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English 23/8/19 Reading- unseen passage/unseen poem 15
(FRIDAY) Grammar – Kinds of Sentences, Parts of speech,
Tenses (present and past), Infinitives and gerunds,
Subject and Agreement, Punctuation, Phrases, 25
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences,
Integrated Exercise
Writing – Story Writing, Email Writing, Article
Writing, Advertisement, Letter to Editor 15
Chapters – After Twenty Years, The Portrait of a
lady, The Remarkable Rocket, The Black Spot
Poem – The Way Through Woods, A Nation’s 25
Strength, The Nightingale and the glow worm

Hindi 26/8/19 KMD k ¹Apizt gad\yaaMSa ¸Apizt pd\yaaMSa 15

(MONDAY) KMD K ¹ vyaakrNa ¹ saM&a¸ sava-naama¸ saMiQa ¸kark¸ 20
ivalaaomaSabd ¸ pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd¸ vaa@yaaMSa ko
ilae ek Sabd¸ ]psaga- p`%yaya ¸ AnaokaqaI-
KMD ga¹ paz 1 Qvaina 25
paz 2 laaK kI caUiD,yaaÐ
paz 3 basa kI yaa~a
paz 4 dIvaanaaoM kI hstI
paz 5 icaiT\zyaa oMkI AnaUzI duinayaa
paz 6 Bagavaana ko Daike
paz 7 @yaa inaraSa huAa jaae
paz 8 yah sabasao kizna samayan ahIM
paz 9 kbaIr k Isaai#ayaaÐ
paz 10 kamacaaor
KMD Ga¹ ica~ vaNa-na ¸saMvaad laoKna ¸ p~ laoKna¸ AnaucCod laoKna
Sanskrit/ 27/8/19 KMD k ¹ Apizt gad\yaaMSa
French (TUESDAY) KMD K ¹ ica~ vaNa-nama\ ¸ Pa~ma\ Aqavaa saMvaad
KMD ga ¹ vaNa- ivanyaasa ¸ Sabd $p ¹ baalak¸ lata¸ fla¸ kiva¸ Qaatu$p ¹
pz\\ ¸ gama\ ¸kR ¸ dRSa\ ¸ nama\³laT\\¸ laRT\ ¸la=\ lakar´¸saM#yaa¹ 1¹ 50 tqaa 1 sao 10
4³tInaaoM ilaMgaaoM maoM´ saMiQa¹dIGa-¸ gauNa ¸Avyayapdaina ¸ p`%yaya ¹ @%vaa ¸ ]ppd 15
ivaBai@t¹ iWtIyaa¸ tRtIyaa
KMD Ga ¹ p`qamapazÁ svaasqyaOva Qanama\ 25
iWtIyaÁ pazÁ punamaU-YakaO Bava
tRtIyaÁ pazÁ ApUva-Á %yaagaÁ
catuqa-Á pazÁ tulasyaaÁ mah%ta
pHcamaÁPaazÁ pIyaUYaÁ ibandvaÁ
YaYzÁ PaazÁ caaNa@yaÁ cand`gauPtÁ ca 30
saPtmaÁ pazÁ vaasaudovasya dUtkma-
AYTmaÁ pazÁ AmaUlyaÁ samayaÁ
Reading- unseen passage 20
Writing- Invitation, Picture description, dialogue,
message 30
Grammar- Les adjectifs possessifs, Les verbes
l’adjectif tout; l’impératif, Les conjonctions,
L’adverbe, Le 20
pronom sujet(On);. Le passé compose(avoir)
Culture and civilization: Leçon- 0, 1, 2, 3,4
Social 28/8/19 Ch-1 When, where and how.
Science (WEDNESDAY) Ch- 24-Secular Vision of the Indian Constitution History-30 M
Ch- 3 Colonial Agrarian policies
Ch- 4 Tribal society and colonial state Geography-25 M
Ch- 5 The revolt of 1857.
Ch-14 Natural resources: land and soil Civics-25 M
Ch-15 Natural resources water
Ch-25 Role of Parliament
Ch- 26 The making of Law
Ch- 6 Colonialism and change in urban pattern
Ch- 7 Changing pattern of industrialization under
Ch-16 Natural vegetation and wildlife.
Ch- 17 Mineral and power resources
Ch- 27 Judiciary
Maths 29/8/19 Ch-1 Rational numbers
Ch-2 Linear equation in one variable
Ch-3 Understanding quadrilaterals
Ch-5 Data handling 8
Ch-6 Square and square root 16
Ch-7 Cube and cube roots 8
Ch-8 Comparing quantities 8
Ch-12 Exponents and powers 16
Science 30/8/19 Ch-1-Crop production and management 8
(FRIDAY) Ch-2-Microorganisms: friend and foe 8
Ch-3-Synthetic fibers and plastic 4
Ch-4-Materials; metals and nonmetals 8
Ch-5-Coal and petroleum 8
Ch-6-Combustion and flame 8
Ch-8-Cell structure and function 12
Ch-9-Reproduction in animals 12
Ch-11-Force and pressure 8
Ch-7-Conservation of plants and animals 4

Note: Examination dates are subject to changes as per government rules and any unavoidable circumstances

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