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Ut IJ 0
By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon named NIGHT,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule-
From a wlld weird clime that
lieth, sublime
Out of SPACE-out of TIME.
-Edgar Allen Poe, DREAM-LAND

editor/publisher 12 The Fire Dragons of Legend .. .. .. .. TC?m R. Kov_ach
16 The CBS-TV "Snow Job" . .. .. .. .. .Robert A. Goerman .

GARY PARSONS 20 Matters of the Mind .. .... ..... ..... .Michael Williams
SAUL GOLDSTEIN 22 Pyramid Energy .............. .............Lee Walsh
associate editors 24 Doppelganger: Your Psychic Double .....Mary Goldstein
28 The CIA UFO Coverup .. ... ............. Curt Sutherly
ANTHONY DEROCCO 31 Bede: Occult Historian . .. .... .... ...John C. Sherwood
STEVE LIEBERMAN 38 The Houston Batman . . ..... .... ... .. ....Rick Barr
. . .

RAMONA CORTEZ 44 Seeing Rainbows .. . .. ... ... . ..... . ....Jo Ann Cicale .

editorial assistants 46 Sex and Mysticism ... . ... .. ...... ..Irwin Ross, Ph.D.

50 Magic Friendship ... .. .... .. .. ..Christine G. Wissner .

managing editor
BRYCE BOND 36 Report From NASA . . ... ..... ... ... .... Samuel Belil
. .

research editors �6 Occult Happenings ... ....... ... ......Ramona Corte� .

space research editor
4 Editorial ...... . ..... ....................Harry Belil
LEE WALSH 6 Letters to the Editor .. ..... ... .... .. .. .The Readers
.. .

south west editor 8 Books For Review ... ................Mary Goldstein


10 Strange and Unknown . .... ..... .. ... , ....Lee Walsh


AARON BEN SAMUEL 42 True Experiences ..... ... ... . ..... . .... .The Readers .

art director 64 Unusual Universe ... .... .. ...... .. .. .Curt Sutherly

. . . .

ZACHARY JAY CREDITS: Front cover, Harry Bell; pages 13,14,15, New
graphic design York Public Library; page 21, Michael Williams; page 22,
Harry Belil; page 30, John C. Slterwood; page 36,37, NASA;
MAXTOTH page 45, Jo Ann Cicale; page 54 Esther Cosme.
BEYOND REALITY M AGAZINE is published bi-monthly by �ond Reality
CURT SUTHERLY Magazine, Inc., P .0. Box 428, Nanuet, New York 10954. Single copy prTce Sl.lS,
contributing editors subscription, $6.00 pet year. Add $1.00 for foreign. No responsibility whatsoever
is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts or photos and, none will be returned unless
accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.Second class postage paid at
Nanuet, New York.© 1977 . No part of this publication may reproduced in whole
or in part without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.

During the past two decades, high-placed govern­

ment and media officials as well as some in the
scientific community, have used their influence to
deliberately stifle discussion of the UFO pheno­
menon. In this issue, Beyond Reality presents two
articles dealing with recent and, not-so-recent es­
tablishment attemps to quash the UFO story. I am
certain that you will find both, The CBS-TV Snow
Job, and The CIA-UFO Coverup very interesting.
On December 4, 1976, the Columbia Broadcasting System televised a
documentary dealing with Flying Saucers From Outer Space. Because of this
program's shoddy treatment of the UFO qestion and the sarcastic manner in
which the material was presented, the viewing public did not get the full story.
Rather, they were suffered to endure a sophomoric, ''pseudo-documentary,''
which intentionally obscured and distorted the facts. See Robert A. Goerman's
rebuttal to this exercise in media obfuscation.
The story of the CIA-UFO coverup concerns the United States Government's
attempts during the 1950's to muffle and put the lid on UFO reports. While
some may argue that the government's actions were necessary in the name of
''national security,'' we at Beyond Reality feel such actions have no place in a
free society: and the reason we are now, more than twenty years after the facts,
printing the story is so that we can keep the issue before the public mind; for,
only by remembering the past misdeeds of our leaders can we prevent their
recurrence. And the coverup, believe it or not, is still continuing in one form or
This is the reason why I feel it is imperative to present such articles to the
reading public. Our magazine is one of the few remaining outposts where
alternative opinion regarding not only UFOs but all matters of parapsychology
can be heard. ·

We feel that it is necessary from time to time to publish a special issue

devoted entirely to UFOs. The next issue of Beyond Reality will be just such an
issue. This special will , I am sure, presents some new insights on UFOs.
We have decided on this policy for two reasons: one; because of the nature of
increasing governmental and media obscuration of what we feel is perhaps the
most important question facing the world today, namely , that regarding UFOs
and the possibility that we on earth may be under continual surveillance and
monitoring by alien beings from outer space, and; two, because of increasing
reader demand for such information.
Please do continue writing us since it is only through your letters that we can
· determine the kind of questions that are on your mind, and the editorial
direction we will be charting in the years ahead.

. rely

4 Beyond Reality
Now! Command ...control ... dominate anyone you choose with the power of
your mind- and your mind alone. Say nothing. Yet, miraculously see people­ TAKE THIS FREE GIFT
even perfect strangers- do exactly what you silently command them to do. Will­ MONOGRAPH AND"START
ingly . ..cheerfully . . • and quickly!
You can do it ... because you have unknowingly done it your entire life. Accept Do you dare to take a cl06e, hard look at yourself?
What's rean,. stopping you from making good? Are
the proposal offered to you for a limited time in this announcement - and I'll you still making excuses about why you can't aftord
prove it to you! that shiny new Caddy, that plush new home, expen­
sive custom-IPade clothes, and all the other trappings
of the rood life?
I woul_d be skeptical If I read an ad like this. But YOU WILL IELIEYE IT • • • MD YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT!
It your ship still hasn't come In . . . or even lf
you've missed the boat, take heart. You eaD make
I'd also be highly Intrigued, as you are now. Stop and think for a moment. Skeptics were once con­
rood, beginning now. And you can do it PREE . • · .
With good reason! The very thought of possessing the vinced that the earth was ftat. They were dead certain
ability to c:-and, control and dominate .then is prob­ that the new-fangled automobtle would never, ever replae& entirely on your own!
ably your secret wish. One which you sincerely believe
could never come true.
the horse and buggy.-Man reach the Moon? Impossible! First, let's face a few facts about YO\l! You may
You and I know differently. The "never happens" of have wondered about "what" it is that stops you from
Well. think again! Your secret wish is aboUt to be yesterday are stark reaUties today. So If you still a being successful. Maybe you •ve been able to pinpoint
granted in full, unmistakable measure. A few short days skeptic, I'm more than willing to give you the opportunity
from now, you are going to demoarirate that fact to your­ to make a liar out of me. To prove that everything I've
lt. You think It's money ... connections ... abWty
self right In your own Uving room. ...or just dumb luck.
told you so far could "never happen".
Along with the opportunity to prove me wrong, I'll also
On that fateful, momentous occasion, you are going to Yet the "what" you believe stands in the path of
mentally project a thought command to someone you your march to the top, may net be the real "what"
give you the "risk-free" chance to prove I'm rii'M . . .
know. Not one word will be uttered by you ... after all. We believe that this real "what" is one
along with a tree pit tor you'to keep.Here's m y prop06al.
which you know all about. You face lt dally and
nightly. This key "what" is your personal "Success
My company has just released a strange new manual
COIIIWID TO THE LETTER • • • WITHOUT EYEJI IUIOWIIIG dealing with a subject that bas fascinated the human race
since the beginning of time. That subject Is paraps)'ehoi­
OI',.. It deals with the ability of the mind to project
It actually prevents you from taking full advantaae
And only 70• will know wh7 he or she is acting In that of 1o117 lucky break.It shackles your teet so etlectively
that you ftnd it virtually Impossible to move forward
m11.nner! thought and communicate with others, outside the body,
Your next test is going to be even more 1111Wie.a.ble! uslnr -e el the ftye ��enses.
toward your goal.
It even serves as your "whipping boY" - your con­
This time you'll command not just a single Individual but The manual takes this exciting subject and develops it
a P"V•P Or. foar or fhe peeple. This time, you'll mentally Into a new technique to help you e-and, eonbol, and
venient excuse for fall:inl'. It acts as a dismal crutch
project a thought command to all of this rroup I dominate people with your mind alone.
tor your "not making good. "
Actually, you do not need the manual to c:lo this. You
have already done so many times without ever re:allslnl' It, BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TOI Once you understand
GOIIIG TO PERfORM YOUR SILEIIT COMIIAIID through your own unconscious native-born ability. The this "what" th&t undermines your efforts and keeps
EXACTLY AS YOU WILLED IT! mam�al will help you to understand the technique so that you cruelly pinned down, you can ftnally break tts
Again.they will have absolutely no idea whatsoever that you can perform it eODaeloasiJ', on demand, to achieve ruthless rrlp.Yes, you can eliminate it from your own
th'eir actions- seemingly voluntary - came directly from your goals "nd wishes. life by your own efforts and no one will ever know.
70a! Why should they? You sald nothing. Made no ges­ We call this technique SUCCESP- the science of extra­ What they will know- and aee fer themselves - is
tures. Nor Indicated your wishes In any way- except sensory persuuiOD. This is -t the regular ESP you've that YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL!
mentall7! heard about. This ls Extra-Sensory Penaulon. Properly How can you perform this vitally Important feat -
Yet, you're roing to tep even these astounding results! used, it permits your 1hoal'hts to Influence one person perhaps the most important act of your entire life?
In the weeks and months, tberl!llfter, and throughout ftle or many. How can you once and for all crash through your per­
reet el 7oa r Ufe, you are going to intensify your secret Originally, this manual was to be the basis ot a person­ sonal "Success Barrier"?
abillty to eommand, control, and dominate others in ways ally-conducted course with a fee of $250. But when my The answer may lie in an exclusive Monograph
that may bring you thousands of dollars extra ...the love company saw the manuscript. they felt that it was so "YOUR SUCCESS BARRIER- HOW TO SHATI'ER
of someone you desire ... the status and position you've simply and clearly written, the instruction so precise, that IT FOREVER." Details of how you can receive a gift
thought unattainable- antil toda7! anyone who could read could master the technique. copy of this priceless discovery wm be included FREE
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At soela.l ptherinl'•. you will be the one regarded as So be as skeptical as you like - but keep an open mind below. You will not be obligated in any way. And If you
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Beyond Reality 5
Dear Editor: appreciate some Hollow Earth
Your magazine is one of the oriented publications.
tinest in the occult related field, Sincerely,
but you are lacking in UFO Christi Lewis
material except in an occasional Bethel Island, Cal.
LJ.FO Special. Perhaps you can do
a UFO Special on a regular basis. It seems that the British Hollow
Sincerely, Earth Society has not been active
Robert Ostrow these past few months. Letters to
Bronx, N.Y. the organization have been re­
turned to us with no forwarding
We would like very much to address. We are trying to locate
come out with a bimonthly UFO their new quarters, providing that
magazine, but good material is the organization still exists. We .
just not available. If you will look are, at this writing, preparing
at the UFO mags on the news some material which deals with
stand, you will find that much of this theory. -Editor
the material, if not all, is old stuff.
We want new material. This is
Dear Editor:
why, rather than sightings, we
would rather speculate on who
In your September issue of
Beyond Reality, there was an
they are, what they are, and most
important, why they are here. article, "Vampirism in Central
Europe. '' This article interested
me very much. .
I have decided to write my term
Dear Editor: paper on vampires. The title will
First of all, let me commend you be, "Vampires, Myth or Reality?"
on your fine publication� I am I would like to get as much
delighted to have found a maga­ information as possible on this
zine' which· treats such delicate, subject. If you would be kind
intangible subjects with straight­ enough to send me any informa­
forwardness, integrity and open­ tion you might have I would be
mindedness (Your ''Happenings'' extremely grateful. Also, if you

department is a good idea, by the could give me any names or
way.) sources and reports on vampires
July's issue contained a letter in that could aid me in finding
your Reader's Department written factual information, it would be
by a Mr. David Thompson, from appreciated.
Vancouver, wishing information I would also like to add that I

on the Hollow Earth Theory. find Beyond Reality a curiously
Could you please forward my interesting magazine.
name also to Mr. Albert McDonald Thank you kindly,
of the British Hollow Earth Soci­ Angela Falcone
ety? I share Mr. Thompson's Philadelphia, Pa.

beliefs and would love to find out
more about the Society and its There are many good books on
goals. If this request seems a bit the market these days on this
impertinent perhaps you could subject. Vampires and Monster
send me the address. Men, by Daniel Farson is publish­
I thank you, and sure would ed by Doubleday and is one in the

6 Beyond Reality

series of 20 books dealing with have heard that UFOs have been that when I awoke I was in that
psychic phenomena. Another is In seen hovering or landing in areas field across the river about half a
Search of Dracula: A History of known to have nuclear power mile away, and could see the
Vampire Legends, published by plants. Do you have any informa­ lights of the station and town in
the N.Y. Graphic Society. Ballan­ tion on this? the distance. I hadn't been rolled,
tine Books also has a well done Sincerely, I still had my watch and the buck I
book called The Annotated Dracu­ George R. Harrison left with. The only puzzle was -
la: From Folklore and Authentic Am prior, Ontario and still is- how did I get across
History. ,These are only several of Canada that river and into the field? I have
the many books which have never to my knowledge walked in
We have investigated several
appeared on the book racks in th� my sleep. Of course, when I tell
UFO flaps in the area of New York
past year. this to anyone, they either nod
State known as Rockland County.
You can also contact the perfunctorily, answer me with
One of the sightings which took
Vampire Research Center of their own sick jokes, or tell me to
place in November of l967 was
America, 69 Strathmore Village lay down a while and rest ...
over the nuclear power plant
Drive, South Setauket, Long Island I once saw one of those UFO's
which is located in Glen Cove.
New York 11720 -Editor in Northern California jn 1957 just
Several more flaps occurred in the
general area in January and out over the ocean during the
Dear Editor:
February of l977. -Editor Summer Solstice. It was about
I have just read the article ll:30 at night and I was taking out
Atrogenetics in the January issue my rolleicord to get a tripod shot
of your publication in which you of same when this thing, like a
Dear Editor:
refer to the work of Edmund L. The article by Ronald Edwards huge jack-o-lantern, materialized
Van Deusen. As I am also doing (''Where did they Go'') -March just off the shore, pulsated a bit
research work in this area, I issue- not only intrigued me, but from green to white and back to
wondered if you could assist me in brought back into rather sharp greenish-white in color, changing
contacting Mr. VanDeusen. I feel focus some of my own similar in its intensity, and then vanished.
that this work is very important in experiences. It was a clear sky, and there were
connection with parapsychology. In 1940 I was riding the rails on no ships in sight. I knew it
Thank you, freights and arrived one afternoon couldn't have been a balloon or
Mavis Urmson in Waxahatchie, Texas. In front of any of those things the psuedo­
Johannesburg, South Africa the station and across the tracks morphs are so fond of calling
was a river -I'd say about a good attention to in their efforts to
We have forwarded your re­ quarter of a mile wide, at least, so quash all such stories. Of course,
quest to Edmund Van Deusen. in order to avoid the yard 'bulls' I when I reported to work the
Mr. Van Deusen is also the author decided. to cop a little shuteye following. Monday in the social
of a popular selling book on the while waiting for the next freight worker's place where I worked as
nature of Astrogenetics. -Editor by going by the bridge across that a clerk-typist, I was greeted with
expanse of water to a field the usual skeptical glances and
Dear Editor: ·growing high with grass and usual remarks, so from that day to
I would like to know if informa­ weeds where I couldn't be spotted this I haven't told many people
tion exists on the relationship as some freight bum or ''undesir- about it. This I can understand-it
between UFOs and nuclear power able" . is something that I definitely
stations. It is known that UFOs I went to sleep by some saw...and I was so shaken that I
can stop a car and silence its bullrushes next to the river on the couldn't drive for about 30 min­
radio. What happens if a UFO side nearest to tlv! station, but utes. It's true what the writers say
passes over a nuclear power well enough away and out of sight · about the ''heart going up to the
plant? Does it affect instruments so I wouldn't be seen by the yard throat'' and the ''hair standing on
or create any type of malfunction dicks. (sorry about my confusion.. end''. I felt all the sensations, and
in the power system of the plant? I been so long). The crux of it is then some. But, of course, when
continued on page 52
Beyond Reality 7
THE ION EFFECT, by Fred Soya consults the oracle. The authors how to use the pendulum yourself,
with Alan Edmonds, Dutton, $7. 95 clearly explain how to translate make your own pendulum, and
Ever hear of ions? Your life may the head/tails result into solid and with the techniques the authors
depend upon them. Do you suffer broken lines, how to find that have brought together, gives you
from fits of depression, anxiety, pattern of lines among the 64 a magical tool that can be put to
and exhaustion for no apparent Hexagrams, and crucially, how to work right away.
reason? Are you often out o.f sorts · interpret the meaning of the Pendulum Power reveals: The'
when the weather is overcast and hexagram. For the reader's con­ mysterious origins of the pendu­
refreshed just after a rainstorm? , venience-and, no doubt, inspira­ lum, its history and uses; how
You might be part of the 25 % of tion-twenty categories of concern scientists, doctors, and the mili­
the population that is particularly appear under each hexagram tary use the pendulum; and the
sensitive to changes in the natural ranging from love and marriage to pendulum's ability to locate gold
electrical charges in the air called finding lost objects to results of and diamonds, and discover anci­
ions, according to The Ion Effect, examinations (good or bad scores). ent treasures
How Air Electricity Rules Your If you're puzzled over your
Life and Health. investment in the stock market
Vital reading for anyone con­ and your coin toss adds up to
cerned with his physical and Hexagram T'ai, you'll learn to
mental well being, this book expect the stock to be high for
Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday,
explains how an excess of positive now, with a slump later.
ions in the environment can not Sounds simple? It's meant to be,
Immanuel Velikovsky' s best­
only cause emotional upsets, but as the authors indicate: ''Our goal
selling Worlds in Collision shook
aggravate serious health prob­ is to open up the use of the
the scientific establishment by
lems including asthma, insomnia, 1-Ching as an oracle to the
challenging our accepted view of
migraines, rheumatism, most al­ non-specialist1 giving him a mod­
the history of our solar system.
lergies and even heart conditions. em context in which to ask his
But subsequent discoveries have
Many ion· scientists believe that questions ... We have not tried to
corroborated details of his theory.
the mysterious death of Bishop explain just why the key to cosmic
In this book, and in other
James Pike and the still unex­ influences is hidden in the hexa­
volumes to come, Dr. Velikovsky
plained crash of an Eastern Air­ grams. We can do no more than
continues the equally radical re­
lines plane in 1972 are but two · offer our interpretation of the
construction of an ancient history
tragedies that can be linked to hexagrams, hoping that use of our I
he began in Ages in Chaos. With

pos-ion poisoning. An overload of text in divination will make be-
lievers out of skeptics.'' carefully documented evidence,
negative ions, on the other hand,
If you have a pencil and three and with persuasive arguments
has only beneficial effects, not the
�1 that demolish standard views,
least of which is an improved sex
pennies in your pocket, you're
he argues that most dates conven­
life� fully equipped for enlightenment·
tionally assigned to the ruling
1- through the 1-Ching. -1 --
dynasties of Egypt-and thus to
I-CHING: THE HEXAGRAMS the most important events of
REVEALED, by Gary G. Meylan ancient history as well- are wide­
and Wen-�uang Chu, Tuttle Pub­ PENDULUM POWER, by Greg ly inaccurate.
lishing, $7. 50. Nielson and Joseph Polansky, Up to now, for example, it has
Do-it-yourself divination begins Destiny Books, paperback, $1.95. been thought that the mysterious
with an understanding of the The power that the pendulum "Peoples of the S ea" must have
component parts of the 1-Ching, brings has been known since the . been barbarians from the north
the arrangements of lines which beginnings· of time. Those with who swept down upon the Medi­
compose the prophetic 64 Hexa­ the knowledge of its use have terranean, destroying the Hittite,
grams. The line. arrangements, divined treasure in the earth, Mycenaean, and other civiliza­
representative of the yin and yang discovered water in the middle of tions, and that they were eventu­
opposites in Chinese philosophical deserts, lea.rn.ed the plans of ally driven back by Ramses ill of
thought, are determined by the destiny for their future, and
· Egypt in the twelfth century B.C.
result of the coin toss. gained an ability of almost unlim­ The invasion of Egypt was thought
After the would-be clairvoyant ited applieation. to have been undertaken by these
has tossed his coins six times, he Pendulum Power teaches you · ''peoples'' together with the Per-

