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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will assess the current evidence for using coenzyme Q10 supplements
Drug Information Pharmacist, Department Assistant Director, Drug Information Services and Medical Director for Wellness Enterprise, Center for
of Pharmacy, Cleveland Clinic Formulary Management, Department of Pharmacy, Integrative Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic

Coenzyme Q10:
A therapy for hypertension
and statin-induced myalgia?
Some small clinical trials seem to show that coenzyme
C oenzyme q10 supplements have been
purported to be effective for treating a va-
riety of disorders, in particular hypertension

Q10 supplements can be used to lower blood pressure and statin-induced myalgia.
and to treat or prevent myalgia caused by hydroxy- Several studies3–7 found that coenzyme
methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins). Q10 supplementation significantly lowered
However, larger trials are needed to determine if they are blood pressure in hypertensive patients. More-
truly effective for these purposes. The authors examine over, some trials have demonstrated that statin
therapy reduces serum or muscle levels of co-
the evidence and also discuss issues such as bioavailabil- enzyme Q10,8–14 prompting investigations to
ity, elimination, safety, and cost. determine whether coenzyme Q10 deficiency
■ ■KEY POINTS is related to statin-induced muscle pain.15–17
In this review, we discuss the efficacy and
In some clinical trials, coenzyme Q10 supplements sig- safety of coenzyme Q10 supplementation in
nificantly lowered diastolic and systolic blood pressure. patients with hypertension and those taking
statins, and some of the caveats about using
supplements that are not approved by the US
Statins may lower coenzyme Q10 serum levels, and some Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well
investigators have evaluated the relationship between as the bioavailability and quality of available
coenzyme Q10 deficiency and statin-related myalgia, but formulations.
more evidence is needed to support the use of coenzyme
Q10 supplements to prevent or treat myalgia. ■■ WHAT IS COENZYME Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 supplementation appears to be relatively Coenzyme Q10, also known as coenzyme Q,
safe. Most clinical trials have not reported significant ubidecarenone, and ubiquinone, is found in all
side effects that necessitated stopping therapy. Gastro- human cells, with the highest concentrations
intestinal effects include abdominal discomfort, nausea, in the heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas.1,2 It
vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Allergic rash and head- is a potent antioxidant, a membrane stabilizer,
ache have also been reported. and an integral cofactor in the mitochondrial
respiratory chain, helping to generate adeno-
sine triphosphate, the major cellular energy
source.1,2,18 It may also regulate genes associ-
ated with cell metabolism.19

*Dr. Leonard has received honoraria from Amgen for teaching and speaking activities.

