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Excellence in Aging; For Men.

Introduction i
Twelve Strategies.
Strategy # 1: Wake Up, You’re Dying. 2
By Claude Steiner PhD
Strategy # 2: Plan To Live Long and Well 6

Strategy # 3: Let Go. 10

“…they say in the end, it’s the wink of an eye…” Strategy # 4: Love Is The Answer. 14
Jackson Browne
Strategy # 5: Eliminate Hatred. 18

Strategy # 6: Master Your Domain. 22

Strategy # 7: Don't Groan When You Sit Down. 26

Strategy # 8: Sex: Keep It Up As Long As You Can. 30

Strategy # 9: Surround Yourself With Youth. 34

To the men in my life
Strategy # 10: Wisdom: Shut Up And Learn. 38

Strategy # 11: Master Imperfection. 42

Strategy # 12: Transcendence. 46

Copyright  2008 Berkeley, CA. End Notes 50

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issues related to men’s aging. I am speaking primarily to
Introduction what one might call the spiritual, mental aspects of
aging. Regarding the physical, I will assume that you are
In 2005, on my 70th birthday, I announced to a adequately informed about the latest, readily available
gathering of my family and friends my intention to live knowledge regarding th importance physical exercise
ten thousand more days—to age one hundred. and diet in aging. Here, we will discuss the inner work
that can enable a man to enjoy a healthy body and an
I first considered making such a resolution in 1971 when open heart as he ages.
I was 36 and my mentor, Eric Berne, died at the .
alarming age of 60. Eric, a renowned psychiatrist and It goes without saying that with these writings I am
author had said people choose their life scripts and attempting to illuminate my own path. Doing so has
hinted that he would die at the same age as his mother; helped in many ways. Still, I have been reminded that, at
He died almost exactly on schedule. I became aware times, I fail to follow my own advice, I am hoping to be
that I had a plan to die right before the dawn of the third allowed the time to eventually do so. All I can say is that,
millennium which I suddenly realized meant dying at 65. however imperfectly, I strive to practice what I preach. If
I decided then I must change this life script and when my there is a virtue to this work it is the specific selection of
70th came, I had gotten used to people telling me how strategies and the brevity of their presentation. Eric
they marveled at my apparent vigorous age. Berne’s Transactional Analysis, Vipassana Meditation,
and the Kundalini Chacras. have informed my life in
I am helped by longevity genes from my parents, but dramatic ways which I will illustrate.
anyone can choose to live well for however long as their
genetic make-up will allow, and they can do so by Why do I write this book especially for men? Men and
cultivating themselves in profound and fundamental women are different and age differently; physically,
ways. sexually and emotionally in ways that significantly impact
their vitality and awareness. Hence I’ve chosen to focus
My principal purpose in writing this book is to direct the on men’s issues.Is this book for you?. Not everyone is
reader's attention to important but seldom discussed ready. You may or may not be.

book has been helpful to my progress on this arduous
On my 70th birthday in 2005 I resolved to attempt to live road. Still, I have been reminded that, at times, I fail to
ten thousand more days—to age one hundred—every follow my own advice, specifically regarding anger. In
day as if it was my last and committed to living the sort addition I have much to learn about the final strategy—
of life that would facilitate that centenarian outcome. transcendence and spirituality—and I am hoping to be
allowed the time to do so. All I can say is that, however
My principal purpose in writing this book is to direct the imperfectly, I try to practice what I preach.
reader's attention to important but seldom discussed
issues related to men’s aging. The factors that affect If there is a virtue to this work it is the specific selection
aging favorably are amply discussed elsewhere. Every of strategies and the brevity of their presentation. I will
centenarian has a formula for longevity, from a daily make reference to three realms of knowledge: Eric
ounce of whisky or gram of bee pollen, to never eating Berne’s Transactional Analysis, Vipassana Meditation,
broccoli. Many centenarians mention love and/or faith as and the Kundalini Chacras. Each of these systems has
a factor. Basically, Harry Truman had it roughly correct informed my life in dramatic ways, which I intend to
when he advised: "Pick the right grandparents, don't eat illustrate.
or drink too much, be circumspect in all things and take
a two mile walk every morning before breakfast." I will Why do I write this book especially for men? Men and
assume that you are adequately informed about the women are different and age differently in important
latest, prevailing wisdom regarding physical exercise, ways; physically, sexually and emotionally, at the very
diet, antioxidants and all the physical facts of aging. For least. From my experience, in addition, life affects men
those who are not well acquainted with that information I differently than women in ways that significantly impact
provide an annotated bibliography their vitality and awareness. Here I want to focus on
. men’s issues.
It goes without saying that with these writings I am
seeking to illuminate my own path. Writing this -i- Is this book for you? I notice that men in the over-sixty
zone will either read it eagerly or turn away from it right
away. Not everyone is ready. You may be. –ii-

Strategy # 1
Wake Up, You’re Dying
Lets begin by accentuating the negative. Do not despair;
this book is about the good news, which will come later.

For years you may have known, with your rational mind,
that you will eventually die. You may believe that you
have made peace with the fact, but inevitably the wake-
up call, that sudden, gut realization that it’s actually true:
that you will die, will likely shake you to your roots.

The deepest, for some, terrifying awareness of the

certainty of death is a watershed event in a person’s life.
For some it comes as early as childhood. The rest of us,
to our temporary peace of mind and possible eventual
detriment, seem to want to avoid that awareness for as
long as possible. Unless we are unexpectedly, suddenly
killed by a bullet or truck, we will sooner or later realize,
sometimes just a few days, hours or minutes before our
last breath, that Death is nigh.

People who narrowly escape death and are given a

reprise have long remarked on this fact: after a near
Albrecht Durer
-1- brush with death, life takes on new meaning and glitter.
This book is about the time between the existential -2.

Strategy # 1
Wake Up, You’re Dying
Lets begin by accentuating the negative. Do not despair;
this book is about the good news, which will come later.

For years you may have known, with your rational mind,
that you will eventually die. You may believe that you
have made peace with the fact, but inevitably the wake-
up call, that sudden, gut realization that it’s actually true:
that you will die, will likely shake you to your roots.

