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It's important to keep in mind that the pineal gland electromagnetic energy is TEN

TIMES STRONGER starting 3 nights before the Full Moon and going to 3 nights after
the Full Moon. The energy is strongest on the third night before and after the full
moon contains a complete map of the visual field of the eyes and it plays several
significant roles in human functioning.

There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the

retinohypothalamic tract. It brings information about light and dark cycles to a
region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus(SCN). From the SCN,
nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the
pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these
impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal
inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is therefore a
photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body. So basically
it feeds us the illusion of time. The pineal gland seems very instrumental in
binding us to the linear time 3D world.

Calcified pineal glands play a key role in one of the methods used to detect medium
to large sized brain tumors in humans. If you take an x-ray image of a person's
head you will see a tiny little white dot in the center of the brain (calcified
pineal gland). If this solid little dot is found to be off-centered it may indicate
the presence of a tumor.


Some people have called the pineal gland the true fountain of life. I think its
amazing that science has been looking for the fountain of life, when its been right
here in our brain all this time.

Another amazing aspect is that the pineal gland is activated by light, and produces
more at higher elevations. This seems to bare true when you start to read up on
Native culture and the vision quests and visions people have had while in the high
mountain areas.

The Pineal gland and Brainstem are to be found in the oldest part of the human
brain, it is commonly known as the Reptillian Complex or R-Complex, I shall now
talk about the Reptillian Complex briefly. Generally it is involved with the
functioning of the involountary processes, such as the cardiac and respiratory
functions, it is to be found in all vertebrates and is the most advanced part of
the brain that is shared between mammals and reptiles, yes there is a common
evolutionary link to be found here. Other responses are a result of the R-Complex,
such as the fight or flight survival instinct, rage also has it's origins here.


The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is
sensitive to magnetic fields. "The circadian regulatory system depends upon
repeated environmental cues to [synchronise] internal clocks," says Posner.
"Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues."


Most have calcified Pineal Glands due mainly to fluoride intake, meat, processed
starches and artificial sugars. To reverse this one will need to ingest good
amounts of Gota Kola, Alfalfa, Parsley, Wood Betony, and Mugwort. Gota Kola is by
far the most effective of all these.

salvia, DMT, and lsd also secrete the pineal gland

for maintaining a healthy pineal gland. Foods: wheat germ, olive oil, pineapple
juice, parsley and alfalfa sprouts are recommended. Herbs: Wood Betony and St.
Johnswort. Supplements: LECITHIN (Research has shown that lecithin is found in
higher quantities in the pineal gland than in any other part of the body.)

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