8 Beyond Reality

eset (hitherto identified as the around a lost boy to keep him from you will be able to examine the
Philistines), and they were freezing and crabs which monitor influences the planets have on
thought to have initiated a ''dark ocean tides one thousand miles you, both now and in the future.
age'' of about 500 years, when from sea. Schul also examines
civilization was virtually extin­ animals in ESP laboratories, ani­
guished. mals and pyramids phenomena,
Velikovsky, however, presents animal language, their mysterious
evidence that Ramses ill lived time clocks, and more.
by Elizabeth Pepper and John
800 years later; that the events in Bill Schul, a frequent lecturer
Wilcox, Harper & Row, $10.95.
question took place in the first on human potential, is a consult­
This is a lively and whimsical
part of the fourth century before ant to the Garvey Center for the
tour of some of the great enchant­
the present era; and that the Improvement of Human Function­
ed places of the Western world­
Peoples of the Sea were Greek ing, in Wichita, Kansas.
sites traditionally believed to have
mercenaries and the Pereset were
magical powers. These are the
t------1 places in which witches have met
or fairies danced or dragons
ASTROLOGY FOR EVERYONE, stalked the forests, the places too
by Roger Elliot, Crown, $14.95. where oracles have spoken and
THE PSYCHIC POWER OF AN­ Despite the creation of count­ druid priests chanted, the places
IMALS, by Bill Schul, Fawcett, less new sciences, we still return of magic wells and sacred oaks, of
$1.75. to some of these old ideas. In megaliths and mysterious phallic
Using scientifically documented many fields, agriculture, medi­ monuments. A voyage through
facts, actual case studies, experi­ cine, architecture and social struc­ these places of power-Delphi,
ments and stories, Schul, known ture we realize that our anceetors Malta, Granada, Stonehenge,
nationwide as the co-author of The were closer to nature than our­ Chartres, and dozens more-is an
Secret Power of Pyramids and The selves. In astrology we are now examination of the many ways
Psychic Power of Pyramids, also finding this old knowledge of the that human beings have sought to
directs himself to such intriguing depths of the human intellect and explain and to master their world.
questions of unexplained animal the way in which man is taking It is a rich and, in many ways,
behaviour as: Do animals really part in the universe. an unpredictable voyage. ''To
have a greater precognition of In an honest, modem fashion study magic," the authors write,
homecomings, tragedies, and nat­ this book gives you this know­ "is to push off with one's flimsy
ural and man-made calamities, or ledge. You will recognize yourself, raft onto a stream whose decep­
can they monitor happenings hun­ a person of this age, in the tively slow-moving waters carry
dreds of miles away? descriptions. You will see how one with surprising swiftness into
In gathering his research for the astrology has taken hold of our more and more unfamiliar terri­
Psychic Power of Animals, Schul world in the last few years tory. There are few recognizable
consulted scientists, naturalists, wherever it proves useful, wheth­ landmarks and a bewildering ar­

psychics, trainers, pet lovers... er in commercial life, marriage ray of tributaries from which to
and animals. Some of his findings guidance and the bringing up of choose. The mainstream is never
include the author's own female children, or in the fascinating far away, but a million different
basset, who communicated her unravelling of character and fate. channels flow into and out of it, all
concern about her master's in­ You will see how simple it is to equally fascinating, all full of
jured foot to a psychic, and a duck work out your own horoscope surprises, all hinting at further
who described her owner's health merely by means of the date and vistas, still unseen.''
problems in detail. time of your birth. You will also be Pepper and Wilcock, authors of
Other intriguing bits of evi­ able to find out hundreds of things the successful The Witches' Al­
dence concern the cat who under­ about your deepest self- about manac,have given us a magical
stood the difference between stan­ your behavior, your talents and tour here, but not a guidebook.
dard and daylight savings 'time, what life has to offer you. This is rather an enchanting
another cat who always showed up And above all you will be the armchair excursion into the occult
for Thursday auctions, but never owner of a unique work which will world, highly informed, rich with
at other times, and cases of tell you everything about your references to mythology and liter­
beavers blanketting themselves own future. With a little patience ature. 0

Beyond Real ity 9


investigations concerning Project Blue
·Book and has been a professional
electronic engi neer. Over the period of
the last two decades, he has tried to
How Authentic Are Space Communica­ communicate with U FOs by a short
tions? wave ·rad io and infra-red beam appara­
''For those of you of the planet Earth tus. I n 1 954 his efforts resulted in a
who are presently dwell i ng in coastal direct physical encounter with a UFO.
areas, we would advise you to remove As a result of that, and many other
entirely from those areas. We repeat. . . experiences, Richard M i l ler is well
for those of you residing i n coastal areas versed in all phases of the U FO and
we strongly urge that you remove space commun ications .story, and has
entirely from those areas. There are to been able to tal k with nearly every
be following changes in the coastal individual ' con nected with the U FO
areas of your planet. .. " enigma . They have shared notes,
The name, " Korton , " was very experiences and investigations.
fami l iar to me. He had issued this ' ' One of the things that is unfortunate
particular communique and mentioned about the entire UFO story, " says
that the warning had been issued based ·M i l ler, "is the degree of secrecy and
upon the observations of our planet over cover-up that has taken place to
a three month period during the suppress information regarding these
summer of 1 976. visitors from space. Since I am no
I am sure that most of you are longer affil iated , in any official capacity
fami liar with the havoc wrought to with the government, I can speak quite
various coastal areas, i n different parts freely. I am not tell ing you anything
of the world , by natural disaster, during which is sti ll under the Official Secrets
the summer months of 1 976; devastat­ Act, but I can tel l you this: N ot only
ing earthquakes, volcanic rumblings, have the world's governments been
volati le spi l ls from tankers that necessi­ com municated with , personally, but this
tated evacuations, hurricanes, tidal communication , for the past seven
waves, unknown kil ler diseases - the years, has been going on 24 hours a
list of disasters, and the death tol l , is day, seven days a week, month after
long . month and year after year. ' '
How authentic are these space com­ We and others, throughout the
munications, and how much does the U niverse, have been l istening to intelli­
public really know about them? Is the gent broadcasts . from space over the
majority of the public even aware of period of the last seven years. These
them? Does the public want to know galactic broadcasts are going on contin­
more about them? Although only a uously in order to capture the attention
small part of the story can be recounted of emerg i ng civi l izations throughout
here , I can assure you that what you are space. You may have heard of this, in a
about to read wi II be of no small guarded way, duri ng our attem pts to
i mportance. bounce radar signals off the M oon and
Most of the fol lowing i nformation was various planets. However, that was
discussed by Richard M i l ler during a actual ly the official way of answeri ng
lecture with the Spiritual Frontiers those messages received . The signals
Fel lowship G roup on January 20, 1 974. are com ing from two known locations in
Mr. M i l ler is considered an authority on space; from the star Gamma Aries , and
U FO and space commun ications. He from the Andromeda Galaxy. The
was an observer of the wel l -publicized intell igent signals are being received in
" Mante l l incident, " was involved in the various forms; through mathematical

10 Beyond Reality
symbols, in a pulse information code, Space com munications have revealed
and musically. that there are two undiscovered plane­
This is not the only information that toids beyond the orbit of Pluto that
the governments have chosen not to belong to Our solar system. Scientists
reveal . We have aiFeady spent m i llons have thought for years that one exists
of dollars on probes to Venus as wel l as but have never found it. It is sai d , also,
to Mars . But what has the public that two artificial satell ites are in orbit
learned? What do they choose to tel l us around our �arth , that they are " infor­
and what do they choose to withhold? mation" satel l ites and are a repository
It seems that the general public is not f{)r past knowledge.
aware of the fact that conversation can Space com munications have also
be censored out of transmissions be­
tween ground control and our astro­
''One of t}]e supplied us with a timetable of events
concerning the Earth 's i mmediate fu­
nauts by a delayed tape method. This
allows a time lapse of several m inutes
things that is ture. This timetable has not been
released by the authorities . The events
between ground control and the broad­
cast i nto our homes. We are not getting unfortunate (
start in 1 975 and continue until the year
201 0.
all that we thi n k we are getting .
Richard M iller tells an interesting about the entire Accordi ng to M i l ler, many changes
are in order, changes that will effect the
story about Mars in h is l ecture. He says
that the two " m oons" of Mars, Phobos UFO story is the molecular and atomic structure in al l
matter and also changes in other kinds
and Diemos , do not behave accordi ng to of matter not observable by our senses.
the laws of p,l anetary motion . Bo�h of degree of secrecy The messages state that natural vio­
them orbit at a much closer distance lence will continue to increase and wi l l
than they should, under 5000 m iles from and cover-up result in a critical ecological i m balance
the surface of their parent planet. The caused by the ignorance of science and
speed of their orbits, moreover, is that has taken commerce. Food shortages will ·occur
greater that three times that of Mars' because of the shutting off of foreign
orbital speed. Natural moons do not place to suppress i mports to many areas of the world .
travel three times faster than their Overpopulation w i l l not be a problem of
parent planet. information the future because of cataclysmic
These orbiting moons are both arti­ destruction wrought by the forces of
ficial satell ites . They are hollow and
metal l ic. They are made either of
regarding these nature. There will be profound changes
in the world's governmental structures.
aluminum or magnesium , both complex,
unnatural metals which must be highly
visitors from N ew species of plant and vegetable l ife
wi II appear.
processed to be used. These moons
were placed in orbit around the planet outer space'' These space com munications began
Mars over 3000 years ago by highly nearly 25 years ago, and many of them
intelligent bei ngs .. This has been con­ have withstood the test of time. ·
firmed by space authorities, by mem­ One day soon , hopefully, the world ' s
bers of NASA, and by several of the people wil l know all the facts. Man 's
world's leading astronomers. What 1s freedom and free will can only progress
more, they were given this information , in relation to his knowledge and Jhis
initial ly, by our friends from space. For wisdom . Suppress such knowledge and
those of you who wish names and more the day will come when we find
detailed i nformation I refer you to the ourselves face-to-face with those i ntel li­
taped lecture entitled Earth man Come
II gent agents who are now communicat­
Home," given by Richard M i l ler at · ing to us. Panic. wi l l no doubt result.
Asbury Method ist, January 20, 1 975, Panic is bred and nourished through
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship. ignorance and an uninformed public. 0

Beyond Real ity 11

B Y T O M R . K O VA C H

The legendary dragons are dragon became the symbol of sin standard of the Roman Cohorts,
most commonly described as be­ and paganism and was the unfor­ and under the Roman emperors
ing huge, bat-winged, fire­ tunate target of saints and mar­ the purple dragon ensign was the
breathing, scaly and barbed-tail tyrs. imperial ceremonial standard.
creatures. They were similar to The dragon's form varied from Despite its use as a terrifying
lizards and snakes. In fact, in the earliest times. The Chaldean symbol of war, as an ecclesiastical
Greece, the word drakon, frdm dragon Tiamat had four legs, symbol, the dragon remained evil.
which our English word was wings, and a scaly body, whereas In its most frightful form it was
derived, was originally used for the ffiblical dragon of Revelation, described by St. John in Revela­
. any large serpent. The dragon of . ''the old serpent,'' ( was many­ tion 12:3:
mythology, whatever shape it headed like the Greek Hydra. ''Behold a great red C:lragon
assumed, remained most like a
· Because dragons had both pro­ with 7 heads and 10 horns, and 7
snake. tective and fear-inspiring quali­ crowns upon his heads. His tail
In general in the Near East, ties, they were used as war drew a third part of the stars of
where snakes are large and dead­ emblems. In the Riad, King heaven, and did cast them down
ly, the serpent or dragon was Agamemnon's shield portrayed a to earth.''
symbolic of evil. Thus the Egypti­ blue, three-headed snake, just as Its identity was revealed when
an God Apepi, for example, was Norse warriors in later times it was defeated:
ihe serpent of the world of painted dragons on their shields ''And the great dragon was cast
darkness. But although the an­ and carved dragons' heads on the out, that old serpent, called the
ci�nt Greeks and Romans shared prows of their ships. In England, devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
some of the Near East ideas of the prior to the Norman Conquest, the the whole world...''
serpents, they also considered the dragon was chi�f among the royal Ancient folklore is full of stories
dragons to be symbols of power, ensigns in war, having been put to of heroes fighting dragons. They
and sharp-eyed dwellers of the that use by Uther Pendragon, include such well-known warriors
inner parts of the world. father of King Arthur. In the 20th of legend as Hercules, Beowulf,
Dragons were very common in century, the Dragon was officially Siegfried, and Jason. These com­
fantasy. On the whole, the dra­ incorporated in the armorial bear­ bats were later taken over by
gon's evil reputation came out the ings of the Prince of Wales. saints, and the combats at first
strongest in European culture. In In the Roman Emperor Trajan's symbolized the destruction of
Christian art, for example, the time, the dragon became the paganism. Later they were made

12 Beyond Real ity

What influenced the ancients to create fire breathing dragons such
this one?. From the 4th century B. C.

into archetypal legends in which die Ages. For them the dragon (yang). It was also the symbol of
heroes like St. George delivered remained the symbol of a ''trans­ the spirit of change. The ancient
an entire populace from a dragon. cendant cosmic force.'' In a Chinese thought of an eclipse as a
Wretched pagan monsters have similar way, perpetual renewal is dragon rising from the bowels of
tended to reappear in times of symbolized by the serpent that the earth to swallow the source of
disaster. In 857 A.D., when some eats its own tail. light and life. The dragon- was
people took refuge in St. Peter's In the Far East the dragon painted as a symbol of royalty on
Cathedral during a terrible storm managed to retain much of its the upper garment of the Chinese
in Cologne, a fiery dragon in the prestige and was known as a emperor as far back as 2700 B.C.,
shape of a thunderbolt split the beneficent creature. The Chinese and in Japan it was the symbol of
building. In 1221, in England on dragon, known as lung, appears the Mikado. Sometimes dragons
St. Luke's Day, when a great as the national symbol and was and tigers were depicted together,
northeast wind blew down homes, the badge of the royal family. The the one representing the heavens,
trees, and church steeples, the Japanese dragon, known as tatsu, the other earth; and together they
people claimed to see fiery dra­ is capable of changing size at will, symbolized power.
gons soaring through the skies. even to the point of becoming
· One Chinese lore (written py
Although the dragons were invisible. Although 5egarded as Han Yu), states that "clouds owe
considered for the ·most part evil powers of the air, both Chinese their divine character to dragons;
in Christian myth, they were at and Japanese dragons are usually dragons do not owe their divinity
times dualistic in nature. The wingless. to clouds. Yet the dragon apart
Persian tradition was even more In China the dragon was a from the clouds would have no
dualistic-an example is the story symbol of power, of royalty, and means of giving form to his
of the victory over the handsome of water. There were four super­ divinity. If he loses the thing he is
white dragon with long, well-kept natural, divinely-constituted, pro­ dependent on, he is really without
nails. Dragons were connected phetic beasts called Ling: the resource. Strange! That what he
with the guarding of treasure, and unicorn, the phoenix, the tortoise, depends on should be something
with the obtainment" of strength and the dragon; and of these the he himself creates. The Book of
when one was vanquished. dragon was chief. As a blue Changes says: 'clouds emanate
The Gnostics never adopted the dragon, it symbolized the vital from dragons.' "
dualistic point of view that pre­ spirit of water; as a yellow dragon According to Chinese belief, the
vailed during the Christian Mid- it turned darkness (yin) into light species of dragon known as 'lung
continued on next page

Beyond Real ity 1 3

has a camel ' s head, a deer' s dreds of thousands of years before
horns, a rabbit' s eyes, a cow' s human beings first made their
ears , a snake ' s neck, a frog ' s appearance. Did these creatures
belly, a carp ' s scales, a hawk ' s actually exist alongside human­
claws , and a tiger' s palms. ity? How did our ancestors find
For the early Chinese , the out about them?
dragon ruled over the abyss and There is a good possibility that
mounted six successive stages to the ancients were describing some
the summit of heaven. At first the other thing when they talked of
dragon remained hidden and then dragons - something that wasn 't
appeared progressing higher in an animal at all, but a machine . It
the rice fields and finally mounted is very possible that they were
into the sky. describing the craft of ancient
Before going any further, I'd It is very space travelers .
like to clarify the term ' 'dragon. ' ' I believe the key to this idea lies
It has no zoological meaning, but possible that much in the Chinese legends .
it has been applied in the Latin The Chinese dragon legends go
generic name , Draco, to a number of tbJs lmowledge back thousands of years, and
of species of small lizards found in unlike the European and Near
the Indo-Malayan region. The was handed down . . East beliefs , the Chinese did not
name is also popularly ·applied to consider the dragon to be evil.
the giant moniter (lizard) dis­ from visitors from That was a much later innovation .
covered on Komodo , an Indone­ Also, both the Chinese and
sian island. outer space-their Japanese legends very closely
We have heard the background associate the dragon with the
of the dragon legends , and the spacecraft being skies. And yet in their folklore ,
various ways in which people of dragons are most often described
the past described them . Now it is the fire-breathing as being wingless. UFOs are
time to try to separate the myths certainly phenomena of the skies ,
from the facts , if any facts do dragons. an d unlike conventional aircraft ,
indeed exist . I think the easiest they are usually wingless.
way to account for the dragon People in the Orient also talk
myth is that it was either a about the ability of the dragon to
figment of our ancestors' imagi­ become invisible . There . have
nations or that they were truly been many UFO reports where
describing a creature that resem­ observers claimed that the UFOs
bled the dragon. disappeared from sight at unbelie�
There are too many ancient vable speeds. To someone thou­
cultures with dragon legends to sands of years ago, this would
say that it was all a myth. These certainly seem as though the craft
people were describing some­ had just vanished or become
thing, and chances are it was invisible.
something like a huge snake or Earlier in this article I talked
lizard. Even in this day and age , about the Chinese writer Han Yu
we are discovering creatures we saying that ' 'clouds emanate from
didn 't know existed or that we dragons . " Again the strong con­
assumed had been extinct for nection between dragons and the
thousands of years. The so-called sky comes through, and the clouds
Loch Ness monster is a good This beautiful plate is could easily refer to either smoke
example , as are the many " Big­ decorated with the special or a screen of some sort.
foot ' ' creatures sighted in recent emblems of the emperor Think about this too : The
years . Some of the dragon myths (a dragon) and of the empress Chinese culture was one of the
go back thousands of years . Who (a phoenix). Dragons have played earliest and most advanced in
knows what creatures may have a major role in ancient beliefs human history. It is very possible
existed back then? In recent years of many nations. that inuch of this knowledge was
cave paintings have been found handed down to them from visi­
depicting animals that were be­ tors from outer space-their
lieved t6 have been extinct hun- spacecraft being the fire-breath-
continued on page 60

14 Beyond Real ity

Detail from tlje famous dragon
screen in the winter palace of the
former Chinese emperors. The
palace is located in Peking,
China. Were the Chinese
influenced by flaming UFOs ? How
else would the ancients describe
strange fire-belching objects
that fly in the sky ?

Another example of a fire­

breathing dragon in flight.
This vase dates back to the
year 1426. The dragon
legend can not be passed
off simply as a myth since
it has roots in many
cultures in all parts of the
world and most, if not
all, mention the dragon as a
flying fire-breathing object.

