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To filter through the lesson plan or unit

Planning models must be compatible with plan means to incorporate the change into
and actually facilitate the implementation the lesson plan or unit plan before actually
of the particular program or practice that is
instituting the change in the classroom. The
going to be used. To do this, other planning
models need to be developed and tested. effect of this process is enormous. The plan
This is the task for curriculum research. strokes and shapes the changes that are put
into it in such a way that what comes out of
it can be qualitatively different. If change A
is put into type X plan, the change conies out
IN some form it exists every
with X qualities. If change A is put into
where. In cooking it is a flour sieve, a soup
type Y plan, the change comes out with Y
strainer, or a coffee percolator. In travel it
qualities. There is nothing inherently wrong
is a border crossing station or an airport
with this filtering process, but it is important
electronic security check. In the military it to understand it and be in control of it.
is called basic training. In industry it might
be a mechanical sorter or an x-ray scanner.
This widespread phenomenon is a Only the Tyler Model
screen. It niters out impurities and only One of the major curriculum problems
permits objects with certain qualities to pass that exists today is that there is only one way
through. It reduces differentness and variety of planning, and therefore, only one filter or
to uniformity and standardization. screen through which all curriculum ideas or
The field of curriculum is not unique. practices must be routed. This crystallized
It has screens also. One screen is the lesson plan which is used in planning a lesson, a
plan or unit plan that teachers prepare in class session, a unit, a course, or a curricu
writing or in mental-note form. All curricu lum guide consists of four main decisions:
lum changes, before they can get into the identifying objectives, selecting learning ex
classroom, are filtered through the lesson periences, organizing learning experiences,
plan or unit plan. If the teacher wishes to and selecting evaluation procedures.
use new materials, they get filtered through Ralph Tyler (8) is usually identified as
the plan. If the teacher wishes to attempt a the creator of this planning model. In 1950
new teaching method, it gets filtered through he authored Basic Principles of Curriculum
the plan. New learning activities for stu and Instruction which contains this set of
dents, new subject matter topics, new evalua
tion procedures all get filtered in the same *]ohn A. Zahorik, Professor of Education, Uni
way. versity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

April 1976 487

familiar decisions. The model, however, be ends-means value position to the curriculum
gan to take shape as early as 1936 when that is funneled through it. Frequently the
Tyler was involved in evaluating the Eight- value position of the model is inconsistent
Year Study. In more recent years many with and damaging to the type of learning
variations of the objectives-experiences- activity the teacher wishes to use, the kind
evaluation model have arisen. The models of materials the teacher intends to employ,
developed by Taba (7), Goodlad (3), the teacher's own set of values, and other
Popham and Baker (6), and Gagne and factors associated with the teaching-learning
Briggs (2) can all be viewed as refinements situation.
of the Tyler model. An example of the inappropriateness of
This planning model that has captured the Tyler model may be seen in relation to
American education at all levels and in all open education. Teachers who wish to install
content areas seems neutral, but it is not. It open education in their classrooms generally
carries with it a particular value position on have a commitment to increasing student
human nature. It carries with it the view intellectual and physical freedom. They be
that in human action a person first decides lieve that students need to make decisions
on a goal and then expends time and energy for themselves and take responsibility for
to achieve it. The goals or ends are separate their actions. They believe that students need
from the activity or means, and they precede to acquire personal meanings and become
and direct the activity or means. When this autonomous persons. When it comes to pro
conception of human action is applied to viding learning experiences or selecting sub
planning curriculum it results in an empha- ject matter or deciding about materials and
resources, however, many open education
teachers use the Tyler planning model. Their
notions about open education are fed into
"T/iis planning model that has captured
the Tyler model and most of them get stuck
American education at all levels and in on the wire mesh because the Tyler model
all content areas seems neutral, but and open education are largely incompatible.
it is not. It carries with it a particular The Tyler model with its ends before
value position on human nature. 9 * means maximizes teacher power and control
because it is the teacher who establishes the
objectives and establishes them in advance
of selecting learning experiences. The stu
sis on specific objectives. Objectives are the
dents, since they have no or little influence
first and most important decision to be made
over objectives, have little freedom and inde
if the class session is to be a productive one.
pendence. They must follow the direction
It also results in an under emphasis on learn
set by the teacher rather than find their
ing activities. Learning activities are a sec
ondary decision that must be directly related own. Open education, on the other hand,
maximizes student power and control. Open
to the stated objective if they are to be effec
education encourages students to be self-
tive in meeting the objective.
directed and to choose for themselves what
The Tyler model with its separate ends- learnings to pursue.
means orientation is a logical, rational ap The Tyler planning model simply does
proach to curriculum planning. In many not suit open education nor does it suit other
ways it is an application of science and tech programs or practices that emphasize stu
nology to the field of curriculum much as dent independence, self-direction, and re
they have been applied to industry, govern sponsibility such as affective education and
ment, and the military. There is little doubt inquiry learning. It suits many types of
that the model "works," that it can result in programs or practices, but it cannot be the
effectiveness and efficiency of learning. But, filter through which all programs must be
the problem is that it imparts its separate processed. Instead, planning models should

