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Manav Rachna Vidyanatriksha Private Limited

Career Development Centre

GD Pro 2014 Topics with Content

Created by: GD Pro Team

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S.No Topic Page Number

1 Aasaraam Bapu: a saint, business or a politician. 5-6
2 A man is known by the company he keeps. 7-8
3 Abolishing of currency printed before 2005. How far it will be able to control black 9-10
4 Advertisement is all glitter, less truth. 11-12
5 All of us can think better than anyone of us: agree or disagree? 13
6 Are Examination A Fair Gauge Of Judging Students Ability? 14-15
7 Are money and growth false constructs of mind? 16
8 Arvind Kejriwal: a powerful reality or a cheap gimmick? 17-18
9 Automisation: the only path to error free society - Agree or disagree? 19-20
10 Censor Boards Lacks Logic: Agree or Disagree. 21
11 Can corruption be dealt with a helpline? 22
12 Change is the only window which opens inward 23
13 Communication work for those who work at it 24-25
14 Competition right from childhood – Is it good or bad? 26-27
15 Face is the index of mind. Discuss. 28
16 Languages are dying. 29
17 Gender equality: a reality or an eyewash? 30-31
18 Good communication skill- A catalyst for professional growth 32
19 In business "what you know" is not as important as "who you know". 33-34
Has food services industry got a future in India?
20 Has food services industry got a future in India? 35
21 Hard work: a sure shot way to remain poor 36-37
22 Group discussions are not an efficient method to select candidates for management 38-39
23 India being 2nd largest economy by 2050 just behind China 40-41
24 Is honesty the best policy for an ordinary citizen of India? 42-43
25 Is Parliamentary form of democracy has failed in India? 44-45
26 Is Selfishness a Virtue? 46
27 Just being committed to craft: can it alone make you successful? 47
28 Kids are not the way they were before? 48
29 Life deteriorates as we grow older: True or False. 49
30 Live-in relationships are against Indian culture: Agree or disagree? 50
31 Management cannot be taught 51-52
32 Do Mandatory Attendance norms aid in learning or not? 53-54
33 A Good leader must be a good follower as well 55
34 Modi or Kejriwal: who can bring political transformation? 56-57
35 Money is sweeter than honey 58-59
36 Morals are mere murals today. 60
37 Most employees either hate or dislike their work situation do you agree? 61-62

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38 NGO’s have become a lucrative business 63-64
39 Nuclear weapons are the best means of asserting global superiority 65
40 Are MNCs actually a threat to our Indian industry? 66-67
41 Astrology, Palmistry, Face reading. Do they make any sense? 68-69
42 Principals of Gandhi: Do they stand valid today? 70
43 Private hospitals provide superior health care: true or false? 71-72
44 Prospering of individual leads to prosperity of the nation. 73
45 Should prostitution be legalized in India? 74-75
46 Racial discrimination: a reality or myth? 76-77
47 Reality shows are nothing but Gimmicks 78-79
48 Sabbatical post schooling and higher education. Is it good or bad idea? 80
49 Should a CM protest on streets? 81-82
50 Should it be legal to bet on Sports? 83-84
51 Should there be any law to govern the governors? 85
52 Should there be private universities? 86-87
53 Social media happened to fast n big are we ready for it? 88-89
54 STAR power: does it really exist? 90-91
55 Technology: Boon or Bane? 92-93
56 Testing of products on animals 94
57 The noble prizes have become highly politicized. They no longer honor the deserving. 95
58 Tit for Tat is the right policy? 96
59 To Each His Own. Is It A Good or Bad Policy? 97
60 What do we need: a physical revolution of protests and bloodshed or a mental 98-99
revolution .
61 Who is responsible for Eve teasing: Boys or Girls? 100-101
62 Winning isn’t everything, It’s the only thing 102-103
63 Work life balance – myth or reality? 104-105
64 Your education is nothing but dirt on your basic intelligence. 106
65 Is Youth of India confident or confused ? 107-198
66 Carbon Credits: are they here to stay ? 109-110
67 Valentine’s Day : a day of lies – Agree or Disagree 111-112
68 Relationships are nothing but a waste of time? 113
69 Are MNC's superior to Indian companies? 114-115
70 Nothing Changes if nothing Changes: agree or disagree? 116-117
71 Only dead fish swims with the current. 118-119
72 Young men think that old men are fools whereas old men think young men are. 120
73 Is hockey, the right national game for India? 121-122
74 If wishes were horses, beggar would ride them. 123
75 Indians lack a sense of social responsibility 124
76 Innovation is the need of science 125-126
77 Ipl: do they foster growth of sport or not? 127-128
78 Is China a threat to Indian industry? 129-130
79 Is India a lenient country? 131
80 Is internet becoming an addiction? 132-133
81 Is mba necessary to succeed in business? 134-135
82 LGBT: An un-ignorable reality? 136-137

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83 Black Money: A Parallel Economy 138
84 Importance of co-curricular activities in employability 139-140
85 Is Cricket an overrated sport in INDIA? 141-142
86 Is profit the only business of business? 143
87 The me I see. The me I become: agree or not? 144
88 Defense expenses: can they be reduced? 145-146
89 Do Beautiful people lead better lives? 147-148
90 Destiny or Karma.Discuss 149-150
91 Does IT create or destroy jobs? 151-152
92 Do mobile phones isolate kids from outside world? 153-154
93 Do not sell, resolve ... agree or disagree? 155
94 Does sportsmanship exist in modern professional sports? 156-159
95 E-commerce: is this a future way of commerce? 160-161
96 Education curriculums are outdated and irrelevant. 162-163
97 Facebook: a boon or a bane? 164-165
98 Experience help us in making better, faster decisions 166-167
99 FDI in multi-Brand retail: a good idea or bad? 168-170
100 Are films reflection of our society? 171-172

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Topic 1

Aasaraam Bapu: a saint, business man or a politician


A saint is one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness. While the English
term "saint" originated in Christianity, it is a general way to refer to the state of special holiness that
many religions attribute to certain people. In every religion saint is a person who is believed to have
knowledge about the facts and truths related to god and beliefs connected with spiritual sentiments.
People believe them next to god and have blind faith in them. It is a duty of a saint to promote his
culture and religion and also spread awareness of religious knowledge among the masses for the well
being of human kind.
Today scenario has changed with a every third person claiming to be a saint or self styled god man.
These people have made it a profession and are extorting big amounts from masses who blindly believe
them. This has become one of the successful businesses. They are not just cheating the people by
promoting the wrong facts and knowledge but also embarrassing the whole saint community .No one
would ever believe a saint if these fake saints are allowed to continue .
But things change drastically when masses go blind on believing such fake saints. They just treat them as
god & worship them. They just forget their own individuality and submit their selves to these frauds. One
such person is AASARAAM BAPU who claims to be a saint or a god man.
Aasaraam Bapu, born as Asumal Thaumal Harpalani or Asumal Sirumalani on 17 April 1941, is a
controversial saint or god man from India. He preaches the existence of One Supreme Conscious and
claims Bhakti yoga, Gnana yoga and Karma yoga as influences. In early 1970, Aasaraam built his first
ashram on 4 ha(10 acres) of land in Gujarat and began using the name Aasaraam Bapu. There are over
400 major and minor ashrams in India and abroad and numerous followers.
This man is saint with so many controversies and the recent controversy claimed of him to be involved in
sexually abusing one of his disciple in the asharam . As the case came to broad day light more and more
people who are been abused physically, mentally or sexually came forward telling their case to masses.
Reports suggests that Aasaraam Bapu who claims to be a saint has raped two of his disciples in the
aashram and brutally killing one the girl for raising her voice against him .These are the saints whom
people believe to be equal to god and what they are doing are the acts of demons
Aasaraam has been arrested on basis of FIR made against him by his own disciple that he and his son
have raped the girl for years and threaten her that if she brings this to any body’s notice he would get
the girl killed.
In the meantime Aasaraam Bapu made huge property in his name that too of worth crores. He even
encroached on the government land and made huge charitable trusts on them. Reports also suggests
that he worked as corporate and political lobbyist.


 People can believe Aasaraam Bapu because what he did initially was for the better of masses.
 He promoted the right knowledge and facts about religion.
 He made the people believe in the fact that god exists.
 He even advocated that there is one god.

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 He started many charitable schools and hospitals for people.
 His teaching to extent helps a person for leading good life.
 He made the people to live the moral and ethic based life.
 He taught the masses importance of spirituality in life
 He promoted the fact to stay grounded and lead a life without arrogance
 He showed the path to follow god in better way.


 Being a saint, it was his duty to renounce the world but he didn’t do so.
 He taught others of morals and ethics, and to practice simplicity in life but him was fond of
controversies and luxury desires.
 He made others to believe in god but he never implemented the same.
 He preached the message of one god and to be a god fearing person but ironically he himself never
did so.
 In the name charitable events he promoted his own interests and desires.
 He pointed out at others character but never bothered to look on to his own character which was
getting dirtier.
 He was selfish and luxury loving man.
 Though he promoted to stay grounded but never implicated in his own life.
 His teachings were short lived till the time they were not cross checked.

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Topic 2

A man is known by the company he keeps.


Man is a social creature. None can live alone, away from the society of his fellow being. We must
intimately associate with others; we must do so that our friends may come to exert a great deal of
influence over us, on our character. Man is by nature imitative, and he will often be led to imitate others.
For good or for evil, others very often lead and guide us. They may mould our tastes and interest, and
shape our character. We become good or bad as our friends are. For instance, if a man is virtuous and
honest, he will by his speech and conduct inspire his friends with goodness and honesty. Similarly, if our
friends are wicked, we may follow them do as they do and become wicked ourselves. Naturally, we
cannot blame people if they judge us by the company we keep. The same boy shapes differently if placed
in different companies.
Furthermore, no companionship, at least no lasting companionship is possible unless the parties have
similar tastes and interests, likes and dislikes. It is like the magnetic affinity. A man who is bad is
instinctively drawn to those who are similarly bad. It has been most truly said that birds of the same
feather flock together.
Here also the character of our companions is an index of our own character. If he does not show his
dislike nor try to avoid uncongenial company, having found undeserving, he will surely, in course of time,
become quite as bad as his friend. It is quite axiomatic that one who is virtuous will shun the company of
those who are given to the ways of vice. He will try to make friends with those that are good and on the
right path. But as children do not know what is right and wrong; parents must see that boys and girls do
not fall into evil company. This task should begin at school, in the formative years of a boy or girl.
There are numerous examples around us and in the history which proves this point. The Prophet
Muhammad(S.A.W) is the biggest example. He was a beacon for the humanity and the people would
admire him for his deeds and anyone in his company was recognized in good words. Similarly, our poet,
The Poet Of The East, his associates and friends are even known and remembered today.


 A man always makes a company of friends who are just like him.
 The Holy Bible states that "Bad company corrupts good character" They protect us from bad
company too.
 Friends always teach us, correct our mistakes.
 Good company of friends motivates us, help us when in need.
 We stay happy when with company of friends.
 Friends take stand, all for one and one for all.
 Good company of friends remains as they are supportive and caring.


 It is very unlikely that you will find people who have been brought up in wealth, gone to the best
schools, and attained to upper middle management in their first jobs

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 If a man is raised by parents who tend towards criminality and these are his role models, he could
well spend a lot of time associating with people who aren't going to affect him in positive ways. So
our environment, especially that environment we were subjected to in our formative years, also play
a important part
 A person might be a particular able sportsman or woman and thereby find themselves 'crossing the
economic divide line.' Everyone loves a champion no matter what their background
 The people you choose to associate with on a daily basis may say something about you, but people
should be judged on their own merits

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Topic 3

Abolishing of currency printed before 2005. How far it will be able to control black money


In a move seemingly aimed at curbing black money and to prevent circulation of fake notes, the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) said that it will withdraw all currency notes printed and issued before 2005 after
March 31. Demonetization is an accepted global central banking practice.
Strictly by this definition, the RBI’s move to withdraw old series currency notes cannot be categorized as
a demonetization exercise. Importantly, it is the government which takes a decision on demonetization
of currency notes, and not the central bank.
Replacing old currency notes with a new series is a regular practice, but in the past these have been
executed through banks, more as an administrative measure, rather than an appeal to the public.
RBI did not give any reason for withdrawal of pre-2005 currency notes, the move is expected to unearth
black money held in cash.
As the new currency notes have added security features, they would help in curbing the menace of fake


 To spread the use of credit cards which make all cash transactions transparent, due to abolishment
will lead to overcome with black money.
 As the new currency notes have added security features, they would help in curbing the menace of
fake currency.
 New notes issued have stronger security features, which help check counterfeiting.
 The latest withdrawal could be more to do with this clean money policy.
 It has been suggested that black money may be prevented by demonetizing Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000
notes, so it will be beneficial.
 Helpful for people who are using ATM as I will be more secured with abolishment.
 It is more important to stop black money from spreading, rather than attempt to punish those who
have it, so it will be a good method.
 The Reserve Bank may continue to issue high-value notes, but restrict their usage only in time for no
more than three months, without, however, making its usage region-specific, and abolishing of
currency is a good example of this.
 The RBI has not explicitly spelt out the reasons for the move triggering speculation that this was a
step in clamping down on hoarding of currency notes to transact in cash as well as a security
measure to prevent the use of counterfeit notes.
 The public can easily distinguish the currency notes issued before 2005 as they do not have the year
of printing on reverse side. The year of printing in a small font is visible at the middle of the bottom
row in notes issued after 2005.


 Legitimate banking channels.

 The poor and the illiterate will be badly hit.
 Printing of new money will be a costlier process.

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 Notes before 2005 could have some secret features that the counterfeiters have got to know and
sorting out counterfeited notes could be a problem area for RBI.
 People will panic on the abolishment process.
 Important work of people can be delayed due to this, if it is not available to them at the moment i.e.,
billing and payment.
 The poor will be affected the most, because they are most likely to make more frequent, smaller
purchases, thus suffering the rounding up more often.
 Persons seeking exchange of more than 10 pieces of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes will have to furnish
proof of identity and residence to the bank that will be very time consuming.
 An economy in a prolonged slump amid a cut in government spending, a price rise would run
counter to what policymakers are trying to achieve.
 Cancelling currency should have been done with the smallest notice period so as not to give time to
those who have hoarded the money to other forms of assets like gold, real estate, stock markets, etc.

Topic 4

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Advertisement is all glitter, less truth

Advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or

manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to
take some action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a
commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. This type of work
belongs to a category called affective labor.
Advertisement about new products keeps the customer informed about the new developments in the
industry. They help to provide them information regarding the newly launched products. In earlier days
customers believed on the opinions of retailers, when making the purchases of products. With the rapid
spread of media and advertising to every nook and corner of the world, people have become aware of
the various products that are available in the same category and the freebees and benefits of purchasing
them. So the companies or manufacturers are able to communicate their message directly to the
customers. Advertising facilitates a noticeable increase in the sale of the product. It thus helps reduces
per unit cost of the product and help the businesses to earn profits.


 Stars are promoting products which most of the time they don’t use, so it’s just like cheating with
 Advertisers have to depict what customers like, enjoy keeping in mind clients requirements.
 As products increase and so the ads, glitter is a way to ensure brand recall, a very important factor
for the advertising firms.
 Most of the time companies over showcase their product qualities which is not fair.
 There are lots of examples like a person eating a chew gum and becomes so cool that girls start
following him or take example of a famous perfume, if guys use that perfume girls will start running
behind them. All these ads are total fake.
 Advertising is a business and not charity. Companies hire advertisers for promoting their products
and it is not vice versa.


 Advertising firms carry responsibility of providing customers with unbiased information about
 In order to have a healthy bottom line the ad firms cannot shun their responsibility towards the
 Ad firms have to develop ethical content to ensure fair deals.
 There are advertisements available which show the notice that it is medically proven or they are
having proof.
 Advertisements are somewhat made to attract the customers and some time they might only glitter
but sometimes they are true also
 Advertising is showing a mud pot as a golden one and a golden one as a life investment that will
never fail you in times of need. It is glitter that not just attracts but traps. It is not just a trap but
creates a vicious circle of need and desire for goods that we do not need but yearn for as a result of
smart advertising. It is intelligent people making fools of intelligent but gullible people. It is robbing
the innocent. It can be cheating the naive.

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Topic 5

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All of us can think better than any one of us: Agree or Disagree?


This topic demands the discussion on how team work helps or puts an effect on the minds of people.
Some of the points which may help you:


 It’s an old saying that unity is strength. We all can think better with mutual understandings which
would be true.
 Better and new ideas are developed when several brains are thinking together.
 Efficiency of work increases if all can contribute their time and devotion to think together.
 If we all think together, we all will be able to fight terrorism, corruption and communalism too.
 Thinking together involves lots of interaction which helps build friendship.
 Neighboring countries that are in a state of frequent wars between them can try this technique of
thinking together and extend their thought on bilateral ties.
 If all of us will think together, a positive attitude will be developed towards the completion of work
and accuracy of work.
 Thinking together will promote optimism.
 It will unite the audience which is normally at odds to each other.
 Social skills and also all can learn a strange new few things if they think to think together.


 Big ideas come from small towns and too from an individual. This is not fully acceptable, though
some ideas have become really great.
 If it had to be disagreed, then it would be on the point that a single individual will express its thought
out of some selfishness.
 If we keep ourselves from the group with a stubborn attitude of thinking ourselves to be superior
from others, then it would harm the society.
 An individual’s deep thought is discovered only when he is thinking alone is true but it’s not good for
the section of some people as negative thoughts can also be developed.
 Thinking alone will only discover thoughts till your thinking level but in a group it can be discovered
in the best way.
 Thinking alone is a waste of time; it’s only beneficial when you are thinking only for your personal
 Many disagreements would be there as the priority would be given to one’s own thinking by
discarding others in group work for development.
 One’s own thinking is not applicable in the field of media, arts, entertainment etc. Everyone has to
be indulged in.
 Research work and collection of resources are carried out by people who think after it and discuss it
and it’s not a single person’s work.
 Individual’s thinking is limited to Personal Interviews and not in Group Discussions.
Topic 6

Are Examination A Fair Gauge Of Judging Students Ability?

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Every year thousands of students take important exams which can decide their future. For example,
students have to pass exams with satisfactory grades in order to get a place in a university. However, are
exams a fair way of testing of judging a student's ability?
On the one hand, exams seem fair. The questions are the same for all students. Also, the exams are
marked according to a strict scheme and usually by more than one examiner. Furthermore, students do
the exams at the same time and under the same conditions.
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks with exams. Despite some students deserving to pass,
they might be so nervous on the big day that they make a mess of the exam. Moreover, there may be
other reasons, such as illness, which affect a student's performance in an exam. An alternative to exams
would be a system of continuous assessment of course work by teachers during the year although this
would mean more regular testing and more work for teachers. There would be a greater opportunity for
students to copy work, too.


 A formal system needs to be in place- Academic competence and intelligence are not straightforward
to measure and no method will fully capture the scope of a student's ability, but the fact remains
that we need at least some formal system, otherwise the academic system will not work.
 Exams Do Gauge Ability - Exams are a decent way to gauge a student's abilities. Not all students
perform well on exams even when they know the material. However, very few alternatives are as
effective for students in general. Exam scores give everyone a clear picture of who knows what and
how well they know it.
 Communities rely on these scores to judge the quality of their educational system, and state and
federal lawmakers use these same metrics to determine whether public schools are up to scratch.
 Assessment is at the heart of education - Teachers and parents use test scores to gauge a student's
academic strengths and weaknesses.
 Testing forms the bedrock of educational assessment and represents a commitment to high
academic standards and school accountability.
 You can't know where you're going unless you know where you are.
 Every student sits for the same paper with similar schedules, thus the test is still considered
impartial on a constricted level.
 Student gets to know about their strengths and weakness.
 Students with a clearer perception of the standard methods and types of questions will excel better
than others, meaning that scoring well for an examination will not just be based on ability of
application for a subject but rather on knowledge of examination skills.
 Distinguish student who need to work harder in academics.


 Guidelines are neither clear nor measurable. Students are duped into believing their innate abilities
and potential are being tested whilst they are largely being tested on test-taking ability, confidence
and pushiness.
 Students can cheat in exams- Even though exams are closely monitored and there are severe
penalties if they are found cheating, students can still sneak information into exams.

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 Regular examinations result in students working toward exams and exams only. They do not work in
order to learn.
 Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is rid of in a system where examinations reign supreme. It
becomes knowledge for the sake of passing the class, receiving an "A" etc.
 The fact remains the truth because examination is not the true test of knowledge.
 After exams student forget most if not all they’ve learnt during the session all because they were
reading only to pass the exams and nothing more .
 Flawed tests can defeat a good student.
 Grades on either extreme (good or bad) often leave students wondering if they have learned
anything or not.
 Tests are crap - a lot of people who are very good on their homework but suck at exams and tests.
Schools just use tests to weed out all the not so smart children to really focus on the really smart
 Examinations only test that how much a student cares about doing well academically, they don't
gauge how smart they are by any means.

Topic 7

Are money and growth false constructs of mind?


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Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and
repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country. The main functions of money are
distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; Money is the common
medium of exchange and its most important and essential function is that it is a 'measure of value'.
Whereas growth means increase in some quantity with time. Money and growth are interrelated terms.


 One advantage is survival. With it, you can support yourself. Money provides purchasing power. It is
used to buy food, pay the rent or mortgage, send the children to school, and for medical expenses.
 Using it as a motivational tool is that it is a universal reward. It can be used equally by all employees
to provide benefits.
 Both together gives a person great power.
 Gives joy as every need can be fulfilled.
 It results in more employment in business.
 Can be used in social services support, helping poor people and providing medical facilities.
 Helps in growth and development of country.


 If you do not use the money wisely, there will be disadvantages. Greed of money, or the lack of it,
can cause someone to want more and will try to get into illegal activities such as robbery or murder.
 Life without these leads to a life like tribal people.
 Results in inflation.
 Results in lack of time for family and taking care of his own health as the person is busy in his
business all the time.
 Results in unethical behavior towards society.
 Results in greed.
 Results in corruption and hiding money to prevent government taxes.
 Bad effect on children.
 It is root of evil life.

Topic 8:

Arvind Kejriwal: a powerful reality or a cheap gimmick?


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Arvind Kejriwal is a former bureaucrat and politician who founded the Aam Adami Party. He served as
the Chief Minister of Delhi. Kejriwal is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He
worked for the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) as a Joint Commissioner in the Income Tax Department. He
is well known for his efforts to enact and implement the Right to Information (RTI) Act at grassroots level
and his role in drafting a proposed Jan Lokpal Bill.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's resignation has only raised his stock among the common people of
Delhi, the 'Aam Adami', who form his core support base and who believe he will come back to power
with a more emphatic majority and play a larger national role after the general election.
Kejriwal resigned dramatically from his post after 49 days of coming to power as he failed to get his
dream bill, the Jan Lokpal, even introduced in the Delhi Assembly. No longer CM, but Kejriwal continues
to be people's hero.


 Kejriwal, unlike the "politicians", is a leader of the common man. His moral compass points due
 He followed the old school populism. Taking the subsidy route, making a cut in the inflated prices of
water and electricity by a humungous 50% was hugely successful among the lower middle class.
 Anti corruption stand: By introducing Jan Lokpal and citizen inspectors which provide a time bound
investigation and trial of corruption cases, he has a got the expected, big, response to the anti
corruption drive from a new aspirational class, tired of having to grease palms to get ahead.
 Power to the people: the Swaraj bill tends to decentralize the power by segregating the city into
Mohalla Sabhas. It will allow the disenfranchised and disempowered in each neighbourhood to get
better representation.
 Kejriwal has no ideological baggage to carry which makes him dear to the liberal minded people
including the youth. The methods of simplicity and populism are Kejriwal's biggest assets with which
he has managed to win the media's focus as well.
 He took revived the route of street politics and reached out to the masses like no other leader in the
recent past did.
 Kejriwal isn't a polarising figure since he has not been a politician. Kejriwal has had acceptability
from the very beginning for he had a moral backing of the 'suffering Indians'.
 Kejriwal's emergence, although was on a negative mandate initially, gradually symbolized a positive
vote in favour of a change.
 The timing of Kejriwal's rise is also significant. It looks where others took a lot of time to reach,
Kejriwal reached in a flash. He has no problems of complications of the party politics, and since he is
also the leader of a new and successful movement, he has little worry of facing any challenge rising
from within.
 The AAP has managed to put a serious threat to Modi's mission to form the NDA II at the Centre.
Modi, who has been targeting Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi all this while, will have to find a
new strategy to take on the new challenger. As of now, his party is doing all the talking on Kejriwal.


 It is difficult to imagine that prejudiced supporters will suddenly desert their pick in favour of a yet-
to-be-tested Kejriwal.
 Kejriwal's meteoric rise is a better food for the television business that we are seeing nowadays.

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 The AAP's organizational extent is still at a nascent stage. The AAP is still planning to expand its base
elsewhere and there is no guarantee that its 'simple politics' can work equally well in far-off states
and areas of the country where a democratic system acknowledging communities and not
individuals are at play.
 The AAP-Congress government in Delhi gives his party a slight moral disadvantage.
 Kejriwal has just come to power and is still dependent on idealistic talks, whereas others who have
had long stay in administration have given a bigger alternative vision to the people.
 Kejriwal's statist economic visions may not hold true in the long run.
 What has become crystal clear in this dilly dallying and a game of one upmanship on the part of the
AAP is running a Government by taking everybody along and agitating on the streets with volunteers
are two different things.
 Arvind Kejriwal has come across as a man with feet made up of clay. He has been evading
responsibilities on hand and found to have been diverting attention from the burning issue of the
formation of the Government on the other hand. It has somehow been misreading the public mood
which is rapidly fluctuating. It made a mistake of locking horns with fasting Anna Hazare. Then it
termed the Lokpal Bill as the Jokepal bill.
 The whole country has been watching Arvind Kejriwal and his unwillingness to be flexible or hear out
the differing views.
 Janata Durbar: Kejriwal pledged, along with his ministers, to meet citizens to hear their complaints in
public, every Saturday. "In parallel, several changes are being made across multiple departments to
ensure that the complaints received are addressed. No complaint will be considered resolved until
the complainant indicates that it is resolved", the AAP website stated. However, after the first Janata
Darbar in Delhi ended in chaos, the Chief Minister dropped the idea saying he will meet people once
a week, but for grievances, an online system will be set up.

Topic 9

Automation: the only path to error free society - Agree or Disagree?


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The definition of automation is to make a process automatic. Automation is the reduction of human
intervention while using various control systems for operating equipment. Various examples include
machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching in telephone networks,
steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other applications.
Some processes have been completely automated. On the other hand, some are still widely using the
human touch to production. The biggest benefit of automation is that it saves labour, however, it is also
used to save energy and materials and to improve quality, accuracy and precision, reducing the cost of
human errors. Automation has been achieved by various means including mechanical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, electrical, and electronic and computers, usually in combination. Complicated systems, such
as modern factories, airplanes and ships typically use all these combined techniques.
One can test software through both automated and manual testing. Automated testing is the process
through which automated tools run tests that repeat predefined actions, comparing a developing
program’s expected and actual outcomes which when aligned makes bug free software. Automated
testing is good to use when the project is large, there are many system users, or when filling out forms.


 Tests are run quickly and effectively as everything is done automatically.

 It is cost effective as automation tools can be expensive in the short-term but save money in the
 Setting up test cases takes coding and thought and keeps the best technical minds involved and
committed to the process.
 It provides greater team collaboration and consistent final product.
 It provides better safety precautions, hence producing better and more products of finer quality
thereby increasing profits.
 Allows less waste and saves natural resources.
 Certain tasks are difficult to perform manually such as low level interface regression testing which is
prone to mistakes and oversight when done by hand. Automated testing, once set up, is much better
equipped to find errors for this kind of testing.
 Manual testing is not stimulating as it can be repetitive and boring, many testers have a hard time
staying engaged in the same process, and errors are more likely to occur. This situation is invalid to
automated processes.
 We can’t reuse manual tests which lead to loss of valuable time, whereas automation gives the
alternative of reloading the program.
 The throughput speed increases in automated sector.


 Expensive tools are required in automation. The short term cost is lower in manual jobs.
 Automated testing is still a time intensive process.
 Traditional skills have higher value in many trades
 Automation leads to higher unemployment rate. Dedicated employees rarely make errors.
 The robotic automated tests don’t necessarily act as a real user would whereas manual testing
allows the developing program to be used as it would be upon launch. Any bugs that may pop up
when a user handles the program in a certain way are more likely to be caught with manual testing.
 The Quality Assurance (QA) process which each new automation requires takes varying degrees of
effort and time.

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 One needs to make sure that the outputs of automation are the same as (or better than) the current
human-driven efforts.
 Automation implementation requires high degree of technical expertise whose training requires time
and money.
 Energy requirements to run the machines are not cost effective.
 There is flexibility in manual work. Machines do not come across ideas that can change the course of
the project, quickly implement those ideas and cannot assess results.

Topic 10

Censor Boards Lacks Logic: Agree or Disagree?


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The Central Board of Film Certification (often referred to as the Censor Board) is a statutory censorship
and classification body under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It is
tasked with "regulating the public exhibition of films under the provisions of the Cinematograph Act
1952". It assigns certifications to films, television shows, television ads, and publications for exhibition,
sale or hire in India. Films can be publicly exhibited in India only after they are certified by the Board.


 They lack uniformity and transparency, which creates frustration among the film makers.
 They have political party members as panel members who make their decisions according to their
 Film makers have to decide a lot before making a script containing violence, adultery content or foul
language which is essential for making a film based on real life. This actually leads to the loss of
actual message or content of the movie.
 They are biased towards big banners too. Because two movies with same message gets different
rating. Thus the small film makers suffer a great loss.
 They aren’t progressing with time.
 They are supposed to just check the objectionable content, but they interfere with the logics in the
 Censoring certain scenes leaves the movie confusing for the audience.
 People can download the censored part of the movie from internet, thus promoting piracy.
 We talk of world-class universities but how can the minds of our young and not so young grow if we
restrict materials which can hardly be regarded as sensitive from the communal or religious aspects.


 If the names of panel members are disclosed, corruption will increase.