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■■ RATIONALE FOR SUPPLEMENTATION the upper limit of normal, statin therapy may
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation has been be continued, but if it exceeds 10 times the
used, recommended, or studied in heart fail- upper limit, then statins and other potential
ure, hypertension, parkinsonism, mitochon- offending agents (eg, niacin, fibrate) need to
drial encephalomyopathies, and other ail- be discontinued.
ments. Statins inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol
by reducing the production of mevalonate, a
In hypertension precursor of both cholesterol and coenzyme
Depending on the class, various antihyper- Q10. Since both cholesterol and coenzyme
tensive drugs can have adverse effects such as Q10 are produced by the same pathway, it is
depression, cough, and cardiac and renal dys- not surprising that statins have been reported
function.20,21 Furthermore, many patients need to reduce serum and muscle coenzyme Q10
to take more than one drug to control their levels.9–14 However, one study did not report
blood pressure, increasing their risk of side ef- a significant reduction of coenzyme Q10 lev-
fects. Some researchers believe coenzyme Q10 els in muscle tissue in patients treated with
supplementation may reduce the need to take simva­statin 20 mg for 6 months.26
multiple antihypertensive drugs.5 Nonetheless, researchers have hypothe-
Coenzyme Q10 appears to lower blood sized that a reduction in coenzyme Q10 levels
pressure. The exact mechanism is not known, in muscle tissue causes mitochondrial dysfunc-
but one theory is that it reduces peripheral tion, which could increase the risk of statin-
resistance by preserving nitric oxide.21 Nitric induced myopathy,13–17 and some believe that
oxide relaxes peripheral arteries, lowering treatment with coenzyme Q10 may reduce
blood pressure. In some forms of hyperten- myalgic symptoms and allow patients to re-
sion, superoxide radicals that inactivate nitric main on statin therapy.13,24
oxide are overproduced; coenzyme Q10, with Researchers have investigated the poten-
its antioxidant effects, may prevent the inac- tial of coenzyme Q10 supplementation to re-
tivation of nitric oxide by these free radicals. duce or prevent statin-induced myopathy.15–17
In the body, Alternatively, coenzyme Q10 may boost the (More on this below.)
cholesterol and production of the prostaglandin prostacyclin Interestingly, a randomized, placebo-con-
(PGI2) a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of trolled trial27 found that 6 months of daily
coenzyme Q10 platelet aggregation, or it may enhance the therapy with simvastatin (Zocor) 20 mg or
are produced sensitivity of arterial smooth muscle to PGI2, pravastatin (Pravachol) 40 mg lowered sys-
or both.1,22 tolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly
by the same in patients with no documented history of
pathway In patients taking statins cardiovascular disease or diabetes. A possible
Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase mechanism of statin-induced blood pressure
inhibitors (statins), first-line agents for lower- reduction is the up-regulation of endothelial
ing cholesterol levels to prevent cardiovascu- nitric oxide synthetase, a potent vasodilator.
lar disease, are some of the most commonly Coenzyme Q10 levels were not assessed dur-
prescribed medications.23,24 However, statin ing this study. Whether coenzyme Q10 sup-
therapy carries a risk of myopathy, which can plementation used to treat statin-induced
range from muscle aches to rhabdomyoly- myalgia enhances or inhibits the antihyper-
sis.23,24 tensive effects of statins is not yet known.
In a clinical advisory,25 the American Col-
lege of Cardiology, the American Heart As- ■■ EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS
sociation, and the National Heart, Lung, and IN HYPERTENSION
Blood Institute recommend that patients on
statin therapy who experience muscle sore- A number of trials provide clinical evidence
ness, tenderness, or pain with serum creatine that some patients with high blood pressure
kinase levels 3 to 10 times the upper limit of may benefit from coenzyme Q10 supplemen-
normal should have their creatine kinase level tation (TABLE 1).3–7,28–31
checked weekly. If the level is 3 to 10 times Rosenfeldt et al28 performed a meta-

Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplements on blood pressure
INVESTIGATORS No. OF PATIENTS Blood pressure (mm Hg)
Group Group  Group Group

Yamagami et al3 20 168/96 167/97 164/93 148/91 a

Digiesi et al 31
18 167/103 167/103 166/103 156/95 b
Langsjoen et al5 109 — 159/94 — 147/85 c
Singh et al6 64 166/105 168/106 164/103 152/97 d
Burke et al7 85 164/82 165/81 163/82 147/78 e
Statistically significant difference in systolic pressure vs baseline, P < .01
Crossover study; statistically significant differences in systolic and diastolic pressures vs baseline and vs placebo, P < .001
Cohort study; statistically significant differences in systolic and diastolic pressures vs baseline, P < .001
Statistically significant differences in systolic and diastolic pressures vs placebo, P < .05
Statistically significant difference in systolic pressure vs baseline and vs placebo, P < .01