The deepest, for some, terrifying awareness of the

certainty of death is a watershed event in a person’s life.
For some it comes as early as childhood. The rest of us,
to our temporary peace of mind and possible eventual
detriment, seem to want to avoid that awareness for as
long as possible. Unless we are unexpectedly, suddenly
killed by a bullet or truck, we will sooner or later realize,
sometimes just a few days, hours or minutes before our
last breath, that Death is nigh.

People who narrowly escape death and are given a

reprise have long remarked on this fact: after a near
Albrecht Durer
-1- brush with death, life takes on new meaning and glitter.
This book is about the time between the existential -2.

Strategy # 2
Plan to Live Long and Well
It turns out that 100 years, give or take a few, is a
lifespan that can be achieved with proper planning and
luck. Beyond that, statistical life expectancy at age 100
is a mere two years. A hundred years amounts to thirty
six thousand five hundred days; a reasonable goal to try
to achieve.

"Each person decides, early in childhood, how he

will live and how he will die, and that plan which
he carries in his head wherever he goes is called
his script."
Eric Berne MD

People often, early on, design their life's narrative,

complete with life span. Just as children persuade
themselves that they will grow up to be firemen, nurses,
lawyers, doctors, engineers or soldiers they can equally
decide that they will be lovers, haters, doers, observers,
builders, destroyers, winners or losers, long or short-
lived, Apollonian or Dyonisian. Once selected, these
William Blake prophecies tend to fulfill themselves. –6-

Strategy # 2
Plan to Live Long and Well
It turns out that 100 years, give or take a few, is a
lifespan that can be achieved with proper planning and
luck. Beyond that, statistical life expectancy at age 100
is a mere two years. A hundred years amounts to thirty
six thousand five hundred days; a reasonable goal to try
to achieve.

"Each person decides, early in childhood, how he

will live and how he will die, and that plan which
he carries in his head wherever he goes is called
his script."
Eric Berne MD

People often, early on, design their life's narrative,

complete with life span. Just as children persuade
themselves that they will grow up to be firemen, nurses,
lawyers, doctors, engineers or soldiers they can equally
decide that they will be lovers, haters, doers, observers,
builders, destroyers, winners or losers, long or short-
lived, Apollonian or Dyonisian. Once selected, these
William Blake prophecies tend to fulfill themselves. –6-

A life-script will be reflected in its author's everyday long string of human exchanges. As a transactional
behavior. The person who has taken on the narrative of analyst, I believe that interactions between people,
life-long depression will choose friends and partners that transaction-by-transaction, determine the quality of their
are congruent with that life style. He will gravitate toward lives. The sure fire method of changing our life is to
people who will depress him with their actions or other change the way we interact. Change your interpersonal
depressed people who will agree that "life is hell and behavior and, if needed, change the people you interact
then you die." People who choose a peaceful narrative with and your life as well as your life- span will change
will associate with like-minded, non-violent people; and
these non-violent people will be shunned by those who Short life or long life? To a large extent it's up to you.
choose a narrative of violence. Please don't misread what I am saying as a variant of
the periodically popular nonsense: "you are in control of
Similarly, when planning for a short or long life we everything that happens," "if you want to be rich the
choose our activities, foods and “games” to fit the plan. secret is to visualize being rich" or “whether you live long
Life scripts will be embodied in our daily relationships or die young is entirely your decision.”
and in every action we take, often evident to the trained
eye. Its as if people wear their existential mottoes on Clearly, it is easier to live longer next to a California
their sweatshirts: "Winner," "Loser," "I’m With Stupid," redwood forest surrounded by healthy, happy people
"Trust me" or "Live Today" in front, and "Sucker," or "Die than over a toxic dump in the midst of poverty and crime.
Tomorrow" on the back, for everyone to see. Few people have the luxury of choosing exactly where
and how to live; what choices do you have? For those
Scripts will tend to persist but they are optional, and the who are interested in a long and happy journey, the
harmful ones can be re-decided later in life, when the important thing is to plan to inhabit such a long life,
conditions that caused us to choose them when we were pursue the strategies suggested here and then trust that
young, change. The show can be "closed and a better the plan will become reality.
one put on the road," Berne said. Changing one’s script
is achieved by deciding to do so and then, most “Do not go gentle into the good night,” Dylan Thomas
importantly, applying the changes we decide to make to admonished his father. “Rage, rage against the dying of
our daily relationships and behavior. Life is a –7- the light.” Plan to live long and well, I say. –8-

An intelligent person would not choose to invest in a ill-conceived but all too common method of hanging on
declining asset; yet we do invest in our declining lives to life. In fact the opposite dynamic is true; if a longer life
because of those valuable, hidden promises—love, is the goal, the effective strategy is to give up, or away,
wisdom and transcendence—that can be achieved. In possessions, attachments and encumbrances as we
fact investing in life is an obvious and intelligent choice make psychic room for life-enhancing human riches to
because the alternative will result in bitterness, take their place.
depression, hopelessness and, arguably, an early death.
A friend of mine said: "I plan to die as I drop my last
As we strive to age gracefully some of us will notice that quarter in a parking meter." I wish it were as easy as it
we look and feel younger than our age mates. It’s sounds. He did not succeed as he died unexpectedly.
tempting to take pride in this and feel superior and self- That balancing act—when to hang on or when to let
satisfied. Insofar as we age well due to our genetic go—Is exquisitely difficult. Hanging on and letting go can
inheritance, the more appropriate response might be be crucial life decisions, forks on the road which can
gratitude—and compassion for those not so lucky. We determine the quality of the rest of our lives.
can take satisfaction in the health that we enjoy due to
our own efforts but it’s important to remember that aging As time passes and you are subtly and gradually forced
fundamentally entails loss, and that pride comes before to let go of options, people, money, material
the fall. Hubris—pride—is a common mistake of the possessions, physical prowess and stamina you will
powerful, known through the ages to be a dangerous have a corresponding opportunity to accrue spiritual
self-indulgence, and it can be an obstacle to accepting dimensions—an open heart filled with well-earned love,
loss when it comes. the subtle skills of open and reciprocal communication,
the power of wisdom and experience and the limitless
Letting go—the opposite of hubris and hungry possibilities of spiritual transcendence—so that when
attachment—is part of the paradoxical process of you die you can dissolve, or ascend if you prefer, into
growing with the inevitable losses. A common, fear the seamless, cosmic dust.
ridden old-age affliction is hoarding money or filling
one’s living spaces with things, sometimes to the point That said lets look at what else might be helpful, for the
that they literally crowd us out. This is an -11- Lions of Winter, to achieve a strong finish. –12-