 It is their responsibility to censor those movies which reinforce bias against certain gender or
 U/A movies are watched together with families too, so it’s their responsibility to censor certain parts
to make it watchable with families.
 They are inclined towards small film makers, thus promoting them.
 Item numbers in movies are just useless and they depict women as an object. Thus it should be
 They prevents from plagiarism and illogical movie content from western flicks.
 Some movies lacks logic, they bring down our IQ and intelligence. It is the duty of censor board to
censor such movies.
 Entertainment doesn’t mean sex, filth, swearing, violence, sensitive religious contents.
 It is their duty to check such movies which can disturb the harmony and religious aspects of the
 They are bound by their duties to censor stupidities as well.
Topic 11

Can corruption be dealt with a helpline?


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Corruption is very old problem of India which has now-a-days swelled a lot and the new generation of
India (the young people) are wanting to not only cure this problem but also purely and entirely finish
this problem once in for all. Corruption is eating up all the hard-earned money of the Indian tax payers
who pay for the well being of the country but they use to fill their pockets an bank accounts’ with our
money . Recently the new chief minister of India launched a helpline to register all the corruption related
complaints which received 7000 calls in just 7 hours, which indeed is a very shocking ratio of number of
call to the time. But the million dollar question is that can corruption be dealt with any helpline.


 To fight against corruption someone should take a stand which Mr. Kejriwal did.
 Helpline is the best way to complaint to talk directly to the helpline people and convening them
yours complaint.
 Contacting on a helpline number is far much easier and vastly used than by any other medium like
the online complaint.
 This sort of action will create a sense of deterrence among officials that if they take bribe they will be
taken to course.
 Such helplines give power to the people to raise their voice against day-to-day corruption.
 This step will empower the anti-corruption department to take instant action on the corrupt officials.
 It will also create a sense of vigilance among common people who treat bribe as a daily course of
 Such a step will help even the poorest of poor class to raise their voice against corruption through
this helpline.


 A helpline can’t register the problem of such a large number of populations.

 When a lot of people dial the helpline number, the line is jammed and there are serious connectivity
 Such helplines may work at a good rate initially but later on the whole process goes into cold bag.
 In such steps, a lot of people register forged complaints and there is no measure to check them.
 It may cater the middle class but people with less accessibility of phones wouldn’t be benefitted.

Topic 12

Change is the only window which opens inward


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“Change is the rule of nature”. To change anything is a very difficult job. People always try to change
other, but they don’t want to change themselves. To make change in anyone it is very important to
change yourself.


 To bring change in anyone, first we have to implement that change in ourselves.

 We say that when we point one finger on other, three fingers point us. So before changing other we
should change our self.
 People get motivated when they saw the positive change in us, and then decide to implement the
change in themselves to.
 If a person says other to change but he himself don’t change no one will try to follow him.
 The only people who can change the world are people who want to. And not everybody does.
 Since that day there is nothing anyone could ever say to convince me that one person cannot change
a nation. One person can do unbelievable things. All it takes is that one person who's willing to risk
everything to make it happen.
 If a person has the will power to do anything he can do that.
 “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
 Remember, the change you want to see in the world, and in your school, begins with you.


 There are various types of people in the world; they all have different thinking, so it will take lot of
time to change the whole part of the world.
 There can be situations where you are already on the right path and you need to work on your
surroundings to get faster results. For example, if you are chasing targets in sales, you may change
your approach but you will need to implement them in your surroundings to actually achieve it.
 They should have patience in them self.
 You can change the world again, instead of protecting yourself from it.
 You can't make footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave butt
prints in the sands of time (they should have strong will power to do that).

Topic 13

Communication work for those who work at it


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Communication is:

 An attempt to find the most appropriate words and actions to convey our thoughts and meaning.
 Negotiating the best way forward in a partnership process.
 The first is a fairly straightforward definition. It highlights attempts to give or exchange information
and hints at conveying meaning. My preference is with the second definition, which reflects a trend
taking place in communication for social change. I like it because it attempts to describe some
elements in the process of communication. It also reflects the definition of communication that the
Exchange program uses on its website: a process for partnership and participation that is based on
two-way dialogue, where there is an interactive interchange of information, ideas, techniques and
knowledge between senders and receivers of information on an equal footing, leading to improved
understanding, shared knowledge, greater consensus, and identification of possible effective action.
Effective communication leads to learning, to sharing of knowledge, to generation of new
understanding and knowledge, to an evolving process of expanding insights.


 Communicating with each other expresses our feelings which are good for future relations.
 By interchanging our thoughts, speeches and opinions, we can communicate better for better lives.
 Good communication skill eventually leads us to understand about different cultures and rituals and
we also get to learn new languages.
 Good communication skills help us to gain a good personality and good impression on the people.
 Regularly communicating in a good way will benefit us in developing positive attitude.
 Better communication will help disables lead a better life as there is less for them to communicate.
New skill could be developed for the disabled.
 Practical interactions are far better for communication than communication on social sites or on
 Communication on social sites raises voice against social issues and makes up a strong platform.
 Communication can be done through gestures which are pleasant.
 Communicating improves your overall personality and enhances your innermost person.


 Being able to communicate is something that many people take for granted.
 To be good communicator you should always try to understand other frame of mind or behavior but
this is not done always.
 People with less communication skill are not able to understand disabled individuals and this lead to
a gap between them.
 Poor communication skill never adds laurels to your personality.
 If you don’t have good communication skill, others will always take you wrong.
 The biggest problem is the illusion that it has taken place.
 Communicating every topic can sometimes reveal the confidential matters unknowingly.
 Ignorance is sometimes better than communicating.
 Communication skill is limited and not found everywhere so many people faces difficulties in their
 Communication is permanent in all the fields wherever you go so you have to develop your skill if
you do not possess. It’s of great significance and first people judge you by this method only.

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Topic 14

Competition right from childhood – Is it good or bad?


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Competition is a good thing. It’s about finding out how well you can do something under pressure. It’s
about challenging yourself to get better. It can be about working together with others to accomplish a
goal. You complete to succeed to be the best you can be. It seems like there are people who live in a
fantasy world. In this fantasy world everyone is equal and there is no such thing as competition or
“losers”. Everyone’s a winner and nobody has to deal with the shame of coming in last or has to put up
with any hardship. A little competition isn’t just a good thing, it’s a great thing! “The first rule of
competition: In order to win you have to want it more!” Everyone needs to have some passion to live
and some passion to win. It is that competitive spirit that keeps them ready to give it all they’ve got to
accomplish their dreams and become number one.
On the other hand, competition is a really destructive thing that kills children’s fun, causes them to
prematurely drop out of the activity and leaves them emotionally scarred for life! It became ugly when it
became so important to win that our culture embraced a “win at all cost” philosophy. Kids are under so
much pressure to win today, that the fun has gone out of playing. Also students who participate in the
sports events miss their classes sometimes a few and sometimes a whole day classes are bunked by
them to practice for the events.
Not only in sports is it with every competition whether it’s of dance, art, music, or of any other curricular


 It promotes growth
 It advances the human civilization
 It forces us to be more creative
 It teaches us
 It promotes taking chances and trying something new
 It makes us more goal oriented
 Competition prepares us for the real world
 It is natural
 It makes life more entertaining
 Kids need it at least somewhat


 Competition can harm self esteem.

 Children succeed in spite of competition.
 Competition may create hostility.
 Creates pressure on kids.
 Competition creates a different life for kids.
 Kids start competing when they play.
 Competition affect studies (example- sports completion in schools)
 It de-motivates kids if they lose consequently.
 Win-at-all-cost philosophy
 Competition becomes part of life.

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Topic 15

Face is the index of mind. Discuss


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Have you ever noticed that when you are happy everyone can get it only by looking at your face similarly
if you are angry, sad, it can be readily observed by anyone. It’s just a basic observation and general view.
If a person recognize that you are happy, excited, sad or angry it’s just matter of your expressions think
for a while if you hide your expressions then what’s happens.


 Face reflects what you are. For such people simplicity is life.
 Innocence is considered to be the greatest quality of this life and a great social value and virtue.
 Truthful living is way of people’s life.
 People have great ideals in their life. Moral values are supreme to them.
 There is contentment in the life of such people and there is no competition among the people.
 People are so simple in mental set up that what is in their mind is actually on their face.


 “Face is the index of the mind” is an old proverb that has undergone a sea of change and in fact
a metamorphosis in the modern world.
 It is true that your face reflects your mood. When you are happy or joyful, your face radiates it and
your activities are induced by your happy mood, through your smiles or laughs and through your
intention to share and celebrate your happy mood with others; when you are sad or feel sorry, your
mood is reflected by your dullness and rigidity, through the outburst of tears that you sheds, when
you get isolated from the company of others and when you unusually resort to doping.
 Though by nature, your face is endowed with or blessed with the ability of reflecting your feelings, it
varies according to your age. When you are a baby or a child, your feelings are reflected quite
naturally and also instantaneously get changed, when your mood is changed by the intervention of a
third party.
 As you grow in age, you are somewhat slow in reacting to the given situation and so your face also
reflects it slowly. But in this modern world, due to various extraneous circumstances, you are forced
to live rather mechanically or artificially; you are not living by your natural instincts

Topic 16

Languages are dying


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An endangered language is a language that is at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to
speaking another language. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native speakers, and
becomes a "dead language". If eventually no one speaks the language at all, it becomes an "extinct
language". While languages have always gone extinct throughout human history, they are currently
disappearing at an accelerated rate due to the processes of globalization and neo-colonialism, where the
economically powerful languages dominate other languages. More commonly spoken languages
dominate the less commonly spoken languages and therefore, the less commonly spoken languages
eventually disappear.
English is becoming popular worldwide. It is being used as a common language in more than 100
countries now.


 Most children speak the language, but it may be restricted to certain domains (e.g., home).
 Children no longer learn the language as mother tongue in the home.
 Language is spoken by grandparents and older generations; while the parent generation may
understand it, they do not speak it to children or among themselves.
 There are some causes that put the populations that speak the languages in physical danger, such as:
Natural disasters, famine and disease. An example of this is the languages spoken by the people of
the Andaman Islands, who were seriously affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and
 There are some causes which prevent or discourage speakers from using a language, such as:
Political repression. This has frequently happened when nation-states working to promote a single
national culture limit the opportunities for using minority languages in the public sphere, schools,
the media, and elsewhere, sometimes even prohibiting them altogether.


 Languages are not dying as the attempt like Language revitalization has taken place to slow or
reverse language death.
 Revitalization programs are ongoing in many languages, and have had varying degrees of success.
 The revival of the Hebrew language in Israel is the only example of a language which has become a
language with new first language speakers after it became extinct in everyday use for an extended
period, being used only as a liturgical language
 According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, "language reclamation will become increasingly relevant as people
seek to recover their cultural autonomy, empower their spiritual and intellectual sovereignty, and
improve wellbeing. There are various ethical, aesthetic and utilitarian benefits of language revival -
for example, historical justice, diversity and employability, respectively."

Topic 17

Gender equality: a reality or eyewash?


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Gender inequality refers to the obvious or hidden disparity between individuals due to gender. Gender is
constructed both socially through social interactions as well as biologically

Gender inequalities often stem from social structures that have institutionalized conceptions of gender
differences. The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality describes cases that constitute
discrimination on the basis of gender and highlights the continued need to safeguard equality in
personal and professional situations

This problem in simple term is known as Gender Bias which in simple terms means the gender
stratification or making difference between a girl and a boy i.e. a male or a female. In making biasness
among the gender India has 10th rank out of 128 countries all over the world which is shameful for us.
But this problem is increasing although government has banned the pre-natal sex examination. In India
(in the older times) this problem is mainly seen in the rural areas because many rural people think that
the girl child is burden on them. But now this is also being seen in the urban areas i.e. in offices,
institutions, schools and in society.


 Our constitution provides us Right to equality.

 Men are born from a woman
 There are many feminine leaders and entrepreneurs who are working better than men.
 Women are equally strong like men.
 Women are equally participating in the military and business alongside men.
 Women are multitasking as they take care of their office work and house hold chores equally.
 It is no more feasible to prevent the feminine gender away from any particular thing just because
they belong to the female gender.
 Kalpana Chawla, Saina Nehwal, Kiran Bedi, Sonia Gandhi, etc are some of the examples which make
gender equality a reality.
 Inequality on the basis of gender is a stupidity which is just created because people think women are
less physically strong than men.
 Nowadays people are coming up with innovations and ideas for encouraging gender equality.


 Men and women have different needs & motives.

 A woman is not herself a friend of a woman as in many cases of female feticide we have seen that
there female- in- laws are the only one who pressurizes their daughter- in- law for female feticide.
 Men are much more physically strong than women.
 Even our constitution doesn’t provide equal rights to women as men.
 Domestic violence with women after marriage shows that gender equality is a myth.
 Increasing cases of rapes, molestation and eve teasing shows the disrespect given to women which
makes gender equality eyewash.
 Equality of opportunity is not the same for men and women in every phase of life.
 A boy child is always given more preference over a girl child in homes.
 Dowry system is also a reason for gender inequality.

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 From ancient times men remain superior to women.

Topic 18

Good communication skills - A catalyst for professional growth


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Communication means to exchange thoughts within the people .It is the best way to express our felling
our thoughts which a person is thinking. So communication skill is very important for everyone.
A catalyst is a substance which increases the speed of the re-action. In the similar manner good
communication also increases the speed of the professional growth.


 If we don’t know how to speak correctly than how can we express our feeling and thoughts?
 We are unable to even express, actually what we are think, which is very important in every once
 As a result the person in front of me will be unable to understand my thoughts and there will be no
connection between us.
 “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
 With communication almost every problem can be solved.
 When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.
 It also increases the self -confidence of the person.


 There are many type of communication language and it is very difficult for every person to learn
each of this language.
 Everyone should be aware of language in which he can express this thought.
 Take an example of bank there different type of people come to open their account they don’t know
how to communicate properly but the officer should know how to deal with him , win polite manner
,and should not treat him badly.
 I consider conversations with people to be mind exercises, but I don't want to pull a muscle, so I
stretch a lot. That's why I'm constantly either rolling my eyes or yawning
 The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

Topic 19

In business "what you know" is not as important as "who you know".


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The old adage that "it's not what you know but who you know" is so entrenched that we don't question
the premise. Undoubtedly, who you know has been important throughout history, whether in the trade
networks of ancient Greece, or in the dense web of high tech companies in Silicon Valley. A good
network is especially important when capital is scarce, information hoarded, and when finding the
appropriate contacts is difficult. For most of history, knowing the right people was crucial if you wanted
cash and cache.
In a Harvard Business Review article entitled "How to Build Your Network," Brian Uzzi and Shannon
Dunlap contend that "networks determine which ideas become breakthroughs, which new drugs are
prescribed, which farmers cultivate pest-resistant crops and which R&D engineers make the most high-
impact discoveries.”
But with tools such as LinkedIn and Facebook, the ability to network is becoming more democratized. If
before it was difficult to ferret out the perfect contact, today finding a right marine biologist in New
Zealand or the genetic researcher in Norway is as easy as a Google search. And social media has made it
even easier to connect with that person. As for capital, today it is relatively plentiful and accessible, and
it is much easier than ever to get access to people who have it (accessing capital can be as easy as
sending an email).
Information, too, has been democratized. It used to be that if you wanted to get access to cutting-edge
ideas in technology, you needed an invitation to an exclusive conference like TED, or to attend a
university like MIT. Today, TED lectures and MIT courses are offered free online. The only barrier to most
of the world's best information is knowing English. Because it is so accessible, public information offers
less competitive advantage than previously.
Given our hyper-connected world, could it be that "who you know," while still important, matters a little
less than in the past? Could it be that "what you know" carries more weight?


 In business sector important is to know person then work.

 If we don’t know the person well then how can you deal with that person and how can you believe
his words.
 It’s not necessary to know the person well indeed we should study his body language
 If you know about the market and their trustees then you can easily set up your business
 Who you know is the initial stage for business if you don’t know anyone that is where to get the
materials etc then you cannot start the business
 If you have financial problems, the person you know may lift you up at the initial stages of business
 To start the business is a easy task but to maintain yourself in the masket is not easy if you don’t
know the pillars of market or the good persons


 Only knowing people can do alone you have to know the tactics of business
 The efforts you apply in your business, no person you know will help you.
 If your business is going in loss then no one is going to help you financially indeed they will pull your
 Pure businessman will always think of profit as it is the rule of business, he will not think that you are
not in a state of helping. This thing always differentiates between common man and business man
 In business we have to make our profit more and more and less of loss and that can only be done if
you have good presence of mind and if you know each and every aspect of business

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 At last when you retire then number of nominees will come to acquit your business at that time you
have to think of both the things who you know and what you know
 In business both the things are important when you start the business and have less experience then
the people you know might help you but in the extreme conditions only you can help yourself

Topic 20

Has food services industry got a future in India?


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We grew up in a world where food was mostly a constant, with only gradual changes in taste and cuisine.
The world we are entering is one where food will change in many different ways, and for many different
Food sector is one of the largest sectors in India in terms of production, growth, consumption, and
export. Indian food industry currently stands at Rs 247,680 crore (US$ 39.71 billion) and is expected to
touch Rs 408,040 crore (US$ 65.41 billion) by 2018, registering a growth of 11 per cent, according to a
report titled 'India Food Service Report 2013' by National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI).
The Indian food services industry has witnessed strong growth over the past few years. The industry is
further expected to grow, given the rising disposable incomes, a greater population of younger people,
the growth of consumers in smaller towns and the widening exposure to new cultures and cuisines
besides an increased propensity of eating outside the home.
With a huge agriculture sector, abundant livestock, and cost competitiveness, India is fast emerging as a
sourcing hub of processed food. Food processing sector has become a catalyst for the development of
Indian agriculture and is of enormous significance to development.


 Anticipating the future growth, many big international players are entering the Indian market by
partnering with the domestic players.
 There are tremendous opportunities for large investments in food and food processing technologies
 New technology such as web ordering, pay at the table, self service and mobility have created
opportunities to differentiate and reduce costs.


 The disadvantages of being a food service manage is the long hours.

 Stressful working conditions.
 The declining number of jobs available.
 The employment of food service managers is expected to decline 3 percent from 2010 to 2020
 The job can be hectic
 Rising food prices and their implications.
 The aging boomers: including the rising importance of health factors in dietary decisions, and the
implications on the workforce.
 The emergence of ‘water neutrality.’ Like carbon neutrality, water neutrality will mean that
commercial organizations will need to manage the water they use, and how they discharge it back
into the community, with unprecedented care.
 The increasing importance of the global economy. The world is a more complex place today, and
events in one part of the world can trigger consequences everywhere
 It also involves speaking to local travel agents to arrange discount hotel offers.

Topic 21

Hard work: a sure shot way to remain poor


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Hard work is the key to success. Nothing can be achieved without hard work. Work, work, ever work, is a
great panacea. Edison worked for twenty-one hours a day. He slept only for two or three hours on the
laboratory tables with his books as his pillow

Our beloved Prime Minister late Pt. Nehru, worked for seventeen hours a day and seven days a week.
There were no holidays in his calendar. Mahatma Gandhi worked ceaselessly day and night and won
freedom for his country. Hard work is the price that we pay for success and all the gifts of life.
It has been-well said

"Heights by great man reached and kept,

Were not attained by sudden flight,
They while their companions slept,
Were toiling upwards in the night"

Constant vigilance and preparedness to work is the price we have to pay for success in life. Work is a
privilege and a pleasure; idleness is a luxury that none can afford. Man is born to work and prosper in
life. He like steel, shines in use and rusts in rest. Work is worship. It exalts man if it is done honestly.
Those who toll are, sooner or later, rewarded with luck and success. A man of action acts in the living
present. There is no tomorrow for him. He makes the best of his time

Life is full of strife. Life is action. Activity is the law of Nature. A life of idleness is a life of shame and
disgrace. Greatness can be achieved by great labor only. What a man earns by the sweat of his brow
gives him a greater degree of satisfaction than what he gets by a stroke of fortune. Man wishes to have
many things in life. Some of, them may be bestowed upon him by fortune, but to have the others he will
have to work and toil; for he cannot have them for mere wish. These latter things acquired by hard toil
are much sweeter than those he gets by accident. When a man earns by dint of toil; he enjoys a
pleasurable sensation which is equivalent to the joy of having won a victory. Of this pleasurable
sensation, the man who has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth knows nothing. A self made man
is certainly happier and more esteemed, than the man who owes his fortune to the accident of his birth.
During his life-time such a man is admired by all for the activities of his body and mind, and after his
death, he lives in the minds of men in the deeds he did. Nobody on earth leaves a name to posterity
without real work

But is it possible that hard work is not paying back even when the person has totally devoted himself to
the work? Yes it is possible even after working so hard and pouring so much efforts nothing is achieved ,
a simple of example of this is a farmer who is working hard in the field to grow the food grain for the
masses gets nothing in result instead he is over burdened by the weight of debt . His hard work in the
field is not recognized by any one. In today’s present scenario hard work is just finding place in books
with big definitions and people have found new shortcuts to it


 Hard work is the only way to success

 Hard work is the part of routine, we have to do it for getting everything
 Hard work is long way but is the safest and most secure path in life.
 It brings name, fame and money.

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 Hard work is the essence of life.
 Hard work is long term gain.
 It determines the extent and boundaries of our working capabilities.
 Makes us more reliable and responsible.
 Helps us to push our boundaries and help us to realize the new horizons we can touch.


 A slow way to success for the fast moving way.

 Everyone is not so capable to do so much hard work.
 Do not guarantees any better future perspective for those are want instant success.
 Time is precious and hard work requires lot of time and still does not guarantees any thing
 Hard work is just the bookish fact, good to listen but not applicable in various sectors of life.
 Today money is the biggest and strongest factor governing the lives of individuals , &hard work does
not support or promises in making good money
 Even after hard work individuals do not get recognized.
 Long term success is good but what about present term gains hard work still not fulfill this
 It builds a work pressure on the individual to achieve better.

Topic 22

Group discussions are not an efficient method to select candidates for anything


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A group discussion is a selection (sometimes elimination) round where a group of 8-10 students are
given group discussion topic to discuss for a given time period. After the topic is announced, you would
be given 10-15 minutes to gather & compose your thoughts. Then the discussion begins.
A panel of judges would be sitting & observing the proceedings & would be marking you according to
your performance in the GD.
The number of candidates who are short-listed from this group may vary. Sometimes 2-3 or 4-5
candidates can selected from a group of 10. There have also been cases where the entire group was
A successful group discussion should ideally proceed like a well-coordinated football team, where every
player passes on the ball to achieve a common goal. A GD should not proceed to look like a fish
market where everyone is trying to drown out the other’s opinion.

Personality Traits that are tested in a Group Discussion:

 General Awareness: “What” you speak in a GD matters more than “how” you say it. The panel of
judges would check how much you know about what’s happening around you
 Team Spirit: As mentioned earlier, there have often been cases when an entire group has been
rejected by the panel. This is usually because everyone or most participants in the GD were not team
players. Extreme cases of one-upmanship (trying to outdo your competitor) are not appreciated &
usually do not go down well with the judges. After all, you as a future manager are supposed to work
in/with a team.
 Confidence: The way you put forth your points, your body language etc. should exude confidence.
But be careful that your assertiveness does not translate into aggressiveness.
 Communication Skills: Good articulation skills are a must for any future manager. Without good
communication skills how will you put across new ideas, manage a team; ensure everyone’s on the
same page as you are? This trait is also required to bring forth the traits discussed earlier. Without
good communication skills, it would be difficult to display your leadership skills, convey the
information you have, steer the discussion successfully.
 Listening Skills: It is important to be articulate & to make your point as often as you can in a GD, but
it is equally important to listen when others speak. If you keep interrupting others & don't care to
listen when others speak you lose points. Remember, the panel is always closely observing you!


 Business schools are selecting students who are going to be future managers & CEOs.
 A good manager ought to be firm yet flexible, innovative, possess good communication skills, take
quick decisions, have sound reasoning abilities & be a good leader.
 Top B-schools are ensuring that they only select candidates who not only have good analytical,
quantitative skills (assessed by their written exam score) but also possess excellent soft skills.
 A GD is a forum to discuss and express your views on an issue in logical, coherent and mature
 In a group when you present your points you would think and consider all possible points on the
topic and thus you improve your thinking process also. Which help counselors decide on selection?
 In a group when you present your points you would think and consider all possible points on the
topic and thus you improve your thinking process also.
 In the Group Discussion you have to be careful about the points you discuss. This is one of the
quality needed in a manager where they have to think before speaking

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 There should not be any attitude of hard competition, as it will not bring the desired benefit for the
participating members. it helps counselors to decide whether a student will be a team man or not
 it helps to gain more knowledge by getting others opinion it helps to think a matter in different way
by getting different view of others
 it make oneself to get update their knowledge it helps one to get out fear while taking with groups


 The main disadvantage is it may lead to loss an opportunity of one who is good in working.(i.e. one
who have practical knowledge) but who fears to talk in front of others
 Group discussion can be dominated by one or a few members. If this dominant coalition is
composed of low and medium ability members the group’s overall effectiveness will affect
 There are social pressures in group. The desire by group members to be accepted and considered as
an asset to the group can result in squashing any overt disagreement, thus encouraging conformity
some view point.
 It takes time to assemble a group. The interaction that takes place once the group is in place is
frequently inefficient.
 Groups take more time to reach a solution then would be the case if an individual were making the
decision. This can limit management’s ability to act quickly and decisively when necessary.
 After going through such a high standards of entrance exam it is unwise to again put students for
next level of selection process
 Students who can speak a lot in front of other but not a good team man and not good in his work
can also be selected based on his/her communication skills
 students in rural areas may not be aware of certain happening in recent world and if topics likes that
comes in his/her group discussion then he could probably fail
 selection process becomes too lengthy and it takes months to come to a final conclusion so it builds
a kind of tensed environment of uncertainty among students that whether him/her would make it or
 Group discussion can often end up in violence.

Topic 23

India being 2nd largest economy by 2050 just behind China


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China is set to become the largest economy by 2020 followed with USA and India. By 2050, India would
be ready to top the chart but these are just statistics which are not the mirror of our growth. Phrases like
‘Young India’, ’India Shining’ are coined by politicians to derive political mileage. Our task today remains
to connect India, the India of Ambani’s, TaTa’s with the Bharat of farmers ,daily wage earners etc. Yet in
science, technology, agriculture, medical sciences, education, defense, India had made striding progress.
Yet tackling poverty remains our first priority in 21 st century. With increasing democratic awareness
among people, the government has initiated a lot of measures. But the monster of corruption licks them
midway. The big companies of EU and USA looks at India as their future market. They are trying their
best to enter Indian market which could harm the local market and we should remain cautious about
that. But the thing to cheer about is that big Indian companies have made a good reputation in the
international market which is benefitting our Indian economy.


 States have the fiscal space to bear a reasonable proportion of the financial costs of implementing
flagship program and central government will allocate more resources for subjects such as defense,
railways, national highways and telecommunications that are its exclusive responsibility. And this
would provide a major boost to the economy.
 Skill development must rank alongside secondary education, university education, total sanitation
and universal health care in the priorities of the government which is making the country move in
the right direction.
 Urbanization is done on a high scale which has wealth and also creates wealth.
 Given the limited resources, and the many claims on the resources, the government is choosing the
subsidies that are absolutely necessary and giving them only to the absolutely deserving.
 The government is focusing on manufacturing and especially on manufacturing for export. There
should be a minimum tariff protection so that there is an incentive to manufacture goods in India
rather than import them into India.
 The country must rebuild its infrastructure and add a huge quantity of new infrastructure. Every
proven model must be adopted but the PPP model must be more widely used. New financing
structures must be created for long term funds and pooling of investments.
 The recommendations of the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission are going to be
implemented immediately as they do not require any change in legislation. Also, a timetable must be
drawn for other recommendations that require legislation.
 In a developing economy where the aim is high growth, a moderate level of inflation will have to be
accepted. The RBI must strike a balance between price stability and growth while formulating
monetary policy.
 Since the economy will run a Current Account Deficit every year for some more years, it can be
financed only by foreign investment, whether it is FDI (foreign direct investment), or FII (foreign
institutional investment), or ECB (external commercial borrowings) or any other kind of foreign
inflow. Therefore, foreign investment must be encouraged.
 A target of fiscal deficit of 3 percent of GDP must be achieved by 2016-17 and must always be kept
below that level.


 Corruption in hundreds of government programme could hurt the government very much in the long

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 Fuelled by rising wages, property prices and food prices inflation in India is an increasing problem.
Inflation is currently between 8-10%. This inflation has been a problem despite periods of economic
slowdown. For example in late 2013, Indian inflation reached 11%, despite growth falling to 4.8%.
This suggests that inflation is not just due to excess demand, but is also related to cost push
inflationary factors.
 Although India has benefited from a high % of English speakers. There are still high levels of illiteracy
amongst the population. It is worse in rural areas and amongst women. Over 50% of Indian women
are illiterate. This limits economic development and a more skilled workforce.
 Many Indians lack basic amenities lack access to running water. Indian public services are creaking
under the strain of bureaucracy and inefficiency. Over 40% of Indian fruit rots before it reach the
market; this is one example of the supply constraints and inefficiency’s facing the Indian economy.
 Although India has built up large amounts of foreign currency reserves the high rates of economic
growth have been at the cost of a persistent current account deficit. In late 2012, the current
account reached a peak of 6% of GDP. Since then there has been an improvement in the current
account. But, the Indian economy has seen imports growth faster than exports. This means India
needs to attract capital flows to finance the deficit. Also, the large deficit caused the depreciation in
the Rupee between 2012 and 2014. Whilst the deficit remains, there is always the fear of a further
devaluation in the Rupee. There is a need to rebalance the economy and improve competitiveness of
 Buoyed by a property boom the amount of lending in India has grown by 30% in the past year.
However there are concerns about the risk of such loans. If they are dependent on rising property
prices it could be problematic
 It is hoped that economic growth would help drag the Indian poor above the poverty line. However
so far economic growth has been highly uneven benefiting the skilled and wealthy
disproportionately. Many of India’s rural poor are yet to receive any tangible benefit from the India’s
economic growth.
 Trades Unions have an important political power base and governments often shy away from tackling
potentially politically sensitive labor laws. It also discourages foreign investment.
 Agriculture produces 17.4% of economic output but, over 51% of the work force is employed in
agriculture. This is the most inefficient sector of the economy and reform has proved slow.
 2013/14 has seen a slowdown in the rate of economic growth to 4-5%. Real GDP per capita growth is
even lower. This is a cause for concern as India needs a high growth rate to see rising living
standards, lower unemployment and encouraging investment. India has fallen behind China, which is
a comparable developing economy

Topic 24

Is honesty the best policy for an ordinary citizen of India?


