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Ivy Grace M.

Barte “Life-changing instrument, knocks”


According to Mr. Manoj Bhargava, “ we put an infrastructure together so that great inventions help
the poor half of the world to make their life better, that’s how we define, great invention. Everything is
possible in modern world of exploration, the creation of technology because of innovation. God never stop
to send human with big heart and serve as the voice of the people. Time never stop to move, it symbolize
the importance of making your memories worth it. There are a group of people who lends a willing hand to
change billions of lives in terms of health, water and light. Money is not just a measurement if you are poor
or rich, it is an instrument to spread happiness to others. There is different direction to choose, but we can
change the true about our history, that we face various struggles in our environment. Mr. Manoj Bhargava
and his team craft a modern equipment to send transformation that improve the electricity for free pollution,
produce and ensure clean water and enhance health machineries.

In Farmington Hills, Michigan there is a group of doers with one goal and a good heart to shape the
world in a better future. Formulating great innovation to face the world huge struggles, with the founder
named Manoj Bhargava. A person who spread 99% of his net worth to deliver new invention around the
world. The goal of Billions in Change 1 is introducing and creating machineries with different features. One
of the greatest invention is the “free electric”, a machineries that can have electricity without any negative
impacts in our environment. This amazing hybrid vehicle is generated to stop pollution and lights up the
place for people who suffer darkness in their lives. Then the “rainmaker water,” it is a machine that can
generate high quality of water that make wellness because it has tremendous benefits. It can do thousand
gallons of water in hour that converts dirty water to a distilled water, even a sea water. If we build a plan, it
can transform an innovation. Then the “renew health,” with the ultimate goal of enhancing circulation, where
while the heart is pumping it is resting and while it is resting it is pumping. If you live a trash in any parts of
body it can be a disease. The product of human minds assembles the foundation of growing equipment that
help blind man to see fairness and differences.

In Billion in Change 2, it is the reflection on how to apply the machineries they built to vision how
the art of Science built to make one direction, the changes. They come up to begin and bring innovation in
the land of India, Mr. Manoj is one of reason why there is a plantation of creating this machineries. There
are people without any resources and this is define the goal of Mr. Manoj to create changes through lights,
water and health. The application of electric bike free energy with the combination of energy powerpack, it
is an electricity manufacturing energy with built in led spotlight and ambient light. Also it has a feature
where can run and use for fan, television, laptop, mobile phone, and lights. Aside from this it has multiple
charging methods such as built solar panel, HANS free electric bicycle, and standard wall socket. Stage 2
produced thousands of powerpack with hand briefcase solar. If this equipment and machineries are
everywhere they can save from paying electricity bill, and it help to equip students, workers and others to
earn knowledge and skills that provide opportunities to make their dreams turn to reality. Then, the way of
living on how their resources in daily life, the agriculture where they need a resources of fertilizer, seeds,
pesticides, and diesel for the production. In this chapter they can only gain 2% of their profit, but if they
have knowledge in forming their own fertilizer they can reduce expenses and produce 22% of profit. Mr.
Manoj teach the formulation of Shivansh self-made fertilizer, it cost nothing because it comes from
agriculture waste. This is the reflection of better agriculture faming to promote good quality of production
without using any chemical fertilizer. Then, the rainmaker water, where reflects that water is health care it is
for a healthy of drinking and agriculture process. It can purifies 20-40 liters per minute with the feature of
backflushing extends the life of filters for years

Reality exist when it comes of sharing the blessings we received, thinking not only for own benefits
but to change lives. Eyes vision the deepest truth, ears can hear the suffering, mouth can speak to tell the
reality and hand can serve the world. The different perception in life cannot help; the talks cannot apply
because "self" can build you. The solution is just sitting there, you can call it to form incredible formation
that can apply in our real world, and find answer. God send as the message that time flies and there is a
heart who can change your perception because he/ she creates innovation. Some of the doers of Stage 2
had their own perception, Mr. Ravi Sajwan, he said that “our goal is very simple to deliver innovation that
really impact humanity. It place a big direction to prove that there is a way to put changes just continue to
pursue and educate your hand an mind, and time comes you can combine it to save the world.

Population count billions, every minute there is an addition but also a multiplication of reality that
we face struggles. Human apply the life-long learning that makes life in a modernization and form changes
in billion reasons. Mr. Manoj shares wholeheartedly his 99% net worth to others to say that there is
innovation when there is a persons who can be a doer of transformation. The documentary concludes that
we are in a world of pattern. Where we can see the answer in our problems to save our environment in
pollution through electric bike free energy, ensure the cleanliness of water through rainmaker water,
enhancing the circulation through renew health and Shivansh self-made fertilizer to produce 20% profit
from farming. People are so grateful because God never stop to give a strength and inspiration that serves
as possible solution in our situation. The choice is yours, let us change lives but before that change
ourselves for a better future for our next generation.

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