Beyond Reality 1 5
BY R O B E R T A . G O E R M A N
D i rector, O M E G U S C o m m ission

Sometime ago, C BS had a news special with C BS news was round, and he called it a flying saucer. H e was the first to
correspondent Christopher Glenn and Carol Marti n . The use that name .
nature of the show was to show that all UFO sightlngs could Rebuttal : Arnold saw nine discs flyi ng in formation , l i ke, he
be explained. said, "A saucer skipping over water. " As a resu lt of his
Presented here is the preliminary analysis of the a bove description, the newspaper headl ine writers coined the
named CBS News Special broadcast, which was aired phrase " Flying Saucer" which rapidly became tne most
December 4, 1976 on K DKA-TV channel 2, Pittsburg, PA and ·
popular phrase to descri be U FOs.
WTAJ-TV , channel 10, Altoona, Pa. Martin : Wel l , we don 't know what pilot Arnold saw, but we
Copies of this report have been distributed to all persons know that this is a Frisbee. Sti l l , if you did not know that, and
and organizations interested In UFO research. you wanted to bel ieve that this was someth ing from outer
These are direct quotes from the CBS-TV Show, and space, wel l , I bet you could convi nce a lot of people.
rebuttal remarks are by Robert Goerman. Rebuttal: The illogical nature of the above statement borders
on propaganda� This example is far worse than simple
misrepresentation of fact; it uses a background of authority to
Wait ! I see we have something from correspondent
Glenn: establish biased opinion as fact.
Carol Martin in the field . Glenn: You know, a lot of U FO's get reported that way.
Martin: That's right, Chris. This is Carol Martin out in Long Someone sees something and isn 't exactly sure what it is.
Island , N . Y. , where an U nidentified F lying Object has just They cal l the pol ice. There's a story in the papers. People
passed overhead . Look at it ! ( Eerie sound effects and slow read the story, and they start to see U FO's. And pretty soon ,
motion footage of a " Frisbee " in fl ight) . everybody sees one.
Glenn : Wel l , it certai nly looks l i ke a flyi ng saucer. Carol, what Rebuttal: The "experts" try to slough off U F O sightings by
do you supposed that is? clai ming that a mass hysteria bui lds up after a few reports
Martin: Wow! (acting surprised) Wel l , I g uess it is a flying have been published . N othing could be farther from the truth .
saucer of sorts, but, most people would cal l it a . . . Frisbee. There is no time lag , no build up of sightings. (Example:
Glenn: Come on back, Carol . Let's take another (Carol Marti n January 1 st, 1 975 U F O sigtltings in I l l i nois, where at least
suddenly appears in studio) . . . look. three, possibly more, simi lar, if not identical objects, were
Marti n: H i , C hris ! observed and dutiful ly reported by individuals by as much as
Glenn: You sur.e get around. 200 mi les apart) .
Martin: You have to when you're tracking flying saucers. Martin: And maybe all that it was, was something simple,
Glenn : You know, it was a pilot named Kenneth Arnold who that any scientist could explain .
saw someth i ng he couldn't identify back in 1 947. He said it Glenn: That's right ! Now what d o you suppose we'd d o if we

16 Beyon d Real ity

Beyond Reality feels that
CBS- TV has not
presented their case on
UFOs properly and we
feel it our duty to our
readers to present the
following report.

opened our door ton ight and looked out in the sky and saw never stop nor change direction as many U FO's are reported
this? (Segway to visuals of Aurora Boreal is) to do.
Martin: Oh ! (acting afraid and confused) I know what I 'd do. Gl enn : That's right. There's even a name for that. It's called a
I 'd slam the door and run back inside. What is that, Chris? flap. A U F O flap. Most U FO sightings happen that way.
Glen n ; This is the Aurora Boreal is, the N orthern Light When everybody in the same area sees the same satel l ite or
They're seen often in Alaska and Canada's Northwestern meteor or the Northern Lights.
Territories, and they are beautifu l . Rebuttal; Accord i ng to C BS el ite, the term "flap" · is
Martin : Mmmm, they certainly are . apparently defi ned as a cond ition of spontaneous hysteria,
when known phenomena suddenly for no apparent reason
Gl enn: But if you cou ldn 't identify this as the Northern
becomes " indentifiable . " This is probably a take-off on the
Lights, then seeing them in the sky could be very frightening . original Air Force term , flap, which indicated a state of
Rebuttal: There has never been a single case in which a general confusion . The actual meaning of the word
U FO sighti ng has later been identified as aurora effects. The flap, now connotes periods of time, in which large n umbers of
least that C BS could do, if they truly wanted to be objective, U FO's are reproted , regardless of geographic location or
would be to stick to the known facts. general descriptions.
Martin: Now what's that, Chris? (Again acting confused) Glen n : Hey Carol, where are you off to?
Glen n : This is ani mated fi lm of satel lites, one of thousands of Marti n : Well Chris, you said weather bal loon , and
man-made objects circling the Earth . (Close-up view of here . . . it. . . is! They are big . . . and they get bigger as they rise
satell ite as seen from space with Earth in background) . h ig h i nto the sky, eighteen mi les high in fact. And they carry
Agai n , if you see it and don ''t know what it is, it's a U FO. U nti l all kinds of equipment for measuring wind speed and
someone, a scientist or a teacher, identifies it. And then it temperature . . . all to help us predict the weather. But here at
becomes an I F O (Identified Flyi ng Object) . Fort Tauten , the National Weather·Service launches over 700
Martin : I see, and because so many people might see a weather balloons each year . . . aQd as we watch one go up, we
satell ite and not know what it really is, they'd report it as an can see how many people might th ink weather bal loons are
U nidentified Flying Object; get's in the paper or on TV. And flying saucers ·from outer space.
pretty soon people report this U FO that's not a U FO at all . Glen n : If you did n 't know, that wouJd be a U FO .
Rebuttal : The animated view o f the satel l ite was factual Rebutta l : Accord ing to the A i r Force, weather bal l oons
enough , but it g ives people a deceitful view of exactly what a account for less than 02.5 per cent of the total number of U FO
satel l ite looks like from ground level . In reality, no actual sightings. More accurate estimates place the number below
form is ever seen , just the star-l i ke source of l ig ht. Satel l ites the 01 . 5 per cent mark.
travel a very steady course through the field of stars. They Glen n : There have been thousands of U FO sighti ngs. since
continued on ne%t page

. Beyond Real ity 1 7

· Kenneth Arnold coined the phrase flying saucer nearly th i rty helicopter, at its low altitude, was simply too far from these
years ago. For years, the U nited States Air Force i nvestigated airports . The same invest1gator says the captain might have
U FO sightings. But now private groups do the i nvestigating . thought he was d iving down , but he probably pulled back on
Almost all the U FO's have been identified as meteors and the stick and raised the helicopter when he jerked back to look
weather bal loons, gases l i ke the Aurora Boreal is, even the at the meteor.
reflection of an airplane's tai l assembly. M ost experts feel Martin : So it m ight have �n a meteor, but you can 't be
they can identify every U FO . . . and more i mportant. . . there's sure?
no proof at all that a U F 0 from outer space has ever visited Glen n : N ot 1 00 per cent sure. But remember, there was · a
the Earth . meteor shower i n Ohio at the time. This sighting has been
Rebuttal: (1 ) Once again, it wasn 't Arnold, but newsmen l i ke investigated more than once and all the evidence says,
Chris G lenn who coi ned the term Flying Saucer. (2) During ' ' Meteor. ' '
1 972, at a meeting of the Retired. Officers Association in Rebuttal: I t was at this poi nt i n the program that C BS openly
Baltimore, Maryland, Lt. Col . Lou Corbin stated , "Although twisted facts and conveniently ignored crucial observations to
the Air Force wil l deny it, they are sti l l investigating U FO's. fit their purpose. H ere emotional prejud ice and personal bias
This is being done through two projects- ' ' O id New Moon ' ' take their toll . For these reasons, this rebuttal will be g iven in
and " Bl ue Paper. " Also, we have i nformation that the three parts.
Aerospace Defense Command has stepped up U FO inter­
ception pursuits. (3) It is true that a certain percentage of PART 1 THE S I GHTING: What actually occurred
U FO sightings can be explained . (4) The only experts who feel
October 1 8th , 1 973, Capt-ai n Lawrence J. Coyne, com mand­
they can identify every U FO sighting are those persons who
er of the 31 6th Medivac U nit U .S. Army Reserve, based at
sit in their ivory towers and g ive blanket explai nations for
Hopkins I nternational Airport, Cleveland, Ohio, and three
U FO i ncidents without once ever thorough ly looking at all the
reservists, all aboard a Bel l U H-1 H hel icopter, departed from
evidence. (5) And as for that last point, what corisitutes
Columbus at 1 0:30 P. M . for a return trip · to C l eveland .
' 'proof?' '
Captain Coyne was the pilot, Lt. Arrigo D . Jezzi was the
Glenn : Okay Carol- Let's take a close look at one of the most
co-pi lot. Coyne is a_veteran m i l itary pilot and a very qual ified
famous U FO sightings . . .
Voice: (Narration)-October 1 8th , 1 973 . . . A captain and a
crew of three aboard a Bell U H-1 H he I icopter . . . The captain is Chronology of Events:
the commandi ng officer of the 31 6th Med ical Detachment, At 1 1 : P . M .the helicopter was flying at 2,500 feet on a
U nited States Army Reserve, based in Cleveland , ' Ohio. It's northeast course about 1 0 m iles east of M ansfield when
, just past ,1 1 P . M . . . . The crew chief sights a bright red l ig ht, the crew chief, E5 Robert J. Yanacsek, reported a red
due east. The l ight seems with the helicopter when light about 5 m iles to the east. At fi rst the crew thought
suddenly, it grows larger: .. and comes faster. .. The l ig ht and it was a radio beacon .
the helicopter seem to be on a col lision course. T-he captain Yanacsek advised , "The l ig ht is moving. I t i s com ing
puts his helicopter into a dive. The red l ig ht seems to fol low at us. It's on a col l ision course. "
the dive. The captai n tel ls his crew, " Brace for i mpact ! " . . . But, Coyne grabbed the controls from his co-pilot. ' ' It
there's no i mpact. Suddenly the cockpit is i l l um i nated, as if looked l i ke a fighter plane coming straight for us, "
the object has stopped d irectly over the hel icopter. Then the Coyne said. " I took i m mediate evasive actio n . I cut the
glowing object disappears to the west; radio contact is lost. power and dropped i nto a shallow d ive. We dropped
But when the captain checks his altimeter, he fi nds that his through 2,000 feet, and it was heading right for us. We
helicopter is no longer d iving; i nstead , it is gaining altitude. braced for i m pact. "
Glenn: What did the captain and his crew see? A U FO? A ship Just as col lison seemed certain, the object came to a
from outer space? Well , this sighting has been i nvestigated dead stop, and the crew got a real l oo k at their
by organizations and private i ndividuals. The · captain , " bogey" . C oyne described the craft: " It was un-real . It
himself, partici pated in a re-creation o f the sighting . The was u n l i ke anyth ing produ�ed on earth-cigar shaped
conclusion of one very experienced i nvestigator: the captain with a g lowing steady red l ig ht on it's leading edge. A '
and his crew saw a fireball ; a meteor, a piece of interplanetary hull was at the very top of it, and a green l ight emitted
rock that catches fire when it passes through the Earth 's from the rear of the craft filled our cabin with a green
atmosphere. A meteor shower was u nder way at the tirrie this glow. It was eerie. "
incident occurred . And most of us have seen meteors; we cal l Coyne tried radi o contact With Mansfield tower.
them shooting stars. Scientists have learned that it's almost Negative.
impossible to judge distance when you ' re in the air, so the With the green l ig ht sti l l i l l um i nating the helicopter,
crew could have made an honest m istake and thought the Coyne looked at his instruments . . H is alti meter was
meteor was m uch closer than it was. Now, Jmmediately after rising . " I could hard ly believe it was reading 3,500 feet,
the incident, the crew tried to radio airports in C l eveland , cl imbing to 3,800. I made no attempt to pull up. All
Akron and Columbus, but they weren 't able to make contact. controls were set for a 2Q-degree dive, yet we had
But later investigators show there was no mystery. The cl imbed from 1 ,500 to 3,800 feet with no power in a

1 8 Beyond Reality
matter of a couple of seconds with no G-forces or other
noticeable strains, " Coyne said . (Such a rate of ascent
is impossible for a helicopter that takes a full minute to
cl imb 2,000 feet under maximum power.)
Then the crew "felt a bounce , " and the other craft
shot off in a northeastern direction .

PART 2 THE EXPLANATION: was it a meteor?

Despite the C BS claim that the U FO "disappears to the

west, " neither C hristopher G lenn nor Carol Martin were
aboard the Bel l U H-1 H . The fact of the case is that the
object approached from the east, moved on a westerly course
unti l it was above the hel icopter,. then zipped off to the
A check with Paul Oles confirmed my suspicions: meteors
simply do not hover nor pull ninety-degree' turns ! Mr. Paul
Oles is Director of Programs with Pittsburgh 's Buhl
Planetari um. As to the fact that a " meteor shower in ohio"
was underway, first of al l , meteor showers are not localized
phenomena which occur only over certai n towns or states, and
only on occasion . More than 1 00,000,000 bombard the earth
every day, and there are meteor showers of greater or lesser
intensity occurring year-round with nine showers taking
promi nence.
Besides, the detai led testi mony of the crew i ndicates that
this was anythi ng but a meteor.


C BS had played down the Coyne case in its debun king

attempt in many ways. First, they ignored the color change
and detailed description g iven by the crew. C BS carefully
worded their report so that a meteor would be the only
obvious explanation . They claimed that the object headed
west, g-iving it a straignt-l ine trajectory typical of meteors. From thousands ofphotos taken of UFOs
They also altered the chronolog ical sequence of events , played scientists can explain away 80 percent of
up the meteor shower " i n Ohio" ang le, said that Coyne them . . . what about the other 20 percent?
probably pul led back on the stick when he jerked back to look at
the meteor. Nothing could be further from the truth . fi lm ever taken " of a U F O . Not by a long shot.
Final note: According to an Army spokesman at the Pentagon There are films that that have been given every test by
in Washi ngton, "The incident is described in our records as mil itary and civi l ian researchers al i ke; the verd ict: the objects
the sighting of an U nidentified Flying Object. ' ' depicted on these fi l ms are, and remai n , un identified . Among
th em are the fol lowi �g :
Back to the C BS show
D AI H ixenbaug h , Louisvi1 1e, Kentucky, June 1 950
D N ick Mari na, G reat Fal ls, Montana, Aug ust 1 950
Glen n ; . . . And we' l l be back in a moment with the most
D Del bert C . Newhouse, Utah , July 2, 1 952
amazing film of an U nidentified FlyingObject ever seen, until
D C l ifford Delacy, Hawai i , January 3, 1 958
it was identified .
DJames McDivitt, wh ile orbiting Earth, June 1 965
It was at this point in the program that the Jean Oldfield
DThe Santa Catalina film
U F O motion pictures were shown to the television audience.
D Hoi i}'Wood film crew, November I, 1 967
Glean : Wel l that was the best film ever taken of an
D M iochael Bonne, France·, March 31 , 1 974
U nidentified Flying Object . (G lenn then went on to report on
D The Oak Ridge, Tennesssee fi l m , 1 973
how that particular fi l m was identified as the reflection of the
an airliner's tai l assembly reflected on the window.) EDITOR'S NOTE: We agree with Mr. Robert A . G oerman .
Rebuttal; Granted , C BS, your explanation of the Oldfield film C BS has a responsibil ity to report the truth, and the above
is probably correct. But that film is certai nly not ' 'the best program is obviously, far from the truth. D

Beyond Reality 1 9
An Interview With Dr. John Lilly


In Los Angeles this year, Dr. WILLIA M S: We have so many We chose the dolphins that we
John Lilly spoke at a conference questions here , I'm not sure worked with particularly because
on consciousness and the New where to begin . . . their brains are 40 % larger than
Age . He emphasized his continu­ LILLY : (laughing) Begin at the ours . And the neuro-anatomists
ipg interest in Human-Dolphin beginning . have shown that they are 40 %
communication , and the urgent WILLIAM S : How do you feel the larger than ours only in the silent
need to end the killing of the study of dolphins can relate to the areas . So the quality that differen­
dolphins , whom he considers to be study of consciousness in hu­ tiates us from the apes is highly
more evolved than humans both mans? developed in certain of the ceta­
spiritually and ethically. Dr. Lilly LILLY: The quality of conscious­ cean, large dolphins, and the
is well-known for his early dolphin ness , our consciousne-ss, is pred­ gre�t whale . The sperm whale has
research and later, his extensive icated on the particular structure the largest brain on earth, 10, 000
experimentation with LSD , when of our brains . Our "silent areas , " grams . Ours is 1 , 500 grams, and
it was both still legal and under for instance , separate us from the the difference in weight is in the
government auspices . He has also chimpanzees. If we lose our silent silent areas and their connections .
explored in depth physical isola­ areas, we become non-human in Now, this is qualitative . There is a
tion tanks , meditation, and the the sense that we don't have size threshold for developing the
Arica approach, along with other imagination, we don't think in the kind of consciousness we have ,
mind-expanding tools. His books future , history is no longer impor­ and it' s only brain size . It doesn 't
include : Programming and Meta­ tant, and we 're reduced to a have to do with body size of any of
programming in the. Human Rio­ responding person without initi­ those other variables . It ' s an
computer, The Center of the ative . We need intact silent areas absolute .
Cyclone, Simulations of God, Lilly in association with the cortex, WILLIA M S: Do you believe in the
on Dolphins, and most recently frontal lobe, and temporal lobe yoga exercises that are said to
The Dyadic Cyclone, co-authored areas that are not committed to increase the · size of the frontal
with his wife , Toni Lilly. The input-output computations. Eve­ lobes?
following interview was conducted rything we do that separates us LILLY: You cannot, in so far as we
outside under the southern Cali­ from the apes is characteristic of know, increase the size of the
fornia sun. Dr. Lilly was accom­ those regions . . . OK? So our con­ brain. After something like the
panied by his lovely wife . sciousness is predicated on that. third year of life , the skull

20 Beyond Real ity

Dr. John Lilly and his wife
Antonia. Dr. Lilly is well known
and respected for his dolphin
research. He is also the author of .
several pdpular books including
his most recent, ' 'The Dyadic
Cyclone, ' ' which was co-authored
with his lovely wife Antonia.

becomes fixed. The sutures close pens when we increase intelli­ LILLY : You have more choices in
-there ' s no more space . When gence , awareness , or learn extra­ the direction over which the
we discover how to increase the ordinary mental feats? milanization is going to increase
size of the brain , the future will be LILLY: The connection problem when you are young, than when
wide open. has not been solved yet . . . as to you're old, It' s already been
WILLIA M S: This is what some what CQnnections are, the im­ established and can 't be reversed,
yogis do teach, right? portant ones, and so on . Now, one so there is a progressive degree of
LILLY : I suspect all they are doing process of development continues organization. And that organi­
is reprogramming what is already in the brain right on to death , and zation depends on what one is
within the brain - re-orienting the most people don 't seem to know doing. If one is doing the proper
totality of Self to be more aware about it. The milan , the insulating body trips, getting sufficient exer­
and more sensitive in certain layer around each axon , increases cise, following the right diet, and
regions that most people neglect. in certain critical areas throughout so on, it is very different from the
WILLIA M S: John, I've read re­ life . So there ' s an increased opposite . So the milanization of
cently that many of our brain cells differentiation of pathways - less somebody who has a lot of pain
are not being used because blood overflow in the system - so that , will follow a different course than
is not getting to them. Could you say, somebody that is 70 years old someone who has a great deal of
comment on that? will have much greater milani­ joy. We tend to get prejudiced in
LILLY : That is nonsense . If a zation of these critical tracks , than certain areas this way. The energy
neuron is not being used , it a person of 20. control increases with age.
disappears . If a muscle cell is not Now, what does this mean? It WILLIAMS: So it gets harder and
used, it disappears . And so it ' s means that control over the silent harder to break out of your
nonsense that w e use only 10 % of areas of the brain increases with patterns . Is it possible to break
the structure of the brain , or some age . This kind of growth is very out?
such remark. We use the whole much to the point. But it also LILLY: I suspect it is , but it' s a
thing. It ' s how we use it that ' s means that yoti lose the pluri­ very difficult process. Sri Auro­
important. potential nature of the specifi­ bindo spent 25 years trying this.
WILLIA M S: What · of growing cation . As soon as The Mother took over
more connections between the TONI LILLY : What does that the Ashram, he went into seclu­
existing cells? Is that �hat hap- mean? sion and worked on thi�. I suspect
continued on page 60

Beyond Reality. 21
A pyramid can take one to the stars and produce
breathtaking beauty or plunge one into the
depths of stark, unbelievable ugliness.


With the growing interest in pyramid is some sort of marvelous exception.

pyramidology, it is important to
· tranquilizer , and that all you have Even my cats have their own
realize that this science should not to do is sit under it and experience reactions to the pyramid tents .
be taken lightly. Pyramids are not relief from ulcers , depression and One enjoys wiggling underneath
toys. There are some children who nervousness. In many cases peo­ the edge of the tent and lying
find the pyramid ' 'tent ' ' delight­ ple do experience such relief, but inside , but the other has a quite
ful for play, and there are some tests have led me to believe that different opinion. He lunges and
parents who are experimenting this is the result of positive claws at the tent, and once he
with ' �live-in ' ' models, using them thinking. People lacking such a even attacked me . I was clawed
only for a pastime . I cannot positive attitude may well experi­ and bitten from hand to shoulder.
overemphasize that pyramidology ence even greater depression and Being in such pain , I felt this was
is serious business . anxiety. a good time to put the healing
The pyramids collect or · produce Judging by my own experience , properties of my pyramid tent to
an energy that amplifies thought . the pyramid can ' 'take you places ' ' the test, so I slept in it overnight .
A pyramid can take one to the whether you are prepared for the By the next morning, only faint
stars and produce breathtaking trip or not ! But I also know that it yellow bruises were visible where
beauty or plunge one into the can heal. the bites and scratches had been.
depths of stark, �nbelievable ugli­ I knew one woman who had One friend of mine had a very
ness. I have had such experi­ been told she had only a short sore throat that medication did not
ences , and so have others. time to live . Cancer was spreading seem to help . I told her to lie down
I have a double major in throughout her body. But after with a small model pyramid on her
philosophy and psychology, and I she experimented with a pyramid, throat. She did so, and in less than
had been into meditation for her lungs stopped filling with half an hour the soreness and
nearly 12 years before using a fluid. Her puzzled but happy swelling were completely gone.
pyramid. I found that I wasn't physician said the disease was Thousands of tests were made
nearly as well prepared as I arrested. Her blood pressure is
· throughout the world which have
thought I would be . now normal, imd she feels ener­ virtually established that pyra­
So many people make the
· getic. Though perhaps hard to mids can sharpen razor blades,
mistake of thinking that the believe , this case is not an mellow wine , increase the growth
continued on page 58

Beyond Reality 23

Statistically, it is unlikely to happen to you. You

are more likely to see a ghost or a spirit than your
psychic double. But, don 't be suprised if you run
into your doppelganger.

24 Beyond Rea l ity

--�----- -----��

Your Psychic Double
It has been reported that many persons
have been schocked out of their wits
when coming face to face with . . . themselves !

