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Li cense A greement

for Green Eclipse free products

You must read this document before installing this software. Continuing the installation will signify your approval and
acceptance of these terms.

This is an agreement between you, the user, and Green Eclipse, regarding the use of the software you are installing. If
you do not agree to these terms, you may not install or use this software. These terms may be updated or revoked at
any time by Green Eclipse, and any future version of this document will supersede this one.

This product is copyrighted by Green Eclipse, and is protected by international copyright treaties. This license does not
grant you ownership of the software product, only a license to use it under certain terms. Green Eclipse and the
names of Green Eclipse products are trademarks of Green Eclipse. Our products may include or otherwise require
redistributable software components provided by other organizations. For more information, visit our website at

Your license to use this product

This product is property of Green Eclipse. If this product was provided free of charge by Green Eclipse, you are
licensed to use this product for both personal and business purposes. You must not reverse engineer this software, or
otherwise try to discover the source code or the property contained within the software. These actions will
immediately void this license for you to use this software. You may run this software only if you agree to the terms of
this license agreement.

Your copyright rights

In short, you have copyright of the stuff you make, and we keep the copyright for stuff we made. The long version:
You retain all rights and responsibilities related to content created with this product, i.e. documents you create with our
product, and software you develop that uses our software. You are free to distribute them as you see fit under the
terms of this license. In some cases, the output produced by a Green Eclipse product is a combination of your content
and Green Eclipse property (for example, a web page automatically generated by one of our products may include code
or images that belong to Green Eclipse); in this case, you are licensed to use the Green Eclipse property only in
conjunction with the content you created with the Green Eclipse product. For example, if a Green Eclipse product
produces interactive web pages with script, you are allowed to edit the content and script of the web page, but you are
not allowed to reuse the script code in a competing product or claim it as your own work. If you transfer your
copyright rights to another party, they must agree to these terms in order to use the Green Eclipse property. For
software components, other rules apply; see below.

Software components
If this product is a software component for use in software production, the same restrictions and disclaimers apply to
both the user of the software component, and the end user of the product utilizing the software component. Be sure
to read the disclaimers that say that we can't promise that the software will work properly on every computer in the
world. You may freely distribute the software components with your application as you see fit, in their original form or
in any other form specifically authorized by Green Eclipse. If you are creating another software component based on a
Green Eclipse product, your component must add significant functionality, and cannot take credit for actions that are
being performed by the Green Eclipse product as its own.

Green Eclipse will not distribute your personal information for any reason, and will only collect it under certain
circumstances, with your approval, such as when purchasing a product or service or requesting technical support. For
further information, visit

Beta Software
If this product is labeled as “beta” or “test” software, or has any similar markings, you should be especially careful to
back up any important files before using the software with them. Green Eclipse does not guarantee that any feature
will remain in the product or have the same functionality in a final release of the software, or that such a final release
will take place.
Green Eclipse currently offers no-charge support via the Internet (its website, and by email) for any product released
by Green Eclipse. This is subject to change at any time. Green Eclipse does not guarantee that a solution will ever or
can ever be found for the specific problem you are having. Support by other means, such as telephone, is not

Non-English Systems
Green Eclipse develops and tests software for English-language systems. While most of the software will run correctly
in other languages, especially Latin-based languages, Green Eclipse cannot support its software when run on non-
English systems.

Publication of the software in a (non-free) commercial collection requires prior permission from Green Eclipse. (For
example, a free Internet publication does not need permission, while a compact disc sold in stores or online does.)
We’ll probably be fine with it, but we want to ensure that the software isn’t misrepresented—we want people to know
it’s freely available.

You agree not to hold Green Eclipse responsible for any potential damages as a result of using this software or not
being able to use it, direct or indirect. Don't use this software in a system that must be utterly fault-tolerant like a
missile silo. (You'd try it if we didn't say you shouldn't.) We certainly do not expect it to happen, but Green Eclipse is
also not responsible for any loss of data of any kind resulting from use of their products, or of products utilizing Green
Eclipse software components. Always back up your files. We can't guarantee that any software will work on a specific
system configuration. We're not perfect, and nobody can guarantee that their software is. To the maximum extent
permitted by law, Green Eclipse disclaims all warranties, either express or implied. If you are not sure that you are
legally permitted to use this software, you must not install it.

If you have any questions about this license agreement or what it means to you, please contact us via our feedback
form at at your convenience. If, for any reason, any part of this agreement is
rendered void, the other provisions in the document will remain in full effect. This license was updated 30 August

If and only if you agree to these terms, you may continue the installation of this product. Enjoy!

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