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Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such
as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with
the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Furthermore, honesty means being trustworthy, loyal, fair,
and sincere.
Honesty is valued in many ethnic and religious cultures.
"Honesty is the best policy" is a proverb of Benjamin Franklin

 Honesty - people only like it, till it hurts.

 Honesty - it's accepted as long as it comforts.
 Honesty - it's to be expected.
 Honesty - it's not even recommended.
 Honesty - it makes your outlook crappy.
 Honesty - it'll put you in your place


 Honesty is the best policy everywhere for anyone, with the exception of a totalitarian state that
might punish someone (or worse) for telling a truth that is not acceptable to the government.
 We Indian know that when we do any wrong deed then we have to pay the cost in future. So better
be an honest and have the respect from others.
 Not only for India, but for the entire humanity, it holds good. It is perpetual truth. If u r honest, if he
is honest, if she is honest, the world shall be heavenly. So, start with u!
 When a person is always honest and truthful, that person never has to remember the lies they told.
Dishonesty will eventually come back to bite you at the most inopportune time. Being honest and
truthful gives you self respect and the respect of others. It gives you peace of mind and a good
reputation. These are things that no amount of money can buy.
 The most surprising thing about answering these kinds of questions with honesty is, if you are
consistent, people get to know what they can expect from you, which is an honest answer and a
refusal to play into verbal games. Some even learn from you and adopt these techniques
 Honesty - keeps you happy.
 Honesty' stresses adherence to such virtues as truthfulness, candor, fairness. When outsiders accept
that Indians are honest then they could easily transact business without any reservation.


 Yes, tell the truth if you are safe to do so and you know that you will avoid being attacked or targeted
but remember to protect yourself. Lying is a useful tool.
 Balance your lies with your truths.
 In an ideal world being honest is a nice ideal. In the real world however being honest can open
yourself up to those who are morally bankrupt and opportunist to pursue you and harm you.
 As one coin has two faces, so always being honest is not right as it depended on situations we face in
our life. How desperately difficult is it to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with
one another. A person should not be too honest, straight trees are cut first and honest people are
screwed first.

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Topic 25

Has Parliamentary form of democracy failed in India?


India adopted the Parliamentary form of democracy after getting Independence in 1947 because India
had been familiar with its working during the days of the British rule. Since then 13 general elections

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have been held to the Lok Sabha on the basis of universal adult franchise, and barring a few violent
incidents during the polls, there has been peaceful transition of authority from one political party to the
other. Moreover, while in a parliamentary democracy, the Executive is responsible to the legislature and
therefore, the opposition always keeps it alert. For it “always lives in the shadow of a coming defeat.” As
Laski points out, in a Presidential democracy the President does not have to fear any opposition because
he is not responsible to the legislature. It can make him autocratic. Hence the system is called as
“autocratic, irresponsible and dangerous.” So, would it be advisable for us to hand over the destiny of
our vast country with abundant resources and population to the whims and caprices of a dictatorial


 The time has come for us to switch over to the government of experts, as the Presidential
government is called instead of the government of amateurs or the Parliamentary democracy.
 In Parliamentary Government, on the other hand, the Prime Minister has to please both his party
men and the opposition to continue in office. The instability of this form of government becomes
more obvious when a single party does not hold a majority in the Legislature and a coalition
government is formed.
 We are caught in a vicious circle of all-round deterioration. It is, therefore, high time that we
abandon the Parliamentary system and adopt the Presidential democracy where ministerial posts
need not be given to elected representatives, the candidate is more important than the party and,
hence, corruption, inefficiency, vested interests and paralyzing interference from politicians can be
easily removed.
 Even if there are no important issues of policy before the nation, there are always the offices to be
fought, for one party holds them, the other desires them and the conflict is unending for
immediately after defeat, the beaten party begins its campaign to dislodge the victors.
 No wing can usurp the powers of the other. This ensures that no legislation is enacted in haste or
without, in-depth deliberation.
 . A new cabinet may even reverse the policy followed by its predecessor.
 Nothing much to care for a shift in public opinion because the fixed term of office of the President
makes him secure in office for the stipulated number of years. This may make him unresponsive to
the wishes of the people and rule as a dictator.
 Parliamentary democracy suits us because here persons fit to be members of the Executive make
known their sagacity, political acumen, grasp and common sense, and the Prime minister will always
be one who has undergone a long and strenuous period of political apprenticeship.
 It ensures easy implementation of plans and policies of the ruling party for it can have its own way,
no matter what the opposition parties in the Lok Sabha.


 Since the majority party or a majority coalition of several parties comes to power in a Parliamentary
democracy, there is bound to be co-operation and harmony between the Executive and the
 It ensures easy implementation of plans and policies of the ruling party for it can have its own way,
no matter what the opposition parties in the Lok Sabha say.
 It is always possible to remove a failed Prime Minister and replace him with a new competent and
acceptable individual as per the wishes of the people

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 Bryce maintains that the Parliamentary form of Government secures swiftness in decision and vigor
in action because cabinet can easily get the measures it deems essential passed through the
 In the Presidential form, inordinate delay is caused in arriving at decisions, for the Legislature is to be
convinced of major policy decisions.
 “Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely” says Lord Acton. This applies to the position
of a President vested with the entire administration and absolute.
 India has been the most stable nation of Afro Asia. Because of parliamentary system
 In the Presidential form, on the contrary, the system of separation of powers between the Executive
and Legislature often leads to conflict: more so, if these two wings of the government are controlled
by different parties
 The President is authorized to appoint the members of his cabinet irrespective of party affiliation.
This is advantage of parliament system.
 “Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely that is why parliamentary system is best.
 There is no point in having a Presidential democracy where even a persona non grata has to be
tolerated for the remaining tenure of his office.
 Parliamentary form of Government secures swiftness in decision and vigor in action because cabinet
can easily get the measures it deems essential passed through the Legislature. In the Presidential
form, inordinate delay is caused in arriving at decisions, for the Legislature is to be convinced of
major policy decisions.

Topic 26

Is Selfishness a Virtue?


When a person only thinks about himself/herself, he/she is called a selfish person. When we don’t care
about anything whether it is right or wrong we only think about ourselves then we are selfish. This

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selfish trait in people is leading to so much corruption. People are not showing for others. Even when
there is an accident on the road, hardly anyone bothers to help out the aggrieved people because
nobody wants to be involved. On the other hand a person is said to be virtuous when he/she is only
concerned about what is right and wrong, they don’t think only about themselves.


 In the present world everyone is selfish, they only think about themselves and their profit.
 This is the main reason for corruption.
 They believe that this is their opportunity to make maximum profit
 They believe that if they don’t think about themselves, no one will.
 One person can’t bring about change, so they too join the bandwagon.
 To be happy, we must not be too concerned about others
 Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
 Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish. They do not waste their
energies in considering the good of others.


 Everyone should have some moral values.

 From our childhood we study moral science as a subject and it is knowledge which should not be
confined to the book, they should be implemented also.
 A person should have strong morals, only then can he / she can get success in their life.
 What goes around comes around (history repeat itself).
 They should have the guts to accept everything whether it is right or wrong.
 Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you cannot practice
another virtue consistently.
 Many people believe in karma, and hence they are not selfish.
 People who are morally strong earn respect from others
 Every one considers himself a believer in at least one of the cardinal virtues, such as “I am one of the
few honest people that I have ever known.”
 Don’t give people what they want, give them what they need.

Topic 27

Just being committed to craft: can it alone make you successful?


Craft could refer to any activity or job that involves doing something skilfully. Crafts can be anything such
as stitching, playing musical instruments or painting. Commitment means how dedicated you are for a
particular work. If you commit yourself to something you say that you will definitely do it. Your

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commitment to any particular craft is a measure of how interested you are in the activity and how well
you will carry it out.


 If you do any work with your full dedication you will succeed in that.
 You will have to concentrate while doing any job.
 It might take time to complete it but it will surely give you better results.
 We do remember the phrase “Rome was not built in a day”.
 A person should have wheel power, and believe that his talent will surely take him far.


 You should have knowledge about your work; otherwise you will make more mistakes.
 If you don’t have skills in you, you will take more time than others.
 You will make a large number of mistakes.
 Remuneration will be less than that given to a skilful person.
 If you have a skill you have to use it at some point to make maximum out of it
 Only having talent is not enough, you need to search for proper platform also

Topic 28

Kids are not the way they were before?


Kids are the building blocks of any country. The future of the country lies in their hands who, after
growing up would rule the world with their statement. A kid’s perspective is determined by innocence
and imagination and this imagination is nowhere near corruption. The test of a moral society is the kind

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of world that it leaves to its children. In addition to this the moral value of a society is neither its
reputation in the world nor its gross national product. The level of greatest morality in society is far more
connected with the way it looks after its children, the elderly and the frail – facilitating optimal education
to offer people a future with value and dignity, in peace. This world is still a world where children do
suffer in various countries uprooted by civil war, poverty and lack of basic education. Besides this there
are many countries where many thousands of children (millions perhaps) are sold or disappeared in the
sex trade or child pornography. Modernization has led to a gap between children and their families. But
on the other hand the advanced technology has made these kids smarter and innovative.

 Modern day inventions have made them smarter with the latest gadgets in their hands like cell
phones, laptops and televisions.
 They are connected to the whole world through the social networking sites like Facebook.
 They study through new ways like smart classes, on Tablets which give them immense knowledge.
 Their playground is restricted to the play stations and video games.
 They are frequently surfing the internet which could get them access to pornography.
 One favorite friend of theirs is the television which is their most entertainment source.
 There is increase in the number of child obesity due to their easy access to fast foods.
 All those gadgets have caused a very bad impact on their health causing mental stress and different
types of illness like blood pressure and heart diseases.
 All these things have made them lazy and the fitness level of the kids is declining day by day.
 Today’s kids have a good knowledge about their rights and they raise their voices whenever they feel
exploited due to any circumstance.


 Kids were lot fitter and active.

 They didn’t have the access to gadgets, so their playground was outside their house.
 They studied everything in the book and newspaper and they were not updated always.
 There was no danger of issues like pornography as internet was not there.
 Television is like Pandora’s Box for today’s parents. It has caused a kid’s brain to fill with crime and
 They were not aware about their right and became easily a victim of child exploitation.
 These kids had to study and study hard and they had a very sharp brain.
 There was no danger of stress related problems as they have a life beyond boundaries to live.
 They became easy victims of child molestation and slavery.
 They have to work as child labor to earn money instead of studying to run their family.
Topic 29

Life deteriorates as we grow older: True or False


Everybody in the world grows or ages. So what is ageing? Is it good or not? Does life deteriorates as we
grow? Ageing is the accumulation of changes in a person over time. Ageing in humans refers to a
multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grow

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and expand over time, while others decline. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while
knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand.


 You have a steadily growing amount of experience – which can be useful at work, discussions or for
reading books.
 Police officers do not longer see you as a “person who would break the law”.
 You do not have to please everyone – or rather, you no longer have the feeling of having the need to
do so. It’s very liberating, but you could actually already act this way much earlier.
 You can be grumpy.
 You don’t have to follow any trends and fashions, and have nothing to prove anymore.
 You must not save the world alone.
 You can enjoy more respect, maybe even something like authority.
 You always know better and better what you like and what you do not like what you want to do and
what you don’t.
 You do not have to try everything (because you have tried so much already), but can simply spend
time with nice things that you like. And these do not have to be objectively nice, but subjectively.
 There is no pressure of being the bread winner of your family.


 Difficulty in performing simple tasks (paying bills, dressing appropriately, washing up); forgetting how
to do things you’ve done many times.
 Problems with your looks – you only notice this when looking in a mirror or at photographs – you can
avoid both.
 Trouble making choices; May show poor judgment or behave in socially inappropriate ways
 The many little niggles and pains
 You sometimes cannot enjoy public events or get togethers
 You get bored by many things – you have seen or heard it all too many times
 Over the years you know the plots of thrillers and crime novels better and better – which is
unfortunate as sometimes it kills the thrill
 Your fitness goes down
 Young people sometimes do not take you seriously
 There is a generation gap with grandchildren.
 Difficulty in adjusting with modern developments.

Topic 30

Live-in relationships are against Indian culture: agree or disagree?


It is a kind of arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a relationship that resembles a
marriage. Live-in relationships are in practice due to several reasons: They may want to test their
compatibility before an official commitment, they may want to prefer live-in relationship due to financial

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reasons, in some cases, such as those involving gay or lesbian couples, or individuals already married to
another person, the law does not allow them to marry.


 The couple can enjoy their own space. There is no pressure of pleasing the society and relatives.
 Being in a live-in relationship you don't need to make those necessary compromises, which are often
important in a marriage.
 You get into a relationship free from legal obligations.
 It completely eliminates the scope of all legal hassles related to ending an unsatisfying and
suffocating marriage.
 Being in live-in relationship makes it possible for the couple to divide and prioritize the expenses.
Marriage brings in the added responsibility of maintaining joint financial ventures and dual banking
operations, where the couples always stay alert of their income and spending.
 In today’s world where divorce lawyers are growing wealthy due to abundance of cases, it might not
be a bad idea to test-run a relationship to see if it would work out or not
 It helps you to assess your partner more accurately and honestly.
 A person can pretend to be something that they are not when they meet you occasionally (during
your courtship period), but no one can pretend or hide their true personality 24x7
 Both of them know that the door is always open so they will always make extra efforts to make their
partner feel secure in their love and relationship.


 Though being in live-in relationship trend is rising in today’s world, our society is still not ready to
accept it as it disrespects our Indian culture.
 It is seen as taboo.
 Often such couples are criticized and harassed.
 The biggest disadvantage is a lack of commitment.
 Anything from a small fight, disagreement, or a misplaced question can see either partner walking
out of the relationship.
 Biologically, socially and emotionally women are at the worst receiving end.
 It becomes difficult for them to find a good and understanding spouse after being in a live-in
relationship with someone else.
 The children who are born in a live-in relationship are considerably affected.
 After separation, a child born out of a live-in relationship has no right to claim his or her father’s
Topic 31

Management cannot be taught


Dictionary defines management as the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
things or people to achieve a particular goal. We require management skills in every segment of life. It is
a skill which works in any or all domains. Management is required in our day-to-day working in the form

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of time management, workload management, etc. There are many professional courses that cover
management but it is still to be seen whether management can really be taught in a classroom or is it
something which develops automatically in a person.


 Illiterate people manage their home, their finances and their family. This is not taught in any college.
It is a practical aspect which she gains from society and experiences.
 Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and even Sir Richard Branson, the big guns in the today’s world did not
attend any management institute and are actually college dropouts.
 Management skills can be taught in the form of theories, case studies, and techniques. However real
life does not always unfold in standard case study fashion. It demands sensitivity and courage to take
decisions in extreme situations which are difficult to anticipate.
 Politicians run/manage the whole nation. Yet, there is no minimum education qualification required
by them, which proves that management cannot be taught.
 Some adverse situations require management to be spontaneous and according to the situations.
 It is a practical approach which cannot be gained by reading textbooks or writing notes.
 More than knowledge, management needs performance.
 Talking about industries, skills, talents and temperaments of people are unique.
 Managing emotions of people is humanity and ethics which are acquired and not taught.
 Parenting is also managing which is not given in any book whatsoever. There are no strategies to
tackle problems of infants or teenagers.
 Management is an art which can be acquired through people around us, more than being trained in
air conditioned classrooms.


 Management is not merely managing people or work. It also requires an administrative technique
which has to be taught.
 Management is also a profession. Hence, people need to undergo a basic training program.
 If, management cannot be taught, then the existence of B-schools is futile.
 Management is a very general term. In industries, there are different streams of management. One
needs to excel in them, which can be done by training.
 Apart from training of management, B-schools provide case studies to potential students which can
be used by them to tackle difficult situations.
 Industries prefer hiring people who have a degree in management. They do not hire an illiterate
person who can manage his house and expenses.
 Management is taught to understand the technical aspects of situations which cannot be done
without proper knowledge and its execution.
 Management is not merely a skill but the application of skill. Therefore, people need to be trained
for the application of these skills.
 Managing people/things is a tedious task. If not done in a proper manner, it can have serious
repercussions. Hence, these skills need to be taught in order to manage things efficiently.
 No one is born with skills to manage things efficiently. Everyone needs to be trained and polished.

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Topic 32

Do Mandatory Attendance norms aid in learning or not?


Mandatory attendance is a policy in which attendance impacts your grades in class. This has always been
a highly debated subject. Professors want students to attend all of their classes so they can teach them
directly, but many students want to be given the freedom to decide which class to attend and which to
skip. As the years go by, it seems the attendance policy becomes increasingly strict.

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 Many students would not attend classes at all if it weren’t for the mandatory attendance norms.
 Attending classes helps us develop a strong sense of community and class participation.
 Mandatory attendance policies will make students self disciplined.
 It teaches a very important life lesson - it ensures that, in future, students don’t get into a habit of
not showing up at work, without any concrete reason.
 Classroom environment is the best environment for learning.
 During lectures, teachers provide students with information that goes beyond what is contained in
the textbook. It increases their knowledge.
 Classroom environment allows the students to interact with their friends and express their own
opinion and ideas and receive creative feedback as well.
 Going to class and interacting with your teachers and classmates in an academic setting is a great
opportunity that we must take advantage of.
 Classes can be made more interesting and interactive by organizing activities like debates, group
discussions etc. But that will all be useless if all students do not attend the classes regularly.
 Interacting and participating in class makes the student more confident and prepares them to face
the real world problems.
 Once you start paying attention during classes, studies become way easier.


 Mandatory attendance can force a student to sit in a boring class where they are uninterested and
thus wasting time.
 This way the students end up resenting the class and the teacher.
 Students should be evaluated on the basis of their performance and knowledge, not on their ability
to sit in a class against their wish.
 Many students attend the class only for attendance. This causes disturbance in class as these
students only cause nuisance in class instead of studying.
 Students must be taught responsibility by letting them make their own decisions. Their attendance
and studies is their own responsibility.
 They should not be forced to attend an unimportant class when they would rather use that time for
self studies or completing other work.
 Sometimes student skip classes because of inevitable reasons like sickness. This will affect their
attendance and consequently their grade, even though it’s not their fault.
 Grades should be given on class activities and not on attendance. This will encourage students to
attend classes and participate in class activities but not just for the sake of attendance.
 This is an unfair way to grade students as less deserving students may score a better grade simply
because they attended more classes.
 A captive audience is not an ideal audience. Nobody can force the students to study. Thus they will
not benefit from attending classes against their will.

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Topic 33

A Good leader must be a good follower as well


Many of the great leaders follow in the footsteps of other great leaders and use coaching to reach their
leadership goals. Why? Because coaching is a powerful tool that involves lifting a person's vision to
higher sights, raising their performance to a higher standard, and building a personality beyond its
normal limitations to its full potential.

Here are two steps you may want to follow:

 Develop vision - Great leaders have a "vision" of what being a great leader means for them. They
know what it looks like and feel like and they act accordingly by practicing good leadership skills. It
also means having "vision". In this case we refer to the ability to talk about the future as if it were
already here. Steve Jobs often did this. He creates a clear picture in people's minds of how a new
product will change the world.
 Become a great follower - Along with the skill of vision and comes the skill of "ability to follow".
What we mean by this is the ability to identify and follow the footsteps of others who are great
leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi.


 Good followers are principled. They are humble, disciplined and have complete integrity. If they
follow other great leaders they obviously will be good leaders themselves.
 Good followers are finishers. They get the job done, take projects across the finish line and make
things happen on their own. They can set a benchmark with the quality of work.
 Good followers anticipate. They understand what needs to be done next before having to be told
and they are always looking for ways to make the process better.
 Good followers are trustworthy. When given an assignment, a leader can be assured it will get done.
Dependability—this is incredibly important.
 Not only the well known great leaders, one must observe anyone’s good quality and follow and
inherit that quality in himself or herself.
 A leader is one who commands respect from others. If the leader is humble and treats himself like
one of the followers, then the others will respect him.


 A lack of discipline and principles could make the life chaotic of leaders as well of those who are
being leaded upon. You may take example of our very own country leaders.
 If you don’t have some principles in your life which are developed by following other great leaders,
we can never withstand hardships and obstacles in leading successfully.
 One can never be a good leader and perform up to satisfaction level if he does not know how it is to
be a follower.
 There will be mismanagement of firm, country or whatever he/she is leading.

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Topic 34

Modi or Kejriwal: who can bring political transformation?


Arvind Kejriwal is a former bureaucrat and politician who founded the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He
served as the Chief Minister of Delhi. Kejriwal, a graduate of IIT, Kharagpur, worked for the Indian
Revenue Service (IRS) as a Joint Commissioner in the Income Tax Department. He is well known for his
efforts to enact and implement the Right to Information (RTI) Act at grassroots level and his role in
drafting a proposed Jan Lokpal Bill.

His resignation has only raised his stock among the common people of Delhi, who form his core support
base and who believe he will come back to power with a more emphatic majority and play a larger
national role after the general election. Kejriwal resigned dramatically from his post after 49 days of
coming to power as he failed to get his dream bill, the Jan Lokpal, even introduced in the Delhi Assembly.
He is no longer CM, but Kejriwal continues to be people's hero.

Narendra Damodardas Modi has been the 14th Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat since 2001. He is a
member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and is the prime ministerial candidate of the BJP-led National
Democratic Alliance for the upcoming 2014 Indian general elections.
Modi is a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and is described as a Hindu nationalist. His
administration has been severely criticized for the incidents surrounding the 2002 Gujarat violence. He
has been praised for his economic policies which are credited with creating the environment for the high
rate of economic growth in Gujarat. However, his administration has also been criticized for failing to
make a significant positive impact upon the human development of the state.

Arvind Kejriwal

 Kejriwal, unlike the "politicians", is a leader of the common man. His moral compass points due
 Kejriwal has no ideological baggage to carry; the methods of simplicity and populism are Kejriwal's
biggest assets. Modi, on the other hand, is more of a prisoner of an ideological camp and had to do a
lot of hard work to get over it to present himself just as an administrator who believes in
development and objectivity.
 Kejriwal isn't a polarizing figure. Modi has a past which is still chasing him. Many still are not
convinced about his acceptability as a pan-Indian leader whereas Kejriwal has a better acceptability
from the very beginning for he had a moral backing of the 'suffering Indians'.
 He followed the old school populism. Taking the subsidy route, making a cut in the inflated prices of
water and electricity by a humungous 50% was hugely successful among the lower middle class.
 Anti corruption stand: by introducing janlokpal and citizen inspectors which provide a time bound
investigation and trial of corruption cases, he has a got the expected, big, response to the anti
corruption drive from a new aspirational class, tired of having to grease palms to get ahead.
 Power to the people: the Swaraj bill tends to decentralize the power by segregating the city into
mohalla sabhas. It will allow the disenfranchised and disempowered in each neighborhood to get
better representation.

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 Modi's emergence has been benefitted by a negative mandate against the Congress's inefficiency,
but Kejriwal's emergence, although was on a negative mandate initially, but gradually symbolized a
positive vote in favor of a change.
 The timing of Kejriwal's rise is also significant. It looks where Modi took a lot of time to reach,
Kejriwal reached in a flash.
 The AAP managed to put a serious threat to Modi's mission to form the NDA II at the Centre. Modi
has to find a new strategy to take on the new challenger.

Narendra Modi

 Modi has reached the stage of taking off, unless there is some unpredictable roadblock ahead. He
has prepared the ground with his positive image of an administrator, tactician and an alternative
leader of the nation. It is difficult to imagine that his supporters will suddenly desert him in favor of a
yet-to-be-tested Kejriwal.
 Modi has successfully led his party to do well in four crucial states, which is an indicator of what is
coming in another four months time. It is because Kejriwal's meteoric rise is a better food for the
television business that we are seeing less of Modi nowadays. But the man's leadership and his
party's organization are potent forces which can't be overlooked.
 The AAP's organizational extent is still at a nascent stage while the BJP is a national party. Modi's
overcrowded rallies across the nation show his popularity. The AAP is still planning to expand its base
elsewhere and there is no guarantee that its 'simple politics' can work equally well in far-off states
and areas of the country where a democratic system acknowledging communities and not
individuals are at play.
 The AAP-Congress government in Delhi also gives Modi and his party a slight moral advantage.
Kejriwal would also have felt the same but he did his best to minimize Modi's lead by taking a fresh
public opinion on whether to take the Congress's support or not. But still, Modi's anti-Congress
crusade maintains a lead over that of Kejriwal.
 Modi has given a bigger alternative vision to the people than Kejriwal and it has been made possible
by his long stay in administration. He has more anecdotes to offer to the people than Kejriwal, who
has just come to power and is still dependent on idealistic talks.
 Modi's pro-market administration is also an advantage over Kejriwal's statist economic visions in the
long run.
 What has become crystal clear in this dilly dallying and a game of one upman ship on the part of the
AAP is running a Government by taking everybody along and agitating on the streets with volunteers
are two different things.
 Arvind Kejriwal has come across as a man with feet made up of clay. He has been evading
responsibilities on hand and found to have been diverting attention from the burning issue of the
formation of the Government on the other hand. It has somehow been misreading the public mood
which is rapidly fluctuating. It made a mistake of locking horns with fasting Anna Hazare. Then it
termed the Lokpal Bill as the Joke pal bill.
 The whole country has been watching Arvind Kejriwal and his unwillingness to be flexible or hear out
the differing views.

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Topic 35

Money is sweeter than honey


Money is such a simple thing but holds so much importance. To say it is a piece of paper but still this
piece of paper is never thrown in dustbin and this paper is the root cause of everything from individuals
working hard to fighting for it. Money is the strongest and the biggest governing factor of our life style. It
is the basic need for humans to survive. Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter
than honey. Therefore, who can give up the desire to accumulate money? Thieves, professional servants
and merchants try to acquire money even by risking their very dear lives.

People are ready to risk their lives for it and are even ready to kill the other person for money. Today
money has become an object for happiness and source to live a good and better life. Today we do not
want to excel in the field but the only aim is to do a job that earns a heavy sum of money. Money is so
attractive that is just blindfolds the individuals and lures him to do anything for it. A person may not have
a honey in his life but he wants money.

A great philosopher once said "Money is a barrier against all possible evils." Money can prevent the
sufferings that come with poverty like cold and hunger. While sickness cannot be totally obliterated by
money, it can be considerably relieved by it. With money, we can obtain an advanced education that may
aid us in the accomplishment of extraordinary achievements. It gives us the luxury to devote a part of
our time to culture and art. Money can provide a powerful diversion for all or our troubles by permitting
distraction from society’s anxieties that assail us.

So we must try to get a thorough understanding of all that we may possibly do, in an honorable and
legitimate way, to conserve wealth. Even to those who have inherited wealth, idleness can be a certain
cause of ruin. A great fortune needs genuine labor for efficient administration. Money is like a plant
which requires lots of care and attention

From the bottom to the top of the ladder, it is necessary to amass money in order to apply it to some
great cause. Money is the means by which we may fulfill our purpose in a larger and better way.
Everyone should, in his own way, make an effort to amass some money. Some will apply money to their
daily wants. Others seek to swell the fortune that they desire to leave to their children. Some only desire
money so they can devote it to some noble enterprise or charity. Finally, a large number see money
chiefly as a means of immediate gratification

Whatever the reason, everyone capable of earning money should learn how to manage it properly in
order to ensure that they will have enough of it to apply to the causes that they choose.


 Money is the basic need to flourish.

 Money is at the root for almost everything.
 All luxuries are with if you have money.
 Money is the essence of life.

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 The want for more money makes us more hardworking and competent.
 It makes us push the limits of our capacity to work.
 Money makes you feel powerful.
 Money is the key to live a healthy and luxurious life without worries.
 Money helps in realizing one’s own personal dreams and wishes.


 The want for money makes a man greedy.

 The desire to get money makes man do anything, even crime.
 Money creates differences between two individuals and relationships are spoiled due to money.
 The inability to get money makes individual suffers from anxiety and depression.
 Individuals without money feel to have low confidence and self esteem.
 Money sets the standard of living of people in the society.
 Lot of money also creates troubles for the individuals and poses threat to his life by anti social
 Money makes us forget all relationships.
 Without money people are not able to live a good lifestyle.

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Topic 36

Morals are mere murals today


Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are "good" (or
right) and those that are "bad" (or wrong).The philosophy of morality are ethics. A moral code is a
system of morality and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. Morality may also be
specifically synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness." Immorality is the active opposition to morality
(i.e. opposition to that which is good or right), while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of,
indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles. An example of a moral code
is the Golden Rule which states that, "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."
A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent
surface. A distinguishing characteristic of mural painting is that the architectural elements of the given
space are harmoniously incorporated into the picture. Essentially, it is debatable whether morals hold an
importance in our lives, or are they just a picture on the wall.


 Morality is more of an in-depth reflection of right and wrong. Whereas if you did something wrong,
you'd have the reflexive feeling of guilt or shame. That comes from emotion.
 Nobody follows morals today until and unless they can use it for their own good.
 Morals have truly become graffiti as in this world no one has time to think about others.


 Morals are the backing to the laws which make society function properly. If there were no morals,
the only way people don't break the law is if the penalty is so extremely severe as to make breaking
that law not worth it. Most of our laws do NOT provide significant enough penalties, so society
would quickly descend into anarchy.
 Morals are needed for mankind and do not keep them from not hitting true potential. Every human
has true potential, and as long as humans are doing the right thing and living a life with morals that
is the true way to hit our potential.

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Topic 37

Most employees either hate or dislike their work situation do you agree?


The Sunday night blues is a condition that is characterized by anxiety over the fact that the work week
begins the next day. The condition manifests itself on Sunday afternoon or Sunday evening and
symptoms include panic, feelings of helplessness, dread, depression and sadness. A recent global poll
conducted by found that 78 per cent of employees suffered from the Sunday Night Blues.
For some, the anxiety they suffered was so bad that it made them want to look for a new job.
The real cause of the Sunday Night Blues is that most employees dislike their work situation — this is
why they suffer anxiety about going to work on Monday mornings. And, the reason that most employees
hate or dislike their job is that the management and leadership practices of most places of employment
fail to engage them with their work.


