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the stereotypes

Stereotypes are subjective constructions that an individual or

group of individuals performs on another individual or group.
They simplify reality and can be positive, negative or neutral.

The biggest problem with stereotypes is that they are very

difficult to eliminate and almost always result in some type of

tipes of stereotypes

stereotypes of beauty
Beauty stereotypes are based on social beliefs and are generally
detrimental to those who become slaves to them because they
limit their choices and opportunities and fix their ideas towards
social practices that become obsessive. In them we can see the
discrimination of gender and other failures of humanity to which
we are subjected daily, even many women tend to think that they
are never good enough to be guided by certain paradigms or

The key to dealing with the stereotypes of beauty that society

imposes is on acceptance, it is not enough to love oneself, YOU
MUST BE LOVED! As you are, respect your self-esteem,
confidence and attitude.

stereotypes of gender

that women are housewives and that they must take care of
children and household chores, while it is the man who must go
out to work and provide for the family. Currently, this stereotype
is being reversed significantly. In fact, in many university careers
that were previously associated with men, today the percentage
of women is higher. In any case, there is talk of some
discrimination against women in the workplace, because it
continues to happen that they earn less than men to occupy the
same job.

stereotypes of religion

Religious differences, in their eagerness to designate their own

God and their own faith as the only true one, leads to pointing
out and criticizing those who believe that the spiritual life can be
lived differently.

What is it?

a religious stereotype is one that identifies and distinguishes one

religious belief from the other, such as Christians, Jews,
Muslims, Indus, Buddhas, even atheists

Another very common stereotype that is given is to say that all

Jews are merchants and greedy

stereotypes of race

They are directly related to skin color or race, whether it is a

white person or a black person, because whites are considered

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