Have you seen your Doppelganger lately? ,

In case you ' ve never heard of a Doppe lganger , it ' s what psychic
researchers ca ll your psychic double . The doub le is not flesh and
blood , but a strange spirit that has been puzzling mankind since the
dawn of recorded history .
Although it is not likely to happen to you , reports are too numerous
to be only coincidence . Many persons have been shocked out of their
wits by coming face to face with their double - in many cases , even to
the exact clothes that they wore .
Reports of such encounters have come from all over the world .
These psych ic doubles seem to occur quite often in Germany, hence ,
the word " Doppelgange r " , or " The Spirit Double " . In Great Britain ,
the spirit doub le is called your Fetch . It is believed in England that to
come face to face with your Fetch is an omen of death .
Modern psychic researchers bel ieve that your psychic double is
more of a guardian angel than an omen of ·death . i
A report from Berlin told of a German theology professor who was I
walking home one even ing when he was startled to see his I

Doppelganger on the other side of the street . No matter how slow or .

fast he walked , his psychic double stayed with him . He turned down
an alley-way hoping to get rid of his Doppe lganger , and he thought he !

had succeeded until he emerged j ust across the street from his home .
He saw his double standing at the door of his house . Curiously , he
watched his psychic double ring the doorbell . Hi� maid came to the
continued on next page

Beyond Real ity 25

D O P P E LG A N G E R : Y O U R PS Y C H I C D O U B L E /conti nued

door and watched as his double Just as they reached a clearing

entered the house. The maid her saw himself as he had been
handed the- spirit a candle, and back in 1944, exactly the same,
the professor watched his Doppel- ' with the strip of bandaid on his
ganger as it mounted the staircase The sergeant could chin. His double was again wav­
up to his room. ing him away, just as he had done
Unable to restrain himself, the
not beleive his 20 years before in France. The
professor rushed across the street eyes . . .there he was former sergeant at once ordered
and raced up the stairs in time to his family to tum around and head
hear a loud crash in his room. He face to face back. Half-running , half-walking,
flung open the door. The crash he they heard a thundering roar and
heard was the ceiling that had with himself! a shattering crash. They turned to
collap�ed only seconds before he see that a large tree had fallen
opened the door. Had it not been exactly on the spot where they
for his Doppelganger, he surely were standing.
would have been in the room and Unknown'', by John Godwin, tells In some cases these . psychic
crushed to death. of a Doppelganger who turned out doubles are a projection of some
Another remarkable case of a to be a guardian angel. future event. According to the
Doppelanger which was witnessed It was back in 1944 when a biography of the well known
by many, was that of a school­ young American sergeant was German poet Johann Wolfgang
teacher in France, Emile Sagee, leading a patrol near Rennes. von Goethe, he had just complet­
32 years of age. Everything was quiet and the ed his studies at the universisty in
She taught at -a school for girls Germans were nowhere in sight. Strasbourg when he met the
located' near the Baltic port of As the patrol made its way down a beautiful daughter of a pastor
Riga. Strange things started hap­ narrow dirt road, a figure appear­ of a small .vill age. He fell deeply in
pening several weeks after she ed on the road just a few yards love with the girl but refused to
arrived . Her students claimed that away. The sergeant could not marry her because he did not want
tJte new teacher was seen in dif­ beli�ve his eyes . . . there he was, to be tied down. On the day he
ferent · places at the same time. face to face with himself, right decided to leave for home he uaid
Several times as she was giving down to the bandaid on his chin! a last visit to his lover an d,
lessons on the blackboard, her His double waved his arms in mounting his horse, took the road
pupils said they saw two Miss a gesture that clearly meant ''go leading home. As he went slowly
Sagees standing side by side back''. The sergeant ordered his on his way, he came face to
doing the exact same thing ! The men back and as they started face with his doppelganger riding
real one was writing on the board back, a jeep carrying several towards him. He relates in his
with some white chalk, while the soldiers roared past them toward autobiography: I saw not with the
psychic double was imitating her the direction they were retreating eyes of the body, but with those of
every move. The students said the from. They watched as a burst of mind, my own figure coming
whole thing was very errie and artillery and machine gun fire hit toward me on horseback, and on
they were frightened. the jeep, and killing all the men the same road, attired in a suit
Pupils also reported that Miss before they had a chance to which I had never worn - pike
Sagee had two reflections in the engage the enemy. The Germans gray with gold lace. As soon as I
mirror. During mealtime her were hiding on the road just ahead shook myself out of this dream the
Doppelganger was often seen and had the sergeant and his men figure had entirely disappeared.
standing behind her imitating her kept walking, they would all have Eight years later, I found myself
movments. Finally, it became been killed. on the very road, to pay one more
unbearable for the students as Some twenty years would pass visit to my beloved, in the suit of
well as the principal, who asked before the sergeant, who was now which I had dreamed. ''
her to leave. She went to live with an executive with an insurance No one can say what these
some relatives. Her sister's child­ company, was to see his Doppel­ psychic doubles are. They are not
ren at first were alarmed by their ganger again. ghosts, since they are images of
aunt with the strange double, but In June of 1964, he decided to live persons. Whatever they are,
they soon became used to it, take his family on a camping trip they are associated with good and
telling people that they had two in Canada. not evil. So if by chance you come
aunts. The weather was cool and very face to face with your Doppel­
A book published recently, windy as the family hiked in ganger, don't panic, it could very
"Unsolved: The World of the Indian file through the woods. well be your guardian angel. D

26 Beyond Real ity

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Beyond Real ity 27

On January 14, 1953, a meeting report was filed with the Central ington, D. C . was the scene of a
of scientific advisors was held in Intelligence Agency and classified massive UFO ''invasion' ' during
Washington, D. C. by the Office as ''secret . ' ' the summ er of '52. Whether or
of Scientific Intelligence, CIA . On December 19, 1974, the not prompted by that flap, there
The purpose : to evaluate persis­ report was declassified and , under was also a general fear that the
tent reports of unidentified flying the Freedom of Information Act, Soviet Union might use the UFO
objects , and to determine whether made available to the public. On ''craze ' ' as a decoy for an attack
those reports constituted a serious January 12, 1976, I received a on this country . (Interestingly,
threat to the security of the United copy of the report from CIA there was little supposition that
States. headquarters in Washington, the Soviet Union itself owned the
The meeting lasted four days D .C . , and an accompanying letter UFOs .)
during which films of alleged from Gene F. Wilson , the agen­ As a result of this series of
UFOs were shown, eye-witness cy' s information and privacy co­ events, the CIA ' s advisory panel
accounts of UFOs were discussed, ordinator . convened . Eight meetings and
and military and scientific recom­ The information presented in four days later it had decided on
mendations were heard pertaining the following report is a review of certain actions to both ''educate ' '
to the nature of- and possible the proceedings of the 1963 'Americans with regard to aerial
answer to-the flying saucer phe­ meeting , and a summary of phenomena, and to "tone down"
nomenon. actions �greed upon by the panel. the entire UFO scenario .
At the close of the meeting In 1952, the United States In order to counter possible
(frequently called the Robertson experienced a large UFO flap Soviet activity within the U . S .
Panel, honoring Dr . H . P. Robert­ (wave of sightings). At that time (resulting from the UFO prob­
son , who chaired the gathering) , the CIA first became interested lem) , the panel decided on a
Frederick C . Durant , a guided (at least openly so) in the so-called two-front ''education program' '
missile expert, was charged with "flying saucer " mystery. They for American citizens.
documenting the proceedings of may have had good reason for this This program consisted of a
the four days. Durant's final interest, :considering that Wash- ''training' ' aspect , and a ''de-

·Beyond Real ity
bunking' aim . An extensive debunking plan while piloting his private aircraft,
The training aspect was pro­ was envisioned by the panel, and hence becoming a ' 'believer. ' ' )
posed in order to familiarize involved the use of mass media, Also suggested as media channels
. individuals with ' 'unusually illu­ such as television , motion pic­ were the Jam Handy Company
minated (aerial) objects ' ' such as tures, and popular magazine arti­ (maker of military training films) ,
balloons or aircraft reflections. cles. According to the Durant Walt Disney, Inc. , animated car­
Also , Joe Smith on the street was Report : " (The) basis of such toons, and other media concerns .
to be educated in the appearance education would be actual case At one point D r . J . Allen Hynek
of ' 'natural phenomena' ' such as histories which had been puzzling (an associate member of the panel
meteors , fireballs , mirages, and at first but later explained. As in and today recognized as an advo­
"noctilucent clouds " (clouds that the case of conjuring tricks (per­ cate of UFO research) , cited that
glowat night) .Or as pointed out in formed by stage magicians ) , there amateur astronomers might ' 'be a
the declassified report : "This is much less stimulation if the potential source of enthusiastic
training should result in a marked ' secret ' is known . " talent 'to spread the gospel. ' ' '
reduction in reports caused by The report also noted : ' ' Such a Another area which the panel
misidentification and resultant program should tend to reduce the decided worth keeping an eye on
confusion . ' ' current gullibility of the public, was the growth · of civilian UFO
The second part of the program , and consequently their suscepti­ research teams within the United
that of debunking UFO reports , bility to clever hostile (Russian) States . In 1953 only a handful of
was to ' ' result in reduction of propaganda. ' ' large private groups existed in the
public interest in ' flying saucers ' The panel decided that person­ country . The Civilian Flying Sau­
which today evoke a strong psy­ ality Arthur Godfrey might be ' ' a cer Investigators , with headquar­
chological reaction . " In other valuable channel of communi­ ters in Los Angeles (now defunct ) ,
words , the panel decided that cation ' ' to audiences of ' 'certain an d the Aerial Phenomena Re­
American citizens just weren't levels " in their debunking cam­ search Organization (APRO) , were
' 'mature' ' enough to properly paign . (This' ultimately backfired: two such organizations . APRO
handle the UFO situation. Godfrey reportedly saw a UFO was at the time headquartered in
continued on page 54

Beyond Reality 29
The tomb of the Venerable Bede, the first British historian and occult
c!Lronicler, may be seen by visitors to Durham Cathedral. Bede was one
of the first to record the miracles and strange phenomena which helped
build the English nation and its church. He carried out his work during
the 6th century, C. E.

30 Beyond Reality
B Y J O H N C . S H E RW O O D

During the latter half of the light seemed to beckon them. honored in faith . To the world at
seventh century after Christ, an It moved southwest of the large, he is known as the Vener­
epidemic arose in the East Saxon monastery and convent buildings, able Bede, or simply Bede.
countryside around the English and hovered above an open area. Like many of his Saxon contem­
settlement of Berecingum, now The nuns thought this indicated poraries, he was reared to honor
called Barking . that the area had some impor­ the rule of the vibrant , youthful
The village, to the east of tance . The light remained briefly, Christian Church. Caught in a
London, was the site of a mona­ and then it suddenly rose up high grip of religious intensity, Bea­
stery and a convent, and the into the air. It grew smaller and da ' s parents turned him over to
monks were the hardest-hit of the smaller and finally vanished . The the charge of an abbot , Benedict ,
community. The men died in nuns soon found a ''reason ' ' for in 680 A . D. He was only seven
alarming numbers as the epi­ the event : The matter of a burial years old at the time. In 682 , at
demic raged unchecked . The mo­ site was settled ! the age of nine, the youth com­
ther of the convent wondered This fascinating event, so simi­ mitted himself utterly to the
what should be done when the lar to accounts of flying objects Church and to Christ. He became
inevitable occurred and the nuns, and apparitions in modern times , a monk and dedicated himself to
too, began to die . She asked the was recorded for posterity by one an austere life of devotion , schol­
women of the convent where they of the witnesses . This man made arly ecclesiastics and - beyond his
would like their bodies to be it his business to record strange calling - protection of knowledge .
buried . Understandably, the nuns occurrences - UFOs, spirits, vi­ Consequently, most of his life was
were reluctant to give a quick sions, prophecies and incredible spent within the confines of a
reply to the hard-nosed query, restorations of life and health ­ small Northumbrian monastery ,
and several days passed. that took place during England ' s at Jarrow.
Then occurred a bizarre event early history. The debt we owe Bede, as we will call him, was
that they could only interpret as a him is enormous. And as far as I one of the first to realize the
sign from God. know, very little credit has gone to importance of setting down on
The nuns were prayin;g at night this man, who was probably the paper the flow of events , deeds ,
when a commotion arose outside . first reporter of occult phenomena miracles and phe1,1omena that
The noise drew everyone to the in the Western world. helped to build the English nation
windows, where they beheld an We do not know what he looked and its Church. He threw himself
incredible light, as bright as the . like, but we know that he lived into his studies so intensely that ,
sun. The light shone like "a great more than 1 , 200 years ago and by the time he was 1 9 , he was
sheet ' ' in the sky over the holy that his name was Beada. As a made a deacon of the Church, a
community. Alarmed, the nuns historian of the Church, he has no post usually reserved for men at
rushed outdoors - and, as if it had equal . He comes to us across the least 25 years old. When he was
been waiting for an audience, the years, preserved in memory and 30, he found his personal call-

The noise drew everyone to the windows,

where they beheld an incredible light,
as bright as the sun. The light shone as

a ' 'great sheet' ' in the sky.


BED E Occult mstorian

Beyond Real ity 31
A heavy and well-deserved punishment is

about to fall on this place in the form

of a great and terrible fire. ' ' ·

ing- he would write the story of fected were most wondrously specific , speaking of perceptual
England's growth as a people and blessed. precognition , synchronicity and
as a Church . Today we would explain the peak · experiences . Time has al­
For years , Bede compiled in­ events reported by Bede as in­ tered only our level of commu­
formation, consulted the writings stances of psychokinesis, precog­ nication ; the causes and explana­
of great teachers , and sometimes nition , clairvoyance , sighting of tions still elude us .
traveled to talk with those who an unidentified flying object, psy­ ( 4) An intense reverence for a
might know more of the national chosomatic healing or some other particular object or person- some
heritage , from the day Romans impressive term . But some of the kind of physical, material thing ­
first set foot on the island up to his events reported by Bede have would often result in its associ­
own time. Be de wrote and studied few , if any, parallels in modem ation with holiness, of God-given
for almost three decades , turning times and provoke a great deal of powers and sometimes incorrupt­
out many treatises on dogma and conjecture . These are the reports ibility . In modem times , we might
Christian teachings. Finally, in of persons - Bede concluded they speak of place-memories ( specific
the year 73 1 , his great work was were saints - whose bodies did locations infused with emotional
finished. It was called Historia not decay after death . Also, there impressions , often givhtg rise to
Ecclesiastica Gentis A nglorum, were the inexplicable reports of "haunted house" reports) or the
the Ecclesiastical History of the dead persons restored to life , talismans of power possessed by
English People. storms quelled , and fires stopped witches and warlocks -the thur­
Bede wrote in Latin , and his by prayer alone . ible, the wand and the athame .
work was translated into Old Such stories often raise more Extending this power to living
English about a century later questions than answers, but there things , we may point to the
when King Alfred attempted to are some conclusions that can be witch ' s familiar and the properties
increase the literacy of his people . made: of herbs and roots .
Bede' s work thus found its way ( 1) A power beyond human Bede ' s story of the holy light at
into the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, action was believed to be the Barking raises the question of
the first popular history inscribed cause of these phenomena. In whether it really was an answer to
in England. Scholars consider Bede ' s day, divine intervention a rather mundane question , or a
much of his work to be history was the only explanation . Today, coincidental sighting of a UFO . It
mixed with legend , but the stu­ while such intervention can't be seems too pat to call the event a
dent of the occult finds it of ruled out, we may propose an­ coincidence , because the light did
tremendous importance, because other kind of power called simply seem to have a purpose - to be
more than one-fourth of the ' 'the paranormal force . ' ' noticed and to indicate a parti­
Historia is devoted to reporting ( 2 ) Fervent prayer for help often cular place . But if the apparition
bizarre supernatural events . produced miraculous results , is occult rather than physical in
We tum to these events to see sometimes visible to more than origin , why sliould it matter to a
what types of phenomena were one person at a time ; this seemed divine being where the dead are
noteworthy to a religious scholar , to indicate a reply, blessing or buried?
and to see how they compare with granting of the wish. Conscious I believe the apparition was real
the occult events of today. desire to have a certain event enough , but that it was psychic­
By nature , Bede interpreted occur played a major part in the ally inspired and telepathically
every paranormal event as a phenomenon . In short, because shared by the nuns at Barking.
Christian miracle . Each event had something was desired intensely, Consider the events at Lourdes ,
a purpose , either to express God ' s it was often fulfilled. Fatima and other locations where
wishes o r to bestow a blessing. (3) There were men and women large groups of people saw the
When no heavenly explanation in Bede ' s time ( as today) who same "miracle" - in these cases,
was readily apparent, Bede re­ could foretell the future and apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
treated to the conclusion that the interpret omens. In the. eighth The great psychologist Carl Jung
site of the event must surely be century, Bede could speak only of considered them the result of
holy, and that the persons af- visions . . Today we might be more collective perception, and called

32 Beyond Real ity

There are numerous reports of
persons . . . whose bodies did not decay after
death, or of the dead being restored to life . . .

them ' 'visionary rumors. ' ' Such flames themselves died out. monastery at Coludi ( now Cold­
an explanation assumes the exist­ There may be two schools of ingham) during perhaps the mid­
ence of a linking system among thought regarding these stories. seventh century. One monk, a
minds. Had he known of the The first may be that the sparing Scot named Adamnan, ' 'led a life
sighting at Barking, no doubt of the first bishop' s house and the so devoted to God in prayer and
Jung would have drawn similar sparing of 'Canterbury were both austerity that he took neither food
conclusions about it. Thanks to fortunate events having nothing to nor drink except on Sundays and
Bede, we can now say that this do with prayer or divine inter­ Thursdays. ' '
synchronous link has existed at vention. After all, there certainly Bede tells Adaii).nan' s story of
least for 12 centuries and probably must have been holy men praying precognition as if the man himself
for much longer. for God's help a thousand years were speaking: "One night re­
Ope�g Bede' s Historia, we later during the Great Fire of cently I was occupied in keeping
read: London, but that city certainly was vigil and reciting the psalter,
' ' [While Bishop Germanus was] not spared. Others may argue that when a stranger suddenly ap­
detained by illness, fire broke out faith has declined over the cen­ peared beside me . . . [who] spoke
in a cottage near his lodging, and turies, and therefore the power of kindly to me, saying . . . 'Nowhere
after destroying the adjoining prayer is no longer what it used to have I found anyone except your­
dwellings . . . it was carried by the be. self concerned with their eternal
wind to the cottage where he lay. On the other hand, one can salvation. All of them, men and
The people ran to pick up the argue that the stories present women alike, are either sound
bishop and carry him to a place of evidence for group psychokinesis. asleep, or else awake only in order
safety, but, full of trust in God, he The idea of combining minds to to do evil . . . For this reason a heavy
reproved them and would not achieve powerful ends is not and well-deserved punishment is
allow them to do so. unheard of; a witches' coven about to fall on this place and its
' 'In despair, the people ran oft forms on the premise that num­ people in the form of a terrible
to fight the fire, but . . . whatever bers help attain access to the fire' . . .

the crowd endeavored to save was paranormal force. It seems to Bede indicates that Adamnan
destroyed. Meanwhile the flames make no difference whether the told others of the apparition,
leaped over the house where the intent is good or evil. The para­ which alarmed the holy commu­
saint lay disabled and helpless, normal force may produce evil nity for a while. But after a few
but although they raged all a­ ends, but it obviously can also be days the monastery residents fell
round it, the place that sheltered used to do great good. Bede back into their slothful ways,
him stood untouched amid a sea of recognized only the latter and "and when they thought them­
fire. The crowd was overjoyed at called it divine, but the truth may selves at peace and secure, the
the miracle, and praised God . . . ' ' be that the paranormal force, like predicted judgment fell on them. ' '
• (Book I , Chapter 19). all great truths, is an amoral one. (Book IV , Chapter 25.) The story
Elsewhere, in Chapter 7 of Book A thwarted group of people, was told to Bede by a fellow monk
IT, we read a startling story of a having no other recourse, may who had lived in the unfortunate
fire in Canterbury set through unleash their frustrations in the monastery for a time. Bede took
carelessness. The town -was al­ form of anguished desire, and the story as a lesson in ' ' the
ready threatened and water was such desire may ' 'tum on' ' a workings of God, and how terrib_le
powerless to put out the flames. psychic ability to bring the wish He is in his dealings with the sons
Bishop Mellitus, a frail man, into being� Bede did not see this; of men. ' '
demanded that he be carried into his was a world of heavenly cause However, we might take the
the midst of the conflagration, and effect. This world-picture was story as a description of the
where he set his mind to strenu­ fairly absolute just prior to the experience of a reluctant seer.
ous prayer. Bede relates that the medieval era, and affected the The familiar aspects are there:
south wind, which had spread the tales of precognition that Bede The monk fasts, keeps to himself
fire, all of a sudden veered north also reported. and is committed to solitary study.
and then dropped entirely as the In one case, Bede tells of a The ancient, biblical prophets