 Lack of communication: The issue starts when employees avoid speaking forthright to their
employers for fear of retribution.
 No job security: With outsourcing, downsizing, globalization and pressure to meet the bottom line,
job security has become a scarce commodity. A substantial amount of employees have been made to
feel as valuable to the company as a paper clip.
 Favoritism: Anytime someone receives special treatment at work, it’s bound to ruffle the feathers of
fellow employees. Whether it’s more money, an undeserved promotion, or a better schedule,
favoritism by an employer can be a destructive force to morale.
 Overworked: If you’ve never felt overworked at one time in your career, you probably don’t have a
pulse. Aside from not getting paid enough, this is probably the most common complaint employees
have – whether it’s true or not. And it certainly can have more impact than getting a hundred bucks
less in your paycheck every week.
 Micromanagement: Everyone’s had the micromanaging boss breathing down their neck. The boss
that’s involved is great. The one who’s over-involved can be a nightmare.
 No opportunity for advancement: Finding yourself at a place where you find no growth in your
career is a big question to search answer for. The first step is taking an honest look at the situation
and listing the reasons you’re not getting promoted.
 Overbearing boss: The nasty, overbearing boss is probably the biggest cliché of any workplace.
 Under appreciation: When employees don’t feel appreciated, the stress it creates can have a fatal
blow to a company’s productivity and bottom line.
 Unfair pay: It’s hard to find an employee who thinks they make too much money. So the best
employers can do is live up to fair-wage standards.
 Incompetent managers: There’s not a lot workers can do if they’re under the thumb of a bumbling
boss, so turn the situation around. If the boss is no good, it gives the employee a better chance to
stand out and score major bonus points with senior management. .

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 Stress related to the work is natural and is faced by every employee.

 Jealousy can creep in that makes employees resentful.
 People change jobs because they can't change themselves.
 Hard work is necessary to create the opportunity to continue to grow your skills and

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Topic 38

NGO’s have become a lucrative business


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have become quite prominent in the field of international
development. They are private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the
interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community
development. Although the NGO sector has become increasingly professionalized over the last two
decades, principles of altruism and voluntarism remain key defining characteristics.

It is suggested that NGOs are a natural outcome of a free democratic and capitalistic society. The idea is
that as market forces require more and more relaxations of rules and regulations for their benefit,
society will naturally demand social justice to balance out negative aspects of market forces such as
exploitation and environmental degradation.

In the past, many development NGOs gained a bad reputation with developing countries because they
were seen as arrogant and going into poor countries and telling people how to do things, or doing things
for them.

NGOs have played an increasingly prominent role in the development sector, widely praised for their
strengths as innovative and grassroots-driven organizations with the desire and capacity to pursue
participatory and people-centered forms of development and to fill gaps left by the failure of states
across the developing world in meeting the needs of their poorest citizens.

Some see NGOs primarily as service contractors, able to work more efficiently and more effectively than
government agencies, but with comparatively little legitimacy with which to challenge policy or
represent people.


 Increased resources, growing professionalism and more employment opportunities in NGOs

 On the positive side though, there is also an increasing number of organizations from developing
countries as well as both new and more established ones in the industrialized countries, doing
important work, helping to raise important issues or tackle various problems.
 In recent years as well, development and environmental NGOs for example, are learning that they
can be more effective, and their work can have more positive effects, if they work with the actual
communities and help them to empower themselves.
 Many NGOs are beginning to work with people in local and grassroots situations more effectively,
often when governments don’t.


 There has also been criticism on how NGOs have used their funding and other monies received or

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 Criticisms range from pointing out that only small percentages go to people in need, that a lot goes to
recover costs, and some have even been used to pay very high salaries of the people at the top of
these organizations.
 Due to the pressures of obtaining and maintaining funding, much effort is spent on marketing, and
the already constrained budgets require many NGOs to ensure optimal efficiency, similar to private
corporations. Sometimes then, the actual activity can be affected due to the need for rise in funding.
 They are seen as vehicles for privatizing foreign assistance, making it less accountable to either
government authorities or local people because of a lack of clear governance structures for NGOs.

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Topic 39

Nuclear weapons are the best means of asserting global superiority


Nuclear weapons are those weapons of mass destruction whose explosive powers are derived from a
nuclear reaction. Nuclear weapons were first used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War
II. Effect of nuclear weapon is very lethal which can utterly destroy the climatic conditions as well as the
living conditions. Due to radioactive fallout, rescue operations are difficult after a nuclear strike.


 As nuclear weapons are very lethal, hence superiority comes hand in hand with it.
 Because of nuclear weapons Iraq fears from USA.
 Due to the powerful impact of these weapons, small countries bow to countries with nuclear
 Power exists in hands of USA only because of nuclear weapons.
 Because of nuclear weapons wars are suppressed between nations.
 The backbone of any nation is its security. Hence, if there are nuclear weapons, it makes them
 Nuclear weapon is the reason for attaining veto at UN which makes them superior.
 Nuclear weapon incurs the sense of superiority as few nations have it and are looked upon by small


 Superiority comes only with the economic conditions of the nation.

 Agriculture manufacturing and development should be a benchmark for the superiority of a nation.
 Prosperous population defines the superiority of the nation.
 Overcoming of social barriers accounts for superiority.
 Decrease in illiteracy and employment rate also defines superiority of nation.
 Successful people who are responsible for the GDP of the nation define superiority.
 Modernization of society is very important to claim superiority.
 A nation can claim superiority only by its skilled population as it is the people who make a nation.
 Superiority comes with advancement of technology in any nation.
 Nuclear weapons do not support superiority but incurs fear.

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Topic 40

MNCs actually a threat to our Indian industry?


MNC may be defined as a company, which operates in number of countries and has production and
service facilities outside the country of its origin. They are also called Trans National Company (TNC)
their activities have both good and bad impacts on the economy. They take decisions on a global context
or basis. Their maximum profit objectives take no account of the reactions produced in the countries
felling in their orbit. They operate in different institutional forms: Subsidiaries companies wholly owned
by MNC in other countries, Subsidiary company enter into joint venture with a company another
company, or Agreement among companies of different countries regarding production and discussion of

Development and Activities: Soon after independence foreign capital entered India in the form of direct
investments through MNCs. Companies had been formed in advanced countries with the specific
purpose of operating in India. Such companies started their subsidiaries, branches and affiliates in India.
At times government gave some tax concession to them with in the FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act) and streamlined the licensing procedures. The purpose was to secure advanced, technical and
industrial know how. During the Janata rule the policy was outright purchase of technical knowhow skills
and machinery. They took two major decisions. Coco Cola was asked to wind up their operation. Second,
it asked IBM to reduce their foreign equity to 40%. They did not agree, so it asked the MNCs to wind up
operations in several sectors like tobacco, toiletries, beverages etc. Industrial Policy of 1991 accepted
foreign investment essential for modernization technology up gradation and industrial development.
Several concessions were given and FERA regulations were liberalized and permitted to use their
trademarks in the domestic market. Now it has become a wide spread phenomena with USA the biggest
among them. Recently a large number of Indian brands were taken over by them some important
takeovers are -
 Asian Paints ICI (UK)
 Premier Automobiles transferred two plants to Peugeot (France)
 Hero Honda by TVS Suzuki etc.


 They always think about their profit.

 It affects employee’s health because of tension, completion of work before deadline.
 Value of the Rupee decreases.
 They get cheap labor in India.
 They are exploiting our natural resources.
 There is no job security.
 They lead to corruption.
 They are exploiting market and promoting negative completion.
 They are contributing to pollution by using nonrenewable resources.
 They get the politics suited to their needs by bribing bureaucrats.

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 They provide better infrastructure.

 They provide better technology.
 It provides better employment with handsome salaries.
 Our country’s economy is increasing.
 They provide better quality product at low rate.
 They contribute in increasing the GDP.
 They are actual tax payers according to the present survey.
 In the age of globalization India cannot survive without MNCs.
 It does not consider any recommendations or any sort of reservations.
 They are the backbone of developing country like India.

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Topic 41

Astrology, Palmistry, Face reading: Do they make any sense?


Astrology consists of several systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship
between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached
importance to astronomical events. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes
that claim to explain aspects of a person’s personality and predict future events in their life based on the
positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth

Palmistry is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also
known as palm reading or chirology. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural
variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand
readers, hand analysts, or chirologists.

Face reading is also an art of characterization and foretelling as similar to palmistry the difference is only
palmistry is done by reading palm and face reading is done as the name suggest by reading face.

For millennia, human beings have looked up at the night sky and asked themselves, "What does it all
mean?" One of the oldest recorded answers is provided by astrology: the belief that the stars and
planets strongly influence our lives.

Many believers in astrology have suggested that each planet issues a different variety of special as-yet-
undetected radiations or "vibrations" . . . [but] there is apparently conclusive evidence that the sun,
moon, planets, and stars are all made of the same stuff, varieties and combinations of atomic particles
and molecules, all governed by uniform laws of physics. It does not make sense to suppose that the
various planets and the moon, all with rather similar physical properties, could manage to affect human
affairs in totally dissimilar fashion. Second, astrology does not even take into account all of the major
bodies in our solar system, let alone all those in our galaxy or the hundreds of billions of other galaxies in
the universe. Third, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that the mysterious, undetectable,
astrological forces supposedly emanating from the planets would be any stronger than the gravitational
forces of the planets. Fourth, astrologers, in their computations, do not take into account the inverse
square law, which is a fundamental law of physics. It says that the amount of radiation received by a
body varies as the inverse square of its distance from the source of the radiation.


 Astrology is good till a limit.

 Astrology tells what to do and when.
 Some cases it has saved lives also.
 Not a science, but yet it briefs people about good and bad times.
 Astrology can also define nature and character of a person.
 In Indian culture, kundli’s are matched before marriage.
 Sometimes they reveal the key to success.
 Can help in identifying good career for people.

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 Sometimes warn people of mishaps.


 All of these are means of manipulation.

 Only 1% of the predictions match to reality by luck.
 Many of the face-readers or astrologists are there for making business.
 Astrology is just a trick to fraud.
 One can easily manipulate in the name of God.
 Can destroy someone completely if he/she’s superstitious.
 People become dependent upon astrology.
 Make fake promises.

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Topic 42

Principals of Gandhi: Do they stand valid today?


On 2nd of October, we celebrate the Birthday of a man - a common man who established his own empire
against the British and defeated them. Gandhism is one of the most ethical and strong forms of non-
violent protest. But the question is - Is Gandhism relevant today? Or even feasible? Would Gandhi
himself have succeeded in the current world? Gandhi’s principles assume that the oppressor will feel
guilty at some point of time…is this assumption valid in today’s world?


 Gandhism can never be outdated no matter what people may say and believe.
 In this world torn by violence and corruption, Gandhi’s philosophy is the only hope that keeps the
human race going.
 The teachings of Gandhi may be confined to textbooks today, but we all know that force never works
in the long run.
 It’s only the path of ahimsa that can survive all the upheavals and yet emerge stronger.
 All great people such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., the Dalai Lama, praised his peaceful
movements and have followed in his footsteps.
 Through Gandhism, struggles and conflicts can be transformed and a sustainable culture of peace
can be created through it successfully.
 The Gandhian technique of non-cooperation can also be applied at an international level.
 The principle of non-cooperation is one of the most fundamental aspects of Gandhism, which is
relevant even today.
 Gandhism was the only reason for India to be an independent country.


 Gandhism’s relevance is lost in the eyes of today’s generation which loathes accepting it as a relevant
way of life.
 For this opportunistic generation, truth, self-sacrifice and non-violence are anachronistic. The
millennial think and act differently. For them, non-violence is a word confined to the dictionaries
 The complexities of contemporary life and environment leave no other alternative for people but to
secure victory at any cost.
 Values have been replaced by a set of new values in which Gandhism doesn’t find a place in today’s
 The emerging social and economic scenario in India demands much more than what Gandhi could
have possibly offered if he were alive now.
 The philosophies and working strategies have long been changed after Gandhi.
 Today’s generation just believe in their own profits and take others for granted.

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Topic 43

Private hospitals provide superior health care: true or false?


A private hospital is a hospital owned by a private company or a non-profit organization and privately
funded through payment for medical services by patients themselves, by insurers, Governments through
national health insurance schemes, or by foreign embassies. The private healthcare system includes
things like:

 Treatment in a private hospital

 Ambulance trips
 Dentistry
 Eyeglasses and
 Treatments like acupuncture

There are some things to remember about the private healthcare system:
1. You won’t have to wait on a Public Hospital Waiting List to attend a private hospital.

2. You can choose which hospital and which doctors treat you.

3. If you take out private health insurance to help pay for your treatment, you might have to wait a while
before you’re covered. That’s called a Waiting Period.


 In a good private hospital a person will be only treated by a specialist and who holds or will have
held a consultant appointment within the NHS.
 Nursing care will be different with a higher number of nurses per patient and nurses with greater
 There is a great deal of privacy in a private hospital and patient has the benefit of far better services
– things like the choice of food and facilities in private rooms or even suites where a member of
family can stay.
 Private hospitals are usually smaller than the regional or larger district NHS hospitals. With fewer
patients and mostly with individual rooms, it is easier to keep private hospitals clean and safe from
hospital acquired infections.
 Private hospitals are better equipped.
 They have better overall services (sanitation etc).
 Promotes medical tourism.
 Better prospects for doctors.
 Private hospitals provide their patients with a lively and hygienic environment which helps in early
recovery of a patient.

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 Insurers may sometimes attempt to direct patients to a specific hospital that may not be entirely the
most suitable because of restrictions within their insurance.
 High fee charges which do not allow a poor people to avail best of facilities.
 Attributing to higher medical costs that too in a poor country like India.
 May give rise to scams and scandals.
 Few hospitals incur huge amounts from patients by increasing amount of bill.

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Topic 44

Prospering of individual leads to prosperity of the nation


Prosperity is a state of flourishing, thriving or having a good fortune in terms of wealth or success.
However, economists use a simple economic term, GDP i.e. Gross Domestic Product to define prosperity
of a nation. An individual's success is co-related with the success of the nation. But, if the citizen is
residing out of that country then he/she is helping the economy of other nation. Hence, we cannot
always relate it with the prosperity of the nation.


 Prospering of an individual makes the economy healthy which affects the GDP of a nation.
 Daily wages are increased due to skilled individuals which directly effects economy.
 Individual’s success directly affects the up-liftment of the society and the nation.
 Prosperity of population makes nation powerful.
 Individual’s prosperity is an interface of nation’s prosperity.
 Prospering population leads to modernization of society/nation.
 Skilled and successful individuals bring fame to prospering nation.
 Many social barriers get abolished from the society once individuals are prosperous. Hence, nation
becomes prosperous.
 Population’s prosperity guides unskilled individuals who improve the GDP, hence nation becomes


 If prospering of individual was important then the term recession is completely futile.
 Prospering of individual comes with environmental concerns; hence it cannot be a measure of a
country's prosperity. Cutting down a tree by a person adds to economy to individual and nation but
decreases prosperity.
 Prostitution is an economic activity with which an individual can prosper but is degradation for a
nation's or society's prosperity.
 Prosperity of nation is also related to happiness of its population. However, it does not mean that if
an individual is prosperous, he is also happy.
 Gambling or piracy can be prosperous for individuals but it isn't for the nation.
 Prosperity of a nation comes only with white money but people are often accused of having black
money which can never influence the prosperity of a nation.
 Prosperity of a nation is also dependent on illiterates and unemployed people who are not
 Prosperity of nation should also involve people who are liable or dependent on other individuals.
 Prosperous citizens living outside the nations cannot be a part of the current economic conditions of
a nation

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Topic 45

Should prostitution be legalized in India?


Prostitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for money. A
person who works in this field is called a prostitute, and is a kind of sex worker. Prostitution is one of the
branches of the sex industry. The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, from being
permissible but unregulated, to an enforced or unenforced crime or to a regulated profession.
Prostitution is sometimes also referred to as "the world's oldest profession". Estimates place the annual
revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $100 billion

Prostitution occurs in a variety of forms. Brothels are establishments specifically dedicated to

prostitution. In escort prostitution, the act may take place at the client's residence or hotel room
(referred to as out-call), or at the escort's residence or a hotel room rented for the occasion by the escort
(in-call). Another form is street prostitution. Although the majority of prostitutes are female with male
clients, there are also gay male prostitutes, lesbian prostitutes, and heterosexual male prostitutes. Sex
tourism refers to traveling to engage in sexual relations with prostitutes. Some rich clients may pay for
long-term contracts that may last for years.


 If prostitution was legalized, the government could regulate it and tax it. It would create more
revenue for the government through this. Furthermore, it would add another legal market to the
economy and lead for a bigger economy for the nation which legalizes it.
 The legalization of prostitution has benefited many countries which legalized it economically, and is a
significant percentage of economic activity.
 The legalization of prostitution would lead to better working conditions for prostitutes. The
legalization of prostitution has led to better health conditions in countries which legalize it, such as
Senegal. In Senegal, HIV prevalence among pregnant women has been below 1% for more than a
decade. A strong multisectoral response, an effective STD control programme and early legalization
of prostitution have been credited for this low level. Special clinical services genital ulcers are also no
longer common and cancroid is reportedly rare.
 There is a general reduction in violence and criminal activities with the legalization of prostitution,
and lower crime rates in accordance with the level of punishment given to prostitution.
 It will help regulate any impostors who run the business in the façade of other things


 If prostitution would be legalized then it will become the center of world's largest human trafficking
and money laundering schemes.
 Turning women into commodity, because of failure to protect them against rapes, is the ultimate
failure of state machinery.
 We must stop it as because of prostitution there is increasing case of STD (sexually transmitted

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 There are about 3 million prostitutes in India of which 40% are children so the child prostitute
population is close to 1.2 million.
 This can pose a problem as females are usually more vulnerable to violence and abuse. These female
prostitutes could be misused.
 If such a woman is granted opportunity to avail (herself of) some technical or vocational training, she
would be able to earn her livelihood by such vocational training and skill instead of by selling her
 Legalization of prostitution increases clandestine, hidden, illegal and street prostitution.
 Legalization of prostitution and decriminalization of the sex industry increases child prostitution.
 Legalization of prostitution does not protect the women in prostitution.

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Topic 46

Racial discrimination: a reality or myth?


Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of
their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used
as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict, war and even during
economic downturns

Racism divides people into “us” and “them”, based on where we come from or the color of our skin. It
happens when people feel that it’s okay to treat others badly as they go about their daily lives
Racism happens in lots of different ways. You hear it when people:

 make “jokes” or negative comments about a particular ethnic group

 call others racist names or verbally abuse them
 Bully, hassle or intimidate others because of their race.
 write racist graffiti in public places
 make offensive comments online
 are excluded from groups because they’re “different” or “don’t belong”
 Are physically abused because of their race.

Nonetheless, one common thread that seems to be woven throughout almost every culture, country and
region is that people deny that racism even exists.

Not all racism is obvious. An employer might look through a list of job applicants and decide not to
interview people with Arabic sounding surnames. Or a young guy from an African background might be
followed around by security guards who assume he’s going to steal something. These kinds of racism can
be much harder to address, because they involve the prejudices that we often don’t talk or think about.

Sometimes groups and organizations can have rules that seem to be fair to everyone – but they actually
make things more difficult for people from particular cultural or ethnic backgrounds. This is also known
as structural or systemic racism. For example, a bank might ask everyone to fill out a lot of forms in
English before you can open an account. That makes it hard for people who don’t speak English as their
first language.


 It’s a motivating factor: Here it is based mainly how you view racism and synthesize it. It may be a
very powerful motivating factor to those who are discriminated. The fact that they are discriminated
will encourage them to work extra hard so that they can out do their opponents. A good example in
this context are the Chinese for instance, they are facing a huge economic growth due to the effects
related to racism, on that I would like to give them a hand on the shoulder.
 Privilege: We can come into con-census that the most powerful races are privileged in various ways.
This is now the advantage on the contest of the racist. They always supply their countries with lots of
aid leaving the other races in a total bad situation.

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 Responsibility: As the discrimination blazes, the less advantaged realize that they have a
responsibility to hold for their upcoming generations and the present juniors.


 Eruptions of war: This is quite vivid especially when the discriminated party is feed up. Its survival for
the fittest so the racist will always want to be up while the less privilege here will reach a point I can
call it saturated point where the only way to solve the issue on the table is through manhood. All we
know the consequences of war in various perspective of life.
 Hate: Racism develops hate between people of different races. Each races would always want to
dominate and the other will be like a blocking factor thus hatred is developed between the
 Inferiority complex: The discriminated part will feel insecure as well as inferior in-front of the racist.
Human being are equal and this will be against the human right .Another effect of being inferior is
the aspect where individual lacks confidence and thus cannot give out his/her opinions although
they might be help to the entire group, thus falling in unnecessary problems which could on the
other hand be prevented.
 Limited trading activities: In this contest we must look in both side because trade is an economic
activity and has an impact on our daily lives. The fact that racism limits the diversification of market,
on the racist will be less advantage because they will inadequate market for their produce, though
they will but having more to consume. On the other hand the discriminated as well produces limited
goods for need assistances which is unavailable in this contest of use. They will be double suffering
since they will be having limited market as well as inadequate flood supply.
 Breakage of rewarding relationships: This is where someone refuses to use the expertise of someone
because of his race. A good example is someone who has an opportunity to get a very cheap lawyer
but because the lawyer is not of his race then he goes for the expensive one of his. This is a very
stupid syndrome which should be eliminated as fast as possible.

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Topic 47

Reality shows are nothing but Gimmicks


A reality show is the live telecast of the performance of persons who may be the expert or non-expert in
the respective given field. Reality shows has been around since 1960, but these shows being in
popularity in the early 2000, with the global success from the Big Brother, as well as survivor. These
shows and a number of other competition based shows have become a global franchises and a fixture of
television programming. A number of channels have retooled themselves to focus on reality shows, like
MTV, which began as a music video and afterwards switch to a nearly all reality format. It has faced
significant criticism since it rise in popularity.


 Reality shows gives a platform for thousands who want to achieve great things in their field of
interest, in front of the world.
 Reality shows increases the dimensions of the ideas for the viewers.
 It helps to motivate the talented guys.
 Reality shows helps in coining the money.
 It also increases the popularity of the celebrities by their shows.
 Sometimes reality shows gives the solution of the complex problems of human relations. (Example:
PBS Series U.S.)
 Reality shows sometimes can be very educational. TV Shows such as “The Apprentice” have made
people to think about business. International broadcasters also cover news and current affairs in
great depth.
 The reality shows such as “Discovery” have made the people to be in touch with the past, present
and future realist things of the natural world.
 Reality shows gives a chance to a person to follow their dreams of being famous through TV, and
even to win a large amount of money that could turn their lives around.
 Reality shows is one of the major boost in self-confidence for a person.


 Reality shows are sometimes beyond the ethics of human beings.

 Some reality shows are already preplanned. They are unreal reality shows.
 A number of other competition based shows plays with the emotions of the human being which is a
bad game.
 Reality shows makes the person dumber and more ignorant because it creates a false impression of
what people are actually like and how they behave in the given situation.
 Reality shows encourages people to pursue celebrity status, and discourages the value of hard work
and an education.
 In a search for ratings and for the media coverage, shows are becoming even more vulgar and
 Reality shows puts the bad influence on the youngster generation, as the kids coming out with the
bad languages, disrespect for their elders and the bad habits.

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 The contestants and the audience get so sucked into the show that they forget that, at the end of
the day, it’s still only a reality TV show.
 Reality shows also ruins the participant privacy as they are suddenly drawn into the world of media.

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Topic 48

Sabbatical post schooling and higher education - Is it good or bad idea?


Sabbatical leave is good as well as bad idea because students on one side waste their one year just to
crack an entrance exam with good score and on the other side preparing for those exams make them
achieve their short term goal to take admission in a best college for their graduation or post-graduation.
Now-a-days, higher education is necessary to achieve good job and perfect future. Person with a
bachelor’s degree can’t get a job according to his needs and requirements. He/she must be post-
graduated or experience holder in the field he/she is applying in for the job to get the specified salary
which match their needs and requirements.

Like everything has pros and cons sabbatical leaves or higher education has too. One side they are good
and necessary as they are the requirements for a good job and on the other hand they are bad for those
who are facing un-employment just because they are not post-graduated.


 Good time to prepare for entrance exam without any stress.

 Scholarships can be won by clearing exam with good score.
 Better future
 Better lifestyle and better job with good salary.
 Goals can be achieved.
 Some students sacrifice social life for this one year.
 Some use sabbatical leave to learn new courses and change their field work.
 Higher studies help in achieving goals and perfect job.
 Higher studies give practical knowledge about field.


 Higher studies are expensive.

 Un-employment
 Competition is tough.
 Sometimes even after one year’s preparation they don’t score well and waste their one year.
 Failure leads to depression
 Sabbatical leaves after college creates gap between student and books.
 Distance from friends leads to change in behavior of student.
 Socially students are called dropped out.

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Topic 49

Should a CM protest on streets?


A street protest is action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favour of a political or any
other cause; it normally consists of walking in a mass march formation and either beginning with or
meeting at a designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers. After Arvind Kejriwal, The CM of Delhi has
started protest on the streets demanding for suspension of three police officers because the Delhi Police
come under central government and refused to act as per the CM. The police officers came under fire
because of rape and domestic violence cases in the city.

Protests can be used to show a viewpoint (either positive or negative) regarding a public issue, especially
relating to a perceived grievance or social injustice. A protest is usually considered more successful if
more people participate. Topics of protest often deal with political, economic, and social issues

Demonstrations are sometimes spontaneous gatherings, but are also utilized as a tactical choice by
movements. They often form part of a larger campaign of nonviolent resistance, often also called civil
resistance. Demonstrations are generally staged in public, but private demonstrations are certainly
possible, especially if the demonstrators wish to influence the opinions of a small or very specific group
of people. Demonstrations are usually physical gatherings, but virtual or online demonstrations are
certainly possible.


 Every citizen has the right to protest on the streets to make their voice heard and CM is also a citizen
of the country. In a diarchy before independence, the elected Indians used to protest against the
Britishers to raise their demands. (Delhi also has some sort of diarchy where power is divided
between central and Delhi government)
 In similar cases, Mamata Banerjee, the CM of Kolkata, has also protested on the streets while being
the Chief Minister so this is not the first instance of a CM protesting.
 No law restricts the CM or even Prime Minister of a country to protest on the roads. Gandhi also
advocated the method of peaceful protest for the welfare of the nation.
 If protest is the only way to grab our rights then we have to protest.
 Indian constitution grants us the freedom to ask for our rights in either way we want.
 In many countries protest by common people has helped them get freedom to live independently.
 Keeping patience just increase the power of our rival.
 Protest is not always violent.


 When a CM sits on the street, it creates anarchy like situation with a serious threat to security
especially in a city like Delhi.
 CM has many other constitutional ways to make his points in the government rather than a street

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 If a CM sits on a protest the government’s function come to a halt and it disrupts the state
 It represents the lack of faith in the democratic institutions and creates chaos among the public and
shows the inability of government.
 Protest are for the common public not a CM isn’t as he has better ways to voice his demand which
common people do not have.
 Protest is not a shortcut to get your demands fulfilled.
 To change the system, you have to be in the system.
 CM has to hold a rational approach rather than act like a rebellious teenager because his actions are
to be in harmony of constitution and the peace of state.
 A CM can put his views forward by many other constitutional ways not just by protesting.

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Topic 50

Should it be legal to bet on Sports?


Sports’ betting is the activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome. It is
generally considered to be a form of gambling.

Aside from simple wagers such as betting a friend $20 that one's favorite baseball team will win its
division, $100 that a college football team will win a bowl game or the national championship, or buying
a football "square" for the Super Bowl, sports betting is commonly performed through
a bookmaker (bookie) or through various online Internet outlets.

The prevalence of gambling is as extensive as a person would want it to be.


 A sport betting is a challenge. It makes sports more exciting. It makes you a part of the contest.
 Eamonn Tolland, president of Paddy Power North America, has said that the “only way to stamp out
corruption is to have a legal sports betting market.”
 Unfortunately, a sport betting has long been associated with organized crime, but it is time, as with
prohibition, for that to come to an end.
 Legalizing it may encourage a player not to lose a game if it is predicted by a bookie, or players can
be overwhelmed by the numbers people are betting lots of money on.
 Betting can be compared by lottery as it is legal. The lottery is the hardest to win – your chances are
1 in a million. If you guess correctly, you earn money. It’s a fifty-fifty chance of winning essentially. In
places where gambling is not legal, sports events have some people who don’t care to bet on the
winning chances, and others have a “faith” that they are correct.
 It should be legal because people do it anyways. They bet at a smaller scale too like with family and
friends but if the country makes it legal it would turn into a profit not just for the people but for the
country as well.
 In contrast, betting might seem as a way for players and coaches to get “extra cash”, which does no
harm to anyone.


 The legalization of sport betting could make it harder for compulsive gamblers to control their
 It could also encourage gamblers to try to influence the outcome of a game and encourage athletes
to bet on games in which they compete.
 Wider legalization of sport betting could add another layer of challenges to the many that
professional sports have already encountered, like performance enhancing drugs in baseball and
concussions in the N.F.L.
 Add gambling’s threat to the integrity of the games could add disastrous complications.

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 Until our collective morality is at a level of maturity to handle the dysfunctionalism of gambling,
legalized sport betting should be restricted. State revenues should not have to depend on the selling
of false hopes or profiting off pathology.
 Overwhelming bets could turn into bad plays on the field and not end with a satisfactory result for
the athletes.
 It should not be legalized because some people get addicted to it and lose everything in betting.
They can get help but their addiction might come back because of the place and the temptation that
the place brings.
 Players and coaches might affect the integrity of the game if gambling was legalized because if
players and coaches were to bet against each other, there would just be an added incentive to “win
at all costs” sort of mentality.
 It could possibly lead to an increase in the use of illegal substances as professional players would be
putting a lot of money on the line in terms of the scores and outcomes of their games.

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Topic 51

Should there be any law to govern the governors?