analysis and found that some trials document- Q10 supplementation brought a mild reduc-
ed statistically significant reductions in dia- tion in high blood pressure in patients who
stolic or systolic blood pressure or both, while had low coenzyme Q10 serum levels.
others reported negligible effects.3,29 In one Digiesi et al31 randomized 18 patients with
small trial,30 blood pressures actually went up essential hypertension to receive either co-
in patients taking coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme enzyme Q10 100 mg or placebo daily for 10
Q10 dosages and length of therapy varied weeks. All antihypertensive therapy was dis-
from study to study in the meta-analysis. Only continued at baseline. After the first 10 weeks, Some clinicians
minor adverse effects such as gastrointestinal patients went through a 2-week washout pe- believe taking
upset and headache were reported. riod and then were switched to the opposite
Yamagami et al3 randomly assigned 20 pa- therapy for an additional 10 weeks. Mean coenzyme Q10
tients with hypertension and a low coenzyme baseline blood pressure values were 167 mm may reduce
Q10 level to receive 100 mg of coenzyme Hg systolic and 103 mm Hg diastolic.
Q10 or placebo daily for 12 weeks. Patients Those taking the supplement had a sta-
myalgia and
continued their usual antihypertensive regi- tistically significant decrease in systolic and allow patients
men during the study period. Blood pressures, diastolic pressures (P < .001). The antihyper- to stay on
coenzyme Q10 levels, and antihypertensive tensive effect was noted in the 3rd or 4th week
drugs used were comparable between the study of active treatment and persisted for the dura- statin therapy
groups. tion of therapy. The effects dissipated 7 to 10
After 12 weeks of therapy, the mean coen- days after coenzyme Q10 was stopped.
zyme Q10 level in the active-treatment group Langsjoen et al5 evaluated the effects of
had more than doubled, from 0.704 to 1.597 adding coenzyme Q10 to the antihypertensive
μg/mL. This group also experienced a statis- drug regimen of 109 patients who had a pri-
tically significant drop in systolic blood pres- mary diagnosis of essential hypertension in a
sure, from 167 mm Hg at baseline to 148 mm prospective observational study. Patients with
Hg at 12 weeks. In the placebo group, the sys- hypertension as a secondary diagnosis and
tolic blood pressure was 168 mm Hg at base- other cardiovascular diseases were excluded.
line and 164 mm Hg at 12 weeks; the change Variable doses of coenzyme Q10 were given,
was not statistically significant. Diastolic pres- adjusted according to clinical response and to
sure was not significantly lower at 12 weeks achieve serum levels greater than 2.0 μg/mL.
than at baseline in either group. The average dose was 225 mg/day; the mean
The authors concluded that coenzyme serum level attained was 3.02 μg/mL.
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Over several months, patients taking the Hg. There were no significant changes in dia-
supplement had a reduction in mean systolic stolic pressure in any study group with treat-
pressure from 159 mm Hg at baseline to 147 ment. Patients with isolated systolic hyper-
mm Hg (P < .001), and a reduction in mean tension who were taking coenzyme Q10 had
diastolic pressure from 94 to 85 mm Hg (P < a statistically significant reduction in systolic
.001). Thirty-seven percent of patients were pressure compared with baseline and placebo
able to discontinue one antihypertensive (P < .01 for both). Approximately 55% of
drug, 11% discontinued two drugs, and 4% patients on coenzyme Q10 achieved a reduc-
were able to stop taking three drugs. However, tion in systolic pressure of 4 mm Hg or greater,
46% remained on the same antihypertensive while 45% did not respond to therapy. The
regimen, and 3% needed an additional drug. mean plasma coenzyme Q10 level of the treat-
Singh et al6 randomized 64 patients who ment group increased from 0.47 ± 0.19 μg/mL
had coronary artery disease and who had been to 2.69 ± 0.54 μg/mL after 12 weeks; however,
on antihypertensive drugs for more than 1 year the study did not have the statistical power
to receive either B-complex vitamins or coen- to demonstrate a relationship between coen-
zyme Q10 (hydrosoluble Q-Gel) 60 mg orally zyme Q10 levels and changes in blood pres-
once daily for 8 weeks. Five patients were not sure. Twenty-seven (34%) of the 80 patients
available for follow-up; therefore, only 59 pa- were taking a statin while on coenzyme Q10
tients were evaluated. Fifty-five (93%) of the therapy.
59 patients were taking only one antihyper-
tensive drug. Initial antihypertensive drug use ■■ STUDIES IN STATIN-INDUCED MYOPATHY
was similar between study groups and was con-
tinued throughout the trial. Thibault et al32 and Kim et al33 reported
After 8 weeks of therapy, the coenzyme that patients taking lovastatin (Mevacor) at
Q10 group had significantly lower systolic dosages as high as 35 mg/kg/day to inhibit tu-
and diastolic blood pressure than the placebo mor growth achieved symptomatic relief of
group (P < .05 for both). There was also a sta- statin-induced musculoskeletal toxicity after
In Singh et al, tistically significant decrease in the dosage of coenzyme Q10 supplementation.
after 8 weeks, antihypertensive drugs in the coenzyme Q10 Caso et al15 performed a small pilot study
group but not in the placebo group (P < .05), in 32 patients to determine if coenzyme Q10
the coenzyme reflecting coenzyme Q10’s additive antihyper- supplementation would improve myalgic
Q10 group had tensive effect. symptoms in patients treated with statins. In
Burke et al7 randomized 41 men and 35 this double-blind, randomized trial, patients
significantly women with isolated systolic hypertension received either coenzyme Q10 100 mg/day
lower systolic (systolic pressure 150–170 mm Hg, diastolic or vitamin E 400 IU/day for 30 days. The ex-
and diastolic pressure < 90 mm Hg) to receive a twice-daily tent of muscle pain and its interference with
dose of 60 mg of emulsified coenzyme Q10 daily activities were determined before and
pressures than (hydrosoluble Q-Gel) with 150 IU of vitamin after therapy using the Brief Pain Inventory
the placebo E or placebo containing vitamin E alone for Questionnaire. The statins were atorvastatin
12 weeks. The study also included 5 men and (Lipitor) 10 mg or 20 mg, lovastatin 40 mg,
group 4 women with normal blood pressure, all of pravastatin 40 mg, and simvastatin 10, 20, 40,
whom received coenzyme Q10. A total of 80 and 80 mg. Five patients in the coenzyme Q10
patients completed treatment. The primary group and four patients in the vitamin E group
goal of the study was to determine the efficacy were taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of isolated drugs before and during the trial. The inten-
systolic hypertension in patients without co- sity of muscle pain and its interference with
morbid conditions. Blood pressures were mon- daily activities were similar between study
itored twice a week during the trial, by the groups before the start of therapy.
same nurse. After 30 days of treatment with coenzyme
After 12 weeks of treatment, the mean Q10, the pain intensity had decreased signifi-
reduction in systolic pressure in hypertensive cantly from baseline (P < .001). In contrast,
patients on coenzyme Q10 was 17.8 ± 7.3 mm no change in pain intensity from baseline was