Beyond Real ity 33

B E D E : O C C U LT H I S T O R I A N /conti n u ed

weie such men , who wandered in example , the myth that Adolph
the desert and did not eat for Hitler is still alive survives 30
weeks at a time . Abraham Maslow years after his burned body was
finds these conditions suitable for found in a German bunker. The
what he calls peak experiences ­ body of his crony, BenitO' Musso­
visionary perceptions which have Bede wrote lini, was mutilated terribly, per­
the impact of today' s drug­ haps in the fear that Mussolini
induced, unnatural hallucina- . that ' 'at the place indeed might defy death and
tions -but which are seen, heard, remain whole .
and felt with such great clarity where he was killed, Furthermore , there are the
that the subject may perceive tales of the Wandering Jew who
things unknown to others and sick men and remains eternally alive , doomed
remember them until death. to walk the Earth forever. There
We should expect such an beasts are healed are the stories of the Count de
experience to be ascribed to an Saint-Germain, who claimed to
undelineated " stranger " who ap­ to this day. ' ' have lived for centuries and
pears from nowhere . To the convinced marty that he told the
pre-medieval mind, the prediction truth. The ancient Egyptians have
had to come from somewhere, for sought to keep the body incor­
in those dark ages the brain ruptible , and they succeeded
wasn 't considered a good source who died in 687 A . D . The statue is more than we may with our
for prognostic thoughts . Even 500 made even more bizarre by the embalming fluid and our cryo­
years later it was a radical fact that the figure of Cuth­ genic capsules . The association of
development in the European bert- who never saw battle in his an undecayed body with the soul' s
concept of prophecy when Joan of life - lost its head in some ancient safe journey into the afterlife i s an
Arc said she heard voices in her accident. occult fixation fully demonstrated
head. Even then, the voices were Oswald and Cuthbert are in­ by the testimony of Bede , who
ascribed to certain saints , for the terred in the crypt at Durham saw it as a supreme proof of
information had to come from Cathedral. The bones - relics re­ divinity.
outside the mind for seventh­ vered for more than 1,000 years­ There is no such divine associ­
century men and women to com­ are turning to dust now, but Bede ation or miracle ascribed to Bede
prehend the tale. recorded that Cuthbert's body himself, although you might think
We can sense, in the best remained incorruptible for many such a profound and successful
Jungian tradition , that the in­ years. It was in the year 698 A . D . student of the occult would have
formation does not necessarily that the brethren o f the cathedral had something rub off onto him .
come from without. Some pre­ sought to exhume Cuthbert in However, his unusual life merited
scient knowledge may come from order to reinter the body in a new a fitting death, and we have an
without , through the reception of tomb above ground level - a more account of it, - written by an
wave-patterns from other minds , suitable location for a sainted assistant aptly named Cuthbert.
but this does not explain psychic bishop . ' ' After eleven years, ' ' Bede had lived most of his life
knowledge of future events over Bede wrote , "they expected to within the stone walls of the
which human beings have no find his flesh reduced to dust and well-kept monastery . Four years
control. We 've come a long way the remains withered, as is usual after completing his Historia, he
since Bede, but not far enough . in dead bodies � . . When they op­ became ill. Bede realized death
In the Historia we read a tale of ened the grave , they found the was near, but he preferred not to
Northumbria' s Christian king, Os­ . body whole and uncorrupt as call it by that name. Instead he
wald, who reigned for nine years though still living, and the limbs looked forward to his ' ' heavenly
and later was killed in battle at flexible as though he were asleep birthday . ' ' He remained in bed
Maserfield. Bede wrote that " at rather than dead. Furthermore, but continued to take part in the
the place where he was killed . . . all the vestments in which he was daily singing of psalms and teach­
sick men and beasts are healed to clothed appeared not only spot­ ing of lessons . On May 25, 735,
this day . ' ' All sorts of incredible less , but wondrously fresh and his flesh began to swell and his
events seemed to revolve around fair. ' ' (Book IV, Chapter 30. ) difficulty in breathing became
this one man ' s death. We can point to no instance of worse .
At the great cathedral in the old incorruptibility in modem times to Bede asked that his head be
Northumbrian town of Durham, draw a parallel, but we can say raised so he could look through a
where Bede' s body now is at rest, that the deification of certain window and see the church he had
is a statue depicting Oswald' s objects and persons may give rise served for so long. He died in this
decapitated head in the hand of to such a phenomena, or at least position, and he was buried at the
the beloved bishop, Cuthbert, to a profound belief in it. For monastery . D

34 Beyond Real ity

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obligatinn. USO .campa ign.
Dynamics Fellowship. P. O. Box 418 0 a
2935 Chillon Way, Laguna Beach, California 92652 >1-¥¥¥ ¥·¥ ¥¥ ¥��-----
8 -_ d --a-t-_.
o n_ 35 ey Re l i y
NASA has awarded a contract to Western Union to provide
telecommunication service via a tracking and data rely satellite system
for support oT E arth orbital spacecraft. These satellites will relay data,
commands , video and voice to and from spacecraft and the ground
terminal. This system will support NASA Earth-orbital scientific and
manned spacecraft missions .


Shuttle testing at Johnson Space

Center, Houston , Texas. An
interior view of building 9-A
showing a Space Shuttle proto­
type 50-foot manipulator arm
maneuvering a 32 , 000-pound
payload on the precisiOJ! air­
bearing floor during testing and
check out of shuttle equipment at
the Johnson Space Center. A
manipulator arm will be mount­
ed aboard the Space Sl).uttle Or­
biter and, in Eart)J. orbit it can
launch and retrieve payloads.

� Beyond Real ity

Dr. Noel W. Hinuera, NASA , s A female test subject wears a liquid cooled
Associate Administrator for Space garment while exercising on a trendmill in the JSC
Sciences, examines two one-half­ Environmental Physiology Laboratory. She is Ms.
gram samples of lunar soil Debbi Guichard of Northrop Service ' s Inc .
collected from the Moon's Sea of Guichard and,suit technician Al Rochford (right)
Crises by the unmanned Soviet are conducting a feasibility study of an automatic
Spacecraft Luna-24 . comfort controller for Shuttle Mobility Units .

A NASA aircraft from Wallope

Flight Center took this photo of
the oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean
about 34 kilometers (28 miles) off
the coast of Nantucket, Mass .
The picture was taken from an
altitude of 1,675 meters ( 5 , 500
feet) on Sunday, December 19,
1976 . Theses flights are an aid to
the National Oceanic and Atmos-­
pheric Administration as well as
the Coast Guard in assessing the
.extend of the oil spill.

37 Beyond Real ity

' 'I thought at first it was the magnified reflection
·of a big moth caught in the streetlight-then the
shadow bounced into a nearby tree. We all
looked up and that's when we saw it. ' '


strange reports of the


Throughout history there has

been reports of winged demons
such as the one in this
15th century illustration.

What connection is there between

these reports of strange beings
with bat -like wings and the
mythical gods of India such as thzs
winged-animal faced Garuda
On June 18, 1953 , three Hous­ Texas . The witnesses , 1 1 -year old glided. It didn 't fly . It was no
ton,. Texas residents - unable to Tracey Lawson and her 14-year higher than the telephone line . It
sleep because of the heat - were old cousin, Jackie Davis. They had a huge breast, different legs,
sitting on the front porch of an were playing in the Lawsons ' and huge wings . The wings "were
apartment building talking. At back-yard when Tracey saw some­ very peculiar. They had a bony
2 :30 a.m . , they were startled by a thing land in a field about 100 structure , like when you hold a bat
huge shadow which suddenly yards away. She ran into the by the wing tips. It has bones at
crossed the lawn approximately 25 house and returned with a parr of the top and in between. ' '
feet away. binoculars . Through the glasses At the same time, the teachers
' 'I thought at first it was the she saw a fearsome black bird, could see another large bird
magnified reflection of a big about five feet tall, with three­ circling like a buzzard over a herd
moth caught in the streetlight" , foot-wide wings folded at its of cattle off in tht:: distance . The
Mrs: Hilda Walker told reporters . side. Its face was "gorilla-like" second bird, the teachers thought ,
' 'Then the shadow bounced into a with large red eyes and a sharp ' looked like an ' 'oversized sea
pecan tree. We all looked up and six-inch· beflk. The creature gull. ' '
that's when we saw it. It was the uttered a shrill eeee sound, after When they arrived at their
figure of a man with wings like a which it vanished. It reappeared school, the teachers tried to
bat . He was dressed in gray or moments later, its head protrud­ determine the· identity of the bird
black tight-fitting clothes . He ing above a small clump of trees. by looking through a set of
stood there for about 30 seconds , The frightened chilren ran into the encyclopedias . What they dis­
swaying. op the branch of the old house and stayed there . covered only added to their puzzle­
pecan tree. Suddenly, the light The next day, Jackie ' s step­ ment. The creature looked exactly
began to fade slowly. Little Judy father discovered five three-toed like a prehistoric pteranodon, a
Meyers , age 14, screamed as the tracks in the area where the kind of airborne dinosaur that has
light died out and the figure creature had stood. The prints supposedly been extinct for some
disappeared. Immediately after­ were approximately twelve inches 150,000, 000 years. .
wards, we heard a loud swoosh long and eight inches wide , and The Texas " Big Bird" vanished
over the housetops across the they were pressed an inch and a as suddenly as it had appeared. It
street. It was like a white flash of a half into the hard ground. Local left behind several thousand dol­
torpedo-shaped object . ' ' authorities were notified and pho­ lars in unclaimed reward money
The third witness, 33-year-old tographs of the tracks were broad­ and a puzzled - and somewhat
Howard Phillips , thought the ob­ cast by Harlingen TV station embarrassed - Rio Grande Valley.
ject looked like a man dressed in a KGBT. KGBT-TV news director Ray Nor­
paratrooper 's uniform . " He was Within days, reports from San ton summed up the episode in the
encased in a halo of light, ' ' he Benito, Rio Grande City, Browns­ following manner:
said. ' 'I've heard so much about ville, Olmito , and Raymondville ' ' I'm convinced that 75 to· 80
flying saucer stories , and I thought appeared in newspapers across percent of those people who told
all those people telling those the country. The last incident to us that they saw something really
stories were crazy, but now I don 't receive publicity occurred in Feb­ believed that they did see what
know what to believe . I may be ruary, 1976 . As schoolteachers they said. The only problem is
nuts, but I saw it, whatever it Patricia Bryant, Marsha Dahl­ that when we asked them to
was . " berg, and David Rendon were describe it, so our staff artist
The ' ' Houston Batman, ' ' as it driving to work on an isolated road could draw some kind of com­
was inevitably dubbed by the southwest of San Antonio on the posite picture , none of them could ,
press, is not the only strange, 24th , they were startled by an give us any decent kind of
bird-like creatur� to be reported in enormous bird that swooped low description. People have very
Texas . For approxhnately two over their car. The bird had a active imaginations . Who knows
months during the winter of wingspan of ' ' 15 or 20 feet, if not what they really saw? ' '
1975-76 , a different kind of large, more , ' ' and it cast a shadow over Whatever they saw, they aren 't
winged creature terrorized the the entire road as it passed alone . Similar creatures have
inhabitants of the Rio Grande overhead. · been observed hundreds of times
Valley. The monstrous bird was ' 'I could see the skeleton of this in the past. Afcording to the
seen by dozens of witnesses, most bird through the skin or feathers Louisville Courier-Journal ( Ken­
of whom described it as ' ' horrible­ or whatever , ' ' Mrs . Bryant told tucky) for July 29, 1880 , "a man
looking, ' ' with large red eyes and investigators . ' 'It stood out black surrounded by machinery which
huge bat-like wings . against the background of the he seemed to be working with his
Some of the most significant gray feathet:s . ' ' hands ' ' was seen by two men on
sightings of the flap occurred on Rendon described the creature the night of the 28th. The man had
the first of January at Harlington, as "huge" and added: "It just wings or fans on his back which he

Beyond Real ity 39

T H E H O U ST O N BAT M A N /conti n ue d

fla ped to stay aloft. drab flying suits, . and as far as I
Less than a month and a half can judge - I'm not very good at
later, a similar construction was I� judging distance -they were 250
observed over New York. On feet high, circling the city.
September 1 2 , the New York ' 'They were going at about the
Times repQ.rted: same speed as a freight train and
One day last week a marvelous had some kind of apparatus on
apparition was seen near Coney their sides which looked like. guns,
Island. At the height of at least but I know it couldn't have been
1 , 000 feet in the air a strange guns. I couldn't see any propellers
object was in the act of flying 1 or any motors tied on them, but I
toward the New Jersey coast. It could hear motors which sounded
was apparently a man with bat's like airplane motors only not so
wings and improved frog' s legs . loud.
The face of the man could be It was ' ' When they first came into
distinctly seen, and it wore a cruel sight I thought they looked like
and determined expression . The apparently a man · gulls , but a� they got closer I
movements made by the object could see plainly that they were
closely resembled those of a frog men. I couldn't make out their
in the act of swimming with his
with bat's wings arms, but I could see their feet
hind legs and flying with his front dangling down and they kept
legs . . . When we add that this
and frog's leg's. moving their heads, like they were
monster waved his wings in looking around. I couldn't tell if
answer to the whistle. of a locomo­
The face could be they had goggles on , but their
tive and was of a deep black color, heads looked like they had hel­
the alarming nature of the appari­
distinctly seen, and mets on . I couldn't see their
tion can be imagined. The object faces . "
was seen by many reputable
it wore a cmel April, 1948, was a very busy
persons , and they all agree that it month for our winged visitors,
was a man engaged in flying and determined particularly in southeastern Illi­
toward New Jersey. ' ' nois and eastern Missouri. Au­
In 1948, the United States Air
expression . What thorities there received a rash of
Force already had all it could reports from a number of respon­
handle in dealing out ' ' explana­ was it, and where sible citizens, most of whom saw a
tions " for the numerous flying grayish-black bird ubout the size
saucer sightings it received. So did it of a small airplane, with a long
they were somewhat reluctant to neck and huge wings . The most
investigate when Mrs . Bernice come from? unusual report, ' however, came
Zaikowski reported seeing a huge from three St . Louis residents who
weird man-like creature with long watched a luminous bird pass over
silver wings maneuvering approx­ the city at . 1 0 o'clock on the night
imately 200 feet above her Che­ of April 30th. •
halis, Washington farm on Janu­ ' 'I thought people who reported
ary 6th. Mrs. Zaikowski claimed seeing the things were 'bugs'
the man flew in an upright until I looked into the sky last
position, apparently manipulating night, ' ' slud U.S. Steel Inspector
his wings with controls strapped Charles Dunn . ' 'It was flapping its
to his chest. wings and moving quite fast at
Four months later, the flying about 3 ,000 feet altitude and
men returned to Washington . A appeared to be illuminated by a
janitor named James Pittman and dull glow. It looked about the size
Mrs . Viola Johnson, a laundry of a Piper Cub plane, but there
worker, saw a trio of them over was .no engine and it was not a
Longview on the 9th of April. plane. I could hardly believe my
' 'They looked like three men eyes. ' ' .
flying through the air, ' ' Mrs . On September 22 , 1973, a
Johnson said. ' 'They wore dark middle-aged Ohio couple could

40 Beyond Real ity

hardly believe their eyes when dark figure emerged from the however, that Mothman wasn't
they saw a large white bird over trees. It was completely black and the only unusual bird lurking in
the woods behind their rural human-siz�, but it was headless. the area. On November 26th,
Champaign County home. The Huge, bat-like wings could be Marvin Shock and his two children
couple, who requested anonymity, seen on its back. The witnesses saw four gigantic birds cavorting
were working in their yard at 9:30 fled in panic as the creature in the trees outside Lowell, Ohio.
a.m. when they saw the bird w&lked toward them. The birds had dark brown backs,
approach from the east. It a� In the days that followed, charcoal gray breasts, and a
peared to have a wingspan of 12 to several more witnesses reported "reddish cast to their heads . "
15 feet as it circled approximately strange occurrences in the area� They appeared to be four or five
150 feet above the trees. After a On November 21st, another teen­ feet tall , with a wingspan of at
few minutes, it ascended and Dew ager reported seeing an oval­ least ten feet.
out of sight, leisurely ftapping its sha� object in the midst of a
huge wings . One month later, golden fog. Two nights later, ' 'They looked about as big as a
during the massive American investigators found "a vast ex­ man would look moving around in
UFO flap of that year, this same panse of bracken that had been the tree branches, ' '· Shock said.
couple watched a glowing, round flattened' ' and three clearly-de­ ' 'When we started walking toward
object pus over their home at a fuied footprints. The tracks were them for a cioser look- we were
very low altitude . . an inch deep, two feet long, and about 100 yards from them -they
The Ohio couple's experience is nine inches wide. The men visited took off and flew up on the ridge. ' '
not unique. The mysterious Dying the site again on December 1 1th The witnesses followed the
men and bizarre birds have a and found the woods illuminated birds in their car. Three of the
j»enchant for appearing in a region by an eerie pulsating light. Fright­ birds landed in the trees at the
just before, during, or right after a ened, they watched the light from edge of a woods about 200 yards
period of increased UFO activity. a safe distance for nearly 30 from the home of neighbor Ewing
Consider, for example, the exper­ minutes. Tilton. The remaining creature
ience of four teenagers walking Three years later, an even more flew over the house and yard for a
near Sandling Park, Hythe, in bizarre series of events began in short time before landing in the
Kent, England, on the night of the Ohio River Valley . Beginning trees with the others . Shock and
November 16, 1963. The teen- . in November, 1966 and continuing his children and Tilton watched
agers were returning home from a r for more than a year, a weird the birds for over two hours .
dance when they saw a bright Dying creature called ' 'Moth­ Winged men and beasts are an
light descend from the sky and man' ' prowled West Virginia and important part of the folklore of
disappear behind some nearby Ohio, chasing cars and fright­ every culture. The North Ameri­
trees. A sensation of fear engulfed ening residents of the area half can Indians, for example, speak of
the group , and they began to run . out of their wits. A typical report the thunderbird and the piasa, a
The light quickly reappeared. It described Motlmlan as being five fearsome demon with piercing red
was much closer now and only 10 to seven feet tall and gray in color, eyes, horns, and a griffon-like. tail.
feet above the ground. As they with fiery red eyes that seemed Could these creatures actually
ran, it seemed to follow them at a almost hypnotic. Its wings , which exist today? No one knows for
distance of about 200 feet. had a spread of more than ten certain, but the events outlined in
' 'It was a bright gold and oval, ' ' feet, did not Dap in flight. In this article seem to indicate that it
one witness said. ' 'When we addition, the Mothman sightings is very possible. But until some
moved, it moved. When we were �mpanied by a variety of sort of irrefutable evidence is
stopped, it stopped. , puzzling manifestations, includ­ obtained, we can only speculate .
The object du�ed behind a ing innumerable UFO reports, In the meantime, the next time
clump of trees again, and the inexplicable animal deaths, and you see a strange-looking bird in
teenagers stopped to catch their intimidating visits by the mysteri­ the sky . . . take a closer look . You
breath. Suddenly , they heard the ous Men in Black. just might be in for the biggest
sound of snapping twigs , and a Investigators soon diseovered, surprise of your life. 0


S U B S C R I B E NOW . . . S E E BACK C OVE R .