The governors and lieutenant-governors of the states and union territories of India have similar powers
and functions at the state level as that of the President of India at Union level. Governors exist in
the states while lieutenant-governors exist in union territories and in the National Capital Territory
of Delhi. The governor acts as the nominal head whereas the real power lies in the hand of the chief
ministers of the states and the chief minister's Council of Ministers.
In India, a lieutenant governor is in charge of a Union Territory. However the rank is present only in the
union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Delhi and Puducherry (the other territories have an
administrator appointed, who is an IAS officer). Lieutenant-governors hold the same rank as a governor
of a state in the list of precedence.
The governors and lieutenant-governors are appointed by the president for a term of 5 years.

 Yes, there should be a law to govern the governors so as to ensure the apex position of the state be
not compromised to corruption or treason.
 With great powers comes greater responsibility and not every governor in this country has been up
for the task.
 Though the Governor is answerable to the President of India and we can’t really be comfortable with
the fact if the President is really asking the questions that we want answers for.
 Governor holds a lot of discretionary powers which in the times of emergency becomes absolute for
the people living in his domain, so much for democratic setup as this sounds like more or like
dictatorship in times of an emergency.
 A governor is expected to be aloof of any political activity in the state, however it is really hard to
believe if he really is considering the fact most of the governors are nominated in the house for their
political patronage.


 The process of nomination, eligibility and appointment of the governors of the state is a
constitutional process explicitly stated in the Indian constitution which cannot be overridden.
 Right from the roles to the objectives and to the powers exercised by the governor is again very
clearly defined and acting beyond these accords could mean the president asking for his resignation.
 The Governor is the one person in the state who makes sure that democracy is maintained and
ensures its smooth running in its truest form. To get things on the right track he is to exercise
executive powers.
 By imposing laws to govern the governing of governors would just be as messed up as it sounds. The
whole idea to give executive powers to one responsible and qualified person under set conditions
and guidance does not sound all that bad.

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Topic 52

Should there be private universities?


Private universities are universities not operated by governments, although many receive tax breaks,
public student loans, and grants. Private universities may be subject to government regulation. This is in
contrast to public universities and national universities. Some universities are non-profit and some are
for-profit. But should there be any private university? While the most prestigious and well-known
schools in the world are largely private universities. Every member of the Ivy League is a private
university, as are Stanford, duke, Georgetown and johns Hopkins.


 Unlike liberal arts colleges which provide limited courses, universities have significant master’s and
doctoral programs.
 At big-name private universities, professors are often evaluated for their research and publishing
first, and teaching second. So all the students are privileged with that experience of professor
practically rather than in theory.
 The Indian government is unable to find the funds even to keep up its own commitment of spending
6% of gdp on education, with the government boosting up primary education and making quotas
25% for underprivileged children. Private universities have become life-saver here in India.
 They have good infrastructure & need not to depend on any government body for taking decisions.
 Key advantages are that private universities are self-financed and privatization gives the best quality.
 These universities provide quality education to those who don’t get admissions in other good
 Private universities provide employment opportunities to many unemployed staff thus helping the
overall nation in improving the economy and contributing in gdp of country
 It is the best resistance for brain drain and also favors the statement that “education should be
available for all by any possible legal way.”
 Almost all of the quality primary education in India is provided by private schools then why can’t
private universities take over the burden of the government to produce path changing graduates.


 Education should create equal opportunities for all. Statistic says private education background have
more education, job and social opportunities than those who were educated by the state.
 Education is supposed to open doors, not the other way. But in case of these universities the doors
are only open to those who have good amount of money.
 It creates classes of people in the same community of people. How can you argue that creating a two
tier, immiscible separation of our society is a good thing?
 Education should be based on an individual's hard work and not on a family bank account. If we look
to countries such as Finland and Norway which have more than 95% of their students in public
schools, these countries are some of the best-educated countries in the world.
 There is a little chance of coming across a fake university in trap because of which many students will
lose hope for their higher studies and bright career prospects.

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 Most of the universities even don’t have their approval and they show government their false record
which in turns result for the wrong calculation of education plans for students.
 In the race of making education a business, these universities have led to a very big fall in the graph
of education quality.
 No proper system of regulating their functioning.
 Fees are high but standards are low.
 Private not-for-profit universities need to be encouraged to increase the education opportunities
because in India there rarely such universities.

Topic 53

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Social media happened too fast: Are we ready for it?


Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share, and exchange information
and ideas in virtual communities and networks .It is a platform to build social networks or social
relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life
connections. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his social
links, and a variety of additional services. Social networking is web-based services that allow individuals
to create a public profile, to create a list of users with whom to share connection, and view and cross the
connections within the system. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users
to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging .Social network sites are varied and
they incorporate new information and communication tools such as, mobile connectivity,
photo/video/sharing and blogging

The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places (such as former
school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages), and a
recommendation system linked to trust. Popular methods now combine many of these, with American-
based services such as Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumbler and Twitter widely
used worldwide

People today can’t imagine living without social networking. It has become a daily routine no matter
what. Also, it is interesting to know how mobile phones are shaping the use of social networks today.
Those who do not get enough time to access their desktops often use a mobile device to stay connected
with friends. What’s even more interesting is that adults are using social networks more than the
younger demographic today, something which had never happened before the last year or so

As per the latest report of SBWIRE it shows the current trends in the market, industry growth drivers,
and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. In U.S. Social networking users has
increased by 25% in 2010. In Europe ~2/3rd of total users are logged in at least one of the social
networks with ~60% users logged in at Facebook and ~15-17% on Twitter at any point of time. In Japan,
the number of users on Twitter had grown by ~500% in 2010 alone.


 Social networking sites spread information faster than any other media
 Law enforcement uses social networking sites to catch and prosecute criminals.
 Social networking sites help students do better at school.
 Social networking sites allow people to improve their relationships and make new friends
 Social media helps empower business women
 Social media sites help employers find employees and job-seekers find work.
 Being a part of a social networking site can increase a person's quality of life and reduce the risk of
health problems
 Social networking sites facilitate face-to-face interaction.
 Social networking sites increase voter participation.
 Social media facilitates political change.

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 Social media facilitates political change.

 Social networking sites lack privacy and expose users to government and corporate intrusions.
 Students who are heavy social media users tend to have lower grades.
 Social networking sites can lead to stress and offline relationship problems.
 Social networking sites entice people to waste time.
 Using social media can harm job stability and employment prospects.
 The use of social networking sites is correlated with personality and brain disorders, such as the
inability to have in-person conversations, a need for instant gratification, ADHD, and self-centered
personalities, as well as addictive behaviors.
 Social media causes people to spend less time interacting face-to-face.
 Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes.
 Social media can endanger the military and journalists.

Topic 54

STAR power: does it really exist?


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Stars are those people to whom we look up to as an idol, as an inspiration or motivation. We tend to
follow their paths and try to get motivated by their driving force. They are the people who have great
struggling stories and there are some who are born with the silver spoon. Especially in INDIA, we just
don’t think of a film star as a profession, we look up to him or her as an individual personality who are
really creative and personifies a great power. Stars are extremely influential to all those who appeal to
them and obviously to their fans. Stars are called upon by various business organizations, in political
events, in various sports organizing events and also for giving lectures on success and making an
organization work. All these seem like that the presence of stars at these events are extremely
prominent and works well for the organizers.

But, the question arises that do stars really have an interest or they do it just for money. They lead a
luxurious and hard life but full of excitement and they really don’t have time for discussing social issues.
But they do it! It may be for earning money, but with the power that they possess really helps the
organizations to work. It may be just a marketing strategy for their own work but they benefit a lot of
people with this.
Ram Madhvani (Ad FilmMaker) says that “in west they use celebrities as celebrities and in INDIA we
manage to take out that celebrity and make him into the character in the Ad”. Now, this is how the stars
are used and their power. It’s not difficult to understand that Stars have amazing kind of appeal to
various kinds of sections of the society and socio-economic categories that people just embraced them.


 Stars touch the life of the people indirectly through their work which somehow motivates people in
their personal life.
 Stars popularize the events which help in promoting it.
 Stars share their profit in charities.
 They are always contacted by NGOs who work for the disabled people to get some amount of
happiness in their lives and also some hope of healing.
 Stars contribute a small amount towards country’s growing GDP by becoming the highest tax payer
some times.
 They run awareness programs like Satyamev Jayte which highlighted sensitive social issues prevalent
in India and also knowledge shows like Kaun Banega Crorepati which aims at bringing poor people to
the show.
 The Ad companies will always be there for them as the Stars promote their products through their
 Stars become the icon of the country and make the nation proud through the recognition which they
 They are always involved with the educational institutions of the country to deliver
speeches and prompts growth in the institution.
 Star power cannot be ignored by anyone because they can be fit into any circle of work relating to
media, arts, social issue campaigns, TV shows, films, education etc.


 Stars fall into a bad habit of smoking and drinking which youth of today gets fascinated of and falls
into a trap of bad things.
 Many a times they refuse to be at some important place because they are not paid well.

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 Star spends lots of money on their outlook to look beautiful but this sends wrong info to the kids.
 Star sometimes misuse their power so, that they can get VIP treatment at places where it is unfair.
 Controversies, like stars helping the criminals by misusing their power and money have also been the
headlines of the newspaper.
 Stars in the field of politics and film industry misuses their power for gaining admissions in
prestigious universities for their relatives.
 They sometimes misconduct the rules and regulations of the places because of their stardom ego.
 Some people say that star power is not the only way of communicating to masses and discussing
social issues or even promoting something. They go out for volunteering and making ads.
 People blindly follow some stars that they fail to distinguish between right and wrong things.
 Stars mislead people by saying that they also want to lead a normal man’s life but that’s not true
about 95% of them. Some openly says that do not want a normal life.

Topic 55

Technology: Boon or Bane?


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Technology these days has advanced our lifestyle. Things have become so easy. Technology is being used
everywhere and in everything. Several devices have been introduced like laptops and tablets. Each of
them has their own versions with even more advanced apps. Such devices help us finish loads of work
with ease, but using such devices even in fields of education might affect the habits of students. Today
technology has empowered us so much that without it we feel disabled. Our lifestyles are totally
dependent on technology. Even a primary school going students finds him surrendered to the technology

We are living in a society which is called "technologically civilized" society. Every small work we do is
technology dependent. Today every other person is recognized with the device or gadget, he carries;
which is technically advanced. Ultimately, we can say that,"living without technology is like living without
air" in this technical world today. Therefore, we are much dependent on technology. Starting with the
simple example of food storage. Today the shelf life of the food products is increased with help of
modern technology and even preparation time of food is reduced with the help of new machines and
equipment. Thus, making the consumer to have an ease at its consumption and also in saving a lot of
productive time. Ultimately, making the person dependent on it for his own benefits. This is unlike to the
times of traditional cooking where people had to spare time and even do physical labor compared to the
modern technically advanced time of today.

Technology is making the multitask functions to be available in a single device. Thus, we can have
multifunctional usage of the single device we own .The simpler, the work gets with technology; the more
we get dependent on it.

Technology makes us lethargic with little or no physical activity, in one aspect; but the same technology
provides an inspiration or motivation to do creative jobs including physical activity .Example games like
"V" games which are challenging video games and at the same time recreational, helping to spend time
in a joyful way. Today, we don't find even a single young kid without using the available technology to
him/he. Technology made us dependent on it and we can't expect or imagine a life without using the
word "technology" in it .Hence, technology plays a major role in our lives. Schools have started
introducing the idea of using tablets for taking down notes, writing simple tests and completing their
projects. This gets the mind of a student completely in technology and they tend to forget the use of
books. Earlier students did not have the idea of using internet to browse information about different
topics and were dependent completely on books which resulted in a very good vocabulary, but students
these days do not have much of a good vocabulary. They start to expect everything just by a touch on
the screen. The students finish their work just for the sake of it and actually don't show any interest in it.
Technology is good enough provided it is used in the right field and in the right age

Technology will always be advancing by emerging with new ideas and techniques everyday tease the
work load on us and making us more dependent on it , but it still depends on us that how we use it
without affecting our lifestyle .


 Technology made life easy and eased the work load

 Helped us in achieving many milestones on various work fronts
 Manual work which required lots time, technology made it worth of seconds
 Technology helping every age group irrespective of their profession.
 Technology helped us in cutting production cost and time
 It promoted everything being used by us to next level

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 In academic field it has proved of great help by providing students with digital support for various
 Today various deadly diseases are curable with the advancement in the medical field
 Various life saving and supporting devices are invented by the help of Technology
 Records and database have become more organized


 Makes people lazy and lethargic

 Dependency on computers , laptops and tablets increased multiple times
 Though it reduced the production time and cost but it also made many people unemployed
 Advancing technology also becoming a threat to human kind
 In academic field it ruined the importance of books and traditional method of studying with digital
 Technology is still far from the hands of poor, it is only for the rich people.
 Advancement in technology has made it more and more sophisticated
 Technology not affecting us physically but also promoting the mental stress
 Technological advancement is weaponry and arm has contributed to more violence, wars and power

Topic 56

Testing of products on animals: Discuss


Testing product on animals is a form of animal testing, indebted to ensure the safety and hypo-allergenic
properties of the product for use by humans. Because of the harm done to the animal subjects, this
testing is opposed by animal rights activities and other is banned in the EUROPEAN UNION.

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Many scientist relay on animal experiments and regulatory agencies mandate data collected from
animal experiment because that is ignoring the failure of animal tests to predict what is safe or what is
effective in people and failing to recognize the advance made in non-animals testing methodologies


 Non-regulated products, such as cosmetic are commonly animal tested for liability.
 Companies do not want to market a product that could result in legal claims, by selling their
products without testing.
 And one for the major reason i.e., effectiveness in treating a condition or disease and this testing
typically involve animal models as well.
 Even animals suffer from similar disease to humans and hence eventually will also benefit greatly
from the research
 Testing of product on animal is not a crime everywhere.
 Human loss is not affordable.
 Any fault in the product can be easily detected.


 Test in animals are not always predictive of human health effects.

 Animals react differently to humans to many substances, rendering many tests pointless.
 Animals have just as much right to live as we humans do.
 Testing drugs and cosmetic on animals is not only cruel and immoral, it is unreliable and
 Over 100 million are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in U.S labs every year.
 Such medicine like aspirin causes birth defect in cat. Penicillin kills guinea pigs. 6-azauridine a cancer
drug which can be used in human for long time, will kill dogs in a few days in even small doses.
 Gives them painful death
 It is very inhuman and insults humanity is deep and profound ways as such activity degrades us
worse than animals.

Topic 57

The noble prizes have become highly politicized. They no longer honor the deserving


The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards by Swedish and Norwegian committees in
recognition of cultural or scientific advances. The various prizes are awarded every year. A prize may not
be shared among more than three people.

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 Noble prize is no more known for genuine contribution to peace and humanity
 It becomes a tool for imposing imperialistic interests of western power centers on other countries.
 Nominees are alleged to pay considerable amount and heavy lobbying takes place to ensure the
highest bidder gets it.
 There is no Mathematics prize because Nobel’s wife was involved with a Swedish Mathematician.
 The Nobel’s combination of science and politics can create unusual relationships.
 Obama was awarded with noble peace prize, who has done nothing significant for world peace.
 It is entirely likely that the noble prize committee will continue to give out awards with a political
agenda in mind.


 It is widely regarded as the most prestigious award available in the fields of literature, medicine,
physics chemistry, peace and economics.
 Sir Paul Nurse said the prize should continue to reward select individuals, not team or organizations.
 Nominations forms are sent by the Noble Committee before the prizes are awarded. These
individuals of committee are often academics working in a relevant area. It prepares a report
reflecting the advice of experts in the relevant fields. Individuals who die in the months between
their nominations are eligible to receive the awards. There is a clear and transparent system
 The institutions meet to choose the laureates in each field by a majority vote.
 If the peace prize is not awarded the money is split among the scientific prizes.
 Awarding Nobel Prize is an earnest attempt to cultivate and develop best talent for progress and
survival of mankind on this earth’s surface.
 Self-nomination for Noble prize disqualifies the applicant or the nominee.

Topic 58

Tit for Tat is the right policy?


Tit for tat is a game theory mechanism which is highly effective for the iterated prisoner’s dilemma. Tit
for tat means the “equivalent retaliation”. It was introduced by Robert Axelrod. This concept is often

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applied to the economics and biology circumstances. In this strategy, a player initially cooperates, and
then responds in kind to an opponent’s previous action. It also applied as a strategy to ensure fairness.


 In a matter of equality, if you did some wrong to me, then I have got the right to do bad with you.
 People won’t respect you if they think they can go away with the bad behavior.
 Tit for tat can lead to a healthy competition.
 Weak people will be suppressed, if they will not oppose and revert back with same actions.
 This will install the fear in the heart of people, so that they will think twice before committing a


 It is not the right approach, because it’s an insufficient punishment for the bad happenings.
 Punishing them physically will not equalize the magnitude.
 Everybody should get a chance to correct their mistakes.
 An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.
 Repeating the same mistake twice isn’t a sensible thing.
 This is for no one to decide but gods will and the individuals karma will eventually come into effect.

Topic 59

To Each His Own: Is It A Good or Bad Policy?

Statement said when someone does not agree with your opinion. Meaning that even though they don't
like it you do.


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 Gives space to lead their life in the manner they choose
 It is a sign of trust
 It shows respect
 It is a sign of credibility
 It establishes you as a person who is non interfering
 Makes you more approachable and agreeable
 People do what they do after enough thought and planning
 Equality is the right of every person to advance their wellbeing


 People try to take advantage

 People may feel that you do not want to coach them or correct them
 May give a feeling to others that you do not care
 Not a very good thing when dealing with kids as they may not know what is good and what is bad for
 People around you will never get to know if they needed a correction

Topic 60

What do we need: a physical revolution of protests and bloodshed or a mental revolution?


A protest (also called a remonstrance or a remonstration) is an expression of objection by words or by

actions to particular events, policies, or situations. Protests can take many different forms; from

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individual statements to mass demonstrations. Protesters may organize a protest as a way of publicly
making their opinions heard in an attempt to influence public opinion or government policy, or they may
undertake direct action in an attempt to directly enact desired changes themselves. Where protests are
part of a systematic and peaceful campaign to achieve a particular objective, and involve the use of
pressure as well as persuasion, they go beyond mere protest and may be better described as cases
of civil resistance or nonviolent resistance

Various forms of self-expression and protest are sometimes restricted by governmental policy, economic
circumstances, religious orthodoxy, social structures, or media monopoly. When such restrictions occur,
protests may assume the form of open civil disobedience, more subtle forms of resistance against the
restrictions, or may spill over into other areas such as culture and emigration.
A physical revolution of protests and bloodshed includes:

Riot - A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized often by what is thought of as disorganized groups
lashing out in a sudden against authority, property or people

Self-immolation - It refers to setting oneself on fire, often as a form of protest or for the purposes
of martyrdom. It has centuries-long traditions in some cultures, while in modern times it has become a
type of radical political protest.

Suicide - Suicide ("to kill oneself") is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Suicide is often
committed out of despair, the cause of which is frequently attributed to a mental disorder such
as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, alcoholism, or drug

Hunger strike- A hunger strike is a method of non-violent resistance or pressure in which

participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others, usually with the
objective to achieve a specific goal, such as a policy change. Most hunger strikers will take liquids but not
solid food. Some most fierce hunger strikes carried out without water and without food and can be
lasted up 10 days.

Bombing- A bomb is any of a range of explosive weapons that only rely on the exothermic reaction of
an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy (an explosive


 We have the right, peacefully and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket and to present
 Protests can be effective if they involve the right people and not only send a message to government
or business but also make more people aware of the problems that some communities have to deal
with daily. At times it becomes too violent but it is not only because of the protesters.
 Protesting is a good thing if it's done in a peaceful, respectful way. We should not abuse the right and
freedom we have to protest.
 Government does not take the situation seriously unless the movement disturbs the systems
 Some unusual action can only bring about an unusual change in system.
 Revolutions only happen if all peaceful solutions have been exhausted.

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 Physical revolution is usually the last resort if no one is listening.
 It gets governments to listen and then people who feel the same to want to join.
 It is the last of all solutions which peoples are compelled to take in order to get there problems


 Many of the protests in our country turn violent as people destroy schools, libraries, public spaces
and private property.
 Protests are difficult to organize because you have to make sure you are keeping all the by-laws of
your municipality.
 Lots of peoples get hurt or even die afterwards.
 Physical protest also causes many Economical effects.
 Looters wait of this time during the protests as they loot the shops, banks e.t.c
 Some anti-social elements gets involved in just for the sake of destroying government properties
 Sometimes the sole motto of revolution gets hidden and only destructive things happen the
complete vision of the revolution gets lost
 Physical protests take a lot of time and energy but they don't achieve very much. It only ends up in
many people losing their loved ones
 Protestors sometimes break the law or go overboard.
 Gets a bad name and a bad vibe for the cause of revolution the main reason behind the revolution
gets dirty.
 Incites rebellion and creates disharmony.

Topic 61

Who is responsible for Eve teasing: Boys or Girls?


The problem first received public and media attention in the 1970s. In the following decades, more and
more women started going to college and working independently, meaning that they were often no
longer accompanied by a male escort as had been the norm in traditional society.

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Eve teasing is a sexually embarrassing, using offensive words and exploitative behavior towards women
which shows the aggressive form of sexual expression. The expressions being socially unacceptable, ill
mannered and inappropriate hurts the feelings and sentiments that a woman possesses. It is regarded as
a mark of lowering the self-esteem and confidence of women in public. We can find eve teasing
wherever men and women are present, either it may be workplace, educational institutes,
entertainment halls, shopping malls, bus stands, and many other social places. Today’s youth is
influenced by media and that there is no censor on the content of media be it on the internet, television
or films

However, off late, government has laid some stringent laws to punish the eve teasers, it is the
responsibility of the women to take care while they step out and make sure that they stand up and fight
against this social disorder. While most of the cases are tending to this nature of making women socially
embarrassed, recent voice that girls are making benefit from the law and taking advantage to make
innocent men culprits for holding some personal grudges. But there arises a question that, who is
responsible for eve teasing. As a coin has two sides, even eve teasing may have two sides of holding

Boys are responsible for Eve teasing

Most of the sources say that boys are responsible for eve teasing because of their social dominance and
are well known for their natural tendency to the more expressive even in public places.
Illiterate and rowdy boys are usually involved. It does not matter what is the body language or the
clothes the girls are wearing, it is inherent in their nature. Problem is created by boys.
There are many reasons for boys to seek for eve teasing, they are:

 Illiteracy and carelessness

 Students exaggeration in front of friends
 Personal grudges and individual relations with the women
 Psychological problem
 Sexually exaggerated nature
 To have fun and embarrass women

Girls are responsible for Eve teasing

Change in mindset of people gave equal employment and educational opportunities for women which
made the women to play with the emotions of men and making them emotional with their deeds.
It is usually the girls, who with their body language and their clothes motivate the raucous men to get
involved into eve teasing

It is the girls who do not report such cases of eve teasing in the police, if they take any such action
against the men who are involved in teasing, it would reduce to a great extent

The ways which women possess that provokes the men for tease them are:

 Modern dressing
 Giving much lenience

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 Fun mindedness
 Personal relationships
 Intentional attitude to get comments from men
 Behavior


Both boys and girls are equally responsible for this act. So, women should therefore equip themselves
with life fighting skills like martial arts etc. and men in their families should be make explicit that they
shouldn’t cause such disturbance to any women which promotes a better and healthy society.

Topic 62

Winning isn’t everything, It’s the only thing

Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing is a well-known quotation in sports. Its assertion about the
importance of winning has been touted as a basic tenet of the American sports creed and, at the same
time, identified as encapsulating what is purportedly wrong with competitive sports.

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It is attributed to UCLA Bruins football coach Henry Russell ("Red") Sanders, who spoke two different
versions of the quotation. In 1950, at a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo physical education workshop, Sanders
told his group: "Men, I'll be honest. Winning isn't everything," then following a long pause, "Men, it's the
only thing! In a three-part article, December 7, 1953, on Red Sanders, by Bud Furillo of the Los Angeles
Herald and Express, the phrase is quoted in the sub head. Furillo said in his unpublished memoirs
Sanders first made the statement to him after UCLA's loss to USC in 1949. The phrase is quoted in the
1953 film Trouble along the Way by Sherry Jackson's character, Carol Williams. In 1955, in a Sports
Illustrated article preceding the1956 Rose Bowl, he was quoted as saying "Sure, winning isn't everything;
it's the only thing.


 It promotes the right approach of doing a task.

 Only thing that matters is the self satisfaction and happiness, which comes from inside not from the
applause of others.
 The people remember the ones who do something for a society, not the ones who win the race and
 The goal of life is not to be the winner, but it is to keep the position.
 No one requires other’s consent to be happy in life. So anything we do must satisfy our self.
 If someone tries to win by taking wrong steps, he sure has to pay in the end and that by no means
will give a person a happy life.
 Winning by whatever means will lead to a bad impression on the society which will surely hit us back
and will not let us live a happy life. But if we do not run after "winning" and follow our heart and
skill, we will live a happy and peaceful life.
 Respect, applause and few good words from others are not going to help you in earning a good and
happy life. They just give you momentarily pleasure.
 Winners stay in minds, but the person who do something good to the society remains in the heart.


 People don’t remember the losers, no matter how much greatness you’ve accomplished.
 Competition is everything in this world. And if you are not better, then you are not the winner.
 It makes you strong and confident.
 Nobody cares about your journey, winners are winners and losers are losers.
 What makes us win is our ability and attitude, and it should be best from others. Else we shouldn’t
try to compete unless we aren’t skilled enough.
 Winning makes you go on top and rule, which is much better than losing and being a slave.
 People don’t care what efforts you put in doing the task, if you didn’t win it then its nothing.
 We should be propelling people to actually do something with their lives and not to stop until they
have ultimately become winners in their respective industries.
 Winning makes you successful, and a successful man can lead a better lifestyle.
 It helps you to improve your skills for the next time; you start thinking about being the best and keep
trying to keep the position as well.

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Topic 63

Work life balance – myth or reality?


Work–life balance is a concept including proper balancing between "work" (career and ambition) and
"lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation). Workers reported
difficulty balancing work and family. Imbalance was more prevalent among workers aged 30–44 (19%)
compared with other age groups; non-Hispanic black workers (19%) compared with non-Hispanic white
workers (16%), and Hispanic workers (15%); divorced or separated workers (19%) compared with

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married workers (16%), widowed workers (13%), and never married workers (15%); and workers having a
Bachelor’s degree and higher (18%) compared with workers having a high school diploma or G.E.D.
(16%), and workers with less than a high school education (15%). Workers in agriculture, forestry, fishing,
and hunting industries (9%) had a lower prevalence rate of work-family imbalance compared to all
employed adults (16%). Among occupations, a higher prevalence rate of work-family imbalance was
found in legal occupations (26%), whereas a lower prevalence rate was observed for workers in office
and administrative support (14%) and farming, forestry, and fishing occupations (10%).

Work life balance is a myth:

 You cannot choose between being a great father or mother and being a career woman/man.
 A woman cannot take out the character of being a mother while she is at work and neither the other
way around.
 Searching for the mythical “balance” leads to frustration, guilt, and disappointment—causing career
women to step back or step out of their company.
 You really can’t have success in one area of your life without having success in the others.
 Some feel that worrying about a lack of time or energy for family relationships or friendships is a
luxury or secondary issue when compared with economic growth or development.
 When you are trying to do a lot of things well, simultaneously, you are going to be living with
organized chaos, and hoping that the organization outweighs the chaos on any given day.
 As the number of dual career couples goes up, men can no longer rely on the safety net of a woman
at home to take care of the household.
 Many organizations believe that putting policies in place is the answer to WLB problems. The truth is
that there is a substantial stigma associated with utilization of these policies.
 Many companies assume that WLB means the same thing to everyone. They create policies that
appear to be popular. However, for all employees, balance is not about going home at six every
evening or limitless flexibility.
 Many employers believe that WLB policies should be applied selectively and treated as a reward for
good work. They feel that employees with great performance records “earn” the right to have more
flexibility. While it is the exactly the other way around.

Work life balance is reality

 when we talk about someone being out of balance, about 100 per cent of the time that means that
they are working too much (too many hours, too much travel, etc.) and that there is too much
burden, not enough joy.
 It’s about job fulfillment – not work-life balance.
 It’s all about trying to balance all the things you get happiness from. I personally find that if you
don't spend time with your family, you are not a happy person. I don't think that makes you a bad
employee or person.
 outside of work can make you better at you job too, whether that's exercising and eating right,
socializing, or reading books, even when not in your field. It’s all about priorities.
 Leaders and entrepreneurs also question the notion that engaged employees and better flexible
policies result in work life balance.
 When you do have moments of joy and happiness, treasure those experiences. It makes the difficult
times seem worth doing. so if you are enjoying your work too, then for you work life balance is real.
 It's all about Hierarchy of Needs, plain and simple.

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 There is a saying – you get into a job you are passionate about, you will never have to work a single
 Alignment, balance, integration, whatever you personally call it, is all relative to what matters to you,
and how you make your life, and work.
 Work/life balance includes having the flexibility in your schedule to integrate the work day better.

Topic 64

Your education is nothing but dirt on your basic intelligence


In today’s world education is of utmost importance for progressing forward. But proper education is
provided only in some parts. What is mostly provided in the name of education is just bookish
knowledge and nothing else. Practical knowledge is the real thing required and this is what is lacking
most. Bookish knowledge tends to reduce the students overall interest and learning towards the topic
whereas practical knowledge not only awakes curiosity but also enhances the basic knowledge of
concepts. Bookish concepts also reduce the thinking power which affects the overall intelligence.


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 Reduces thinking power
 Individual ideas are not taken into consideration
 Person judged on the basis of marks obtained from bookish knowledge
 Practical knowledge suffers
 Persons status in society based on degrees
 Basic concepts unclear
 Common sense takes a backseat
 Individual creativity not there
 Marks and degrees given more importance over intelligence.
 This kind of education blocks self development.
 No hands on or On the job experience


 Since foreign investment is attracted by an educated workforce, a highly educated population is good
for the economy of the country.
 Education is required because the world is changing rapidly so people need to learn new skills and
new courses in order to stay in the workforce.
 In many countries, a very high proportion of the government’s budget is spent on education. This
shows the importance the government attaches to education.
 People in every country whether it is rich or poor are flocking to colleges and schools. Across the
world, people see the value of education.
 Helps in creating a platform to learn and understand better.
 Helps you lead a better life by enabling you to make the right educated decisions.