Strategy # 3
Let Go
Life is a dramatic, temporary, local exception to the
second law of thermodynamics: The law of entropy. This
law tells us that everything in the universe declines.
Dedicated to reversing this implacable law is the life
force—nature’s healing hand, vis medicatrix naturae.
The life force is fueled by the energy from the sun
accumulated in our cells, and its mission is the constant
battle of regeneration against decay. And while the end
of any individual life is predictable and inevitable, life
itself continues its relentless struggle and will prevail, in
some form, as long as the sun shines.

As you experience the unavoidable entropy in your own

life’s trajectory, it’s important not to panic. You will have
to stay calm and take the bad with courage and dignity
as you pay attention to the good, with cheer and
optimism. All of this while acknowledging the most
essential fact of our existence: We live and then (sorry)
we die. As we assimilate that inexorable reality we need
to accept the inevitable and obvious losses while—I
-- repeat—we keep an eye out for the opportunities and
-9- Matthew Baek gains to be outlined in this short book. –10-

An intelligent person would not choose to invest in a ill-conceived but all too common method of hanging on
declining asset; yet we do invest in our declining lives to life. In fact the opposite dynamic is true; if a longer life
because of those valuable, hidden promises—love, is the goal, the effective strategy is to give up, or away,
wisdom and transcendence—that can be achieved. In possessions, attachments and encumbrances as we
fact investing in life is an obvious and intelligent choice make psychic room for life-enhancing human riches to
because the alternative will result in bitterness, take their place.
depression, hopelessness and, arguably, an early death.
A friend of mine said: "I plan to die as I drop my last
As we strive to age gracefully some of us will notice that quarter in a parking meter." I wish it were as easy as it
we look and feel younger than our age mates. It’s sounds. He did not succeed as he died unexpectedly.
tempting to take pride in this and feel superior and self- That balancing act—when to hang on or when to let
satisfied. Insofar as we age well due to our genetic go—Is exquisitely difficult. Hanging on and letting go can
inheritance, the more appropriate response might be be crucial life decisions, forks on the road which can
gratitude—and compassion for those not so lucky. We determine the quality of the rest of our lives.
can take satisfaction in the health that we enjoy due to
our own efforts but it’s important to remember that aging As time passes and you are subtly and gradually forced
fundamentally entails loss, and that pride comes before to let go of options, people, money, material
the fall. Hubris—pride—is a common mistake of the possessions, physical prowess and stamina you will
powerful, known through the ages to be a dangerous have a corresponding opportunity to accrue spiritual
self-indulgence, and it can be an obstacle to accepting dimensions—an open heart filled with well-earned love,
loss when it comes. the subtle skills of open and reciprocal communication,
the power of wisdom and experience and the limitless
Letting go—the opposite of hubris and hungry possibilities of spiritual transcendence—so that when
attachment—is part of the paradoxical process of you die you can dissolve, or ascend if you prefer, into
growing with the inevitable losses. A common, fear the seamless, cosmic dust.
ridden old-age affliction is hoarding money or filling
one’s living spaces with things, sometimes to the point That said lets look at what else might be helpful, for the
that they literally crowd us out. This is an -11- Lions of Winter, to achieve a strong finish. –12-

Strategy # 5.
Eliminate Hatred.
The opposite of Love is hatred. Love and Hate are
deeply ingrained biological tendencies; everyone has
potential for both. Hate against “the other” derives from
our territorial instinct lodged in the reptilian portion of our
brain. We have evolved to the point that we can control
our aggressive hateful instincts but when hatred and
anger aren’t controlled and become chronic they will
steadily inject deadly, self manufactured toxins directly
into your very blood, and circulated into every part of
your body—especially your heart—and keep you
poisoned from within, even as they may seem to
temporarily invigorate you.

Cleanse your Heart of hatred; life is short, and anger

and hate shorten it further. Men’s hearts are often
entangled with anger, aversions and hatred. Clearly,
anger is sometimes justified, even necessary. But take a
simple test: Do you erupt into thinly justified rage—
-17- George Grosz
however brief and subtle—at home, at work, on the
street, in your day or night dreams, every so often?-19-

Do you, in your relationships, hold emotionally persistent view as it absolves you of the traumatic sins of violent
grudges and aversions which you consider reasonable emotional abuse you may have committed and all the
while others do not? If so, consider the possibility that pain you may have generated. But no amount of self-
your heart has been colonized by anger. Hate and anger serving denial of your responsibility will bring you peace.
are reasonable when we are abused and can't get away
from our abusers. In the absence of abuse, however, Find reconciliation instead. Make an inventory of your
frequent anger probably represents archaic, unresolved angry misdeeds and take responsibility for them by
feelings of hatred that need to be acknowledged, seeking serious, heartfelt, face-to-face forgiveness for
confronted, controlled and resolved. your hurtful actions. This is a worthwhile task, I assure
you, even if difficult. Next, gently seek apologies from
People express anger routinely, through racism and those that have hurt you and, if apologies are not
prejudice, most of the time unknowingly. Every person forthcoming, practice unilateral forgiveness. Having
no matter how saintly—and few approximate that forgiven, having taken responsibility and having made
standard—will feel and express unwarranted anger amends, make it your business to systematically avoid
sooner or later. Eventually we all make serious, violent anger and violence, physical or emotional for the rest of
mistakes in which real emotional damage is caused. your life.
These mistakes generate virtual swamps of ill feeling
affecting everyone. A serene, long life cannot be lived In the Vipassana Buddhist tradition seeing and ac-
without draining these violent poisons of hurt and anger cepting things as they are is the highest achievement.
within us. One way in which we fail to see things as they are is
when our vision is clouded not only by our heart's
The best way to manage and hopefully eliminate anger aversions but also by its attachments. Both of the
is to acknowledge and regret it whenever it rears its ugly Heart's emotions—Love and Hate—must be confronted
head in you and to apologize to its victims, especially to to attain excellence in aging. Hate needs to be taken in
children. You may believe that you bear no responsibility hand, but Love, indispensable as it is, can be a problem
for the pain you cause in others with your angry as well. There is such a thing as harmful loving excess
behavior; that is a common belief espoused by many: when we give love away, recklessly, to one that doesn’t
"I’m not responsible for your emotions" is a convenient reciprocate or appreciate it, or to one that exploits it. -20-