Beyond Real ity 41

room rose a tortured, high­ so she told me to go back to sleep,
STRANGE EXPERIENCE pitched scream of an undefinable and I did.
voice. The scream rose again and I was the editor of an afternoon
On May 23rd, 1976, I was was then silent. daily and I always went to the
awakened at 1 : 30 AM by a gentle Now the movement of my bed office in time to turn on the
vibrating motion of my bed. began to subside. and gradually machines at 7 a.m. The first item
Within the next half hour occured stopped completely . The roaring that came across was marked:
the most frightening experience of noise and wind ceased as the B ULLETIN . To an old newshand
my life, an experience that, yet, temperature returned to normal that meant something special.
remains unexplained and still fills and my room became dark once The bulletin was followed with a
me with terror. again . However, I was still unable short paragraph saying that 400 or
A slight movement of my bed to move or scream and eventually more convicts had died in an Ohio
seemed to be caused by a force fell back into an exhausted sleep, prison fire.
originating from the outside of my still in a state of shock . At 6 : 00 So there was my dream wrap­
apartment wall. Gradually, the a.m. I was finally abl� to move and ped up in the written word.
tremor of my bed increased until 1 frantically dressed and fled my Now here is what won 't be
my bed was actually rocking back apartment. believed.
and forth. · My initial impression After the incident occurred I I was once appointed sheriff in a
was that an earthquake was was unable to return comfortably Colorado county. There I got to
occurring, but then I realized to my apartment and have since know a bright young advertising
nothing else in my room was moved to another, more hospit­ man by the name of Joe Myers.
moving except the bed. Suddenly . able residence . So far , all is going Joe soon went to a better job in
a gentle humming noise began well and my bed is remaining in a Denver. One day, perhaps a year
and gradually grew louder until it stable position on the floor. later , I got a phone call from the
reached the deafening intensity of Leslie Ann O'neal chief of police in Denver saying
a jet taking off. Confused and 24672 Mosquero that they were holding Joe on a
frightened, I attempted to get out Mission Viejo, California bad check charge . Joe had told the
of bed and flee my apartment, but chief all he had to do to get sprung
I discovered as I tried to move that was to have the chief call me .
I was totally paralyzed. Now my HER DEATH CALL Well, it did not work out that way,
bed was rocking and tilting back for I was under a $50, 000 bond
and forth violently and I would This is written about something which prohibited me from going
have fallen onto the floor if it had few will believe. If it had not on any bond. Regretfully, I had to
not been for my restricting bed happened before and has hap­ turn Joe down.
clothes . pened since , it would never have Now to get back to the prison
A blinding white light now filled been told. I'll put myself behind fire·. As I reread the bulletin for
my once dark room , but I was the eight ball now by admitting I some unexplained reason the
unable to close my eyes to protect spent 40 years under the master­ memory of Joe flashed on my
them from the intensity. I at­ heads of one of the biggest mental tympan. I could not get rid
tempted to scream, hoping a newspaper chains America ever of the thought, so I asked the AP
neighbor would come to my produced : The 29 Hearst dailies . to give me a list of those who had
rescue, but I couldn 't even part So what i s expected from a n old died.
my lips to make the slightest newshand? Joe Myers was on the list.
sound. It happened out in Oregon This is almost too much to
The shaking of my bed , the where I was editor of a medium believe, bl,lt I believe it. Joe
loud roars, and the bright lights sized daily. I disturbed my wife Myers, trapped in his cell and
continued. They were then joined one night by thrashing around in knowing that death was lapping at
by an intense wind and a tremen­ the bed. After she got me awake I his locked door, must have been
dous temperature drop in my told her something terrible was thinking of me . Otherwise how
room. As all these elements built happening somewhere in the can it be explained that the hour I,
to a climax, I felt as if my body world - men were dying without had the bad dream in Oregon
would explode under the pres­ hope of being saved. She wanted checked totally with the hour that
sure . Then from out in my living details . I could not supply them, the fire was killing hundreds of

42 Beyond . Real ity


almost forgotten men? gripping a steering wheel, the back to me and I will close my
I must admit that in my news windshield and hood of my car. eyes and turn my back to him.
career I had been able to build up On either side of the blacktop she You , ' ' addressing me , ' ' select the .
a half baked career on predicting had banks of what she said could currency and place it in my hands.
events -- all newsmen and police not have been -- SNOW . Give me a little time and I will tell
have it to a certain extent. When I She had mistaken the endless you the number of the bill . ' '
was on one of the Hearst ' s papers piles of snow white sand for real I put the folded money in his
in Los Angeles I was asked by the snow. clasped hand. His eyes were
University of Arizona to be a sort Skeptics can take it from there . closed. In no way could he have
of guinnea pig for a girl student Let's switch over now from dry read the number. A crowd had
who had been standing professors Arizona to wet Miami where I was gathered, all perhaps thinking a
on their heads by· her uncanny editor of one of four daily news­ con act was being pulled by three
predictions. I made the trip down papers. It was during Florida professional con' men . ·
across the hot sands of California boom days. One evening I strolled Not so.
and Arizona. The drive was pure past a real estate place where a He turned around and without
hell. It was so hot I could not move man with a foreign voice was opening his eyes handed me the
my hands on the steering wheel expelling a lot of crap about the' bill. Then he read the numbers on
without getting th�m scorched -­ human mind being the most . the bill while Jerry and I checked.
well, almost . . . abused sector of the body. Which He missed not a single number.
I got to the university auditor­ was all right with me. I listened a That changed me from a skeptic
ium just in time to be ushered into few minutes and then - back to the to a convert. Since that incident I
a small cubicle with only a deep slot. have swallowed hook, line and
purple light glowing. This girl was The next morning I had left a sinker the belief that certain
already in a similar contraption on hole-in-the-wall coffee shop with a persons are born under what the
the other side of the stage . I was friend who had just gotten in from world calls ' 'the veil' ' . I believe
told to think of but one thing the north . Outside I ran face-to­ there are certain minds attuned to
during my 3 minute imprison­ face with this character who had other classified minds , but ' don't
ment. That was an easy assign­ · attracted me the night before . I press me for details . I simply have
ment. I kept thinking of the thought it was a bit on the rude no answers.
endless piles of drifted sand on side, so I offered a mild excuse . Now I dish out the finale.
either side of the road. That went Then I had an idea. If he was such I recently lost my wife - my
on mile after mile after mile until a whiz mentally I would test him. companion for nearly 60 pleasant
the purple light went off and the ' 'I heard you say you had the years. She was in the hospital. I
three minutes were up . ability to read thought, to analyze was alone in our country home . It
When they let me out they told problems, ' ' I said. was a hot night and I did not have
me that this girl·whiz had jotted He said that was. true. the air conditioner on . I had
down my thoughts , because I ' ' Alright, ' ' I said arrogantly , turned ends (my end, that is) in
belonged to her mental classifica­ "tell me my friend' s name . " bed. The other twin bed was
tion -- all hokum , I thought. We He did not pause a split second. empty - her bed. I knew it would
met on mid stage and I was There was no way in the world he forever be empty for she was not
presented to her. She was not a bit could have met my friend who had coming back. Death, I had been
hard to look at and I had the same not been in town an hour. told, was only a matter of hours.
thoughts Jimmy Carter admitted ' ' His name is Gerald, ' ' he Finally, after midnight, I dropped
to recently as having had many a answered in a broken tongue , off to sleep.
time . ' ' but everyone calls him Jerry. ' ' Then it came - her voice .
She had a sheet of paper in her That is exactly the way it was . " Daddy ! " she called.
hand. She · told the packed audi­ I was not satisfied and I still " ' Yes, Honey, " I answered. My
ence that the felt she had betrayed wanted to trap the wise one. I did hand went over to her bed. She
them, that what she had picked up not need to. He offered a way out. was not there. I hit the floor, but I
from my mental vibrations could " Does your friend have any turned on no light. Instead I went
not possibly exist in Arizona. folder of money on him? ' ' he into the long living room in pale
Then she unfolded the sheet of asked. My friend did. green decor (her idea) .
paper and she had sketched . hands " Please then, let him turn his I dialed the hospital, identified
continued on page 55

Beyond Reality 43
Her bellef in auras Is stated simply and
candidly, ' 'Your aura Is your destiny; change
your aura and you will change your life. '' ·


How would you react if your This candidness is almost ruth­ therapy is a combination of diet
child came home and told you that less in the readings by Marlene. and exercise and if nothing more,
she heard voices and received She feels there is no purpose in can at least help to alleviate the
mysterious messages? Alarmed, not properly interpreting the read­ many anxieties a person may be
to say the least? ings of auras. plagued with .
For Marlene Rothbort, of New­ "I cannot help someone , unless ' 'Color therapy offers an alter­
burgh, New York, her peculi­ I am honest, ' ' admits Marlene. ' 'I native to the present quality of an
arities were handled by her moth­ do not, however, give information individual's life, " insists Mar­
er with understanding. Marlene concerning a terminally ill person, lene. ' 'It often reveals deep- _

first began to communicate on. a or for example, someone who hidden fears and facts of a
higher level at the tender age of cannot be helped. ' ' person's unhappiness or prob­
four, and it was just the beginning ·Marlene 's rainbow world of lems, and since auras emanate
of her psychic abilities which colors changes constantly. She from seven centers -they can also
include dream interpretation, psy­ says that everyone 's auras change reveal a specific problem. ' '
chometry and automatic writing. throughout the day from morning Everyone has one center that
Ms. RothQprt received still an­ until evening. The auras them­ gives them trouble and by fol­
other ' 'gift' ' when she first began selves are a ' 'luminescence given lowing color therapy the problem
to see the colors five years ago. off by a person, an inanimate can often be alleviated.
She views the ability to see auras object, a plant, even a city- every­ Auras are an ' 'artform beyond
as a "gift on the highest level, thing has an aura. " the science of today, ' ' according
some day to be accepted as a ' 'I've even given readings of old to Ms. Rothbort, and this is
science. ' ' houses and the aura was still certainly coming to see its day.
' ' My gifts are a direct channel strong even after many years. ' ' Russian scientists, long respected
of psychic energy from 'God, ' �ot The luminescent energy is seen as as the world' s most outstanding in
the man in heaven, but the force color enabling Marlene ·to inter­ this field, have been experiment­
of all creativity - I 8D'l always pret a person's state of health, ing in Kirlian photography. Kirlian
tuned in -in direct contact with personality and mental outlook ­ photography enables the photo­
these energies, " explained Ms. be it good or bad. graphing of auras and has been
Rothbort. Once a reading is given, color successfully accomplished by the
Her belief in auras is sta� therapy is applied to direct the Russians, thus proving their exist­
simply and candidly, ' 'Your aura energy into proper channels stim­ ence.
is your destiny ; change your aura ulating a more self-rewarding and Of course, skeptics will be
and you will change your life . ' ' enriched living situation. Color skeptics1 so Marlene was severely
continued on page 62

44 Beyond Real ity

Ms. Rothbart uses her favorite
painting to show how things look
to her. She can envision 1 1/ire , ,
coming from a troubled person
through their aura.

Marlene meditates on a client 's

question while working with the
1 1Colorbox ,. She htJS been
receiving photographs from as
far away as California and has
been able to accurately read
the auras from the photographs.

Beyond Real ity 45

Human Sexuality
as a Channel to the

46 Beyond Real ity

B Y I RW I N R O SS PH . D .


Coiled within the mysterious and seers of all ages have had connections between sex and the
recesses of the human brain is the unusual sexual leanings, which, supernatural? It would seem that
unconscious certainty that there is because. of their high station, were no human experience is so well
something magical about sexual­ not questioned. These men, who suited to such an investigation,
ity. ' 'Why, ' ' asks a well-known were often homosexuals , became and yet few have dared to bring
psychic, ' 'do we not see that if the enforcers and the creators of the matter out into the open.
love is a supernatural force , sex, ancient sexual taboos. The witch However, despite this general
which is one of its most powerful doctors of the Indian tribes in timidity about sex, it seems that
expressions, must also have super­ North America often dressed in the time has just now arrived
natural pulsations?' ' A growing the garb of the oppo1ite sex. Some when such discussions will be
number of experts on paranormal of these persons were hermaph­ possible .
behavior are beginning to investi­ rodites (having both male and SCientists have investigated hu­
gate this area of conjecture. Sex female sexual organs) which made man sexual behavior, lifting many
taboos and a general reluctance to their contemporaries look upon restrictive bans on our knowledge .
inject the supernatural into highly them with awe. In the meantime, psychic investi­
scientific treatments of sex have Sex is one of the few acts gators have been busily engaged
left the whole subject submerged performed by men and women in in arranging and sifting the facts
in a dark sea of enigma. Sexuality which the individual transcends which the scientists have un­
has· only recently emerg�d from his everyday state of being and covered and are comparing and
the shadows itself, and many are becomes immersed in an ecstatic fitting those facts into recent
afraid to account for its super­ world where self is forgotten. The psychic discoveries.
natural potentials for fear of sexual act can lift a man out of the Psychological and physiological
creating myths around an already mundane into a supremely en­ occurrences are being separated
confusing human activity. chanting unity with forces that from seemingly supernatural hap­
Scientific investigators of sex­ seem to stream from higher penings with the result that an
ual JD.Ores have given us infor­ realms. understanding of a whole new
mation about the connections Poets throughout the ages have area of human experience is
between sexuality and the super­ celebrated sexual union as a beginning to open. A great deal of
natural in other cultures. Drs. divine state , wlien man is closest research needs to be done, but we
Ford and Beach, authors of Pat­ to a direct experience of super­ are now aware that more and
terns of Sexual Behavior, have human sensations. Sexuality can more of man' s supernatural po­
provided detailed samples of how lift a person to the stars, creating tentiality seems somehow bound
sex and religious ceremonies have inward experiences so powerful to his sexual nature .
often gone hand in hand. In some that he knows he is treading on Some researchers are convinced
early civilizations , religious ·pros­ unearthly ground. that sexual psychodynamics play
titution was common and took Why then is there a general an important part in triggering
place within the temples. reluctance on the part of thought­ psychic abilities. The man who is
The high priests , the wizards ful men to disregard the obvious sexually sensitive and complex is

. Beyond Real ity 47

S E X A N D M Y S T I C I S M /conti nue d

often a person whose senses are his body behind and stood outside clump of bushes with his rifle in
open in other �:Ueas as well. If, as of it looking �t his own physical hand, he projected himself to
many believe , there are realms of form, for example) , the sexual Lisa' s apartment, thousands of
reality which extend beyond our experience in the out-of-body miles away in San Francisco .
so-called normal perceptions , the state has two witnesses: the Lisa was asleep, and for a
highly-sexed person is more likely traveler and the other partner. moment or two John ' s spirit-form
than not a recipient of vibrations When both of these persons attest stood silently beside her bed . She
that come from beyond the normal to the truth of their experience , did not awaken as he crawled into
range of our knowledge . the evidence is more potent. bed beside her, but she sighed
This is not to say that physiolog­ Dr. Eugene E. Bernard, profes­ deeply as he began to consum­
ical sexual phenomena can be sor of psychology at North Caro­ mate their love , responding to him
used to explain away psychic lina State University in Raleigh, and moving her body in rhythm to
occurrences . �ost researchers are has announced that his current his passion . ' 'I will come to you
not making such judgments, nor studies of out-of-body travel have often, ' ' he whispered before he
do the psychics themselves try to convinced him that one out of left. Before he knew what had
judge the variations , and sur­ every hundred persons has exper­ happened, he was back in the
prising obscurities , inherent in ienced some form of extrasensory steaming jungle holding a gun.
mankind' s patterns of sexual be­ travel. Dr. J. B . Rhine , whose If only John had had this
havior. reputation is exceeded by no one experience , one might account for
To insist that heightened sexu­ as a parapsychologist, has over it by saying that it was only a
ality increases our extrasensory 10,000 cases of out-of-body travel particular fantasy. But Lisa ' s • re­
and supernormal observations and on record. sponses always occurred at exact­
abilities is not to say that those Almost every person has exper­ ly the time when he was deter­
observations and abilities are any ienced some kind of physical mined to proj ect himself. The
the less miraculous. In fact , release during sleep - an experi­ lovers later found out that Lisa' s
increased study of the sexual/ su­ ence usually referred to as a ' 'wet roommate had noticed Lisa' s ris­
pernatural realms gives rise to an dream . ' ' Quite often these experi­ irig and falling in bed as though
even greater alertness about the ences seem thoroughly real, and it she were in the throes of passion.
fantastic nature of the universe in is to question whether some She had remained silent about it,
which we live . instances of extrasensory travel assuming that Lisa was experi­
What are some of the sexual are.not, in fact, dream fantasies of encing an imaginative physical
connotations of supernatural oc­ this type . The case of John and encounter because of her sexual
currences? The appearances of Lisa, however, is one which does deprivation .
vampires, werewolves and devil­ not fit into such a neat category of This means that not only two
ish figures have more than an scientific explanation. lovers confirmed their simultan­
imagined connection with sex . During World War II, John was eous experiences , but that a third
Many individuals have been said separated from his sweetheart, person , a disinterested witness,
to travel outside of their own Lisa, and on the battlefield his saw the effects of the ' 'projec­
bodies, and, in a state of being thoughts often returned to her. tion" on one of them. We are
which is more rea) than imagined, She lived with a roommate in San therefore confronted with a phe­
they perform sexual acts with Francisco. Each evening, her nomenon beyond the range of
their chosen partners. roommate went out with a dif­ so-called natural events .
These experiences , which are ferent man. Lisa, on the other What does science have t o say
based primarily on personal nar­ hand, was determined to remain about such occurrences? And,
ratives, can only be checked in faithful -to her lover who was most particularly , what are the
one way. A sexual experience stationed in the Pacific . He wrote attitudes of psychiatrists and men­
requires more than one partici­ to her faithfully, and she , in turn, tal researchers concerning these
pant . Unlike the personal ac­ replied almost every day. little-known occult phenomena?
counts of out-of-body travel where­ John was engaged in the fight­ Very few people know that the
in only one person relates his ing around �anila when his first father of modern psychiatry, Dr.
experience ( explaining how he left experience occurred. Lying in a Sigmund Freud, was convinced
continued on page 52

48 Beyond Real ity

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Beyond Real ity 49

' 'We were very close friends and
spent much time together, then
all at once, strange things began to happen. ' '

It has been some fifteen years the other of the water faucets Several weeks later a similar
now since Janet Schmidt moved in running full-force . Or we would incident occurred-only this time it
next door to me and became my find that the soap had somehow was at Janet' s house . The two of
closest friend . As young house­ managed to escape from its us and our husbands were going
wives with relatively few respon­ resting place in a deep soap-dish to have dinner together, as we
sibilities , both of us had a good and plop itself onto the floor. We often did, and Janet and I were
deal of free time , which we couldn 't explain these strange, preparing the meal. It was my
usually spent together. We went though minor, happenings, so we assignment to make the salad
shopping together, had coffee shrugged our shoulders and also while Janet went ahead with the
together, had lunch together, laughingly chalked them up to rest of the menu. She laid the
played cards together, and some­ ' ' something that must have a salad ingredients on the counter
times even did our housework logical explanation , even if we beside the sink, then reached into
together. Evenings , after our didn 't know what it was . " J;he cabinet and pulled out a large ,
husbands were home from work , But then even stranger things beautiful Mexican pottery bowl.
all four of us frequently socialized. began happening . One evening, I "You can put the salad in this, "
As you can see , ours was a close shortened the hem of a skirt that I she said as she set the bowl down
relationship. planned to wear the following day. on the counter beside the vege­
Perhaps because we were so .Just as I completed the last stitch, tables. I nodded in agreement,
close , or perhaps because of so'"lle Janet and her husband, Dick, then began washing the vege­
other reason that no one has yet knocked at the door. I hurriedly tables . Minutes later, my hands
been able to explain , strange hung the skirt in my closet and full of crisp , green lettuce, I
things sometime happened when thought no more about it. The turned toward the counter where
Janet and I were together. At next morning as I prepared to Janet had set the bowl.
first, it was just little things . For dress , I reached into the closet to ' ' What did you do with that
example, often Janet and I passed retrieve the skirt, but much to my bowl, Janet?" I asked. "I'm ready
the time sitting in my kitchen surprise , it had vanished. Me­ to put this stuff in it. ' '
drinking coffee and chatting or thodically, I inspected every gar­ Janet, who was stirring some­
playing cards. On several such ment in the closet ; then, thinking thing on the stove , looked up
occasions , we were startled by perhaps I had absentmindedly slightly and nodded absently to­
strange noises coming from the placed it somewhere else , I began ward the counter near where I
bathroom. When we could muster to search the rest of the house. was standing. "I put it right
enough courage to investigate , we But the skirt was nowhere to be there, ' ' she answered.
would cautiously make our way to found , and to this day it has never "Well, it isn 't there now. You
the bathroom , only ·to find one or turned up . must have moved it. ' '

50 Beyond 8eal ity

' 'No, I didn 't. Are you sure you just stop at the first mailbox you Dick obligingly pulled out the
didn 't put it somewhere? ' ' see , " she instructed, waving the front seat, where we found the
After a few moments of similar small, white envelope under my usual assortment of odds and ends
exchanges , we both became con­ nose. Janet's parents · had been that one always finds there­
vinced that neither of us had vacationing in Florida all summer, combs, pennies , gum wrappers ,
touched it since Janet set it on the and she had written them faith­ bobby pins, even a set of nail
counter. We called our husbands, fully each week. clippers. But no letter. With
who had been watching television Several blocks later, we spotted Dick ' s help, we conducted another
in the living room the entire time, the familiar red and blue of a U . S . thorough search of the car, . dou­
to help us find the missing bowl. mailbox standing atone on a ble-checking all the places we had
The four of us checked and comer. I pulled to the curb looked before . Then both of us
rechecked every conceivable hid­ alongside. it and waited expect­ dumped our purses and replaced
ing place in that kitchen, but our antly for Janet to get out and everything item by item. At last
search was fruitless. To this day , deposit her letter . But she did not we concluded that there was only
no one knows what happened to get out' of the car . Rather, she one logical explanation: Janet had
that beautiful Mexican pottery began rummaging through her laid the letter on the dashboard
bowl, for it, like my skirt, never purse. ' ' I don 't believe this , ' ' she and it had been blown out the
reappeared. muttered. "I can 't find my letter. open window.
On another occasion, however, I just had the darn thing in my Accepting that answer, Janet
something else disappeared, re­ �and, anp now it' s gqne . " and I continued on to the roller
appeared, and then reappeared " Well, it has to be here rink Before leaving the car,

again after being deliberately somewhere , ' ' I responded, run­ however, we made one final effort
disposed of. This particular inci­ ning my hands between the seats. to find the elusive envelope. But
dent began one evening in late But the letter was not there . Nor again, we searched in vain . Now
summer, when Janet and I had was it over the sunvisor. Nor in we were absolutely certain that
arranged to meet some friends for the floor. Nor under the seat. Nor nothing had been overlooked, that
an evening of skating at our in the back seat. Nor in the glove the letter was gone forever.
favorite roller rink At the ap­
. compartment. Nor anywhere else, When we returned to the car
pointed hour, Janet met me in my as far as we could see . some three hours later, we had all
driveway and we jumped into the Finally, Janet stated matter-of­ but forgotten the events of earlier
car. "I need to stop by Dick' s factly, ' ' It just has to be down in in the evening. We headed for a
office before w e go skating, ' ' the seat somewhere . Let' s go on nearby restaurant to have a snack
Janet said. " I also want to get this to Dick' s office and get him to pull before going home, along the way
letter off to my folks tonight, so the seat out. ' ' exchanging interesting tidbits of
continued on page 61