Topic 65

Is Youth of India confident or confused?


Human Resource is one of the biggest assets of a nation and in our country India the importance of
youth cannot be denied as it constitutes half of its population. As it is rightly said that the youth of a
country is the index of its development the youth power if oriented in the right direction can lead to a
significant growth of the nation.

But do we have a confident youth that can take care of our nation or is it confused, struggling to find its
own path? On one hand most of the young people in our country are doubted for their clarity about life
goals. They are considered to be fewer careers oriented. On the other hand we have young CEO’s just at
the age of 16 defying this perception. The youth has at times proved itself by confidently participating in

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many events such as national political issues conveying their concern for the nation and confidence to
bring a change in the system , getting united throughout the nation against the injustice done to a single
person of the country and many more.


 Launching a movement against corruption and dedicated efforts to get the JanLokpal Bill passed is an
evidence of the confident youth.
 Launching Campaigns regarding the Delhi Gang rape and Kasab’s punishment shows the
determination of the youth against crimes towards humanity.
 Successful hosting of International Events like F1 Racing and Commonwealth Games is a sign of
confident generation.
 The killing Instinct and the spirit of patriotism have made the young Indian Brigade World
Champions in the field of sports.
 The reduction in the social problems like superstitions, dowry menace etc is all a gift of strong youth
 Creating awareness regarding government policies through social networking sites and the
enthusiasm to get the black money back is majorly supported by the young Indians.
 Even after a traditional brought up the youth is open to western culture.
 Majority of the youth is employed by foreign companies indicating the importance of Indian youth in
the International market.
 Increased Education standard and the bulk of opportunities have made them more confident.


 Small failures lead to unnecessary depressions which may even take the form of suicide attempts.
 Irrespective of the opportunities most of the youth tend to get indulged in unproductive activities.
 Most of the young individuals are not clear about their aim in life for example it is a common
problem to decide a career path these days.
 The generation is gullible as Baba’s like Aasaram Bapu can easily mould them.
 They are scared to pursue their dreams and afraid to take risk.
 Peer pressure is considered to be more important than the actual practicalities of life.
 Western Influence has made the youth confused on its ethical and moral values.
 Even after heading on the right path to success they get distracted due to lack of confidence and

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Topic 66

Carbon Credits: are they here to stay?


A certificate or a permit which provides a right to emit one ton of carbon dioxide or mass of another
green house gas equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide is called as a Carbon Credit or a Carbon Offset.
It is one of the remarkable features to reduce greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere
worldwide. Carbon Credits could be explained as financial mechanism that allows a buyer party to pay
another party to remove the same amount of carbon as produced by the paying party. Credits were
chosen by the signatories to the Kyoto Protocol as an alternative to Carbon taxes. A criticism of tax-
raising schemes is that they are frequently not hypothecated, and so some or all of the taxation raised by
a government would be applied based on what the particular nation's government deems most fitting.

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Introduction of Carbon Credits is targeted to build up an approach wherein less carbon intensive
processes would be preferred over zero expenses carbon dioxide emitting procedures in industries.
Validation process and the sophistication of the fund are two factors responsible for the quality of
carbon credits. Carbon Trade Exchange is a phenomenon in the industry which is like the stock exchange
for carbon credits.


 Neutralizing one’s own green house gas emission via simple process ensures a long life for carbon
 It helps in creating awareness regarding the climatic changes.
 Helps to maintain balance in the atmosphere.
 It leads to a better environment for the sustenance of living beings.
 Carbon Credits have become an attractive option, both fiscally and socially thus becoming a potential
 Since a potential business therefore creates employment opportunities.
 Provides us with a scope for research on the process to monitor the trade of carbon credits.
 Helps in building the brand value of a company.
 It may provide a framework for rewarding people or companies who plant trees or otherwise meet
standards exclusively recognized as "green."
 By treating emissions as a market commodity some proponents insist it becomes easier for
businesses to understand and manage their activities, while economists and traders can attempt to
predict future pricing using market theories.


 There is no process to monitor carbon credit companies.

 Provides an opportunity to the world to produce as much carbon as they like considering carbon
offset to be a solution.
 Not meant for everyone but only for the rich class as the documentation charges alot.
 Has led to carbon scams i.e. carbon credits are sold but the carbon is not removed from the
 Carbon taxes are possibly less complex, expensive, and time-consuming to implement. This
advantage is especially great when applied to markets like gasoline or home heating oil.
 Perhaps some reduced risk of certain types of cheating incase of carbon taxes, though under both
credits and taxes, emissions must be verified.
 Reduced incentives for companies to delay efficiency improvements prior to the establishment of
the baseline if credits are distributed in proportion to past emissions.
 When credits are grandfathered, this puts new or growing companies at a disadvantage relative to
more established companies.
 Carbon taxes allows for more centralized handling of acquired gains.
 Worth of carbon is stabilized by government regulation rather than market fluctuations. Poor market
conditions and weak investor interest have a lessened impact on taxation as opposed to carbon
 Seen as roadblock imposed by the already developed nations on developing nations.

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Topic 67:

Valentine’s Day: a day of lies?


Throughout the world, February 14th is often celebrated as “Valentine’s Day”- a day to declare affection
for that special someone. Civilizations have celebrated Valentine’s Day for millennia, but even so, on
February 14, we seem ready to celebrate love once again. The origin of that tradition is not thought to
have any connection with the saint’s day. Rather it comes from an early European belief that the second
week of February was when birds began to mate. The idea suggests that lovers should probably
exchange notes and gifts on February 14 in conjunction with what nature practiced. It then concludes
with “Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is observed as a special day for love and romance. On this day we seem
to live beyond our limits and love beyond our reach. This week starts from 7th of Feb “Rose Day”. 8th
Feb propose day succeeded by Chocolate, Teddy, Promise, Kiss, Hug and then comes the epitome of love
and affection.

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 People start expecting that his or her love would be with them but if they aren’t present due to any
circumstances, it could cause misunderstanding.
 People expect expensive gifts otherwise they become sad and it could cause trouble.
 If you could not undermine the taste of your valentine then it becomes hurdle in upcoming life.
 Some people don’t celebrate it and it causes disappointment among their loved ones.
 People become over romantic and sometimes hurt feelings of their dearest.
 All of a sudden if valentine comes to our mind, we start thinking about our love, why not we
celebrate this day with our parents or family?
 It causes lots of waste of money in the name of love.
 Why not people donate instead of wasting money in the name of love. It could educate a child or
give food to the hunger or can cure the sick.
 The parties organized on the name of this day cause ruckus to the surrounding people especially the
elder ones and students.
 It could cause a mental trauma for those whose dear ones get affected and become sad by someone
praising their partner in front of them.


 It strengthens the trust we show towards our love.

 It gives time to think and sort out misunderstanding with the dear ones we love and cherish.
 It gives some special moment to be loved and cherish forever.
 It results in a special outing which could be helpful to reduce the stress caused due to daily
responsibilities around us.
 It would refresh your loved one’s anger, if they are, by taking them to shopping.
 It boosts our economy as the gifts purchased are more than worth millions.
 It reduces the insecurity about your loved ones.
 Many people celebrate this day with their family and parents and it deepens their joy and feelings,
as they get the best gift for raising their child so patiently and sacrificing so hard.
 This week can make you a versatile writer as your expression to creativity would come out.
 Spark of genius comes extempore, likewise this day can bring you thoughts of love like deep
fathomless oceans and would make you hero in front of your dear ones.

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Topic 68

School/ College Relationships are nothing but a waste of time?


Human emotions are natural and inherent. Relationship is an epitome of human love and compassion in
which affection is represented by two people for each other. The mode of representing love could be
with anything- some lovely poems or by beautiful writings or with some handmade gifts. People are so
preoccupied with their personal problems that they have little understanding of and compassion for
others. Despite the presence of crowds of people all around, everyone finds himself in the sea of
loneliness, life becomes burden and we drag it along. But that’s when life with the compulsive reluctance
comes to an end, when we meet the right person of the life. Their words are balm for the blistering
wound of the life. And that when the beautiful sensation of life called “Relationship” exists and take
away all the obsession in the man by a ‘healing touch’, ‘a word of love’ and ‘a gesture of kindness’.


 People roam here and there unnecessarily wasting precious time of life.

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 They start wasting money on unnecessary things and items in order to impress.
 People start lying which could cause heavy troubles in relationship.
 They get distracted from their careers and goal in order to love and romance.
 For some people this whole thing means only to lay down with your partner which is inappropriate.
 Some people get into distant relationship and continue it through phone and social networking sites
which sometimes results in deception which could cause mental harassment.
 Sometimes they have to feel embarrassment due to immature partners.
 Our society consists of some evils popularly known as khaps and they kill their own loved ones in the
name of honor.
 It could cause jealousy which sometimes causes injury and fighting.
 It affects your health mentally and physically.


 It gives you the required emotional support you need.

 We can share our thoughts and feelings which will help us feel secure.
 We can get motivation from our partner and would get focused on our goal.
 It reduces our stress levels by sharing problems.
 You know about your partner and it would help you in the long run.
 It could develop your personality.
 We could set a target and we could nail it.
 It would increase the coordination with the people we love.
 We could learn and realize different views of tackling a situation.
 It would give us the mix emotions of life from sorrow to happiness breaking the monotony.

Topic 69

Are MNC's superior to Indian companies?


With the population going over 1 Billion, India is emerging as the biggest market in the business world.
The contraction of American economy has resulted in the expanse of Indian economy. Fields like Science,
Technology, Defence, Medicine, Automobile etc. have created the largest market and the profit had lured
the foreign player to get in the market and earn the revenue which no other market appears to provide
in the World. The Indian companies has their own market ratio in our country but due to entry of the
MNCs, except big Indian companies like Reliance, Tata, Birla, the market ratio of the small companies are
losing their ground. The Indian companies provide a large number of good products but disparity in
distribution and advertisement on high scale by the big brothers of the market have plagued the society
to move towards the MNCs. The latest approval of FDI in retail to the companies like Wal-Mart could
harm the Indian players as well as the small scale businessman and Indian diplomacy has ridiculously
failed the taste of time

The privileged class naturally tends to “expand” causing congestion to indigenous industries which had
gone affected badly due to the presence of these big players. They have the trap of resources and know

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the trick offering lucrative temptations .The generosity of their promises and plan is never matched by
honesty of their deeds. Recent example is contraction of Indian IT sector and around 15000 people being
fired by IBM. But instead of that MNCs are increasing their control over their Indian subsidiaries. Let us
hope that Indian talents being deep stamp in Science, Technology, Defence, Medicine, Automobile etc.
would not lag behind in Diplomacy.


 MNCs not only provide people with better and enhanced job opportunities but also with job
securities as well.
 The salaries also in an MNC are much more than compared to an Indian company and hence
benefitting the Indian economy as well.
 It also helps in increasing the import and export trades hence giving a boost to the Indian economy.
 The infrastructure as well as the facilities provided by the MNCs is much better than those provided
by their Indian Counterparts.
 Employees working in a MNC culture have an edge over other employees of going and working in an
international environment.
 They have the corruption free culture.
 They hire the brilliant and talented people from the large pool of people.
 They have superior growth rate as compared to their Indian counterparts.
 MNC’s have made a path for the development of Indian companies. They have helped all top notch
Indian companies to sharpen their business strategies because of which all the customers who avail
their services are benefitted by the good quality.
 They have increased the foreign exchange boosting the Indian economy.


 The Indian Companies are losing its importance with the increasing power of MNC.
 The MNC culture is gradually putting the owners and the employees of Indian companies out of
business as they are unable to match with the standard of infrastructure and facilities provided.
 The MNC’s have a stringent interview process making it difficult for everyone to enter a MNC
 Most MNCs now hire Indian Brains for their success and big companies like Microsoft have Indian
CEO and they are backbone of those MNCs.
 Indian companies like TCS, Infosys, TATA, etc. the big position in the corporate world and they are
playing a vital role in growth of India.
 When concerned with marketing, Indian companies to other MNC’s.
 They are also fast establishing in terms of global presence in terms of operations. These companies
have been showing positive signs of acquisitions front as well.
 Indian Companies have not only provided employment to lots of Indian people but also gave them
chance to show their talent beyond Indian boundaries by giving them opportunity to develop
business outside.
 They have set examples in globalization as well as industrialization and in even economic depression,
Indian companies were merely affected.

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 The Indian companies are serving the best among Forbes 50 and Forbes 100 and they are also listed
in New York Stock Exchange and most of them are on NASDAQ which provides them low cost capital.

Topic 70:

Nothing Changes if nothing Changes: agree or disagree?


Modern man is without rest, peace and sleep. He finds himself in the midst of crime, violence. Moral,
social and individual values are decadent. Little wonder his heart has a deep longing for an escape from
this world of chaos and confusion. The horrors of life make him phantasmagorical. Time is no longer
segmented into present, past and future. Sometimes we unconsciously chose to become ineffective,
irrelevant, or even die rather than change. It happens with individuals, marriages, businesses and
organizations. Traditions and rituals are effective as long as they are relevant. While truth never
changes, times change do as do the needs of people, so when our traditions are no longer relevant, we
need to be open to change; that is, creative and productive change-not just change for change’s sake , or
simply to be so called “politically correct” which, more often than not, is an oxymoron if there was one.
The same applies to our personal life. If we want to see change, instead of doing more of the same which
many of us tend to do when what we are doing isn’t working- we need to make some creative and
relevant changes. As the saying goes, “Nothing changes if nothing changes, and if I keep doing what
we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting what we’ve got always, and will keep feeling what we’ve always

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The statement “Change is inevitable; misery is optional” is truer than many of us care to
admit. Somehow, we imagine that it is possible to live without change. However, we can no more live
and not have change than we can jump without feeling the impact of gravity.
Just as gravity will pull you down when you jump change must happen in life, for to live is to grow
Therefore, to grow is to change, and any thought that we can avoid change in life is pure illusion.


 We could not achieve anything if we won't try to change the thought process.
 If we are not getting anything right by following a regular path we have to change the way we are
trying to achieve.
 Innovations happen always by trying new and we could invent something new in our life.
 Even there are famous quotations in the major religious books that "do your work; god will give you
the desired fruit".
 The way we approach to our problems reflects our thinking and intention to sort out and overcome
that problem.
 It gives us the valuable experience of different feelings of life which would prove beneficial in the
future run.
 Infact an individual called Gandhi could transform timid mob into a bold army for independence then
why won't we succeed if we try hard?
 Newton’s first law of motion states that anything stays at rest or in motion if an external force is not
applied on it.
 After the freedom struggle our country was under huge debt it was only the change of Globalisation
that brought our country back to life.
 Reduction in social evils and awareness regarding technology and every aspect of life has come only
after the change in education system.


 Change is just an illusion for example changing of the seasons is actually a redundancy only ,every
year we have the same format of season one after the other.
 Our age is another factor which keeps on changing irrespective of any other change.
 We cannot change the Universal truths even if we try to make any kind of change like Sun rises from
the east.
 No matter what is done a dead man cannot be brought back to life.
 There are situations when expecting immediate impact of an event cannot be felt such as the fight
against corruption could not be won in a single day.
 A cub will always grow up to become a lion no matter what you make it eat.
 A mango tree will always give us mango fruit irrespective of the climatic or any artificial changes.
 Generations have passed but a fish has not yet learned to fly.
 We even have a proverb “The Dog’s tail will never be straight”.
 Time once lost can never be regained doesn’t matter how much changes and efforts one make.

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Topic 71

Only dead fish swims with the current.


“Only dead fish swims with the current” is a proverb which means that if you always go along with
society norms you will achieve very little meaning with your life. One should not always be a mere
follower. Without experimenting, without taking risk one can never taste the flavour of real success in

An alive fish would try to go against the current swell. Following the footsteps might take you to the right
path without any risk but that will ruin the whole meaning of being alive. You never know you left the
best path in lieu of the right path. Take risks, go against establishment and mainstream codes and you
will achieve things that the majority of the people around you will never achieve.


 Cowards prefer the easy paths as they are scared to take risks in life.
 An easy path will never let u climb the ladder that leads to your dreams.
 Change is the ultimate thing in life and who does not fight back and goes along the flow can never
achieve success.
 People willing to adjust with situations even at the cost of their dreams go along with the

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 People without any goal any aim in life tend to go along the flow and just doesn’t care where are
they headed.
 A person with no hope and no strength would only do that.
 Such people search for opportunities to escape from their responsibilities.
 People without any vision and creativity are the one’s who are expected to fall under this category.
 Timid people tend to choose a path that requires less effort.
 People who don’t have any principles in life and depend on others are dragged away with the flow.


 If the flow is taking you to the right direction then what’s the harm in travelling along the flow.
 Why to withstand so much of hardship to fight back be with the flow because gone is the time when
one could have single handily handled everything .Why to generate unnecessary problems for
 Working according to the norms of the society will prevent you to get into feuds.
 Utilising the experience of elders cannot be treated wrong.
 If we go by the heading it will mean that we should not study as the knowledge has not been
gathered at one instance these are the directions for us from our ancestors to go ahead on the path
of success.
 Principles of Mahatma Gandhi are still valid as proved by Anna Hazare .This is also following the
footsteps. Isn’t it?
 Today’s Modern Technologies invent has become possible only because of the thesis and knowledge
accumulated by following the paths shown by our scientists.
 Sometimes people are compelled to go along with the flow. Incase of natural calamities for example
people struck by tsunami have no other option but to rely on others for food and daily needs.
 People might have their hidden motives hiding themselves and looking for an opportunity to play
their games.
 Sometimes it’s the need of the hour to go along the flow so as to remain in power as many of the
politicians do after getting an opportunity to change their party so as to remain in power.

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Topic 72

Young men think that old men are fools whereas old men know that the young men are


We all have our own ways to perceive things. It is our brought up that effects this most. Today’s
generation which is engulfed with technology in every aspect of life and with an influence of western
culture have different perceptions and thoughts then their elders who have seen the time of carts ,
wells , etc.

The old generation with their traditional ideas and a lot of experience considers the young generation to
be immature and least bothered about their goals. This can be coined as the generation gap and is the
very reason why the two generations fail to understand each other. The young generation on the other
hand perceives the elders to be less open to the change


 Students misbehaving in front of the aged lecturers thinking they will not get to know.
 Teachers are often found quoting in the classrooms that ‘we have been through this phase’.
 Youth having a notion that their parents won’t understand today’s fashion.
 Parents considering today’s fashion to be utter nonsense.
 Youth lying to their parents regarding their whereabouts.
 Most of the expenses of the young generations are wastage of money as thought by the old men.
 Young men consider it that the old men don’t understand their prestige issues.

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 Old men are scared that the immature youngsters may spoil their lives after getting indulged in
fraudulent activities.
 Young men have a thinking that such opportunities will help them to understand the hardships of
 Rely more on technology than physical work but the old generation thinks it might turn them lazy.


 Old men do appreciate the investments of the youngsters as we have many young entrepreneurs
who were initially financially supported by their family.
 Youngsters who work out daily are supported by the elders both financially and mentally so that they
are encouraged to stay involved in physical exercises.
 Youngsters do consult their elders whenever they find themselves stuck in a situation hard for them
to understand.
 Students do like the opportunity to learn from their teachers.
 Teachers appreciate the youth whenever they come up with creative and innovative idea.
 Teachers even provide the students with the opportunities to lead big events .
 Even after excelling in studies or anything a student always bows to his teacher .
 An intelligent man always pays attention to the advice of experience holders.
 An old man always has a respected position in a society.
 Old men do appreciate a youngster getting acquainted with the modern technology and
Topic 73

Is hockey, the right national game for India?


Hockey is a family of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or
a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. In many areas, one sport (typically field
hockey or ice hockey) is generally referred to simply as hockey.

 Hockey is the national game and is related with the identity of nation and it cannot be changed.
 If we fell patriotic on this issue than we should move forward and try to encourage and make hockey
popular. Businessman can sponsor it, Common man can watch it and motivate their children to join
hockey and government can facilitate the players.
 Hockey is a very good sport from all points of view. There are many pockets in the country where it
runs in the blood of the people. The generation that saw our national team lifting champions
trophies and gold medals at mega events like the world cup and Olympics is still alive.
 There are several factors responsible for the decline of Hockey in the country. Lack of proper
planning and motivation, politicization of the bodies relating to promotion of the game, shrinking
space for the children to play and several other factors can be mentioned here.
 Hockey as a sport is not market-friendly in present circumstances. It does not serve the interests of
corporate houses and therefore, the sport is disappearing from schools and colleges, and also from
the television. On the other hand, the market friendly game of Cricket is becoming popular day by

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 Game doesn’t bring sensation. Media and people make the game popular. For a fact India is having
1/6th of world’s population and only one game is popular. Whereas in other countries all games have
equal importance and popularity.
 Nowadays in India, Cricket is popular and everyone is willing to make it the national game but if one
day its popularity becomes low than what? People will again ask to change the game.
 Just because the present hockey team is not performing well as compared to the earlier team, we
should not conclude that their days are gone, instead government should pay attention and provide
them proper facilities and to regain their position.
 We should not start disliking our national game just because we lost some matches or the players
are not that popular. Rather, we should start encouraging and motivating the game and the players.
 Attention should be paid against the game as it is the national game. Otherwise, today people
demand to change our national game, tomorrow the national anthem than the national animal and
so on.

 Indian national game should be changed to cricket because it has just become the charming line that
our national game is hockey. No one knows the name of the hockey players and about the match
schedule. If we do not change, we cannot progress.
 National game should be changed to Cricket, because it is very popular among the people of India.
India does not have a sport that is more popular than cricket. The matchup each year between India
and Australia is very popular, and people watch it with great enthusiasm every year.
 The National game should be the choice of the nation, which is cricket.
 Moreover Cricket is the only sport India is shining in. It is the only sport funded well by the
government and is the only sport with proper training facilities. India also has a rich history in
 Hockey has lost the primacy of being national game ever since 1980 Olympics.
 Cricket has taken over the minds and heart of the Indian public since 1983 world cup victory.
 If Hockey is not able to create any sensation among the youths, then it’s not our fault. It's the
weakness of the game.
 Hockey has also failed in getting the attention of the politically-governing class of the country.
 The national game is not going to fetch money and fame for them. On the other hand, the cricketers
can provide them both.
 Lastly, the earning potential in cricket has been the primary cause for the popularity of the sports.
The lure for game in terms of playing for the nation holds true, except for a few individuals.

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Topic 74:

If wishes were horses, beggar would ride them.


If wishes were horses, beggar would ride, it simply means that if wishing could make things happen then
even the poorest people would have everything they wanted. Now-a-days people live in their imaginary
world, sitting, relaxing and thinking “I would be a richest or famous one day”. They should come out
from their imaginary world and face to the reality. You can’t be successful until and unless you are not
trying to reach your goal/dream. Moreover you are not a looser until and unless you stop trying.
The word Fate does not really exist. People keep on blaming their fate, which is the biggest useless thing,
they did so far. Make wishes and they all possible possibility, so that you wish come true.

 Without any wishes your aim is incomplete.
 Don’t only wish and sit, try to achieve your goal..
 Wishes should be under the person’s control.
 Wish is the first step to reach your goal.
 God helps those who help themselves

 Nothing can be possible without hard work.

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 Hardworking, plays crucial role to reach our goal.
 Only wishing cannot make you rich or famous.
 Sometimes we only make choice to absorb a dependency, and just move over.
 If one could readily have what one wanted, life would be easy.
 Only wishes does not make your wish come true

Topic 75:

Indians lack a sense of social responsibility


I sincerely agree that the present generation in India is lacking with the social responsibilities not only
towards the society but towards their family, as well. In today’s world, most of the Indians are so
engrossed in their personal pursuits that they give very little or no attention to their responsibilities
towards the society or their near ones. They are least bothered about where the society is heading as
long as their demands are being met. Social responsibilities do not just mean your concern towards your
neighbors or nearby society; it involves a greater responsibility with regard to the world and other
people as well. Indians are far from being a responsible lot of citizens. They take most of the facilities
being provided to them for granted and use the given resources relentlessly. They never give back what
they use. A responsible being not only takes care of his personal needs but also of the general well-

 They are irresponsible
 Fail to renew the resources they use.
 Greedy.
 Bothered about personal interest only.
 Have a general lack of interest of what’s happening around them.
 Not worried about future consequences of their present actions.

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 Careless nature.
 No respect for other individuals.
 Indulge in acts which harm the society in general.
 Abandon own family for greedy pursuits.

 Not every citizen is the same.
 People working for welfare of society do exist.
 Indians are one of the most hardworking individuals.
 Indians have the most talented and creative population.
 Social issues are being handled internationally by Indian firms as well.
 Indians have the most successful marriages.
 Familial ties hold equal importance.

Topic 76

Innovation is the need of time


Linking the words ‘‘science,’’ ‘‘technology,’’ and ‘‘innovation,’’ may suggest that we know more about
how these activities are related than we really do. This very common linkage implicitly conveys a linear
progression from scientific research to technology creation to innovative products. More nuanced
pictures of these complex activities break them down into components that interact with each other in a
multi-dimensional socio-technological economic network.


 Innovations to be adopted and integrated into economies depends on their ability to satisfy
some perceived need by consumers, and that perception may be an artifact of marketing, or
fashion, or cultural inertia, or ignorance.
 Some of the largest and most profitable industries in the developed world—entertainment,
automobiles, clothing and fashion accessories, health products, children’s toys, grownups’ toys!
—depend on perceptions of need that go far beyond the utilitarian and are notoriously difficult
to predict.
 Innovation depends on harvesting knowledge from a range of disciplines besides science and
technology, among them design, social science, and the arts.

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 The work of entrepreneurs, scientists, and software geeks alike contributes to innovation. It is
also about the middlemen who know how to realize value from ideas. Innovation flows from
shifts in mind-set that can generate new business models, recognize new opportunities, and
weave innovations throughout the fabric of society.
 Science, of course, always changes through the accumulation of knowledge, but it also changes
through revolutions in its theoretical structure.
 Technology today flows increasingly from research laboratories but the influence of technology
on both science and innovation depends strongly on its commercial adoption, that is, on market
 The mass market for precision electro-mechanical devices like cameras, printers, and disk drives
is the basis for new scientific instrumentation and also for further generations of products that
integrate hundreds of existing components in new devices and business models like the Apple
 Innovation is changing too as it expands its scope beyond individual products to include all or
parts of systems such as supply chains and inventory control, as in the Wal-Mart phenomenon.
 Continued development of interdisciplinary 21 st century biology and physics contributes to
information technology and much else.
 Innovation requires an educational infrastructure that produces people with a global awareness
and sufficient technical literacy to harvest the fruits of current technology.


 Need to worry about the psychological impact of the rapid advance of information technology.
 This is certainly true of what may be the greatest technical challenge of all time—the delivery of
energy to large developed and developing populations without adding greenhouse gases to the
 Structural complexities and the intrinsic dynamism of science and technology pose challenges to
policy makers. Among these are globalization and the impact of global economic development
on the environment.
 Development policies that destroy economically important environmental systems, contribute to
harmful global change, and undermine the natural resource basis of the economy are bad
 Sustainability is now an international issue because the scale of development and the
globalization of economies have environmental and natural resource implications.
 A small scientific establishment will not have significant direct economic impact. Its value at
early stages of development is indirect, bringing higher performance standards, international
recognition, and peer role models for a wider population.
 The indirect benefit of scientific research to a developing country far exceeds its direct benefit,
and policy needs to recognize this.
 Keeping in mind that the innovation ecology includes far more than science and technology, it
should be obvious that within a small national economy innovation can thrive on a very small
indigenous science and technology base.
 Innovation does not require is the creation by governments of a system that defines, regulates,
or even rewards innovation except through the marketplace or in response to evident success.
 Some regulation of new products and new ideas is required to protect public health and
environmental quality, but innovation needs lots of freedom.

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Topic 77

IPL: do they foster growth of sport or not?


IPL was started with much fanfare in 2008. It was regarded as the next big thing in cricket. Under the
guidance of Lalit Modi, it started off really well. It was inspired by the highly popular EPL (English Premier
League). Since its inception, it has caught the eyes of players and viewers alike. It brought bollywood and
corporate less than one roof. It resulted in a huge amount of money being poured into the game.

Presence of Bollywood stars during matches raised the glamour quotient. Pay-package of international
players increased by leaps and bound.

Of all the clichés that are abound in the IPL; the most aggravating is this notion that the IPL gives
upcoming Indian talent an opportunity. IPL owners and the IPL itself are invariably falling over each other
to point out how much they are contributing to developing talent for India. This is nonsense, but it is just

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another line that is added to the paragraph of lies about how the IPL is saving Indian Cricket, as opposed
to leeching off it. The reservation for Indian players in the IPL (there must be at least 20 Indian players on
the roster of each IPL franchise), is often presented as Exhibit A in the case for the claim that the IPL is
making a grand contribution to cricket.


 Owing to the popularity of this tournament, it gets wide media coverage.

 Its fan base is increasing at a rapid pace, which is really good sign for cricket as a game.
 IPL provides cricketers a handsome package and a secure future.
 IPL, in spite of its money and glamour quotient, was projected as a league for nurturing young
Indian talent.
 IPL has provided us with a number of gifted talents. Many of them have made it to the Indian
team and proved their worth. Raina, Ashwin, Jadeja to name a few, have been major finds from
 In IPL, every player is paid the match fees. Besides, he is also paid for every six he hits and other
sources also help him in his earnings.
 IPL has totally redefined the game of cricket.
 IPL has brought glamour and money in the game.
 Hotels, restaurants, gift stores, and other small businesses benefitted from increased spending
from visitors and the IPL.
 It is the greatest show on Indian soil with millions of educated, well-off people watching who
may be motivated and enticed positively to take ownership of improving their communities and


 IPL does not prepare a player for an international game.