Strategy #6
Master Your Domain.
We may own large properties and control many people
but our only and ultimate domain is our body. Depending
on how we live, rich or poor, powerful or powerless, our
bodies can be awash in potent, alien, often toxic,
polluting chemical influences. Pesticides, herbicides,
and food and drink additives are difficult to avoid but
then, to make things worse, we voluntarily take in large
amounts of nicotine, caffeine, sugar, fat and of course
that omnipresent and bedeviling chemical; alcohol.

Seeking the magic bullet for our ailments--big and small-

-we consume over-the-counter uppers, downers and
sidewayers. We consult physicians who have no time to
talk, look or feel. Required to swiftly get us out of their
offices to make room for the next-in-line, they loosely
prescribe unproven cocktails of endless variants of anti-
depressants, anxiolytics, anti-psychotics and narcotics
that, helpful or not, have substantial side effects.

We give up control of our lives to chemicals—legal,

illegal, prescribed or over the counter—as well as the
chemical ingredients in our food and drink. These man-
-21- Leonardo Da Vinci
made products refined and concentrated by skillful -22-

scientists provide a desired effect at a price and for depression, a pinch of Xanax when we have an episode
profit, with little attention paid to side effects. of unbearable anxiety, Zyprexa when psychosis
overtakes us, Oxicontin when we experience acute pain,
Add to this witch’s brew the toxic substances that we Ambien to get some sleep, pot or alcohol when we want
generate ourselves when we lose control of our to relax, a pill when we can’t get, and want, an erection,
emotions and become angry, fearful or depressed. and an “energy drink” when we need a burst of energy.
These emotions have powerful, biochemical and Use these powerful chemicals beyond the initial positive
hormonal components—insulin, cortisol, adrenaline— effect, however, and face addiction or dependency. In
that we internally inject into our bloodstream. And let’s fact, they may not help at all and deliver only their side
not forget testosterone which can reach high levels and effects, or they may quit working after a while.
motivate inappropriate aggressivity. The result is that
after the short-lived primary effects of these substances True healers know this: most illnesses, if left alone in a
fade, we feel deeply sickened. As we age we tend to clean, nurturing environment will get better on their own.
assume that our ill feeling is due to aging when it may in Drugs can help but only nature—vis medicatrix
fact be poisoning. naturae—will keep you alive. Of course drugs can be
very helpful with chronic conditions like high blood
Arrayed against the vicious, toxic effects of these pressure and cholesterol, chronic pain, diabetes, etc.
powerful chemicals are the molecules generated by the For each of these illnesses there may be helpful, life-
positive emotions of Love, Joy and Hope: oxitocin, extending medications. Still, each one represents a
serotonin, dopamine—also hormones—through which negotiated bargain of positive and negative effects.
nature's powerful healing hand functions.
Inventory your body’s chemical domain, including the
But what if we are truly sick? The fact is that given half a self-poisoning of negative emotions. Whenever possible
chance most acute diseases are resolved by nature’s avoid man-made chemicals and if you allow them use
drive for health. Chemicals, used discreetly and them appropriately and in as a small dose as possible
appropriately, can give the life force an opportunity to do while always considering their side effects. On the
its magic, as for example ibuprofen for temporary aches, whole, depend on Mother Nature and a little help from
a short course of Prozac when we are hit by paralyzing your friends to keep you alive and well. –24-

Strategy # 7
Don't Groan When You Sit Down.
My mother used to say. "When you wake up in the
morning and something hurts that's good news. It means
you’re still alive." So just because doing something hurts
does not exempt you from doing it. That said, its very
important never to groan when you sit down.

Every groan is a mini-surrender in the battle for a long

life. As you lower yourself into a chair, couch or bed you
can give up power, collapse, fall in and give a groan of
relief. On the other hand, instead of allowing sitting
down to become a small, albeit comfortable, defeat you
can make it a power move. Lower yourself with full use
of your leg and back muscles and if you can't help letting
out a groan of pain, borrow the Marine's battle cry:
"Boooyah!" instead. The same process applies to getting
up from a chair or out of bed: don't help yourself with
your arms. If necessary mutter: "Boooyah!" Every
"Boooyah!" (or Ho-YA, the Tantric version) is a
Longevity Warrior’s mini-victory against the grim reaper.

It may seem that I can’t make up my mind between

facing reality and letting go on one hand and resisting on
the other. In fact, aging repeatedly places us on the –26

horns of the familiar dilemma: when to give in and when physical or personal position. Your body will be firmly
to resist. As we age we increasingly face that choice, planted, comfortable with the force of gravity and your
and the decisions we make can be crucially important. mind will be steady.
Think them over, seek advice and choose well. If you
make a mistake—struggling on when it would be best to Over time we can lose our capacities for balance, our
surrender, or surrendering when it would be best to agility will be challenged, and we may become
struggle—correct it post haste and keep on trucking. enfeebled and insecure on our feet. This development
should be struggled against as long as possible. Wear
This is especially true about mobility the longevity good shoes, take care of your feet, exercise and stretch
warrior's major weapon system. Keep your legs greased your leg muscles whenever you can. Don't lean against
and feet working as long as possible and don’t abuse walls or use handrails when walking up or down stairs.
your knees by jogging. Make use of every opportunity to Stand up to put on your pants and socks and balance on
walk, indoors and out, up and down stairs. The easy gait one foot while on the phone or when brushing your
of youth may deteriorate but as with every other teeth, if you can. Eventually, as you lose your capacity
faculty—like hearing, where we compensate by reading for physical grounding, compensate by strengthening
lips—the brain will develop new neural paths to make up your psychological and emotional equilibrium.
for the loss, provided you don’t give up. Persist by
walking, with arch supports, a cane or walker, knee or And while we are talking about our pants don’t let your
hip replacement if need be. Don’t give up without a fight. attire get sloppy. As a longevity warrior you must pass
daily muster; proud, clean and groomed. Make sure that
Maintaining the musculature of core strength required for there is someone in your life that will help you choose
good equilibrium is essential to walking. Equilibrium, clothes, keep you neat, well dressed and—Yes!—sexy.
Centering, Grounding, in the ancient system of Kundalini Get one or two large mirrors to look at yourself, front and
Chacras, is the capacity to be rooted and comfortable back and never go out in public in your gym clothes.
while standing, walking or climbing. When you have a Pick up your feet, soldier. Death to the old man's shuffle!
well-developed faculty of balance, you know where you Hold your head high, keep your eye on the sky! "Ho-
stand and where you are going. You are able to "stand Ya!," “Boooyah,” "Can do!” -28-
your ground” and will not be easily pushed out of your