· Beyond Real ity 51

S E X A N D M Y STI C I S M /conti n u ed from page 48

that there is meaningful sub­ happily for a few minutes , and about her eventual death.
stance behind the concept of then he said, ' Come here . ' I ' ' It was one of the truly strange
mental telepathy . If he had not walked over to him and I could see cases with which we came in
ventured into the field of psycho­ a sly smile cross his face . It was contact, " said Maria's doctor,
analysis, he stated, he would then that I knew that this was not L. J. Meduna. ' ' When we ex­
undoubtedly have enjoyed a life­ my father, who was a kind and amined Maria after each experi­
time study of occuJt matters. compassionate man , but the devil ence, we often found evidence
Many interesting cases involv­ himself. He shoved me backward that she had indeed been sexually
ing the supernatural have resulted onto the bed . All the while , he molested. ' '
from psychoanalytic studies. One cursed me, uttering obscene Scientists look forward to the
case, that of a young woman, will words and telling me that the day when further investigation of
illustrate the deep-going connec­ pleasure I was about to receive the human mind will reveal whole
tion between psychological and would eventually bring me death. areas of hitherto unknown realms .
supernatural occurrences . Then he raped me . ' ' Biology will revise its concepts
Maria's mother died when she Psychiatrists were never able to and admit a force in the human
was four. She was reared by a determine whether or not the body that can move objects at a
loving father. After her fourteenth person who made sexual visita­ distance without muscular con­
birthday , however , she became tions on Maria was actually her tact. Physics will suffer the impact
increasingly disturbed and was father. She insisted that it was the of the discovery that gravity and
finally pronounced insane. Her devil, and that the whole physical
its laws are not immutable.
life ended with suicide in a mental appearance of the individual who Sexual experiences hold out the
hospital. raped her was unlike that of her promise of a new realm for
Before she died, Maria explained father. " Only at the beginning , " investigation of the supernatural.
her fantasies, which were utterly she said, ' ' did this terrible crea­ Now that old taboos are crum­
real to her, and put them on ture resemble my father, but then bling, we can be sure that new
record for doctors to study. It he turned into something else. ' ' information will be forthcoming as
seemed that she was being chased Even within the confines of the more and more people relate their
by devils, who, disguised as her mental hospital , the " devil' s " most intimate and deeply sensual
father, would lure her to various visits continued . Maria' s father experiences. It is to be hoped that
parts of the house and then rape died, but her sexual experiences such open and frank revelations
her. did not end. Finally, after living which, in the main, help to make
' ' Once I was making my father ' s with her recurrent rape experi­ people less afraid, will inc�ease.
bed , " she related, "and h e came ences for nearly twelve years, she Sex and the supernatural may yet
into the room and stood watching committed suicide, thus confirm­ walk hand in hand, creating a
me from the door. We chatted ing what the devil had told her nteaningful relationship . 0

L E TT E R S T O T H E E D IT O R/contin ued fro m page 7

no one else has experienced Dear Editor: organization in San Carlos, Cali­
anything of the unknown , they are Some years ago I saw some · fornia. They published a news­
mighty hard to convince . . . and literature that mentioned two letter sponsoring the theory of
when it happens to them , just research organizations - (if my prolonging life beyond several
watch them opting for their own memory serves me right) ; one was centuries . Contributors to this
oscar performance. There ' s a sort based in Florida and the other in newsletter are very eminent auth­
of poetic . justice when I see Latvia . ors, doctors , physicists, publish­
someone who in years past was These scientific researchers ers , engineers and other promi­
always the skeptic finally having it were discussing the possibility of nent people.
happen to them and then trying to consciousness returning to the Thank you for any information
convince. their listeners . . . with departed sometime after they are you may have about the above
about the same sort of reception put to rest. items .
that I got ! Would you know the names of You can obtain the information
these organizations - also if they you seek by writing to W. G. Roll,
Sincerely, are still actively engaged in such The Theta Psychical Research
Chuck Shelley, Jr. research? Foundation, Duke Station, Durham
T/Sgt. USMC Ret. I do know there is currently an N. C. 22706. -Editor

52 Beyond Real ity

---�---- 11Th a n ks to my a m a zi n g Ha n d ­
w r it i n g An a lys i s , I m a d e the
c h a n g e s it s u g g e ste d a n d to d ay
I ' m he a lt h i e r , fi n a n c i a l ly i n d e ­
pe n d e nt , se l f-co n fi d e nt , a n d
M rs. Gayle Linick
have a s uc c e ssfu l m a r ri a g e :'
You too can benefit from a personalized analysis of your handwriting!
It can show you how to increase your appeal to the opposite sex
and help shape your own romantic destiny!
· ------------------,

You have everyth i ng to ga i n by hav­
i ng a Perso nal ized A na lysis of you r Try to write an i ntell igent statem e nt without

Handwrit i ng do ne right away . . . a kee p i ng you r m i nd on what you a re writ i ng.

B ETT ER, R I C H ER, M O R E E NJOY­ Yo u ' l l find it v i rtually i m possi ble! Yo ur bra i n

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E . S . P. T H R O U G H W R I T I N G SELF· •

TIVE, M O R E D ES I RA B LE, SO UG HT- tem acts as the "wi res' ' along which the
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DON ' T DELAY--TAK E ACTION NOW! trol led writ i ng movement. The ha ndwriting
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MORE M O N EY. And . . . Do n 't let a nother p recious day go by prints .
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Ac hieve last i ng roma ntic happi ness N OW a nd m a i l i t i n AT O N C E!
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cessful . . . Avoid m a k i ng d isastrous • You r adaptabil ity, w i l l power a nd
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Use H A N DWR I T I N G POWER Now EXC I T I N G LY D I FFER ENT, WO N D ER· If yo u're looking for a sim ple, scie ific, nt
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� 1 9 7 5 , Psyc h o m e t r i c H a n d w r i t i n g Se rv i c e , P u t t e r B l dg . , M i d d l e I s l a n d , N . Y . 1 1 9 5 3

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Putter B uil d i n g, M i dd le Isl a n d , N . Y . 1 1 953
TO O R D E R: Write on a n u n l i n ed p i e c e o f p a p e r t h e fo l lo w i n g s e n t e n c e s , and be s u re to i n c l ude yo u r s i g n a t u re :
G e n t l � m e n : " I w a n t to s e e i f H a n d w r i t i ng A � a l y s i s w i l l do w h a t you p ro m i se . I desi re m o re R o m a n t i c Power, M o re M o n e y , res u l t i ng i n Greater
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Beyond Reai ity 53

T H E C I A U F O C O V E R U P/conti n u e d fro m page 29

Wisconsin . Today it is based in Blue Book (now defunct , but didn 't agree and pointed out that
Tucson , Arizona, with a world­ established to analyze reports of ' ' such artifacts would be of imme ­
wide scope of operation . UFOs ) , tended to challenge the diate concern not only to the U. S . ,
According to the Durant Re­ anti-space-visitor viewpoint . Mr. but to all countries . ' '
port: ' 'It was believed that such Fournet told the panel that he One thing which the panel
organizations should be watched ' ' had eliminated each of the agreed upon was the need to
because of their potentially great known and probable causes of discourage ' 'mass receipt of low­
influence on mass thinking if (UFO ) sightings leave ' extrater- grade reports . ' ' M any sightings
widespread sightings should oc­ (UFO ) , they noted, were of poor
cur. The apparent irresponsibility quality , ' 'containing little, if any,
and the possible use of such scientific data' ' worthy of study.
groups for subversive purposes This feeling resulted in their
should be kept in mind. ' ' setting up the planned education­
All of which tends to indicate debunking program already cited.
the general cloak-and-dagger The panel also noted : " Further­
mentality then - and today ­ more, it was considered that,
within our government agencies . normally, it would be a great waste
Throughout the four days of of effort to try to solve most of the
conference, only a relative hand­ sightings , unless such action can
ful of actual UFO encounters benefit a training and educational
and/or sightings were discussed program . ' '
by the panel. In Durant ' s memo, ln simpler terms, if a UFO report
he wrote : ' 'The panel concluded was something which panel mem­
that reasonable explanations could bers could not explain easily - or if
be suggested for most sightings it really appeared unusual, they
and . . . that other cases might be would prefer to ignore it rather
explained in a similar manner. ' ' than let it upset their plans .
In short, if a UFO sighting could Photo taken by Esther L. Cosme of Panel memb'ers went on to point
not be explained as a "natural" New York City while on vacation out the writings of Charles_ Fort,
objeet, officials meant to give that in Puerto Rico in 1976. UFO was who lived during the tum of the
puzzler a ' 'logical ' ' explanation ­ spotted by many hovering over century and penned several books
whether it deserved one or not. the town of Caguas. detailing paranormal (Fortean)
The panel showed that they phenomena, including UFOs . It
doubted aliens from other worlds was noted that Fort had docu­
were visiting the Earth, although restrial ' as the only one remaining mented cases of ' ' strange things in
at one point Durant cited: "It in many cases . ' ' the sky ' ' which have been seen for
was interesting to note that none The panel, however, said that centuries . At this point, the panel
of the members of the panel were ' ' extraterrestrial artifacts ' ' could reached the single most important
loath to accept the theory that this not be accepted as an explanation conclusion of the entire four days :
earth might be visited by extrater­ in any instance pointed out by ' 'It appeared obvious , ' ' Durant
restrial intelligent beings of some Fournet, ' 'because they were raw, wrote , ' 'that there was no single
sort, some day. ' ' But he added, unevaluated reports. ' ' Dr. Samuel explanation for a majority .of the
"What they did not find was Goudamit, an atomic scientist with things [UFOs] seen (emphasis
evidence that related the objects the Brookhaven National Labora­ added) . ' '
sighted (UFOs) to space trav­ tories and a pllliel member, then ( Curiously, while this concept of
elers . " noted: " If they ( space artifacts ) the UFO phenomenon is perhaps
Question : How does one go exist, (they) are n o cause for the only reasonable approach
about amassing any amount of alarm ; rather they are in the realm insofar as research is concerned,
worthwhile data - pro or con - on of natural phenomena subject to most of the major organizations
any subject within a period of only scientific study. ' ' Meaning simply existing today refuse to acknow­
four days ; the amount of time in that Dr. Goudamit believed any ledge its logic, instead dogmatic­
which the panel convened? spacecraft entering the E arth ' s ally following a single-minded
Dewey Fournet , an aeronautical atmosphere - m anned or un­ belief that aliens from outer space
engineer and former officer-in­ manned - belonged in a laboratory "must" be the answer. Don 't get
charge of the Air Force ' s Project for study. However, Dr. Robertson me wrong: I'm not endorsing the
continued on page 56

54 Beyond Reality
GNOSTIC CIRCLE : A Synthesis in
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Beyon d Real ity 55

T H E C IA U F O C O V E R U P/conti n u ed fro m page 54

Robertson Panel ; s general attitude that no evidence of ' ' a direct threat
about UFOs, but then, in this one to national security (could be
instance I feel they reached the found) in the objects sighted. ' ' The
correct conclusion . ) Air Force , however, had a differ­
Durant added to the above by ent point of view ( as indicated by
noting: ' 'It was apparent that Dewey Fournet) , and that branch
specialists in such additional fields of the service persisted in manning
as psychology, meteorology, aero­ camera networks which were es­
dynamics, ornithology, and mili­ tablished cross-country ; cameras
tary air operations would extend with which to photograph possible
the ability of the panel to recognize UFOs.
many more categories of little­ Months later, the Air Force' s
known phenomena. ' ' already under-funaed study was
Two sections of film allegedly further deflated as word came
showing UFOs in flight were
The Navy Photo from high places that no one was to
investigate the UFO phenomenon.
viewed and discussed by the
panel. One section of film taken in
Laboratory We can only speculate on the 'wliy'
Great Falls , Montana, was decided of this, but it ' s safe to assume that
to be footage of two aircraft in analyzed the 6Im the same cloak-and-dagger minds
flight . The other section was originating the civilian UFO-group
explained as a flock of birds . for over 1000 hours observance policy likewise insti­
However, this latter explanation tuted the no-saucer-research or­
didn 't wash well \\'ith Naval
before deciding that der - a senseless maneuver at
Commander Delbert Newhouse , best, since it only further hurt the
who shot the photos in Tremonton,
the objects were Air Force ' s position with the U . S .
Utah, on July 2, 1952 . anything but birds, people .
Newhouse has turned the film As a result of all this , Project
ovet to the Navy Photo Interpreta­ aircraft, or Blue Book, the Air Force ' s · offi­
tion Laboratory, which analyzed cial UFO arm, became a worth­
the footage for nearly 1, 000 hours natural, easy to less front and in the end was
before deciding that the objects (a terminated completely. Even more
' 'loose formation ' ' of 12 UFOs) explain phenomena. strange , however, is that shortly
were anything but birds, aircraft , after the Robertson Panel had
or natural or easily explainable disbanded, Brig. Gen. William
phenomena . Nevertheless, the ad­ Garland (who had a keen interest
visory panel overturned this deci­ in the UFO mystery) , and Air
sion in about 15 minutes. (It's Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
interesting to note that the New­ (a former Blue Book official) , were
house Film , which was supposed called before CIA operatives. They
to be made public , never reached , were told , in so many words , that
that status . ) all secrecy was to be lifted from the
During the four days in which UFO matter. But as was already
the panel functioned, 12 actual pointed out, this never came to
hours were spent on evaluation of pass.
the UFO situation . Toward the end Today, the entire UFO scene is
of the four days , the panel decided as perplexing as ever. 0

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56 Beyond Real ity

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���:r: oJJ:td:�'f people all over the wor d are usina W�tch· AMAZING TECHNIQUE HAS HELPED THOUSANDII Natk,.al Enquirer.
h e n t Witchcraft aecrets like these can malcC you rich faster than any­
an����� :_;ersfA:' ��� ���8; rd'ltc���re1R� rH� thilll else in the world! Here's how others have use"d them to make
SAME pg>WER that liVe! you-literally-life and death control mir�eiea happetl in their daily livCl!
n u be t You'll aee how Vern, a man who Jnce. to Jive a lot of expenaive
�iili 1.\��:Cw���::ft�� :x��:,in.tir� � �0s�n �aned � ��
"Cross Not My Path" ritual, for people who are havina neiahbor Wt¥�ii;•JbW� �� !to�a�f1� /::.��er:td:i:�ft tection�
from� ��
evil, �Jm�:�v:e:c:r::·
or anythina .::
else, the mqic power of Witchcraft
trouble. When you use it, you know you will never apin have b� him an endless flow of cash! Evelyn, a waitress, wu always can brina it to )'ou-quiekly, easily and alltotnatically! lt's the easiest
trouble with this neiahbor! thi:\J � �k
to ��':�e:!�::u�ly �����'J'J!1�c�:����e��!b ;��:O::J
l:di= ��ll: �n�ndt!t,r:,da::S:!�;� �pk)i6���·M "AS�F1
wbo had borrowed
8 ro0 INTO THE FtJ'I'UllEt-Would you like to be
able to aee the future? You CAN With the maa.ic Black Mirror you'll
to make things happen at your will, you11 be Master of your des­
tiny, and never have to apologize to anyone for anythina! =:-:;:;r,�:!d�c�:C::':.�Ueot le lee how to make on paae 23. AU rou need il aorne lnlt and I bowl of

Whatever you want or need, whatever frustration is botherina so!!!��ie�:. �:e��e�C:C�·toO:st� JQ��'yl�[. � ���;·t=.u���;��'Tt �re':f::,=Z,�s��:.,::�. ��
you, Witchcraft will help you. It is not evil-nor is it Black Maaic. very next day, Hank received in the mall a check for some $2SO can use it to check the stock market or that important hol'lle rac:el
Like electricity, it is simply a power given by nature for the use of worth of insurallce. (He had never heud of the company that IICrlt • MAKE TIME RUN aACIWARD oa FORWARDl-A
men, to make life easier. n Witch uses allcient metllods to make time stand still or to·run it
r �h������ b'!' :��.:�1.ewi��· �!� a:r �= oT::
ta ece
backward or forward! To make your face look youna or old at
will, all you need is some momin1 dew, and the instructions on
peJ;i��11c�ili!��!f t':� mr�.0��� �n:Ci a ·,.::c:�811�1::� ��:Nc':� u;tl � ;re��e�J::.:� �e a7c;: C::t!eT.=: pqe 27. You can ft,Y throuah time and IPac:e, on utral winp, ao
ina windfalls of money, as weUI You'll ace how �xter, a retiree,
lives RENT FREE and receives $200 a week at the aae of 78, with
a secret you'll lind in this Witch Book! You'll see how Claudine, a
�����e a ti::t.f!t ir!�ntt: •!�fJ!i::O�a:� :fw��� �0i�
doina-even appear in someone's dreams, and convince that person
secretary, able to wear the finest, motlt expensive furs-FREE­
was to do whatever you wish!
and spend weekends at an expensive ski lodae in the mountains, is
Now! Let This Amazing WHch Book Bring You where she met a wonderful man! How Ruth L, a 'Widow-with !lOth
ina but a small pension, and a little savlnp-received her dream· ba:=:i� �tc��� �����-r::� �i:-Jt
tecret, you can implant a thouaht in someone'• mind! You can use
INFINITE WEALTH, FINE POSSESSIONS, house, by usina a limple S-minute ritual on pqe 31 of this book ! thia Witchcraft power to dominate others! Control your botsl Make
A COMFORTABLE NEW HOME, FINANCIAL Usina the same Witchcraft secrets, YOU can achieve peace of someone love you! Leave your enemies arovelina in the dust! There
mind and freedom from money worries for the rest of your life! �;;� erf:a�=�:� ��c�: ':do�J:.����l�r�'!:'::J
And More-Easily And Automatlcallyl YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF AS WITCHES DOl sliare his or her identical thouahtll
For centuries, these Witchcraft secrets were hushed up, so Feelina sick today? Plaaued by a lot of troublesome illriCSIICI?
that those in power could stay in power! Feudal lords kept Perha relative is sick and constantly demandina your atten·
their bondsmen slaves. Factory owners kept their em­
ployees in dreaded sweatshops, because these masters knew llo\t� ER �WWI4!c�c��W.tY�!tc:'���e��Y:��.':/•!::�
Gavin and Yvonne Frost: "In our experience . . . we have not
Witchcraft can make you rich, even in a &hettol You lhould
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they must not allow their workers to realize that they need found a sinale incurable disease!" comina from, never have to apoloaize tb a boss! No matter how
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cause it works! Not because of any "evil" in it. If it hadn't t b e can brin you a liie filled to the brim with pleasure, wealth and
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. Beyond Real ity 57

�Y R A M I D S A R E N O T T O Y S/conti n ue d fro m page 23

of plants and preserve perish­ pyramid can take you on interest­ happened if I had ' 'stayed' ' a
ables -yet many people still re­ ing journeys whether you are while longer? I have tried to
port that they do nothing. This prepared for the trip or not. With duplicate the experience but have
fact aroused the curiosity of Jesse the proper attitude , such an not been successful.
Kennedy, who has done much experience can be very rewarding. Strange experiences have been
research on pyramids. He feels One "trip " I will never forget reported by people who have been
that the pyramids ' failure to work found me inside a great pyramid in Cheops' Pyramid. Napoleon
for some people might have with one side of my face pressed Bonaparte, Emperor of France,
something to do with their atti­ to the cold stone structure . I was once asked to be left alone in the
tudes. He found some people who listening, or trying to listen, to King' s Chamber, but later he
did and who did not believe in something. And there was a man refused to talk about what hap­
pyramid power, and who were urging me to move away from the pened there . He felt no one would
willing to try to sharpen a razor believe him. In the early 1930s,
blade under a nine-inch pyramid. the well-known writer and philos­
With one skeptical person, he opher Dr. Paul Brunton spent a
secretly substituted a blade that night in the Great Pyramid and
was already sharp . After six days, claimed he saw unbelievably gro­
all of the skeptics' blades were tesque forms who tried to frighten
dull, including the previously Dr. Paul Brunton him Then he met two benevolent

sharp one. The other people had priests who led him out of his
sharp blades. So apparently the spent a night in the body and took him to other
results were being affected by chambers , where he received
people' s attitudes. great pyramind and instructions he was not allowed to
A razor blade oriented north divulge .
and south will get sharp ou_tside a claimed that he saw The Cheops' Pyramid is by no
pyramid in six months. Under means the only one in which
one, it can happen in six days.
exciting experiences as these have
Whiskeys and wines have been grotesque forms taken place . In fact, people a­
mellowed many times by pyra­ round the world have reported
mids , right in the bottles without that tried to visions, astral travel, and many
breaking the seal. This seems to other occurrences when they used
happen some 30 times faster than frighten him . What their own pyramids. It seems that
whiskey and wine aged in kegs even a six-foot model can be quite
. and vats . undetected power effective.
Thoughts are very real, and our Does it seem unreasonable to
own thoughts have a special
lies hidden in assume that what affects bacteria,
affinity for us . Metaphysicists these pyramids? crystal growth and plant growth,
believe that strong emotions lin­ and mellows wine, may also affect
ger, and that negative ones inter­ the cellular growth of the body?
act with positive ones and stabi­ Almost everyone has heard
lize. Emotions may linger in a tales about ghosts in the attic. Did
place for years before being you realize that many roofs are
drawn to someone . �e example pyramidal and properly oriented
of this would be the feeling of stone . He held a piece of polished north and south?
peace and tranquility that one' metal toward me and told me to It is widely known that a
senses upon entering a vacant look into it. When I did so , I saw person' s attitude has a lot to do
church. A negative example would that the side of my face that was with that person' s state of health .
be the uneasy, creepy feeling pressed to the pyrattlid was a A pyramid can be used to build
some people get when visiting a dark, lovely color ; the eye was positive thought forms. You can
room where a murder was com­ dark and my hair was long, black create a protective force around
mitted. Sometimes people seem to and silky. The other side of my your body, shielding you from
remember events from a ' 'past face was fair, with a blue eye and harm. You can learn to generate
life' ' when they visit a place that long blond hair (my natural· color­ powerful thought forces that will
seems strangely familiar. The ing) . Although this sight did not at realize your desires. If you find
memories might be quite real, but all disturb me , it did release me yourself excited by what I have
the past life might not be their from my thought pattern, and I written in this article, you will
own ! gradually came back to reality. probably do well with a pyramid
I mentioned earlier that the Who knows what might h�ve program . 0