 Not all players get a chance to play in this tournament.
 He pointed out that the advertisement and sponsorship pie was limited and cannot sustain.
 The ugly part of the IPL is long and has been discussed extensively. It is getting nastier each day.
 IPL, being a domestic tournament, does not come under ICC control. This has made it prone to
match fixing.
 During the world cup, 2011, no player was included in the team who was completely new or was
an exclusive star of IPL.
 It is not worthwhile blasting the IPL for having rich owners and Bollywood stars. The fact is they
have the resources to take risks and make certain things happen. The objections that the rich are
becoming richer are shortsighted. But what we need is to stop subsidizing these rich owners in
the name of economic development that lowers the supposed risk, but makes the rewards
disproportionately higher.
 In an IPL, every player has to play more than 14 matches with
the other teams and that also in an aggressive manner. It may result in physical injury, strains
which may affect his international career.

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Topic 78

Is China a threat to Indian industry?


The accelerated economic growth of both China and India in recent years has been the focus of
significant policy discussion and analysis. China’s economic growth has been led by manufacturing, while
India’s growth has been through information technology (IT). As both of these countries look to sustain
their growth, China is striving to increase its presence in IT, while India strives to be a stronger player in

For China to increase its IT sector, necessary policy steps include: focus current IT industry on global
exports; spur entrepreneurship and reduce dependence on central government; create a strong trade
association to improve regulatory environment; and improve quality and approach of educational

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system. Conversely, for India to improve its manufacturing sector, it must increase its FDI inflows for
manufacturing and improve basic infrastructure.

Indicators India China

Size of Population 1.1 Billion 1.3 Billion
Type of Government Democracy Communist State
GDP Growth (2005) 7.9% 9.3%
Manufacturing as a % of GDP 16% 53.3%
Services as a % of GDP 51.5% 32.2%
FDI Inflows (2005 – 2006) 7.5 Billion (predicted) 52 Billion
Remittances (2003) 17.4 Billion 4.6 Billion


• Sino-Indian trade last year soared 56 per cent to $38.7bn according to Chinese data, and could
reach $60bn by 2010. But this is heavily tilted in China’s favour, with the deficit more than
doubling to $9.17bn in the past fiscal year.
• As India begins its long-awaited infrastructure build-out, China’s share of its trade is expected to
grow exponentially on the back of an unprecedented surge in capital goods imports.
• The trend is alarming some business lobby groups in the subcontinent, who fear Indian
manufacturers will be overrun. Some sections where the pain is already felt are bicycles, locks,
toys, textiles, umbrellas, dry battery cells and TVs. The Chinese set up world class manufacturing
facilities and simultaneously kept labor costs low. Their expertise in large-scale quality
manufacturing and high productivity is reflected in some of their products — TVs and appliances
— closely matching Japanese and Korean companies in quality and price. Besides, the Chinese
government has kept working capital interest levels and fuel rates low to ensure reduced
product costs. Export subsidies also make the products price competitive in international
• Assocham’s second BPO Industry Confidence Survey identifies China as India’s greatest challenge
with 54.45 per cent of the respondents opining the sleeping giant would eat into India’s share
with its superior technological skills. The latest Gartner Inc research predicts a 25 per cent slide
in Indian offshore business process outsourcing by 2007, a significant drop from the country’s
present majestic market share of 80 percent.
• A large number of Chinese made goods are flooding the Indian local markets and have caused a
lot of upheavals, and has dislocated the functioning of the Indian industry in their normal way. A
lot of Indian small scale and medium sized industries have downed their shutters due to their
goods being not sold and left lying in the ‘go downs’, this has caused loss of employment to
people who are dependent on the industry. Some of such industries have taken recourse to
smuggling and selling Chinese made goods to sustain themselves.
• Customers feel that the cost of sourcing work from China is lower than from India.


• The Chinese manufacturers do not seem comfortable with products made using flexible
manufacturing systems, complex industrial engineering, dependent multiple vendors or products
requiring customization.

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• Though the Chinese products are priced low, they may not be of reliable quality. So quality still
seems to be an issue with Chinese manufacturing industry.
• As India has been very strong in some industrial sectors such as the pharmaceutical sector,
Ranbaxy and Dr Reddy’s Labs moving up from intermediates to bulk substances to branded
generics to new drug delivery system and finally to drug discovery where the ROI (return on
investment) is the highest, we need to maintain the same momentum. Only a few world class
firms compete at the upper end of the market.
• There is no immediate threat to India from China in the short term till Beijing overcomes hurdles
including proficiency in English language and the highly fragmented nature of the Chinese IT
industry. Without adequate scale, Chinese players are unlikely to attract top international clients.
Besides, there are lingering concerns about Beijing’s ability to tackle Intellectual Property
protection disputes though it has set up IP tribunals in various courts manned by judges with IP
expertise. .

Topic 79

Is India a lenient country?


The Republic of India, the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over
1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world is situated in South Asia

India became one of the fastest-growing major economies; it is considered a newly industrialized
country. However, it continues to face the challenges of poverty, illiteracy, corruption, malnutrition,
inadequate public healthcare, and terrorism. A nuclear weapons state and a regional power, it has the
third-largest standing army in the world and ranks seventh in military expenditure among nations. India
is a federal constitutional republic governed under a parliamentary system consisting of 28 states and 7
union territories. India is a pluralistic, multilingual, and multiethnic society. It is also home to a diversity
of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats.

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Indian cultural history spans more than 4,500 years. During the Vedic period (c. 1700–500 BCE), the
foundations of Hindu philosophy, mythology, and literature were laid, and many beliefs and practices
which still exist today, such as dharma, karma, yoga, and mocha, were established. India is notable for its
religious diversity, with Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, and Jainism among the nation's major


 Increasing Crime rate

 Increasing cases of Rapes
 Leniency towards terrorism
 Increasing pollution
 Increasing corruption
 Pending Legal cases


 India’s operational platform is very large

 Huge geography, large number of people, limited law makers, very limited resources

Topic 80

Is internet becoming an addiction?


The dot-com world is just a click away. It has become one of the most universal methods for
communication with over 100 million users worldwide. From e-mail to the possibly billions of web pages
including social networking sites and MUDs [Multi-User Dungeons], there is an infinite amount of
information flowing. The enticing aspect of internet is that just mere keywords can lead you to the vast
world of unknowns. It is a knowledge pool if used wisely. While time spent online can be hugely
productive, compulsive Internet use can cause problems in various arenas of life. This heavy usage is a
form of addiction - titled it Pathological Internet Usage, an actual mental health disorder

Internet Use Disorder has the many of the basic hallmarks of any other addiction. According to the
American Psychiatric Association, a person with IUD will experience “preoccupation” with the internet or
internet gaming, withdrawal symptoms when the substance (internet) is no longer available, tolerance

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(the need to spend more and more time on the internet to achieve the same “high”), loss of other
interests, unsuccessful attempts to quit, and use of the internet to improve or escape dysphoric mood.

The relationship between “addiction” and various compulsive or impulsive behaviors is also a source of
confusion. Some psychiatrists have argued that internet addiction shows the features of excessive use,
withdrawal phenomena, tolerance, and negative repercussions that characterize many substance use
disorders; however, there are few physiological data bearing on these claims.


 IUD is an actual mental health disorder

 A person with IUD experiences preoccupation with the internet or internet gaming, withdrawal
symptoms when the substance (internet) is no longer available, tolerance (the need to spend more
and more time on the internet to achieve the same “high”), loss of other interests, unsuccessful
attempts to quit, and use of the internet to improve or escape dysphoric mood.
 People addicted to cocaine, heroin and people with IUD show same demonstrable changes in their
brains – both in the connections between cells and in the brain areas that control attention,
executive control, and emotion processing.
 A research has found that people who are hooked on the internet have changes in how the brain’s
dopamine system operates – dopamine is generally credited for allowing us to experience pleasure
and reward.
 Internet addiction causes isolation, poor health, life interference, withdrawals, and aggressive
 It starts to intrude on your overall well-being, or sanity, or it takes precedence over time with your
kids or spouse.
 The Internet and its related forms of communication may serve to water down the quality of our
 Online interactions may normalize and encourage self-injurious behavior and add potentially lethal
behaviors to the repertoire of established adolescent self-injurers and those exploring identity
 In this way, it’s a bit like food addiction, which they say is the hardest to treat, since you can’t just
quit the substance; you have to actually learn how to manage it.
 For many people, managing is harder than quitting.


 Even if you are addicted to internet, your addiction will endow you with the capacity for lighting
fast responses to work emails, making you a more valuable employee than your non-addicted
 Communication: The Internet expands our reach and keeps us connected with people who would
otherwise fall out of our lives
 Findings indicate that children who used the Internet more had higher standardized test scores in
reading and higher grade point averages (GPAs)
 Cloud computing
 Knowledge pool: E-books, Wikipedia etc
 Source of entertainment
 This dependence is actually beneficial, since it lets you to be more productive professionally.

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 Online interactions provide essential social support for otherwise isolated adolescents.
 Authentic information on current affairs and updates.
 Ease of access

Topic 81

Is MBA necessary to succeed in business?


As we all know that skills are not inborn. They come by experience and it takes time. You can say that
MBA is a shortcut to know about all these skills. MBA is useful in treating our business in the appropriate
manner & make the right strategic & tactical decisions. If anybody wants to become man of success in
the corporate world in current struggling era, for him it is significant to do MBA. Because it is the way
through which one could acquire the real know how of business and corporate world. It is development
of Attitude & discipline to brain

But on the other hand, in today's generation under this milkyway galaxy if we see most of CEO's are non
MBA. MBA is part of matrices of our education policy or can just the demand of market and position off-
course. There is no need to capitalize an MBA, if want to get succeed AIM and positive attitude towards
goal is enough. For Ex- Dhirubhai ambani - tenth pass & was owner of the Reliance.


 MBA provides a holistic view to business

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 MBA provides the much required knowledge about various domains of management like HR,
Finance and Marketing
 MBA is a mandatory required in most of the blue chip companies for roles at all levels
 MBA curriculum are projects and presentation oriented which helps the students enhance their
communication and personality
 MBA enhance our managerial skills
 MBA degree gives you an added advantage over others in terms of knowledge, how to handle
business situations, how to deal with the clients, how to face the real situations.
 MBA also plays important role to generate knowledge, skill and personality development
 Studies never harm it could be a matter of choice.
 MBA develops overall personality of an individual which is the present demand of market.
 MBA is a Brushing up tool for the peoples who have the quality of leading others.
 MBA is a course which is having practical thinking and practical doing about the subject.
 It is a good investment for bright future in economic market.
 MBA is a smarter and shorter way to get a proper job. Now-a-days, competition is very tough
and there is no assurance that somebody will get a government job within few years after
completing the graduation, and in case of non government job, in corporate world a
management degree is always welcome.
 Management skills tell how to grasp the profit.


 Most of the best entrepreneurs of the world have not done their MBA while they were on the
 If you don't know how to manage people and how to manage various work your degree is waste.
MBA is teaching all about managing all resources.
 MBA would only be useful to those who not only have ability to grasp/understand management
 There are numerous known-unknown universities offering the MBA degree which is decreasing
the standards of this degree.
 There are many MBA's who are still unemployed.
 Hard work is more important than wasting your time in collecting a pile of degrees.
 Education doesn't mean filling the bucket but give the bucket's water to your surroundings.
 The education is not only related to MBA, we can also choose some other courses to get
 MBA is not for aspiring entrepreneurs but for management professionals.

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Topic 82

LGBT: An un-ignorable reality?


LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The word LGBT is intended to emphasize a
diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. It is also sometimes called LGBTQ for those who
identify themselves as queer and/or are questioning their sexual identity.

However LGBT people in India face the danger of being imprisoned up to a life time because of their
sexual orientation. Homosexual intercourse is a criminal offence under section 377 of the Indian Penal
Code since 1860. In 2009, the Delhi High Court found Section 377 to be in direct violation of
fundamental rights provided by the Indian Constitution

However, on 23 February 2012, the Union Home Ministry told the Supreme Court that it was opposed to
the decriminalization of homosexual activity. Hence section 377 was reinstated.


 There is no point in threatening them to change their sexual orientation, when they are born
that way.
 Forcing a lesbian or gay person to be in a relationship with a person of opposite sex is injustice to
both the individuals in the relationship.
 Section 377 violates the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality.
 Facing discrimination and being branded a criminal because of sexual preferences is absurd.

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 What two individuals do in the privacy of their home should not be a matter of concern for
anyone else as long as they are not indulging in any crime.
 If it is legalized, it will help more people to accept their sexual preferences and not spend their
life in pain and denial.
 It may also help their families and our society to accept them.
 Some argue that homosexuality is 'unnatural'. But they have no valid explanation for their
 Criminalizing homosexuality violates human rights.
 Legalizing LGBT will not harm “family values” and the society will continue to function


 Traditionally, relationships are defined as between a man and a woman.

 It is incompatible with the beliefs and traditions of many religious groups.
 It goes against the laws of nature.
 It is not easily accepted by the society.
 Homosexual people as well as their families have to face a lot of problems and discrimination in
the society because of their sexual orientation.
 There are still a large percentage of people who are narrow minded or old fashioned and thus do
not accept these changes.
 It is considered immoral in a lot of communities or religious groups.
 Legalizing it would turn what is morally wrong into a civil right.
 Homosexuality does not create a family. It destroys the idea and purpose of marriage.
 It is pressuring the society to accept, validate and promote what is morally wrong.

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Topic 83

Black Money: Parallel Economy


Money, the most important element in the entire life of every individual. From a top businessman to a
worker, from a sports athlete to a politician, from a burglar to a policeman, everybody has value for
money.Ever since money has been introduced as the medium of trade, the priority and objectives in
people’s lives has been bounded by earning money for food, shelter, health, luxury etc. Every
organization and every individual contribute towards the economy of a country. A country where the
workforce gives taxes gives the country a chance to prosper, develop and grow. But there is a dark brutal
force which hurts and hinders the progress and development of a nation- Black Money

In simple terms, black money is referred to as the money earned by people or organizations by sale,
trade or business and which is unaccounted for. As an administrative and legislative organization, the
government charges various taxes to its citizens to control the surplus money with them and use that
revenue for providing technology, infrastructure, education , health services etc to the people.

Important data points on Black money:

 Some people avoid paying taxes or use the loopholes in the system and create a parallel economy
which is collectively called the black money.
 One of the most important contributors to black money is piracy.
 Apart from paying their taxes, business organizations pay millions of dollars for copyright and patent
of their products so that other brands and companies do not misuse their branding efforts.
 Not only does it directly affect the original companies, but it also erodes the foundation and
development of the country by nonpayment of taxes.

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 The estimated piracy market in India alone is over $2 billion which is bound to grow as keeping a vigil
on it is next to impossible at least in the current scenario.
 To evade taxes, corrupt businessmen, politicians and other people, hide their black money, assets,
precious gifts etc in foreign banks which are not bound by the laws of their country, thereby
depriving their government of the revenue needed for progress.
 From multi-crore scams to avoiding taxes to selling products even Re.1 above the M.R.P., all of these
things eventually add up to destabilize the economy.
 A source from Swiss bank quotes "Indians are poor but India is not a poor country". Adding to that,
"Rs. 280 lacks crore" of Indian money is deposited in Swiss banks which can be used for 'tax less'
budget for 3 decades. This unaccounted money can give 60 crore jobs; from any village to Delhi 4
lane roads can be built; free power supply can be given to more than 500 social projects. Also,
every citizen can get monthly Rs.2000/- for 60 years and there would be no need of World Bank
& IMF loans. This is how the unaccounted black money causes problems to the country due to
the greed of a few people.

Similarly, with the existence of an economy, there exists a parallel economy, where the rodent black
money, erodes the prosperity of a nation and makes the foundation hollow.

Topic 84

Importance of co-curricular activities in employability


All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Graduates looking for employment today are entering an
extremely competitive market with employers not only looking for the knowledge and skills gained
whilst a student is studying, but also looking for the skills and experience gained through co-curricular
activities and the ability for students to be able to articulate this. Rewards and recognition in co-
curricular activities are a clear indication of the student possessing skills like competiveness, focus,
strategy, teamwork, stamina etc.


 Interpersonal Skills, Process Orientation, Teamwork, Effective communication are a few highly
rated skills by the corporate that can be developed by participation in co-curricular like sports,
dancing, organizing, by being an office bearer etc.
 Co-curricular activities allow students to gain the skills demanded by today’s employers and is an
effective way of enhancing the student experience.
 It is well said that - Beyond the knowledge and skills gained during academics curriculum
opportunities help enhance employability and future life choices.
 Employers greatly value the knowledge and skills that graduates develop whilst studying at
 Along with the skills and experience they gain from undertaking activities beyond the
curriculum. The most employable graduates are those who not only have this blend of skills, but
who are able to demonstrate and articulate how they have developed their skills and why they
are important.

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 The graduate employment market is extremely competitive and as such it is crucial that students
are well equipped during their time at university to successfully progress and achieve their
potential in the workplace, a need which has been made even more acute by the recession.
 Employers (including businesses, charities, voluntary organizations and the public sector)
greatly value the knowledge and skills that graduates develop whilst studying at university, along
with the skills and experience they gain from undertaking activities beyond the curriculum. The
most employable graduates are those which not only possess such skills, but are able to
reflect and articulate how they have developed their skills and why they are important.
 Employability skills are best embedded when there is a natural and sometimes obvious area in
the curriculum for these skills to be developed and practiced. Whilst this is potentially easier for
professionally-facing courses, the exercises and ideas suggested here have been created with all
disciplines in mind and can be adapted to courses with no specifically vocational focus.


 At times students get too engrossed in co-curricular and they ignore their academics which
adversely affects their employability

 Many students actually participate in co-curricular activities only to avoid classes

 Students are, at times, unable to sell what they have learned from their Co-curricular
participations, during an interview

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Topic 85

Is Cricket an overrated sport in INDIA?


Cricket is our national passion. There is public interest in the game. It is like a religion in India. Unlike
other sports, the different formats - Tests, ODIs, T20s have been able to pull audiences to the game. That
is why money is chasing it in the form of advertisements and sponsorships. The frenzy over the fast
paced T20 format has added to its popularity

India has been consistent in the cricketing world as one of the formidable sides ever since India started
taking part in the sport. The 1983 World Cup triumph totally changed the conception of Cricket in India.
Cricket administrators grabbed the opportunity and transformed the way the game was played and
promoted. Stalwarts like Sunil Gavaskar, Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar to name a few have added shine
to the popularity of Cricket. They have immensely influenced and inspired the youngsters of the country.
As against this there have been stalwarts in other sports like Dyanchand in Hockey, Vijay Amritraj in
Tennis, PT Usha in athletics, Geet Sethi but they have been far and few between. Cricket has time and
again brought laurels to the country. In 2007, India won the inaugural T20 World Cup and India, until
very recently, was the number one Test Team and is presently the no.1 ODI team in the World. India has
been participating in the Olympics for the past 100 years. But it was only in 2008 Beijing Olympics that
India won a gold medal in an individual event


 Cricket is the only force that can unite this diverse country. The game does not recognize caste, color
or creed.
 Another accusation is that cricket is sponsorship-driven, but that's because the game has produced
winners. Sponsorship started only after India won the World Cup in 1983.

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 We are not responsible for this; nor are the media. The Indian team performed excellently at the
Commonwealth Games and newspapers carried it on their front pages but how many watched
the games? Nothing can be forced down people's throat.

 It was never advocated to follow cricket over other sports

 It's the widespread acceptability of cricket that's responsible for the game's popularity.

 The game has always produced greats .The Indian cricket team has at every step achieved great
results and the people recognize this. And hence the extensive fan-base.


Cricketers are paid handsome salaries for playing for the Country. Even a player who plays in the
domestic matches (Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy) is being paid in thousands/match.

 On the other hand, sportspersons in other sports get peanuts compared to our cricketers. They have to
take up other jobs to support their family income.
 The infrastructure required for the development of other sports is in shambles. This is largely because of
appalling conduct of the administrators.

 State-of-the-art facilities are lacking. A media expose of the pathetic conditions in which Olympic bronze
medalist Sushil Kumar was practicing shows our administrators' indifference.

 Even the preparations for The Delhi Commonwealth Games were way behind schedule.

 Cricket is being promoted in India by the BCCI over shadows other sports. It is reflected in sponsorships,
endorsements and television deals for Team India which run into several crores of rupees. 70% of
cricket's global revenues is generated in India making the Indian Board the richest in the world. BCCI has
turned the game into a money spinner to fill its own coffers.

 Other sports are able to attract a handful of sponsors as most of them feel other sports are not a paying

 The runaway success of the franchisee based T20 league like the IPL wherein cricketers are able to
pocket huge sums of money has attracted the younger generation more towards the sport. Today youths
in India want to chase big money and fame. They think that even if they get to play in the

 IPL or other such leagues they can earn big money, leave alone playing for the country. This has robbed
other sports of youngsters taking to the game

 Most of the sportspersons who have won medals for India in Olympics or other major events have done
so on their own merit and hard work without much support either from the administrators or the
government. They had to spend money out of their own pocket for hiring a coach and for their training.

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Example: Abninav Bindra. Recently some Indian shooters had to hire a coach by spending their own
money as the National Rifle Association of India was not able to provide them with a coach. On the other
hand, Cricket teams are provided foreign coaches, support staff who are paid attractive salaries plus

Cricketers who do not consider Padma awards worthy of their presence (what a few cricketers did during
last year's Padma Awards) are felicitated. As against Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar was ignored for this
year's Padma awards. These can a negative dent on a sportsperson's performance as he/she can feel that
their achievement is not being recognized

Cricketers are paid handsome bonuses when they win a major tournament. On the other hand, when
the Hockey Team won the Azlan Shah Hockey tournament, they were initially denied bonuses on the
ground that it was not as big a tournament as the World Cup. This attitude of the administrators can deal
a heavy blow to the moral of the players.

Topic 86

Is profit the only business of business?


Businesses are formed for profits. All the efforts of a business are focused on maximizing productivity
and minimizing costs thereby maximizing profitability


 Even if not told in so many words, this is the reality

 If profits are not there, businesses will not be there
 Businesses provide bread on the plate to employees, employment opportunities, goods and
services, so it is very important that businesses are profitable
 A business that does not run with profitability in mind is not professional
 A profitable business is a positive boost to GDP, Stock Markets and Stakeholder wealth


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 Companies push substandard products and services
 Companies do not hire adequate people to maximize profits. This puts undue stress on existing
employees as they have to work extra hours. This also disturbs work life balance
 Tax evasion for profit maximization is a direct hit to economy

Topic 87

The me I see, the me I become: Agree or not?


This quote basically talks about the fact that your thoughts groom your future. What we think starts
reflecting in our talks and our actions. Our actions become our habits. Our habits define our personality.
Our achievements in turn are dependent on our personality


 It is true that if you are not thinking a particular direction, you will never take that direction
 Our thoughts groom our actions
 A good visualization about yourself gives you the confidence to move in that direction
 Our efforts gradually sync up with our thoughts


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 Many people are not able to pursue what they have in their mind
 Dichotomy between what you have in your mind and what you do actually in life can make you
loose focus on the bird in hand
 At times what you think does not match with your skills, values and capabilities.

Topic 88

Defense expenses: Is it justified?


India's defence spending is expected to rise 10 percent to 2.24 trillion rupees ($36 billion) in 2014/15,
Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said in an interim budget presented on Monday.

India is a top market for defence hardware, buying some $12.7 billion in arms during 2007-2011,
according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. India is number 9th in his spending
on weapons. India spend 41.3 billion dollar each year on weapons, which 2.7 percent of its total GDP.
India increased its military spending by 17 per cent to $41 billion in the Union Budget 2012-13. Of this
expenditure, $17.5 billion will be reserved for procuring new equipment.
The hike comes a year after India had increased its budget expenses by 11 per cent.

Geo-political uncertainty is rising again. After Russia’s unexpected annexation of Crimea, the world is on
the edge again. And this time the stakes are much bigger.

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In a situation like this, it’s worth looking around the globe to see how geared up the world’s military
powers are.

Defence spending in general rises and falls as the environment alternates between peace and
uncertainty. For example, the cold war period, as we all know, saw heightened defence spending while
the fall of the Soviet Union led to cutbacks in spending.

After 1988, the USA essentially emerged as a single super-power and an era of relative peace prevailed.

Defence budgets kept falling until 2001 when the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America plunged the world
into another era of hostilities, namely the war on terrorism. Total world defence expenditure has been
on the rise since 2002.

Top Defence Spenders

According to information from The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) the United
States of America remains the largest spender in the world, spending more than all the next top ten
defence spenders combined.

Now, let’s come closer home. China recently announced a 12% increase in military expenditure for 2014.
China’s military expenditure has been increasing in double figures in recent years.

China’s increased military spending coincides with its increased aggression and assertiveness in the
region – be it the controversial Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) declared late last year or border
disputes with India, both in Kashmir and the North East, and the territorial disputes with Japan over the
Senkaku Islands.

On the other hand, India recently announced a 10% jump in its defence budget for 2014-15. Pension
reforms – One Rank One Pension – were also proposed in the interim budget presented by Finance
Minister P Chidambaram on March 17.

In 2012, India was ranked 9th in the world in terms of military expenditure while it was at the 10th
position in 2002, a jump of one position in a decade.

China, during the same period, went from the 5th largest military spender in 2002 to 2nd in 2012,
overtaking France, Japan and UK. Russia also had a rapid rise in position from 8th in 2002 to the 3rd
largest spender in the world in 2012.

India’s military expenditure in 2012 (current US $) was $ 46.1 billion while the Chinese military
expenditure, according to SIPRI’s estimates, was $166.1 billion–more than three times India’s military

Saudi Arabia has the largest military expenditure as a percentage of the GDP followed by Israel. Since
both these countries have troubled borders and hostile neighbours, it becomes important for them to
have proportionally large military expenditures.

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India is ranked sixth on this list, spending 2.5% of its GDP on defence. UK, France and China are lower
down the list. India, in fact, spent more on defence as a percentage of the GDP in 2002 compared to

Pakistan, with whom India’s has troubled relations, is not on the list of top 15 military spenders. Pakistan
had a military expenditure of $6.6 billion in 2012. It spent 2.7 % of GDP on military expenditure, which is
slightly more than the proportional figure for India.


The rise of China as a regional and global powerhouse is going to be a concern for many countries in the
west and especially for its neighbours including India.

One area where India competes with China is military expenditure. India’s armed forces, as we reported
earlier, are facing twin challenges of insufficient modernisation and under-spending.

However, there are positives as well. India has embarked on an ambitious defence acquisition
programme for all the three wings of the armed forces, which includes modern jets, aircraft carriers and

The question that remains is whether the military spending over the next decade or so will help India
counter China’s influence in the region and to what extent. It’s not a question that can be answered
anytime soon.

Data for the article has been sourced from The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Topic 89

Do Beautiful people lead better lives?


Both the quotation below are true

“First impression is the last impression or a lasting impression”

“It is only when the character dissolves the clothes become visible”

`The characterization of a person as “beautiful”, is often based on some combination of inner beauty,
which includes
1. Psychological factors such as Personality, Intelligence, Grace, Politeness, Charisma, Integrity etc.

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2. Outer beauty which includes physical attributes which are valued on an aesthetic basis.
To ensure that you lead a better life you need to an optimal mix of both
Standards of beauty have changed over time, based on changing cultural values. Historically, paintings
show a wide range of different standards for beauty. However, humans who are relatively young, with
smooth skin, well-proportioned bodies, and regular features, have traditionally been considered the
most beautiful throughout history.
The secret of beauty and attractiveness has been a quest of humans for as long as we have been
civilized. Many women spend up to one-third of their income on looking good. Why? A famous Proverb:
Beauty, money and power; combination of any two of the three - Brings the third

Besides being popular, beautiful people get special attention from teachers, the society and employers.
Good-looking people tend to make more money than their plain-Jane counterparts, according to a study
researchers found that beautiful people tend to earn 5 percent more than their less comely colleagues.

Physical beauty is simply an illusion conveyed to the eye by our `sense of sight`. I don't think beautiful
people have better lives. On the contrary they could sometimes be very unhappy people as we know
from the lives of Marilyn Monroe etc.

The body is just the wrapper of no real or lasting inherent worth, a mere symbol of the inner beauty of
the soul. Externally, beautiful people may have a better life but that doesn't mean they are better or

A truly beautiful person is one whose manners and conduct are pure and virtuous, who cares deeply for
others and is humble, loving and forgiving, who like and respect others regardless of their religion or
race. Without this, external beauty is like a new car. It is nice and shiny at the beginning and gets old and
rusty after a while.


 People look at them twice

 Beautiful people have more fun

 They receive more attention from the opposite sex,

 Have better opportunities in life.

 People are more attracted to attractive people.

 Our appearance is the first thing we notice about a person when we meet them

 I think it is only in human nature. For example, people prefer looking at a rose than an ugly

 First impression is often all that counts, so beautiful people will always have an advantage over
normal looking people.

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 Beauty is related to health, fertility and life. We respond innately to give advantage to beautiful,
healthy & fertile people for the purpose of improving our species.

 Beauty brings confidence. Often it is the appearance of confidence that is found to be attractive
not just the appearance of physical beauty.

 Later, it pops up as discrimination when it comes to being selected for a job. Most employers are
prone to select beautiful people rather than ugly ones. That seems to go with the image they are
trying to project.


 Undue important can make you arrogant and ignorant

 Also people always concentrate on your beauty at the expense of any other talents that you
might have.

 Beautiful people are not considered to be intelligent

 For Women, I think they do not appreciate being treated as an object rather than a person or
being leered at by the vast majority of the male population.

Topic 90

Destiny or Karma? Discuss


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The law of destiny determines what forces influence our lives to ensure we encounter the life
experiences that we require for our continued development. Destiny is essentially a series of
opportunities that enable us to learn lessons, acquire new abilities, develop our consciousness and help

Destiny is commonly regarded as fate; a fixed timeline of events that is inevitable and unchangeable.
Although the words are often used interchangeably, fate and destiny have quite different meanings:
Fate is usually seen as "set in stone" and often has negative connotations, e.g. the jury decided his fate.
Fate is an agent that predetermines and orders the course of events. It means that events are "meant to
be" and are set in motion by an external force or intelligence.

Destiny is more of a likely outcome and often has a positive feel, e.g. he is destined to become a star.
Destiny guides us towards a specific goal, but without our willful participation we will not achieve our

Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning "action", but is generally understood to mean the consequences of
one's actions. The word "karma" is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word "merit" is often
used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as "cause and effect" because every
action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap
good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects.

