the installation of CCTV on Argyle School, Hastings House and
Camden Town Hall, but do not believe this to be so important as installation of gates and
bins. The police admit that CCTV is only effective at deterring the occasional offender,
rather than the 'hardcore'.

Under normal circumstances I would not request something so hefty as all this. However as
the Town Hall is being renovated at some expense, I thought that perhaps these changes
could be tied into the budget for that, as it is part of the area local to the Town Hall. In such
a budget, the cost of some gates and bins is hardly to be noticed.

Best regards,
Owen Ward

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