noted in patients receiving vitamin E. The A USP-verified dietary supplement should:

Pain Severity Score was significantly different • Contain the exact ingredients listed on the
between study groups, favoring the coenzyme label in the listed potency and amounts
Q10 group (P < .001). Sixteen of 18 patients • Not include harmful levels of certain con-
on coenzyme Q10 reported a reduction in taminants such as lead, mercury, pesticides,
pain, while only 3 of 14 patients on vitamin E or bacteria
reported a similar response. Also, the interfer- • Appropriately disintegrate and release its
ence of pain with daily activities significant- contents into the body within a specified
ly improved with coenzyme Q10 (P < .02), period of time
whereas vitamin E did not have a significant • Be produced using the FDA’s current Good
impact on this. Manufacturing Practices.36
Young et al17 randomized 44 patients
with prior statin-induced myalgia to receive Side effects, contraindications, warnings
increasing doses of simvastatin (10–40 mg/ Coenzyme Q10 is a relatively safe dietary sup-
day) in combination with either coenzyme plement. It is contraindicated in patients who
Q10 (Q-Gel) 200 mg/day or placebo. The pri- are allergic to it or to any of its components.2
mary goal was to determine if coenzyme Q10 Most clinical trials have not reported signifi-
supplementation would help improve statin cant adverse effects that necessitated stopping
tolerance in patients with a history of statin- therapy.34 However, gastrointestinal effects
induced myalgia. Plasma coenzyme Q10 and such as abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomit-
lipid levels were measured at baseline and at ing, diarrhea, and anorexia have occurred.1,2,34
the end of the study. The intensity of myalgia Allergic rash and headache have also been
was assessed with a visual analogue scale. reported.1,2,34 In addition, coenzyme Q10’s an-
At 12 weeks, the coenzyme Q10 plasma tiplatelet effect may increase the risk of bleed-
level was significantly higher in the treatment ing.37,38 It undergoes biotransformation in the
group than in the placebo group (P < .001). liver and is eliminated primarily via the biliary
However, no differences were noted between tract,39 so it can accumulate in patients with
groups in the number of patients who toler- hepatic impairment or biliary obstruction. Mitochondrial
ated the 40-mg/day simvastatin dose (P = .34) dysfunction
or in the number of patients who remained on Interactions with drugs
any simvastatin dose (P = .47). Additionally, Coenzyme Q10’s effects on platelet function associated with
myalgia scores did not differ between groups may increase the risk of bleeding in patients low levels
(P = .63). The authors acknowledged that taking antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin or
there were only small increases in the myalgia clopidogrel (Plavix).37,38 On the other hand,
of endogenous
pain scores reported in either group. There- since it acts like vitamin K, it may counteract coenzyme Q10
fore, patients in the treatment group may not the anticoagulant effects of warfarin (Couma- in muscle could
have experienced sufficiently severe muscle din).1,2,40
pain to have benefited from coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 may have an additive anti- lead to statin-
supplementation. hypertensive effect when given with antihy- induced
pertensive drugs.41
■■ IS COENZYME Q10 SAFE? Coenzyme Q10 may improve beta-cell myopathy
function and enhance insulin sensitivity,
Studies have indicated that these supplements which may reduce insulin requirements for
are well tolerated, with relatively few adverse diabetic patients.42,43
effects or potential drug interactions.1,2,34
The FDA does not routinely assess the pu- ■■ SLOWLY ABSORBED
rity or quality of over-the-counter coenzyme
Q10 products.35 However, the United States Coenzyme Q10 is absorbed slowly from the
Pharmacopeia (USP) does test dietary supple- gastrointestinal tract, possibly because it has a
ments to make sure that they are not misla- high molecular weight and is not very water-
beled and that they do not contain contami- soluble.39