Strategy # 8
Sex; Keep It Up As Long As You Can
Sex is an eagerly avoided subject, but it is crucial to our
discussion. In the hundreds of books available about
aging, sex is barely, if ever, mentioned—except to
reassure us that it is still possible, with stories of
octogenarians waltzing from ballroom to blissful coitus.
In fact, sex is important for health and the feeling of well
being in aging.

Orgasms are the essence of sexuality, an electrifying

flow of the life force, galvanizing the body. Men can
survive without them, but orgasms are an undeniably
positive influence on our mood and health, to be
pursued for as long as possible

If there isn't a loving person in your life, or if the person

you love doesn’t enjoy bringing you to orgasm, what are
the acceptable alternatives? Most people have trouble
comfortably imagining others, especially old people,
masturbating. Nor are they at ease to imagine
simultaneous masturbation in an elder couple. The life
long social and inner opprobrium leveled at self-
-29- Franz Masreel pleasuring is pervasive. Yet there is nothing wrong with
it, as we should clearly know. The Critical Parent–30-

can be relentless in its life-long persecution of those who men but gradually loses its pressing nature. Studies of
engage in onansim. If you are with a partner who has older people’s sexuality show that we are able to
lost interest in intercourse, it’s worthwhile overcoming participate in joyful and invigorating sexual activity,
any reticence that might keep you from inquiring if she alone or with a partner. If sexual desire wanes, however,
(or he) would be open to, and supportive of, other the need for affection and physical contact, not
options. If your are alone your options are different but necessarily of a sexual sort, persists to the end.
still widely available.
On the other hand, there is an interesting relationship
We can have a burning desire for sex while our body between sexuality and dancing: Joyful dancing to strong
does not cooperate and denies us erections or orgasms. music can be an energizing activity of life-affirming
That decline can have a number of reasons: overall pleasure akin to sexuality and orgasm, and can rival sex
health, libido impairing medication, depression, lack of in its beneficial, life-affirming effects. Great dancing is
privacy, lack of a partner for sexual expression, guilt and probably better than so-so sex and it also supplies the
other negative attitudes about sex, all go into the mix. biochemical epiphanies that will help keep you young.
Wild and abandoned dancing of that sort is almost as
Others find that their sexual desires have completely difficult to find as joyful sexuality; neither is generally
disappeared. Some will accept this development as a allowed to old people who are supposed to sit quietly
welcome relief from the obsessive pursuit of sexual and smile in order to be appreciated. Dance groups, or
satisfaction. For those who want to prolong their private teachers that welcome older folks are often listed
sexuality a good rule is “use it or lose it.” Fortunately on the Internet. Or you can always dance by yourself.
there are various surprisingly effective aids to keeping it
up: one type is chemical, the other visual. Chemical aids Regarding sex, remember to be discreet and don’t mix it
are well known, and then you can take your laptop to with alcohol or other intoxicant drugs. Sexual needs can
bed, find your favorite sexual fantasy on YouPorn or drive us to excesses particularly embarrassing for the
some other such website and have a sexy time. old. As my mentor and friend, Eric Berne, advised
regarding the expression of our Inner Child: “Whatever
The evidence seems to be that libido, that is the desire you do, think of next morning's headlines." -32-
for sexual experience, can persist into the nineties for

Strategy # 9
Surround Yourself with Youth.
It's no secret that, short of access to the mythical
fountain of youth, the presence of young people and
young ideas is a powerful catalyst to excellent aging. By
“young” I mean about twenty or more years younger
than you, so for older readers that could actually mean
seventy or eighty years old.

To start with, one's own and one's friend's children and

grandchildren of any age are ideal connections to be
pursued. Baby-sit your youngest friends. Invite them to
the toy store or to their favorite mall, take them shopping
for holiday and birthday presents, help at their schools,
chaperone them on camping trips, invite them out to
dinner or on a vacation. And all the while, talk to them
about their interests and tell them interesting stories.

If you are lucky enough to be around little children, get

down to their eye level and make sure that they are
listening; you can tell by how big their eyes get. Between
three and six years old a sure fire conversation starter is:
"Have you ever been stung by a bee?" Between six and
-33- ten years old, "What's your favorite video game?" and
then ask them about their most wanted technology. –34-

