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Have to be close to freshwater

Excellent flyer: Smaller damsel flies are cautious, don’t take a lot of risks. Big dragon flies fly at 50 km/
hour. 30 flaps/second. They eat any insect prey.

They also eat their own species.

Most Butterflies have colored scales so they don’t lose their color after death. Glass moths have very
few color scales.

Dragonflies are found on all continents. Can have a speed of 130 mi/hour with the wind behind them.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of dragonflies species are unknown to man. Dragonflies are 80x as old as
we are. They originated 380 million years ago. Dragonflies haven’t changed much since then, only in
size. Outer part is made of chitin. The body design Is basically perfect.

Dragonfly babies are underwater. They undergo metamorphosis ouside.

There are dragonflies that have wings that are colored metallic blue or greens. They have different flying
patterns than others. The body is also colored metallic blue or greens. They are social insect and flock
together in groups.

Near the end of a dragonfly’s life, the wings have holes in them and the body has lost color. Dragonflies
are about 7-8 weeks (considered ancient). Damsel flies are 1-2 weeks. Dragonflies can’t stand autumn or
winter since they’re cold blooded and depend on the environment to keep their metabolism going.
Winter damsel flies and another one can survive the winter.

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