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Exercícios Complementares

(P. Relativos, Tempos Verbais e Condicional)

1. Complete as lacunas usando as conjugações respectivas dos verbos entre
parênteses passando-os para o passado:

a) I ________ (have) to talk to her. She ________ (to be) way too angry.
b) Sure he ________ (want) to come, he just ________ (can’t) make it.
c) I ________ (think) you ________ (to be) gonna tell her the truth.
d) They’ve ________ (let) some pretty good opportunities go to waste.
e) I ________ (work) so hard last Tuesday that when I ________ (get) I
________ (go) straight to bed.
f) I ________ (do) my best, but it ________ (to be) enough for them.
g) It ________ (to be) raining so hard that I ________ (have) to wait before
calling an Uber.
h) We finally ________ (find) our lost dog! We ________ (bring) her back home
and my son ________ (to be) over the moon when he ________ (see) her.
i) Sorry I’m late. It ________ (took) me almost an hour to get to the station.
j) Have you guys ________ (see) my new pair of sneakers? I’ve ________ (look)
everywhere for them but I just ________ (can’t) find them.
k) I think you ________ (leave) them close to the couch.
l) He ________ (say) he ________ (to be) gonna be here by 7. It’s almost 8!
m) She already ________ (know) we ________ (to be) gonna throw her a
surprise party.
n) I finally ________ (manage) to get you that book. Just be careful with it.
o) She ________ (get) home at 9pm yesterday. Her dad ________ (to be) too
happy about it.
p) I’ve ________ (give) up. I’ve ________(do) everything in my reach.
q) They’ve ________ (know) each other for years.
r) They ________ (use) to go to the same middle school together and later
________ (become) high school sweethearts.
s) They ________ (help) me a lot back then.
t) I ________ (begin) to comprehend what she ________ (mean) by that.
2. Traduza as frases a seguir para o inglês observando os pronomes relativos
(pág. 27 do livro do Objetivo). Obs. Eles têm uso facultativo antes de
pronome pessoal como sujeito, apenas não antes de verbos.

a) Este é o menino que teve um acidente.


b) Ontem eu vi um carro que parecia que ia desmontar.


c) Tenho um encontro com a Sherry; a garota que te falei que conheci.


d) Este é o homem de quem a casa pegou fogo.


e) O bandido roubou o carro que a mulher estacionou na frente da loja.


3. Preencha com “will” (futuro) ou “would” (futuro do pretérito) de acordo

com o contexto da frase:

a) If I have enough time, I ________ do it.

b) I ________ like some more coffee, please.
c) I promise I ________ be there.
d) I didn’t expect she ________ be there today.
e) I hope we ________ be able to get it done.
f) I ________ fix it if only I knew how.
g) I’m really not sure if I ________ actually be free tomorrow.
h) If she loved me, she ________ have told me the truth long ago.
i) He ________ end up killing himself if we don’t stop him.
j) I ________ have stayed a little longer if I weren’t so tired.
k) If only his dad were alive, he ________ be so proud of him.
l) I ________ not stand for this anymore. This is ridiculous!
m) If the choise were up to you, what ________ you do?

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