Sometimes it's difficult to start conversations with young respect for their elders; capturing that interest is an
people; what are they interested in? How does one important aging skill. One solution is to hire young
wrest them away from computers and TV? Persist people as servants or companions. However, when
gently, let curiosity be your guide and be prepared to money becomes the reason for a young person to
encounter a wholly novel worldview just as complex associate with an older gentleman the relationship can
and intricate as yours to connect with and pursue. become murky and unhealthy for both parties. But when
the motivation is the natural, mutual interest that the
People of all ages like to be asked about themselves as young and the old have in each other, even if money is
long as the questions don't frighten them. The right involved, the connection can be most beneficial.
inquiry will be answered eagerly if you show interest and
ask good follow-up questions. Keep up with youthful Hugh Hefner, 81, who plans to have sex until 100, lives
interests and technology. with three very young girlfriends who presumably keep
him active and young. Most men don’t have access to
Here is a fascinating, related, ancient paradox. The adoring younger lovers with whom to live out their lives,
highest, most revered card in the Tarot divining deck is as have so many famous old men. But young people
the Fool. The Fool is portrayed as a happy guy about to abound and many will share themselves with the aged in
dance off the edge of a cliff, yet he is wise. Interesting what can be a mutually beneficial relationship.
the young is about being shrewdly curious and creatively
foolish at the same time. Very young children love This is a dangerous, taboo subject that many will identify
silliness, tricks, word games, dumb jokes and making with emotional and sexual exploitation, which it can be,
loud animal and farting sounds. Use your judgment with but need not, and should not be. Like all minorities, older
the latter and don’t swear within children’s hearing. men are the victims of denigrating labels; in our case we
Older kids love stories, the more creatively told, even have to guard against the “dirty old man” stereotype by
made up the better. At the end of the story its good to eschewing inappropriate, sexualized behavior or verbal
ask: “What do you think is the moral of this tale?” innuendo with young people that we may find attractive.
In addition, given the understandable current fears about
Whether 60, 40, 20 or two, young people have a sexual abuse of the young, we must take great care to
potential, instinctive, sometimes hidden interest and -35- remain above suspicion around children. –36-

Strategy # 10
Wisdom; Shut Up And Learn.
One of the big mistakes old people make is to believe
that just because they are old, they can say anything
that comes to mind. It's as if because you are old and
about to die soon anyway you have nothing to lose. In
fact after a certain age, people will let you get away with
the most outrageous utterances, even pretending that
they are a form of esoteric wisdom when they may be
plain foolishness. Indulgence breeds disrespect,
disrespect breeds isolation, and isolation is a sure killer.

Saying anything that comes into one's mind is often

justified as a love of truth. Though love of truth as well
as love of others and self are the keystones to a good
life, these values must be kept in balance. Excessive
regard for a subjective notion of truth leads aging men
and women to make statements in ways that are
insensitive and counterproductive. To love truth and to
be truthful are definitely important. Lies are as corrosive
as chemical toxins and as detrimental to excellent aging.
Keeping track of lies, let alone telling additional lies to
cover up past ones, can occupy large portions of a
person's brain, even if the lies in question are “little white
-37- lies.” We can't afford to clutter our minds with -38-

deception and cover-ups. That includes lies about our not saying "obviously," “certainly” or "clearly," about
emotions, positive or negative, minor or major; one’s own opinion, no matter how sure we are about it.
everything deceptive you say or secret you fail to reveal Conversely, when people do or say foolish things,
can reap important consequences. Forswearing lies and wisdom will prevent you from using distempered words
embracing radical truthfulness are the royal road to a like "ridiculous," nonsense," or "bullshit" about them,
clear, open mind. The secret is in developing the fine art and their opinions. Often the best thing one can do is to
of being radically truthful (no lies, period) while at the shut up, ask occasional questions, listen, learn and, if
same time remaining considerate, thoughtful and safe. asked, express one’s opinions in a measured way. And,
it goes without saying; grumpiness and wisdom do not
Getting old is supposed to have advantages. For some mix
men, one bonus is the welcome decrease in
testosterone-driven aggressivity and obnoxiousness. I To the extent that we have acquired wisdom it is
have failed to find other rewards, except, hopefully, important to find an outlet for it. Being unable to express
wisdom. The wisdom of aging comes from being around one's talents is extremely painful. That is what I’m trying
a while longer and knowing a bit more than others. to do for myself with this little book. It is important that
we find use for our skills, as tutors, teachers, volunteers,
Wisdom according to Mark Twain is "listening when you writers, organizers, whatever or wherever your wisdom
would rather be talking." Listening is not merely waiting can find application, paid or unpaid.
for the other person to stop talking so you can start. True
listening involves more than just your ears but your Whenever you have something truthful and important to
whole body, tuning in and resonating to the other say but you are not asked for your opinion you can offer
person's being, the way a plucked guitar string is sent it: "Would you like to know what I think?" If you get a
into vibrating motion by another, tuned to it. Wisdom is blank stare in response be patient; good ideas need to
to the mind what agility is to the body. Wisdom is also be groomed and carefully repeated and often take some
about respect for things as they are, about changing time to establish their wisdom. To give the lie to the old
one's mind in the face of facts and yet having a definite prejudice that you can’t teach and old dog new tricks, be
opinion and being correspondingly self-assured while ready to recognize, after reflection, that your contribution
open to revision by reality. Wisdom requires -39- may not be as important as you first thought. –40-

Strategy # 11
Mastering Imperfection.
Inevitably, as we go through life, we will face difficult,
sometimes extremely difficult, times, which will demand
courage, determination and guts to overcome. But what
to do if living becomes profoundly and uncontrollably
imperfect and we decide, after thorough and sober
reflection that we no longer want to go on? What if our
mortal suffering begins to include too much physical and
moral pain, too much panic and dread, the terminal loss
of stoicism? When do we reasonably consider a willful

Unfortunately, not everyone can have a golden old age.

When hard times hit and living seems intractably
intolerable some people would choose to end their lives
rather than face the indignities of ungracious aging.
Others believe that it is an unpardonable sin to terminate
one's life no matter how flawed it may be and believe
that they are compelled to live every day that is offered
by God or Nature, regardless of how painful or joyless.
Others may be persuaded that ending life is what they
truly want, but can’t find a method that would not cause
great shock and grief to their loved ones. –42-

