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Definition of Science?

Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another. It is the pursuit
and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic
methodology based on evidence.

Science is the field of study concerned with discovering and describing the world around us by observing
and experimenting. Biology, chemistry, and physics are all branches of science. It is an "empirical" field,
that is, it develops a body of knowledge by observing things and performing experiments. The
meticulous process of gathering and analyzing data is called the "scientific method," and we sometimes
use science to describe the knowledge we already have. Science is also what's involved in the
performance of something complicated: "the science of making a perfect soufflé."

2. Give advantages and disadvantages of technology.


Entertainment: Technology has given us many ways to entertain ourselves. Various websites, including
Youtube, social media, and netflix, offer hours upon hours of entertainment for those boring nights.

Efficiency: The use of technology has made all of our lives incredibly efficient. Machines now build
products at faster speeds, programs can help organize and maintain many different aspects of life, and
even people can usually type faster than they can write. While living in a fast pace world, fast paced
technology is a must.

Social connections: We now live in an era of social media. Everyone has a need to be connected whether
it is to their friends and family or to information, and social media offers it all. With social media we have
never been as connected as we are now. Everyone around us can be reached instantly with a single click.


- Human relations are diminished in the virtual world. As online social networking increasingly replaces
real face-to-face and physical contact, alienation can increase, as well as problems such as cyber-
bullying, online stalking and cyber crime, which are related to the anonymity of the internet.

- Technology brings with it all sorts of enviromental problems. As well as machines and devices often
being made from toxic, or non-biogradable materials, most technologies need a power source, which
can often mean an increase in the consumption of electricity and fossil fuels.

- Human relations are diminished in the virtual world. As online social networking increasingly replaces
real face-to-face and physical contact, alienation can increase, as well as problems such as cyber-
bullying, online stalking and cyber crime, which are related to the anonymity of the internet.
3. Give 2 advantages of technology in the society.


The evoution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At the medical level, technology
can help treat more sick people and consequently save many lives and combat very harmful viruses and

The invention of the computer was a very important point. Communication is thus enhanced, and
companies can communicate more easily with foreign countries. Research is also simplified.

4. Give 2 disadvantages of technology in the society.


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