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The song ‘You make me so very happy’ is an okay song.

I will not pursue a pointless argument

against the entire quality of the piece, judging it as the worse song ever written, because it
probably is not.

However, I will argue that the song is an average, radio friendly, flawed and antiquated forgotten
tune. It is an okay tune that has not aged as gracefully as other great songs of its same time ‘Hey
Jude’, ‘What a wonderful world’ and ‘the dock of the bay’, to name a few. As songwriters, it’s
easy to see why, the song fails structurally, which creates a series of internal issues that put it far
away from being ‘the best song ever written’.

Its verses are short and reiterative, its chorus is not long enough to create a fulfilling statement
yet is not short enough to be called a refrain, and worst of all, its bridge damages the whole
quality of the piece. It overstates its place in the song, it abandons whatever little development
the song had in it and introduces a barrage of new little sections without properly explaining why
this new sections are in the song or to what end.

One could even argue that the song might be a great song with a poor bridge. However, the outro
of the song would be an inconvenience to said argument. The outro of the song has the same
damaging flaws that the bridge holds, but is a bit more boring, since you cannot really expect
another chorus to come and make the song interesting again. Moreover, the bridge and the outro
comprise a bit more than 50% of the length of the song, which make a positive view of the piece
even harder to make.

‘You make me so very happy’ is by a long shot not the best song ever written. It has flaws a plenty,
and doesn’t really have anything remarkable to it. Is just another song that once upon a time
made it into the charts and that’s about it.

--One might think of this as creativity and might argue that there’s value into being creative and
innovative when it comes to writing creative work, I believe so too. However, a bold creative idea
with poor craft is bad creative work, is that simple. One cannot judge the quality of a song for
what it tried to do, but for what it actually does. ‘You make me so very happy’ fails in his delivery,
that’s what it does.—

--An average listener might overlook these mistakes, but then again, we’re not average listeners.
As musicians and songwriters, we try to figure what works and what doesn’t in tunes to later
apply that to our own compositions. ‘You make me so very happy’ has little to offer past a single
listen to appreciate how far we’ve come into proper songwriting.--

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