Some, it is said, can find dignity, wisdom and advanced age. Anyone exceeding sixty five will almost
transcendence through extreme suffering and choose to certainly start experiencing those imperfections and
do so. But if that difficult goal is not attainable, ordinary among them the bite of ageism. The prejudice against
mortals must not be forced to believe that they have to the old is relentlessly manifested in the media; on TV in
endure any and all of fate’s agonies. I believe that our ads and situation comedies. As we age we may become
life is ours to live in any way we wish, to the bitter or aware of people’s ageist, cruel and inconsiderate, if
sweet end. This is our ultimate privilege and everyone unwitting, reactions. People will look through us or fail to
should feel free to choose for himself. see us and the unspoken attitude of many—though not
most young children—when they see that we are old is
When we despair and believe that we would prefer not to discount our significance. Don’t let prejudice dissuade
to live we need to ask whether or not we are in a you from living on, if you so desire. Remember that there
temporary depression that could eventually clear up. are still places on this Earth were the Old Ones are
The answer to that important question can’t be left to the admired and respected, and for good reasons.
experts; it needs to be answered by you, hopefully with
an open minded and wise advisor by your side. So, If you desire to live on, why not plan to live one
hundred years, every day as if it was the last one? "One
I have decided on a plan. If the day comes when it
day at a time," is a fundamental, paradoxical, survival
seems, after much exertion, that life is not worth living
strategy that certainly applies to the predicament of the
and has become uncontrollably imperfect, I will stop
so-called "golden" years. Imperfection will come and
eating and announce the end to my loved ones.
confrontation with it will be inevitable. But when taken
Hopefully I will be able to fulfill a common dream—dying
one day at a time, with luck and our loved ones
at home cared for and surrounded by family and
hopefully at our side, boldly struggling with everyday
friends—and won't be force-fed in a hospital bed as I try
imperfections, excellence in aging can indeed make our
to make a decorous exit.
ending years golden. An excellent attitude can make
The idea of living to be a hundred is repugnant and getting old a good trip and if imperfection becomes
frightening to some, probably because there is a vast dominant and irrevocable, everything can be brought
prejudice against the imperfections that accompany into line with a noble and dignified death. –44-

Strategy #12
Aging is about loss and the greatest loss of aging is the
loss of personal power culminating in Death. During the
peak of power of our mid-years, power is understood by
many men to be based on control over others, money
and possessions. But power comes in many alternate

Borrowing from the ancient system of Kundalini chacras,

I have defined and renamed seven increasingly spiritual
energy centers of personal power starting with the three
“lower” ones; the power of Grounding (centering,
balance, agility,) the power of Sex (passion, sexuality,
emotional vehemence) and the power of Control
(management, dominance, power plays.)

As these lower powers—called lower only because they

are most earthbound—wane and our appetite and
aptitude for them diminishes, the other, higher, side of
power; the power of Love, the power of Communication,
the power of Wisdom and finally, the power of
Transcendence, are freed to develop. As we lose power
. here we can regain it there.

I have spoken of three “higher” powers; Love, Easier by far to say than to do, but transcendence
Communication and Wisdom. That leaves us the highest allows us to "rise above" any situation, regardless of
and last frontier of personal power; transcendence. how dismal, letting us trust and feel powerful within our
Transcendence, a state of mind alternately referred to as inviolable selves in spite of whatever happens. The
a State of Grace, Nirvana and even Nothingness is the power of transcendence gives one hope, calm and faith
power of detachment from the material and the earthly. that there is a meaning to life beyond what one's limited
When viewed as a source of power, transcendence is intelligence can grasp. Above all, transcendence allows
the power of equanimity and fearless joy, of allowing us enjoy life to the end and to accept trouble without
events to take their course, of not letting negative depression, and death without fear.
emotion, attachments or aversions hold sway, of
allowing laughter to take us above the clouds. For some, Transcending is about moving on to the next stage, be it
such a state of mind is natural and easy; others need utter silence or reincarnation, white light, heaven or hell,
meditation and discipline to achieve it. with elegance, flair, humor and, above all, dignity.
Whatever you believe faces you after death; satisfying,
If Letting Go helps us accept our physical losses as they even joyful progress toward that final point is a
arrive, transcendence leads us to find positive calm and worthwhile and attainable goal. Much has been written
even mirth. Transcendence lets us see clearly, in the and said about transcendence and it’s mysteries. In the
midst of earthshaking changes as we realize how brief last analysis, transcendence is the final and most
life is before we return to cosmic dust, how ephemeral important strategy of excellence in aging.
our successes and failures, how much larger than
ourselves the world and the universe really are. These
realizations can be shocking and depressing at first. But
they can also put a smile on our face, and shake us with To Life, Good and Long
a cosmic giggle, when we see that our pain, loneliness
or exhaustion pale in the context of the immensity of Filled with Love, Wisdom and Fun
time and space.
A Strong, Happy Finish.

End Notes: About Eric Berne’s theory of scripts, I recommend two
of his books to illustrate the way in which people waste their
These notes are intended to amplify the strategies suggested in time between birth and death: Games People Play, (1964,
this book. The books mentioned are available through on-line Grove Press) his huge best seller and What do You Say After
book stores and many sources can be found on the internet You Say Hello, (Grove Press, 1971) his last work. If you want
addresses given, as well as through various search engines. to read about scripts see my book Scripts People Live. (Grove
Press, 1974)
One; Wake up Regarding how to change one’s script read Bob and
Alan Alda, the celebrated movie actor has written eloquently Mary Goulding’s Changing Lives Through Redecision
about the reprise that comes after a dramatic brush with death Therapy (Grove Press, 1997)
in his book: Things I overheard while talking to myself. (2007, A stunning example of this decade’s version of the
Random House) nonsensical notion that we have absolute power of what
Speaking of aging jokes, the body-building icon Jack happens to us is the current fad, The Secret, which quotes the
LaLanne, at an admirable 94, seemed to want to avoid the "law of attraction." based on Hindu teachings that "like
awareness of death by concentrating on diet and exercise. He attracts like." Rhonda Byrne the author of the best selling
joked: “You know, I can’t afford to die—it would be bad for book The Secret (Atria Books, 2006) writes "Everything that's
my image!” Another of his jokes: “I have sex almost every coming into your life you are attracting into your life,"
day. Almost Monday, almost Tuesday, almost…” That’s what
I mean by whistling past the graveyard! Three; Let Go
George Bernard Shaw lived to be 94 and, concerned How we are a temporary exception to the Second Law of
with aging, wrote Back to Methuselah. “Oh! to be seventy thermodynamics can be read in Erwin Schrodinger’s popular-
again” may be an apocryphal quote but it makes sense. science book What is Life? (Cambridge Press, 1992) He used
the concept of “negative entropy” explaining that a living
Two; Live Long system exports entropy in order to maintain its own entropy at
According to government statistics-- a low level and to avoid the effects of entropy as dictated by the second law, doing just the opposite, that is, increasing
expected life span at 100 is two years. –49- organization—life—which intuitively, seems like the converse
of entropy. –50-