nants.36 One pharmacokinetic study found that af-
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ter a single 100-mg oral dose of coenzyme Q10, feces during chronic oral administration.39
the mean peak plasma levels of about 1 μg/mL
occurred between 5 and 10 hours (mean 6.5 ■■ TWICE-DAILY DOSING
hours).44 Coenzyme Q10 100 mg given orally
three times daily produced a mean steady- A typical daily dose of coenzyme Q10 for
state plasma level of 5.4 μg/mL; about 90% of treating hypertension is 120 to 200 mg, usually
this steady-state concentration was achieved given orally in two divided doses.1 For statin-
after 4 days.39 induced myopathy, 100 to 200 mg orally daily
Some formulations have significantly bet- has been used.1
ter oral bioavailability and therefore produce Coenzyme Q10 is given in divided doses to
higher plasma levels. Soft-gel capsules, espe- enhance its absorption and to minimize gas-
cially those with vegetable oil or vitamin E, trointestinal effects.1,43 Taking it with a fatty
may have better absorption.43 meal may also increase its absorption.43
A pharmacokinetic study showed that the Since solubilized forms of coenzyme Q10
area under the curve of the plasma coenzyme and ubiquinol have significantly greater bio-
Q10 concentration was more than twice as availability than nonsolubilized forms, the
high with Q-Gel soft-gel capsules, a com- therapeutic dose of these formulations may be
pletely solubilized formulation, than with soft- lower.47
gel capsules with an oil suspension, powder-
filled hard-shell capsules, or regular tablets.45 ■■ MONITORING DURING TREATMENT
Another study reported that colloidal-Q10, a
formulation contained in VESIsorb (a novel Without supplementation, the mean serum
drug delivery system sold as CoQsource) had level of endogenous coenzyme Q10 has been
greater bioavailability than solubilized and reported to be 0.99 ± 0.30 mg/L (range 0.55–
oil-based preparations.46 Commercially avail- 1.87).18 Serum levels above 2 μg/mL have
able solubilized preparations containing ubi- been associated with significant reductions in
quinol, a metabolized form of coenzyme Q10, blood pressure.5,7,28
Coenzyme Q10 have been shown to produce higher serum The possible effects of coenzyme Q10 on
supplements levels than solubilized products.47 blood pressure, blood glucose levels, serum
Of note: unless the manufacturer claims creatine kinase levels, and myopathic symp-
may increase that its product is water-soluble, the USP does toms should be kept in mind when moni-
bleeding in not evaluate its dissolution rate.48 Therefore, toring patients who have hypertension,41
USP-verified coenzyme Q10 products that are diabetes,41,42 or statin-induced myalgia.15,17
patients on not water-soluble may have lower bioavail- Coenzyme Q10’s possible potentiating effects
antiplatelet ability than their solubilized counterparts. on antiplatelet drugs and its inhibitory effect
drugs Dry dosage forms of coenzyme Q10 (eg, on warfarin should be kept in mind as well.
tablets, capsules) may be more readily ab-
but may sorbed if taken with a fatty meal.43 ■■ COST VARIES
■■ SLOWLY ELIMINATED Coenzyme Q10 is available in different dos-
warfarin age forms (eg, regular and rapid-release soft-
Taken orally, coenzyme Q10 has a low clear- gel capsules, regular and chewable tablets,
ance rate, with an elimination half-life of chewable wafers, and liquid) from a variety
about 34 hours.39 of manufacturers. Products come in differ-
After absorption, exogenous coenzyme Q10 ent strengths, typically ranging from 30 to
is taken up by chylomicrons that transport it 400 mg. USP-verified formulations are list-
to the liver, where it is incorporated into very- ed at
low-density lipoproteins. It is then distributed plements/ under “Verified Supplements.”
to various organs, including the adrenal glands, Only USP-verified products that claim to
spleen, kidneys, lungs, and heart. Coenzyme be water-soluble meet USP dissolution re-
Q10 is eliminated primarily via the biliary tract. quirements.
About 60% of an oral dose is eliminated in the The cost varies, depending on the vendor.