For Destiny

 Nobody plans to fail but still people do

 Some people get more opportunities and some get less
 It is destiny that some people are born in rich families
 Most of the things that happen around us are mostly not as per our plan
 People die in Tsunamis, earthquakes, accidents when they have not made any mistake. This is
 It is only when we are destined to get something, we start working for it
 It is a common observation that there are many incompetent people rolling in money when they
have not done anything to acquire that wealth. They are just lucky

Against Destiny

 Luck is defined as what happens when preparation meets opportunities. So preparation is your
Karma that will help you make full use of Opportunities.
 When a person gets involved in destiny then often stops giving importance to his present and
rather run after future
 It cannot be a coincidence that most of the people who are very successful today have worked
very hard for it. For e.g. Amitabh Bachhan, Sachin Tendulakar, Sabir Bhatia
 It is not possible to get good results without working for it
 You write your destiny with your hard work

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Topic 91

Does IT create or destroy jobs?


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Is information technology destroying more jobs than it creates? That’s long been the conventional
wisdom. Advocates of it, on the other hand, point to the new types of opportunities created as a result
of the march of technology — from programming to analytics to technicians. Whether jobs lost which
are lost due to technology are met by a net increase in jobs elsewhere in a more productive economy
but maybe in the long run, but for now ordinary workers see their wages falling. The problem is not the
elimination of jobs through technology but a workforce with inadequate skills

For all the benefits of living in a connected world, there is one huge disconnect: the economy seems to
be growing, but it is not creating jobs. This disconnect is not a temporary blip that will disappear with a
full economic recovery. It is part of a longer-term structural change in the economy.


 IT, ITeS, Programming, Testing, Analytics are jobs created because of IT

 As businesses generated demand for more skilled workers, the country as a whole became
richer; this fuelled more economic activity and created even more jobs.
 Automation, where the machine replaces the worker. But when a machine replaces a worker, the
organization using the machine saves money and that money flows back into to the economy
either through lower prices, higher wages for the remaining workers, or higher profits.
 The income-generating effects of new technologies have proved more powerful than the labour-
displacing effects.
 Technological progress has been accompanied not only by higher output and productivity, but
also by higher overall employment.
 It intends for a whole nation growth and if national income increases 5 per cent a year and we
would all buy more restaurant meals, vacations, cars, houses, therapeutic massages, college
educations, and 3-d TV’s. And workers have to work to produce these goods and services.
 The worries of automation eating jobs are same like machine overtaking man themselves. Pitting
man against machine only stokes antipathy toward technology and could have a chilling effect on
the innovation and adoption of technology essential to grow our economy.
 It’s reported that there are somewhere around 18,000 telephone operators in the US today.
But... There are also about 100,000 call centre operators and 290,000 telemarketers.
 Leading to tremendous follow-on innovations that created all kinds of new jobs and economic
 ATMs perform many teller transactions; fewer tellers are needed to operate a bank branch. But
because it costs less to operate a branch office, banks dramatically increased the number of
branches in order to reach a bigger market. More bank branches mean more tellers, despite
fewer tellers per branch.


 Increasing automation has dramatically reduced the need for customer service workers across
many industries
 Certain kinds of document examination once done by armies of lawyers—can now be done
competently by scanning technologies and software.

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 It’s not the labour-intensive or professional jobs that will be replaced by automation — top
executives may see their roles increasingly automated as well.
 Intelligent assistants and question-answer software—of which IBM’s Watson is one example—
may accelerate the trend.
 The rise of robotic automation is another trend and intends to replace many of factory workers
in china with a million new robots.
 Technologies such as cloud computing and social networking are providing immense, low-cost
resources for new business creation. Many of these new ventures are off the radar.
 Lots of new career opportunities have come with the advent of technology like freelance and
telecommute, online businesses, information security, programming and development and many
 Technology crucially contributes to a country's market development, boosting productivity --
especially in primary industries like agriculture.
 Technology firms themselves that need trained IT programmers and other professionals to fill
knowledge gaps and keep up with the demands of the rapidly growing economy.
 Vodafone has found that across 12 markets, new mobile solutions could increase workers'
livelihoods by USD 7.7 billion by 2020, while enabling a further USD 30.6 billion in benefits to
organizations through improved productivity.

Topic 92

Do mobile phones isolate kids from outside world?


Cell phones may have started out as a gadget for adults, but they have now become a necessary item for
the entire family. In 2004, 45% of children younger than 18 years old owned a phone; but by 2010, that

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percentage rose to 75%. Today, children as young as seven years old are more likely to own a cell phone
than a book. This dramatic increase in cell phone use by children raises a whole new set of concerns

Although cell phones have fulfilled the need for children to be connected, overuse of this technology can
result in social alienation. Because children have the ability to be in constant contact with people from
different cities, states, and even countries, they can involuntarily alienate themselves from their current,
social surroundings.


 The overuse of cell phones by children can stunt their social development by not allowing for the
development of skills.
 Cells allow a new way for children to be bullied. Over 1 in 5 teens have been cyber-bullied.
Cyber-bulling can lead to low self-esteem, depression, suicide, violence and school failure.
 Cell phone dependent children often isolate themselves in social situations and therefore never
develop the ability to read social cues, which is detrimental to future educational or professional
 Children are not aware of social surroundings: For example, children crossing a street while using
a cell phone are less likely to look both ways, and are therefore 43% more likely to be struck by a
passing car.
 Obsession with documenting everything through photographs and videos on phone prevent
them from living in the moment. “There are moments when children are not present at the
moment because they are looking at the phone.”
 Cell phones are known to generate electromagnetic fields (EMFs). This is how they communicate
with cell towers and why we can communicate almost everywhere. The problem is that phones
emit these electromagnetic waves in all directions, including into our bodies.
 Smartphone-obsessed culture, needling us about our addiction to that little screen and
suggesting that maybe life is just better led when it is lived rather than viewed.
 Frequently cell phones have the opposite result of giving children more freedom, which can
expose them to serious risks. With instant connectivity possible, children today are more likely to
be able to leave home.
 The cell phone also enables children to lie about where they are and what they are doing.
 By having more independence, children may be more vulnerable to certain dangers such as
sexting. Sexting is the sending of sexually explicit messages or photographs between phones.
These actions can lead to serious consequences such as embarrassment, misdemeanors,
felonies, and even child pornography charges.


 Cell phones were initially created to socially connect our society, improve safety, and be helpful
in health emergency situations
 Mobile Phones are supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends
and family all the time on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and of course, by texting.

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 Cell phones are extremely convenient in emergencies. In most situations in which emergency
help is needed, people can now pull out their cell phones to dial 100 or access information
 People make dinner reservations on Open Table, check in on Foursquare when they arrive at the
restaurant; take a picture of their food to share on Instagram.
 Cell Phone's Enable Parental Control as it provides instant connectivity. Parents can contact their
children to determine their whereabouts and activities.
 A phone can be used to teach children responsibility. They will learn to care for their phone,
avoid losing it, and stay within their plan limits. At a young age they will learn about budgets and
social etiquette.
 Parents often use cell phones as a means to discipline their children. Sixty-two percent of
parents take phones away as punishment, and 52% of parents limit the time of day their children
may use their phone.
 Parents can give their children boundaries such as to call them whenever they change locations.
The rules parents establish regarding cell phones may improve a child's behavior.
 Cell Phones Enable Children's Independence as they can inform their parents about their
situation time to time.
 Research supporting the contrary, such as a paper from the Journal of the National Cancer
Institute that states: “there is no known biologically plausible mechanism by which non-ionizing
radio waves of low energy can disrupt DNA and lead to cancer”.

Topic 93

Do not sell, resolve: Agree or Disagree?


This topic means that while selling a product, service, ideas or during personal selling, our focus should
be value addition and problem solving rather than the transaction. These days, driven by challenging
numbers, people are getting completely into a transaction mode. They are only bothered about a Sale
and are least concerned about whether it is solving customer’s problem or not. Selling ideally should be
looked upon keeping the following things in mind:

 Don’t Respond piecemeal

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 Solve the immediate problem
 Look beyond the immediate problem to see the bigger picture
 Think Bottom line – both yours and your customer’s

- Can you save him money?

- Help him cut costs
- Increase his profits


 You are able to offer a long term solution to the customer

 Enhanced credibility
 Win win transaction
 Customer Delight/ Loyalty
 Life time Value LTV of the customer goes up
 Word of mouth publicity


 You might lose out on immediate sale

 You might miss your target
 You might invite difficult time with your boss
 Customer might take the best deal and never come back
 Might not be very useful for low cost product

Topic 94

Does sportsmanship exist in modern professional sports?


Sportsmanship emphasizes that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper
consideration for fairness, ethics, respect and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A good
sport means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser". Sportsmanship refers to virtues such
as self control and courage, and respect for both authority and opponents. A simple gesture of shaking
hands and greeting the opponent, after a game, shows sportsmanship. But does this sportsmanship still
exist or have modern professional sports forgotten the meaning of morals and respect?

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MS Dhoni

Captain MS Dhoni's decision to withdraw his run-out appeal prompted cheers from the Nottingham
crowd, with ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat saying India had "upheld the great spirit of the cricket".

Here are some previous great acts of sportsmanship...

Jack Nicklaus

The 1969 Ryder Cup is best remembered for what became known as 'The Concession'. With the match at
Royal Birkdale hanging in the balance, Nicklaus conceded a two-foot putt to Tony Jacklin on the final
green resulting in the first tie in the competition's history. The Americans however, as the reigning
champions, retained the trophy.

Paolo Di Canio

West Ham striker Di Canio was commended by FIFA after passing up the opportunity to score a winner at
Everton in December 2000 by catching the ball because goalkeeper Paul Gerrard was lying injured. It was
a remarkable act of sportsmanship from a player who once pushed a referee over.


Arsenal beat Sheffield United 2-1 in an FA Cup tie at Highbury in February 1999 but manager Arsene
Wenger was unhappy with the nature of Marc Overmars' winner and immediately offered to replay the
game. United had kicked the ball out of play to allow a player to receive treatment but when the game
restarted Kanu raced upfield and crossed for Overmars to score. United manager Steve Bruce was
apoplectic and Wenger agreed it would have been more sporting to return the ball. The game was
replayed but Arsenal prevailed again.

Robbie Fowler

The renowned Liverpool striker claimed he had not been fouled by David Seaman after being awarded a
penalty in a Premier League game at Highbury in 1997. But the referee insisted the spot-kick had to be
taken so Fowler hit a weak shot straight at Seaman. Jason McAteer, however, had no such guilt and
drilled home the rebound. Fowler later received FIFA commendation for his actions.

Adam Gilchrist

It came as a surprise to see the wicketkeeper-batsman walk after being given not out by umpire Rudi
Koertzen, after edging behind in the 2003 World Cup semi-final against Sri Lanka. Gilchrist had made 22
from 20 balls and looked to be getting into his stride - but his dismissal did not prevent the Australians
from winning comfortably.

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Michael Phelps

At 19 years of age, Phelps produced a stunning victory in the 100 metre butterfly at the Athens Olympics,
which sealed his fourth gold of the Games.

And Phelps had the opportunity to add a further medal to his collection in the 4x100m medley relay, but
he surprisingly announced he would step aside "to give a team-mate a chance".

Andrew Flintof

The 2005 Ashes will doubtless be remembered for England winning back the urn for the first time since
1987, but there was one moment during the series that is now indelible in cricketing folklore.

In the Edgbaston Test, with tailenders Brett Lee and Michael Kasprowicz remarkably moving Australia to
within two runs of victory with the odds stacked against them, Kasprowicz flailed at a Steve Harmison
bouncer as their hopes of a comeback win were dashed.

Lee, so nearly the hero, cut a figure of disappointment and remained at the wicket for several seconds
before walking away. Flintoff, recognising his opponent's brave effort, consoled the Australian. "He did
not deserve to be on the losing team," said Flintoff afterwards. "And obviously I have great respect for

Andy Roddick

Leading 5-3 in the second set of his quarter-final encounter with Fernando Verdasco in the Rome
Masters of 2005, and with three match points, Roddick watched on as his opponent spun a second serve
close to the left tram-line. The line judge called the ball out, giving Roddick the victory.

However, the American, seeing the ball mark in the clay, called the serve good, handing Verdasco a
reprieve. The Spaniard took full advantage and held serve, before winning the set in a tie-break.
Verdasco won the match and said: "I have to thank him. He is a great sportsman."

John Francome

British Horse racing was graced with a great act of sportsmanship in 1982 when John Francome denied
himself the chance to take his fourth National Hunt jockeys' championship when his rival Peter
Scudamore sustained an injury which ended his campaign. Both riders were level on points at the time.
Jockey Francome explained that his decision was made out on respect for Scudamore who had enjoyed a
terrific season.

Tana Umaga

In a 2005 Test, Colin Charvis, of Wales, cantered to the try-line but his run was brutally thwarted by New
Zealand's Jerry Collins, knocking him out. Umaga, seeing the graveness of his opponent's state, ran to

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put him in the recovery position - a commendable act which ultimately earned him the Pierre de
Coubertin medal for sportsmanship

Some more examples of good sportsmanship


 Sports, these days, have become all about winning or losing. Sportsmanship and integrity are not
valued over victory.
 Fights, heated arguments and players hurling abuses at each other is something we get to see
very often these days.
 Sports is all about money now. Players are ready to sacrifice their honor for making money.
 Betting and match fixings are happening in almost every sport, making it all unfair and fake.
 Young players have very little patience and self control. They often lose their temper during the
game, thus picking a fight with other players.
 There are numerous cases of athletes using illegal drugs or medicines to perform better in the
 Many players are seen cheating during the game. They have no regards towards the rules of the
 In games like hockey and football, many players deliberately try to injure the opponent.
 Many players act like sore losers after a game, thrashing their things and mouthing abuses after
being defeated at the game.
 Many players have fights and disagreements in their own team. Many are even seen arguing
with the officials.

Click on the link below to see examples of bad sportsmanship

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Topic 95

E-commerce: Is it the future way of commerce?


Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is a type of industry where the buying and
selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other
computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic
funds transfer, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI) and
automated data collection system. India's e-commerce sector is expected to have 7 per cent share of
country's retail market amounting to USD 60 billion by 2023. Flipkart, Ebay, Amazon, Makemytrip are
examples of some popular E-commerce websites. E Commerce is already an active mode of commerce in
services industry like Hotels, Air Travel, Cinema Halls, Food service industry etc.

E-commerce offers very low transaction costs. By serious automatic processing, the web can appreciably
lower both taking- order costs and service to the customer costs after the sale. Another great advantage
is that online shops run 24/7 and never ever close. A site called offers a unique feature. It
includes the option of checking out the related books that people purchased after buying the book
which the user wanted. Here you can see interconnected books that people are buying which a normal
bookstore cannot offer, this results into customers buying more books out of interest. Globalization
which is the need of the hour walks hand in hand with e-commerce. That means through e-commerce,
one irrespective of his location anywhere in the world can access through the site and shop, thus

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resulting convenience not only to the buyer but also to the seller. Also, online access 24/7/365 is a great
miracle that has happened. Adding to the list of advantages, when there are online auctions, then that
time it's a festival for buyers because the prices go down due to plenty of competitors, thus satisfying
both customers and sellers.

A well incorporated website can lure customers with more information than previously obtainable. For
example, at any time, customers can check out where the heck their order is if Dell tracks each computer
through shipping and manufacturing processes. Fed-Ex did exactly the same thing when they started
online package training.
Other great advantages are the facility to put up order over several days, facility to see actual prices of
products by organizing products, facility to effortlessly build custom orders which can be very
complicated, facility to easily discern prices between more than one trader and the facility to explore
large catalogs without any difficulties etc.
Technical Limitations
Some technological solutions could be expensive though it’s believed that e-commerce is cheap. Some
protocols required are not quite standardized around the world. There is not that much reliability on
some processes. Insufficient telecommunications bandwidth and limited access to dial up; cable, ISDN,
wirelesses are also some of the limitations. Also, software tools keep on advancing like Netscape 3, 4,
4.7, 4.75.
Non Technical Limitations
There is a fear to the customers that whether their personal information given is wrongly used. Also,
outsourcing technical support in foreign languages is difficult. Most of the people are not used to
paperless, faceless, non physical transactions. So trust factor is less. Payment information could also be
unsecured. Due to the fear of lack of security and privacy, vulnerability to fraud and other such crimes is
on a high.

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Topic 96

Education curriculums are Outdated and Irrelevant.


The education curriculum or strategy refers to the total learning experience provided by an institution. It
includes the content of courses taught, the methods used for teaching, and other aspects like ideas and
values. The education curriculum plays a crucial role in shaping the minds and talent of the young
students. However our education curriculum has often faced criticism for being outdated. So here are
some points highlighting the situation of our education system and discussing whether or not it needs


 Education in India is based on learning rather than problem solving.

 The Indian education system does what it was designed to do, the problem is that it was formed
in a different time, for a different need, in a different world economy. It was made to satisfy a
different life style – using the then available technology. It needs to be updated and advanced
with time.
 It focuses mainly on theoretical knowledge and not on practical knowledge. This makes students
less innovative and skilled as they don’t know how to apply and make use of their knowledge.
 Unfair marking system. A single exam cannot decide a student’s credibility.

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 Government schools lack qualified teachers. They don't put any serious effort to help the
students who fall behind.
 The classes are not interactive and students lack enthusiasm.
 Main objective of education these days is not to gain more knowledge but barely passing exams.
 Training and education must meet the needs of the times and the economy of the future – ours
does not!
 It focuses more on conduct of exams rather than research.
 The syllabus is not updated with time. Students studying technical subjects are taught the same
old things even though there is so much changing in the technical sector.


 Indian brains are welcomed all over the world. This shows the education we receive is very
 Many efforts have been made to improve education system.
 Continuous and comprehensive evaluation has been introduced to overcome the problems in
education system.
 The education curriculum is now focusing on extracurricular activities as well.
 The education curriculum is now working on overall development of the students and grooming
their personality as well.
 Moral education and arts are also included in the curriculum.
 The education curriculum is now adopting the learning by doing method making learning a much
more interesting experience
 Indian education system has very comparatively less interference from religious
 It urges the students to have active participation in everything.
 Schools arrange orientation programs which help the students to develop a good personality and
also improve their general awareness. This prepares them to face real world problems in future.

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Topic 97

Facebook: A Boon or a Bane?


Facebook is an online social networking service. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory
given to students at some American universities. Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students

It gradually added support for students at various other universities before it opened to high-school
students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at
least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. Users must register before using the site,
after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, exchange messages, and
receive automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-
interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize
their friends into lists such as "People from Work" or "Close Friends”.


 Facebook helps us keep in touch with our friends, relatives, teachers etc.
 Facebook is a good communication tool particularly for those who are otherwise shy and
 Facebook is a brilliant online marketing tool
 Facebook is a good entertainment source as we can get access to games, like minded
communities etc.
 Facebook helps you create your business page/ Event page and helps you promote your cause

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 Facebook has made it very simple to communicate with people on their important days like
Birthday, Marriage anniversary etc.
 You can use facebook to chat and even share photos, documents etc.
 Facebook can be used to seek opinions, gather likes etc.
 Facebook boosts your confidence when your posts, pictures etc. get many likes


 Students waste a lot of time on Facebook

 A large chunk of FB users are below 13
 A large chunk of FB profiles are fake
 You lose track of time and stuff and everything doesn't seem as important as before. You place
more significance on social networking and really it doesn't help at all.
 It's even worse when you can't control yourself from setting a time limit and just Facebook
whole day long
 Facebook lures people away from their families. Facebook the whole day when was the last time
he talked and laughed with his family. The answer would be I don't know maybe last week or last
to last day.
 People are getting completely hooked to FB and are adopting a sedentary life style
 Teenagers are so busy texting and chatting online anymore that they do not have time for
homework and their grades reflect this.
 People may claim that Facebook has brought families and friends closer but in reality, it has only
increased the distance between them.
 At times people post malicious comments on your Facebook wall which can be harassing
 FB profiles get hacked and misused
 Timewaster

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Topic 98

Experience helps us in making Better and Faster decisions


In layman language, experience is an event or series of events in past lived through. Experience is often
related to age as we often hear, old people referring their layers of skin wrinkles as layers of experience.
In industries, an experienced person is always preferred over a fresher. But then, going by instincts can
also do wonders. Sharing such an incident, during 2007 T20 World Cup, Captain MS Dhoni gave the very
crucial last over to an inexperienced player rather than a very experienced spinner which turned out to
in India’s favor and India became the champion that year. Our experience provides us with a cumulative
wisdom. This wisdom provides us with a wider view of the situation and on the basis of our experience
we are able to better interpret the solutions that would work in a particular situation. This helps us make
better and faster decisions


 Experience teaches the best. Hence, a decision based on past occurrence is risk free and advisable
 We can always learn from our as well as other’s experiences. Hence, knowledge about being in a
similar situation before is always advantageous in making decisions.
 In industries, an experienced person is preferred over a fresher as he/she can tackle extreme
situations more efficiently based on past events.
 Work experience shows passion and dedication of a potential candidate during the process of hiring.
 Experience introduces the ability to know the dos and don’ts in any situation.
 It identifies our skills and highlights the areas of interests and improvement.
 Decisions based on experiences are the best as it is tried and tested method. Not making decisions
based on it would be like cutting off the nose to spite the face.
 Decision making on basis of experience is always reliable.
 Banking upon past experience often helps in avoiding problems which may have occurred in the
 Sharing of experiences can influence the decision of others and bring them to a right track

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 Experience helps professionals from all walks of life. E.g. Doctors are able to better and faster
diagnose if they have come across similar patients before, Lawyers are able to better sort out a
case if they have dealt with similar case before


 Experience is overrated. Inner wisdom during complex situations helps in making better
 Self-knowledge, clear priorities, willingness and self-esteem overpower experience sometimes.
 Always relating to past experiences for decision making isn’t a good idea.
 Experiences can be bad. However, it isn’t necessary that it’ll always remain same. Hence, trying
new things for a change should always be welcomed.
 We have heard about variety is the spice of life. Therefore, always banking upon experience in
decision making is monotonous.
 Decision should be made on the basis of situations and circumstances and not on experience
 Spontaneous decisions often work out in favor in extreme situations when there is no prior
 In investment sector, financial decisions cannot be made on past experiences but on new
performances of investment instruments and macroeconomic factors
 Dependence of generalizations and observance leads to inaccurate judgments which are not
healthy for decision making.
 People believing in divine intervention, luck and destiny find experiences farce in many
 Times, technology and attitudes are changing very fast. Good decisions in past may not work in
today’s scenario

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Topic 99

FDI in multi-Brand retail: A Good or a Bad idea?


FDI is direct investment into production in a country by a company in another country, either by buying a
company in the target country or by expanding operation of an existing business in that country. Foreign
direct investment is done for many reasons including to take advantage of cheaper wages, special
investment privileges such as tax exemptions offered by the country as an incentive to gain tariff-free
access to the markets of the country or the region

Retailing is the interface between the producer and the individual consumer buying for personal
consumption. As such, retailing is the last link that connects the individual consumer with the
manufacturing and distribution chain.

India is a land of retail democracy. Hundreds of thousands of weekly haats and bazaars are located
across the length and breadth of our country by people‘s own self organizational capacities and interests.
India has the shop density of 11 outlets per 1000 people and number around 15 million, giving India the
highest retail outlet density in the world. Only four per cent of them have larger than 500 square feet
area. Food constitutes 70 per cent of retail sector, which means it has a direct link with the rural
economy. Our retail democracy is characterized by

 High levels of livelihood in retail with nearly 40 million employed which accounts for 8% of the
employment and 4% of the entire population
 High levels of self organization
 Low capital input
 High levels of decentralization

The Indian retail market, variously estimated at $400- 450 billion, is dominated by the highly
decentralized unorganized sector. The small retail outlets, most of them family owned businesses,
account for about 95 per cent of the sales. The creaky, old distribution system that India has lived with is
grossly inefficient. The Indian farmer typically gets only a third of what the final consumer pays, instead
of the two thirds that his counterparts do in countries that have organized retailing. India is the second
largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, but almost 30 per cent of these go waste for want
of storage and processing facilities. It is generally agreed that the bulk of the Indian economy would gain,
significantly, from the emergence of a well capitalized retail industry. The organized retail industry is one
of the sunrise sectors with huge growth potential. Total retail market in India which currently stood at
USD 400 billion in 2009-10, is estimated to attain USD 573 billion by 2012-13. Organized retail industry
accounts for only 5% of total retail industry but is expected to reach 10% by 2012

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 The global retailers have advanced management know how in merchandising and inventory
management and have adopted new technologies which can significantly improve productivity
and efficiency in retailing.
 Entry of large low cost retailers and adoption of integrated supply chain management by them is
likely to lower down the prices.
 FDI in retailing can easily assure the quality of product, better shopping experience and
customer services
 They promote the linkage of local suppliers, farmers and manufacturers, no doubt only those
who can meet the quality and safety standards, to global market and this will ensure a reliable
and profitable market to these local players.
 As multinational players are spreading their operation, regional players are also developing their
supply chain differentiating their strategies and improving their operations to counter the size of
international players. This all will encourage the investment and employment in supply chain
 Joint ventures would ease capital constraints of existing organized retailers.
 FDI would lead to development of different retail formats and modernization of the sector
 FDI would lead to expansion of opposite sell formats as good as modernization of a sector
 Industry trends for retail sector indicate that organized retailing has major impact in controlling
inflation because large organized retailers are able to buy directly from producers at most
competitive prices. World Bank attributes the opening of the retail sector to FDI to be beneficial
for India in terms of price and availability of products as it would give a boost to food products,
textiles and garments, leather products, etc., to benefit from large scale procurement by
international chains; in turn, creating jobs opportunities at various levels
 As foreign investors exploring their potentials in the retail sector are keen on developing malls in
India, the size of organized retailing is expected to touch $30 billion by 2010 or approximately 10
per cent of the total. This has initiated market entry announcement from some retailers and has
signaled to international retailers about India‘s seriousness in promoting the sector

 India is already a key sourcing country for some global retailers. The entry of foreign retailers is
likely to further promote India‘s manufacturing and export sectors, leading to a double bonus for
the economy.
 Allowing FDI in multi brand retail can give a big push to the country‘s social agenda, too, and has
the potential to even positively impact and promote tourism, computerization, systemization,
government‘s ability to influence trade when required, address issues such as inflation (since
data available becomes more reliable/ accurate and trade gets increasingly organized), reduction
of black economy, control over food hygiene, better food quality assurance and accountability,
increased direct and indirect employment, push to real estate and availability of better
managerial talent, etc.
 Also, the retail revolution can change country‘s perception across the globe, integrating it
seamlessly into world trade and economy


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 Indian retailers have yet to consolidate their position. The existing retailing scenario is
characterized by the presence of a large number of fragmented family owned businesses, who
would not be able to survive the competition from global players.
 The examples of south east Asian countries show that after allowing FDI, the domestic retailers
were marginalized and this led to unemployment.
 FDI in retailing can upset the import balance, as large international retailers may prefer to source
majority of their products globally rather than investing in local products.
 Global retailers might resort to predatory pricing. Due to their financial clout, they often sell
below cost in the new markets. Once the domestic players are wiped out of the market foreign
players enjoy a monopoly position which allows them to increase prices and earn profits.
 Indian retailers have argued that since lending rates are much higher in India, Indian retailers,
especially small retailers, are at a disadvantageous position compared to foreign retailers who
have access to International funds at lower interest rates. High cost of borrowing forces the
domestic players to charge higher prices for the products
 The opening up of the retail sector would affect the sales in the unorganized sector. As a result
the employment it provides would be affected. Also, by reducing the number of intermediaries,
organized retailing will lead to some job displacement.
 It is said that FDI would provide employment opportunities. But, the fact is that they cannot
provide employment opportunities to semi-illiterate people. Though they can provide
employment opportunities like drivers, watchman etc. but this argument gets more attention
because in India semi illiterate people in quiet large in number
 Some fear that, if FDI is allowed in retailing then it would result in lowering of prices because FDI
will result in good technology, supply chain, etc. If prices were lowered then it would lower the
margin of unorganized players. As a result the unorganized market will be affected
 FDI in retail trade would not attract large inflows of foreign investment since very little
investment is required to conduct retail business. Goods are bought on credit and sales are
made on cash basis. Hence, the working capital requirement is negligible. On the contrary; after
making initial investment on basic infrastructure, the multinational retailers may remit the
higher amount of profits earned in India to their own country
 Loss of cultural and ethical values due to more influence of the other cultures

 The organizational form of rural producers as they interact with Big Retail is still not being done.
Small farmers can undertake contract farming, but they have no bargaining power and will be at
the mercy of their buyers. Small producers need to be organized into farmer companies or
producer cooperatives that can deal with Big Retail from a much stronger position. So that their
interests are not lost

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Topic 100

Are films reflections of our society?


Films are inspired by society and society is influenced by films. Films have a uniquely powerful ubiquity
within human culture. Cinema has become a powerful vehicle for culture, education, leisure, and
propaganda. The direct economic impact of film is clear, but the effect to the wider economy is also
significant. The influence in India of films is greater than newspaper and books combined. However,
beside all this, films are the best to show someone life’s journey. It helps us to visualize things. Moreover,
the cinema is unique that it is a highly accessible social art form, the participation in which generally cuts
across economic lines.


 Film is a reflection of society, both present and past.

 By movies, people come out with ideas about something they want to tell someone.
 It is form of communication where stories come from the society
 Films are different thing to different people, that’s what is so incredible about it
 It is a best way for entertainment.
 Films give idea of how society is moving along and how the people changes from one generation
to another.
 Films show the economic progress of the country or religion
 Films are changing as the society is. For e.g. today we have movies like Pan Singh Tomer,
Highway, Chak de which are very different from how the movies looked earlier
 Expression of love, violence, competition etc. has also changed with time. Today we see a lot of
technology in movies which was not available earlier
 Movies are shorter these days which is again in line with the fact that life is busier these days
 A lot of movies are based on real life stories like Gulab Gang etc.
 All the historical movies are based on events that happened in the past
 Movies are a lot more practical today like our society. E.g. Life in a Metro etc.


 Movies are figments of directors imagination e.g. Saawariya

 Sequels clearly prove that are all about money and there is very little reference to the society
 Superhero movies that are best money spinners are completely unrelated to realities of the

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 Today a lot of sense less comedies are made which are purely for fun and are in no way
reflection of the society

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