488 Educational Leadership

proposed and discussed this value position,
" The Tyler model with its ends before but a specific planning model to compete
means maximizes teacher power and with the Tyler model still needs to be
control because it is the teacher who developed.
establishes the objectives and One possible alternative is insufficient.
establishes them in advance of selecting Many new models need to be developed if
learning experiences." planning models are to be tools that facilitate
and enhance rather than devices that mold
and destroy.
be used that are compatible with and actually The second part of the task for curricu
facilitate the implementation of the particu lum research is to test the models that have
lar program or practice that is going to be been generated. This involves examining the
used. To do this, however, other planning effects of each new model on two aspects of
models need to be developed and tested. This teaching: (a) preparation for classroom ac
is the task for curriculum research. tion, and (b) classroom behavior of the
teacher. The major questions that need to
be asked and answered about teachers' use
Needed: An Integrated Ends-Means
of the model are:
1. Is the model usable? Are the ele
To develop other planning models is not ments of the model consistent? Do they re
going to be easy because in many respects sult in a meaningful whole? Are they clear
the separate ends-means approach to action and understandable? Is the format of the
is embedded in our culture. To think of other model appropriate? Are the elements orga
ways to plan or prepare for action seems like nized and stated in a way that facilitates
a challenge to reason itself. New planning usage?
models are essential, however.
2. 7s the model helpful? I s the model
One possible alternative is a model
consistent with the program or practice the
based on an integrated ends-means concep
teacher intends to employ? Does the model
tion of human action. This would be a model
facilitate the teacher's preparation and class
that builds on the viewpoint that ends do
room behavior in relation to the program or
not precede and direct means or activities but
practice to be used? Does the model help to
rather emerge from activity to redirect the
clarify and improve the program or practice?
activity and add meaning to it. Learning
activity becomes a primary consideration Research on new planning models can
from this perspective rather than a secondary have far-reaching implications for teaching
consideration. Doll (1), Kliebard (4), and and, consequently, for learning. Curriculum
Macdonald, Wolf son, and Zaret (5) have researchers need to begin this task now.

1. William E. Doll, Jr. "A Methodology of nale." School Review 78: 259-71; February 1970.
Experience: An Alternative to Behavioral Objec 5. James B. Macdonald, Bernice J. Wolfson,
tives." Educational Theory 22: 309-24; Summer and Esther Zaret. Reschooling Society: A Con
1972. ceptual Model. W ashington, D. C.: Association for
2. Robert M. Gagne and Leslie J. Briggs. Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1973.
Principles of Instructional Design. New York: 6. W. James Popham and Eva I. Baker. Sys
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1974. tematic Instruction. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
3. John I. Coodlad, with Maurice N. Richter, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970.
Jr. The Development of a Conceptual System for 7. Hilda Taba. Curriculum Development,
Dealing with Problems of Curriculum and Instruc Theory and Practice. New York: Harcourt, Brace
tion. Cooperative Research Project No. 454 of the and World, Inc., 1962.
U.S. Office of Education. Los Angeles: University 8. Ralph W. Tyler. Basic Principles of Cur
of California, 1966. riculum and Instruction. Chicago: University of
4. Herbert M. Kliebard. "The Tyler Ratio Chicago Press, 1950. d

April 1976 489

Copyright © 1976 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. All rights reserved.

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