In general, dosage forms with greater bioavail- cidence of stroke or death from a major car-
ability, such as Q-Gel and ubiquinol supple- diac event. Furthermore, its effects on cardiac
ments, are more expensive. For example, a function, exercise tolerance, and quality of life
regimen of 60 mg twice daily of regular-release have not been determined.
coenzyme Q capsules may cost approximately The bottom line. In some cases, it seems
$20 per month, compared with $60 per month reasonable to recommend this product as an
for the same supply of Q-Gel Ultra capsules. adjunct to conventional antihypertensive
However, in some cases, supplements that therapy. Larger, well-designed clinical trials of
produce higher serum levels may be more coenzyme Q10’s antihypertensive effects on
cost-effective. specific clinical end points such as the risk of
stroke or myocardial infarction are needed to
■■ CURRENT ROLE IN THERAPY define its true therapeutic value.

As an antihypertensive adjunct As a treatment for statin-induced myalgia

Several small clinical trials have shown that Clinical evidence supporting coenzyme Q10’s
coenzyme Q10 supplementation can lower use in the treatment of statin-induced my-
blood pressure. The supplements were report- opathy is limited. Whether coenzyme Q10 is
ed to be safe and well tolerated. Moreover, depleted from muscle tissue during statin ther-
some patients with essential hypertension apy has not been confirmed. Supplementation
who were taking coenzyme Q10 were able helped reduce the severity of musculoskeletal
to discontinue one or more antihypertensive effects of megadoses of lovastatin. However,
drugs. A significant reduction in blood pres- clinical trials of coenzyme Q10 in the treat-
sure with use of coenzyme Q10 would be ex- ment of myalgia associated with antilipidemic
pected to reduce the adverse consequences of statin doses did not consistently report signifi-
hypertension in the same manner as conven- cant improvement. Nevertheless, coenzyme
tional antihypertensive agents. Q10 has been shown to be relatively safe, with
However, no large, double-blind, random- few adverse effects.
ized study has evaluated the impact of coen- The bottom line. In some cases, coenzyme
zyme Q10 when taken with other antihyper- Q could be considered as a possible treatment
tensive drugs (eg, angiotensin-converting for statin-induced myalgia, pending large-scale
enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics) studies to determine if it is truly effective for
on specific clinical end points such as the in- this purpose. ■

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International Symposium on Coenzyme Q10, held at Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail


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