58 Beyond Real ity

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Beyond Real ity 59

T H E F I R E D RAG O N S O F LE G E N D /continued from page 14

i1lg dragons . The Chinese looked hell, ' ' by showing the toothy open
upon dragons as being beneficent jaw of a dragon belching forth
toward mankind. Obviously, you smoke and fire . To my knowledge ,
would think this way of someone not many snakes belch forth
who gave you knowledge to make
smoke and fire , but a giant rocket
your life better. certainly does.
Aside from the Chinese myths , Even when Uther Pendragon,
let ' s consider some of the other the father of the legendary King
dragon descriptions. First, in Arthur, accepted the dragon as
Revelation, the great red dragon his ensign of war, he did it
with 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 because of a vision he saw in the
crowns could easily be the anten­ sky. He was said to have seen a
nae and other landing gear of a flaming dragon in the sky that
giant spacecraft. When Revela­ betokened that he was to win a
tion 1 2 : 3 talks of "his tail down a kingdom .
third of the stars from heaven, "
that could very well be the way a The examples could go on ; but i
person in those days would de­ think those already mentioned
scribe the fiery exhaust of a rocket give strong evidence that the fiery
landing or taking off. So much dragons of antiquity might indeed
knowledge has been lost through have been spaceships . More and
the years or incorporated into more people are exploring ancient
religious beliefs . legends in the hope that they will
Early Christian artists rendered help to unravel the mysteries of
the scriptural phrase, ' 'the jaws of our distant past. 0

M ATT E R S O F T H E M I N D /continued from page 21

I'm talking about the neuro­ model, of a past reality. You see? paradigm?
anatomy and physiology of his Now, this is tricky. For when LILLY : I think direct experience ,
attempts to make various kinds of you're in one of these spaces, or uninterpreted, is your reality -no
transformations . I don't have his domains as I prefer to call them, matter what is happening. But
brain , so I can 't tell you the· then you're in a reality. OK? your memory of it and your
results. When you come out of it and join construction of it are both simula­
WILLIAM S: You mentioned one the consensus reality, you are tions with greater or lesser degree
time that when you get into a interlocked with your society and of fit to the original .
physical isolation tank , you leave · you have to do certain things on WILLIA M S: Is there any kind of
your body and take off. Now, was this planet or they won't let you link between human telepathy and
that statement a metaphor, or do survive . So you shift your belief the sonar communication by the
you feel that there is a process of system. In consensus reality what whales and dolphins?
consciousness leaving the body? is real is already defined, so you
LILLY : Modem science is the
LILLY : Now, wait a-minute . Let's take on that simulation. Now, if
science of instrumentation . Until
start over. Metaphor is one of my you operate this way you can, play
you can get an instrument that
favorite enemies. It ' s imprecise, the game very safely.
records and measures the quanti­
and it does not work. I prefer to WILLIAM S: You can shift around
tative phenomena in question , it' s
say that· · one simulates ·like a to different states of being.
not allowed. It' s allowed in the
computer does, but in far more LILLY : You shift your beliefs
theoretical sense, but not in
detail, so as to create one ' s own about reality sufficiently so that
the experimental . Until you can
reality. So while you're traveling you can experience new realities
measure what takes place in
through the universe during an in the isolation tank , solitude, on
mental telepathy between brains ,
out-of-body experience - all the the desert, or during meditation .
you can 't have status in this kind
things mentioned in Robert Mon­ But you 're not allowed to
of science . For instance , if some­
roe' s Journeys Out of th-e Body­ assume that those are real in
one is going through excruciating ·
while you are doing these experi­ regard to our society !
pain, 4 ,000 miles away from you,
ences, they are real. But when you WILLIAM S: We 've wanted to ask
you may suddenly feel pain. And
come back and get out of the tank you this question for a long
we have no explanation for this
or out of the bed, then there are time - do you feel that the direct
based on instrumental science.
simulations to discuss. What we experience of Truth is possible?
remember of our experiences we Or is · every experience somehow WILLIA M S: Our time is running
construct into a simulation, a grounded in a belief system or short. Thank you very much 0

60 Beyond Real ity

M A G I C F R I E N D S H I P/conti n u ed fro m page 51

information we had picked up looks like that letter just wasn 't
from our friends at the roller rink. supposed to reach your folks , ' ' I
Inside the restaurant , we con­ offered weakly.
tinued our chatter over pie and ' 'I'm going to get rid of this
coffee for a half-hour or so, and ' 'Neither of us has thing right now, ' ' she said ner­
then returned to the car. I voulsy. And with that, she took
unlocked the door on the passen­
ever been able to the letter outside and burned it
ger side for - Janet, then walked
around the car and opened the
explain the strange until nothing remained except a
small pile of black ashes� -which
other door. Just as I slipped onto things that were soon scattered by the ·wind.
the seat beneath the steering My close relationship with
- wheel, Janet shrieked wildly, happened when we Janet lasted for about three years.
"Look ! Look ! " She pointed her then a series of moves plus Janet
finger and stared , as if frozen , at were together' ' and Dick ' s eventual divorce led us
the seat beside me . When I looked in different directions , and we
down to see what her excitement drifted apart . Neither of us has
was all about , the hairs on the ever been able to explain the
back of my neck stood straight up . strange things that J:tappened
For there , lying face-up in the when we were together , but we do
middle of the front seat, was the about something. As soon as she know that nothing like them had
missing letter ! was inside, Janet shoved an happened to either of us before we
When Janet had recovered envelope into my face and said in met, nor has anything like them
somewhat from the shock of its � frightened voice , " Would you happened to either of us in the
mysterious return, she picked up believe it came back? Look at years since-until a couple of weeks
the letter and examined it. ' 'This this ! ' ' She pointed to the face of ago , that is, when I invited Janet
is my letter, all right, ' ' she stated, the envelope , where, stamped to my home to tell her plans for
and stuffed it into her purse . ' ' I' ll boldly in red ink , were the writing thiS' story. We hadn 't seen
mail it tomorrow . ' ' Neither of us words : " Return To Sender. No each other in years , so we spent a
said another word the rest of the Such Address . ' ' very enjoyable evening reminisc­
way home, nor did we even ' ' Is this the right address? ' ' I ing. The next day, while I was
mention our strange experience asked. sitting at the kitchen table playing
during the next few days . I think She quickly replied, ' ' Of course a game with my young daughter,
we both just wanted to forget it it ' s the right address ! I ' ve been a pan lid that I thought was nestled
ever happened . Little did we know sending letters to my folks at this securely in the bottom of the dish
that our mystery had not yet address all summer, and so has tack suddenly popped up and
ended. my sister. This is the first one rolled across the floor . I haven 't
About a week later, Janet that ' s been returned . I just don 't called Janet to see if anything
knocked frantically at my door. I know what to think about this strange has happened to her since
only had to look at her ashen face letter. It ' s really scary . ' ' our brief reunion . I'm not sure I
to see that she was terribly upset I had to agree , it was scary. "It really want to know. 0

Produced in consultation
with the foremost authorities
O N S A L E AT Y O U R N E W S STA N D O R S U B S C R I B E . . . N O W !

Beyond Real ity 61

S E E I N G R A I N B O W S/co nt i n u e d fro m page 44

studied by a battery of psychi­ M s . Rothbort cautions, and you

atrists at a four-hour session at sense the trouble in a sort of
the University of Pennsylvania. vibration that follows her, that we
While there, Marlene read the must learn to balance ourselves in
auras of Dr. Rosillo , Head of what is now an ' 'unbalanced
Psychiatry at the University, and society . ' '
his staff and several of their " We mustn't look for appro:val,
patients . The psychiatrists left the but search and seek the peace
session convinced of Marlene ' s within ourselyes . ' '
ability to see and correctly inter­ Able to read her own auras
pret auras . through the use of a mirro r,
Ms . Rothbort's gift was also put Marlene admits to an overactive
to the test on NBC television when passion center. " I've never fit
she read Dr. Frank Field ' s aura, into society and must tread care­
on a nationally telecast show. Dr. fully. ' ' She functions in a ' ' straight
Field, the well-known science society' ' for somewhat short peri­
editor-weatherman , attested to ods of time. She tries to follow her
Marlene ' s reading which was own advice , which she claims
edited for ,the actual telecast. She comes directly from the channel of
told him he has a brilliant mind, is creativity .
exceptionally tense ; very spirit­ ' ' Even I have problems ; I am no
ual, but has a closed heart - he different in this respect from
only uses his mind and ego. Ms. ' 'We mustn't look anyone else . ' '
Rothbort also matched wits with In the past, Marlene has written
the Newburgh Chapter of Mensa, for approval, but plays and has published a song,
an organization of people with top through the ability of automatic
I.Q. 's. search and seek the writing. She has lectured state­
Marlene also read three college wide and taught from the elemen­
students ' auras at the local com­ peace within tary level to courses on the
munity college, in Ulster County,
New York . All three verified the
ourselves' ' undergraduate level.
Ms. Rothbort now devotes her
authenticity of the readings which time , full time, to the Aura
were detailed and specific in their Center, in Newburgh, New York
scope . In one instance , she even where she is available for coun­
pinpointed the age of seven as the seling, aura readings and color
beginning of one of the student 's color therapy is based ; there is the therapy.
mental anguish over a family ego center at the base of the Many will attest to the help she
split. To everyone ' s astonishment, spine ; the left side is the spleen has given and even the skeptics
he explained, that at seven, his which controls the ego center; the will admit to the ' ' strange' '
parents b�came divorced and he navel is the area of passion and feeling that will fill a room when
was involved in a custody battle . unrefined emotions ; the heart Marlene Rothbort enters . Perhaps
M s . Rothbort has instructed center is the emotions on a higher our generation will see the day
others to see , read and interpret level - feelings ; the throat is the when Marlene ' s gifts of the
auras in a course at the State area of creativity ; the third eye is highest ability will come to be
University College at New Paltz, the spiritual and psychic gift accepted just as the surgeon' s
New York , with fascinating re­ center and the head is the center hands o r the psychiatrists's train­
sults . She goes into detail explain­ of the mind, the rational and ing can be viewed as a gift from
ing the seven centers on which her subconscious . "God . " o

People start pollutio�.

People can stop it.
62 Beyond Real ity


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Beyond Real ity 63

unusual universe
By Curt S utherly

A very good friend once asked: is a vast belt of sand dunes

' 'Doesn't it ever bother you that encircling the Martian ice cap at
man is so preoccupied with the the North Pole and which , accord­
stars? It' s almost like we came ing to researcher James A. Cutts ,
from somewhere in space and of Science Applications , Inc . , may
yearn to go back. Maybe our home be ' 'the largest dune belt in the
isn't here on Earth, but out there solar system. "
in the cosmos . ' ' The words were Yet another intriguing discov­
those of Jim Rhule , a comrade ery is the enigma of ' 'the search­
during my days in the USAF. light. ' ' This is an area formed by
Often, late at night and during ' 'two diverging lines ' ' and be­
times of passive reflection , he tween which the Martian surface
would utter words similar to the is completely different than that of
above . the surrounding terrain . Accord­
Jim ' s emotion is both greatly ing to Viking orbiter imaging team
appreciated and widely shared. leader, Michael H . Carr, of the
Maybe mankind did have his birth U :S. Geological Survey, ' ' There
somewhere in the reaches of appears to be some translucent
space . cover over this region . . . ' '
Perhaps he originated on Mars ! In his book, The Cosmic Con­
Observations and speculations nection, noted astronomer, Carl
made by some of our planet 's
· . Sagan points out that the thought
foremost astronomers and space of past life on Mars is not so much
scientists suggest that Mars was science fiction as many would
not always the ' � dead" planet it prefer to believe . Sagan relates
On Friday, February 18, Viking
today appears to be . In fact , if that today, while Earth is experi­
Orbiter 1 flew within 300 miles of
recent Viking seismometer read­ encing relatively moderate climat­
Mars ' inner satellite, Phobos, to
ings are being interpreted cor­ ic conditions , Mars is going
obtain this dramatic photo of the
rectly, the red planet is very much through a vast ice age .
asteroid-size moon.
alive - and kicking up an occasion­ Sagan writes : " . . . Twelve thou­
al Marsquake . sand years ago may have been the
In size , Mars is somewhat epoch of processional spring and
smaller than our world, with an summer (on Mars . ) The -dense
equatorial diameter of approxi­ great watercourses . Mighty rivers atmospheri of that time is now
mately 4,268 miles as compared to probably crossed the face of Mars, locked away in the polar ice caps.
Earth ' s diameter of approximately in other words . This ; of course , Twelve thousand years ago may
7,927 miles . The atmosphere on means that the planet should have · have been a time of balmy
the red planet is estimated to be had lakes , seas , and possibly temperatures , soft nights , and the
about 60 miles deep, and contains oceans as well. trickle of liquid water down innu­
vital elements such as argon , However, there are even strang­ merable streams and rivulets ,
carbon dioxide, nitrogen , water, er aspects of the Martian land­ rushing out to join mighty, gush­
and oxygen - all in varying de­ scape as disclosed by both Viking ing rivers .
grees , and the earlier Mariner orbital "If so , twelve thousand years
Anyone who has studied care­ spacecraft. ago was a good time on Mars for
tVlly the assortment of color and Pyramid projections are visible life similar to the terrestrial sort, ' '
black and white photos trans­ at various locations on the plan­ Sagan suggests .
mitted by the Viking space probes et ' s surface . NASA, of course , Sagan' s musings are directed
is already aware that vast desert tends to disregard these objects , toward the possibility that Mars
areas cover the planet . But there suggesting that they are nothing may once have teemed with
are also huge channels present more than rocky projections that Earth-like life , or at least life
that NASA scientists speculate are shaped by the wind. along a recognizable order. How­
were once the foundations for Another strange surface feature ever, he seems to exclude from his

64 Beyond Real ity

musings the possibility that said
life may have been highly com­
plex - perhaps even human life !
Let' s assume, for the sake of
speculation , that Mars did have
human or near-human life on its
surface roughly twelve thousand
(or more) years ago . As Sagan
himself might ask: "If so , where
did it go? "
The most logical answer would
be Earth.
Written records that survive
into our modem age extend back
in time some six to eight thousand
years (roughly 5 , 000 B . C . ) . Be­
yond this , we have no accurate
way of gauging the prehistory of
humanity .
Many biologists contend that This photo taken by Viking 1, shows what some of the Martian surface
the brain and body of man could looks like. Does the Red Planet hold the key to life on Earth ? There are
not have evolved within a space of many strange aspects of the Martian landscape as disclosed by both
hundreds of thousands of years Viking 1 and Viking 2.
(as is largely accepted) , finally
emerging dominant less than ten
thousand years ago . (The first
agricultural societies were sup­ of physical conditioning, and can immortality . There was not a sign
posedly started about eight thou­ barely lift twice his own weight of day and night. This one
sand years ago) . In fact, it has when he is in the best of shape . breathed according to its own lay
been pointed out that a period of On the other hand, Earth-dwellers without currents of air. Every­
several million years would be such as the tiny ant can manip­ thing but this was not present. In
required for such evolution to take ulate objects many, many times the beginning darkness was hid­
place . their own weight with little trou­ den in darkness. The life-powerful
However, Cro-Magnon man ­ ble. Perhaps man still hasn 't that was enclosed by the void, the
who was virtually identical to adapted to his previous environ­ one, was born by the might of its
modem man physically - sudden­ ment? hot urgency . . . ' '
ly emerged on the scene some On Mars , the gravity field is The void? Hot urgency? Neither
thirty-five to forty thousand years about one third that of on Earth. If being, nor not-being? Perhaps
ago , according to modem dating a normal human being were these statements refer to the
techniques . Since that time, man placed on the surface of that ' 'void' ' of space , the ' 'hot urgen­
has not evolved one iota, despite world, he would become a virtual cy" of a rocket' s mighty exhaust,
what evolutionary theorists would physical superman - sort of a and "being, nor not-being" rep­
have us believe . Moreover, the Steve Austin without the bionics . resenting a state of deep sleep
brain capacity of Cro-Magnon Also, we must consider the approaching suspended animation
man was somewhat greater than many legends of various people or hibernation !
that of modem man (approximate­ around the globe . The Eskimo, for Whether any of this has true
ly 1 , 600 cubic centimeters as example , say their people arrived significance, no one can safely
compared to 1 , 350 to 1 , 500 cc) , in sky ships of steel. The Amer­ say. However, when you next look
indicating that modem man is less indians of North America speak of to the stars or in the direction of
an intellect than was his predeces­ ' 'thundering' ' birds. that point of light called Mars,
sor. In his book, Gods of Air and consider that "home " may really
Does this mean that man, in a Darkness, British author, Richard be out there.
more advanced form , came to Mooney quotes a translated pas­ (For those who are fascinated
Earth from someplace else? Such sage from an ancient Sanskrit text by space and Mars in particular, a
consideration might account for called the Rigveda . The text , map of the Martian surface , the
the many loose ends present in Indian in origin, reads as follows : most refined ever made by mod­
historical lore , for instance the ' ' In those days there was nei­ em man, is available from the
recurring theme of advanced civi­ ther not-being nor being. Neither U . S . Geological Survey, Denver,
lizations in the distant past. the atmosphere nor the sky was · Colo. 80225 , for $1 . Ask for
Another point : man is basically above . What flew to and from ' 'Topographical Map of Mars, ' ' M
a weak animal . He frequently where? In whose keeping? What 25M 3 RMC 1976. The map i8
suffers from spine trouble , has was the unfathomable? In those about three and one-half feet
difficulty maintaining any degree times there was neither death nor square. ) 0

Beyond Real ity 65

The Ohio UFO Investigation nature ' s healers, and other help­ ter and information on member­
League, Inc . Jounded on October ful articles dealing with health. ship , write to: Contact Inter­
7, 1973 , is a non-profit corporation Price is 48 cents (a real bargain) . national, P . O . Box 575 , Denville,
established under the state law of Write to: Olakino Maikai, 2029 New Jersey 07834.
Ohio. The league is dedicated to Ala Wai Blvd. Rm . 704, Honolulu,
the eventual solution to the phe­ Hawaii 96815. ***

nomenon of Unidentified Flying

Objects . ***
The Page Research Library
The League also publishes a offers a free newsletter which
magazine, The Ohio Sky Watcher. Brain Mind BUlletin, a well re­ deals with the studies ot anoma­
For information write to The searched newsletter dealing with lies. For your free copy, write to:
Ohio Investigators Le&glle , Inc . , the potential of the human mind. Dennis Pilichis , 6707 Colgate
5852 East River Road, Fairfield , We recommend it. Write to : Brain Avenue , Cleveland, Ohio 44102 .
Ohio 45014. Mind, Post Office Box 42492 , Los
Angeles , California 90042 . ***

Interested in .starting a colony in
The Congress for Applied Meta­ space? If so , there is a new society
physics offers a new dimension in From our friends in Canada just for you. Its called The L-5
· ' 'do it yourself' ' health care . This comes information concerning a Society. L-5 is the point between
course will teach the stndents how special newsletter which features the earth and moon where the first
to find and correct inbalances of UFOs . The editor Peter Uecker colony will probably be built. This
the natUfal energy glow in their will send a sample copy to anyone group ' s goal is to establish such a
bodies by testing the responsive­ interested in the UFO enigma. colony.
ness of the muscles . Write to : Peter Uecker, Post Members of the L-5 pay annual
Also offered is a course in Office Box 3526 1 , Station E , dues. They receive a monthly
Hypnotic Regression and Past Life Vancouver, B .C . , Candada. newsletter and help promote the
Recall. For information , write to : idea. For information write : L-5
Congress For �pplied Meta­ Society, 1620 North Park Avenue,
physics , 20 Wayne Court, Wallnut Tucson, Arizona 857 1 9 .
Creek, CA . 94596. Theta, another publication deal­
ing with the question of survival ***
*** after death. The magazine is
concerned with the most pro­ The 1977 Guide to Occult
1977 National UFO Coference , found mystery of man ' s universe. Periodicals is now ready. This is
will be held on Saturday , August It offers researched articles and the 6th edition of this guide
6th 1977 at th(; Hotel San Fransico, commentaries , and is the only lists magazines, papers and news­
San Fransico, California. For in­ journal dealing soley with the letters. Write to : PO Box 1 1 33 ,
formation on hotels and other survial question. For subscription, Magnolia Park Station , Burbank,
accomodations , as well as costs, write to: Theta, Duke Station , Calif. 91507 .
write to : Dale Rittig, 3233 Buchan­ Durham , North Carolina 27706 .
an Street, San Fransico, CA . PLEASE NOTE: Send in your
94123 . ***
information well in advance . We
are a bi-monthly publication which
Contact International also pub­ means that copy must be in our
lishes a well done newsletter office 60 days before press date .
From Hawaii comes a unique dealing with UFOs . The Organ­ Your information should be ad­
magazine called Lakino Maikai,· ization has representatives in dressed to: Ramona Cortez,
Hawaii 's Guide to Good Health. many parts of the world who send Beyond Reality Magazine , P .0.
The magazine goes into such in reports of UFO activity in their Box 428, Nanuet, New York
areas as: natural cooking, herbs, area. For . a copy of their newslet- 10954.

66 Beyond Real ity

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