Hubris is a Greek concept of timeless applicability. I explore apology and forgiveness and how to put them
Hubris, a human weakness to be avoided at all costs was a into action in my book Emotional Literacy; Intelligence with a
frequent cause of disaster in Greek tragedy. Hubris according Heart (Personhood Press, 2003)
to its modern usage, is exaggerated self-confidence Vipassana, which in Hindu means: “to see things as
(overbearing pride), often resulting in fatal retribution. “Pride they are,” has as its goal to give up ignorance, attachments
commeth before the fall” says it all. and aversions. It is one of India's most ancient techniques of
meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than
Four: Love is the Answer. 2500 years ago and is presently being taught all over the
For the scientific research backing up Dr. Ornish’s assertion world in free, ten day, silent meditation programs. Read more
read his book: Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis for the on:
Healing Power of Intimacy. (Harper-Collins, 1997.)
I coined the term “warm fuzzy” in 1969 when I wrote Six: Master your domain
the Warm Fuzzy Tale. Today “warm and fuzzy” has become For a source of information on harmful chemicals in food, see:
part of the popular lexicon. You can read about the mythical
reason why people don’t give each other strokes on my web additives/
site (in nine languages) or in the illustrated book The Original About the dangers of psychiatric medications see:
Warm Fuzzy Tale (Pro-Ed Press, 1974)
About love chemicals see
Five: Eliminate hatred
For a report on the research of Edward Suarez linking anger to Nature’s Healing hand: Vis medicatrix naturae.
cardiac illness, read: Widely attributed to Hippocrates, the notion of Nature’s healing hand has been a guiding belief of a segment of the
ain644961.shtml Depression and anger account for the 50% medical profession down the ages. See Andrew Weil’s
of heart attacks that occur among people who do not exhibit Natural Healing (Little Brown and Co.,1992)
any of the traditional risk factors for heart disease.
For an excellent article about anger management see Seven: Don’t Groan According to yogic writings and oral tradition, the power of
-51- Kundalini is raised through specific meditative practices –52

using the chakras, the psycho-spiritual energy centers along Regarding visual sexual stimulation, in short
the spine. The chakras are nerve plexes or centers of force and pornography there is an infinite a number of amateur clips
each chakra is a source of power with special characteristics. available for free on as well as pay
My reinterpretation of the Kundalini Chacras can be websites with professional content. Finally I believe that if
found in my book Emotional Literacy (Personhood Press, available, legally and in dignified form, prostitution is a valid
2003) also available on my web site along with my book The source of sexual and/or sensual pleasure for men who can
Other Side of Power. afford its high-priced professional providers.
Regarding the importance of walking see: Strategy Nine: Youth
Regarding the importance of equilibrium see The Fool in the ancient Tarot divining deck is a much- discussed icon. The Fool is the spirit in search of experience,
Regarding the plasticity of the brain and its capacity the mystical cleverness and childlike ability to understand
for regeneration see reality. The Fool carries all his posessions on his back. A dog
Regarding regeneration in the aging brain see: nipping at his calf representing animal desires distracts him. Unconcerned and trusting, he is about to walk off the edge of
a cliff.
Strategy Eight: Sex For excellent suggestions about how to ask questions
Studies show that frequent sex and orgasms translate into that promote conversations see : Conversationally Speaking
lower death rates for both men and women (Duke University, by Alan Garner (Lowell House, 1997)
1970) and lower risk of heart attacks for women Hugh Hefner the “lifestyle enterpreneour” of Playboy
(Psychosomatic Medicine, 1976). A study conducted in fame is the icon of old men being sustained by the youth that
Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation is surrounds them and that he may or may not be exploiting.
crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems. See: hughhefner.htm Judge for yourself
I recommend the movie “Venus” with Peter O’Toole
which dramatically portrays an aging man’s predicament Ten: Shut up and learn
involving his sexual needs and alcohol. Regarding lying and truthfulness, read my essay
“Radical Truthfulness; An Immodest Proposal” in which I

I have spoken of three “higher” powers; Love, Easier by far to say than to do, but transcendence
Communication and Wisdom. That leaves us the highest allows us to "rise above" any situation, regardless of
and last frontier of personal power; transcendence. how dismal, letting us trust and feel powerful within our
Transcendence, a state of mind alternately referred to as inviolable selves in spite of whatever happens. The
a State of Grace, Nirvana and even Nothingness is the power of transcendence gives one hope, calm and faith
power of detachment from the material and the earthly. that there is a meaning to life beyond what one's limited
When viewed as a source of power, transcendence is intelligence can grasp. Above all, transcendence allows
the power of equanimity and fearless joy, of allowing us enjoy life to the end and to accept trouble without
events to take their course, of not letting negative depression, and death without fear.
emotion, attachments or aversions hold sway, of
allowing laughter to take us above the clouds. For some, Transcending is about moving on to the next stage, be it
such a state of mind is natural and easy; others need utter silence or reincarnation, white light, heaven or hell,
meditation and discipline to achieve it. with elegance, flair, humor and, above all, dignity.
Whatever you believe faces you after death; satisfying,
If Letting Go helps us accept our physical losses as they even joyful progress toward that final point is a
arrive, transcendence leads us to find positive calm and worthwhile and attainable goal. Much has been written
even mirth. Transcendence lets us see clearly, in the and said about transcendence and it’s mysteries. In the
midst of earthshaking changes as we realize how brief last analysis, transcendence is the final and most
life is before we return to cosmic dust, how ephemeral important strategy of excellence in aging.
our successes and failures, how much larger than
ourselves the world and the universe really are. These
realizations can be shocking and depressing at first. But
they can also put a smile on our face, and shake us with To Life, Good and Long
a cosmic giggle, when we see that our pain, loneliness
or exhaustion pale in the context of the immensity of Filled with Love, Wisdom and Fun
time and space.
A Strong, Happy Finish.


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