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Chef T's Magic Powder - for Incredible Burger Patties, Steaks, Chicken, Pork, Stews & Soups!!!

Author: Whats4Chow
Recipe type: Seasoning / Rubs / Spices
Today we're going to make a batch of my magic powder. This amazing stuff is primarily for making the most
incredible burger patties, however it can be used just as successfully to flavor roasts, stews, soups and really just
about anything. After making the powder, I will demonstrate how to use it to make the burger patties, and a superbly
tender roast spatcock chicken. The theory behind how and why this powder works so well will covered in another
episode in the near future. Although you can naturally dry the ingredients for the powder in trays, it does help to have a
food dryer with multiple racks.

80g Fresh coriander leaves (with stems)
½ Red Pepper
½ Yellow Pepper
30ml Tabasco sauce
8 Portabello mushrooms (or procini)
30ml Onion Flakes
15ml Lemon pepper
15ml +15ml Cornstarch
15ml Salt
For the Burger Patties
7.5ml Magic powder per 100g ground beef
10ml Water per 100g ground beef
For the Chicken
Magic powder
Roasting vegetables of your choice
1.8kg Chicken

1. To start, place 80g of fresh coriander, including the stems into drying racks.
2. Cut a half yellow pepper and a half red pepper into strips.
3. Place these in a mixing bowl, pour in 30ml or 2 tablespoons of Tabasco sauce and toss the peppers until
everything is coated.
4. Cut 8 portabello mushrooms into slices. You can also use porcini mushrooms which work just as well.
5. Place the sliced mushrooms and peppers into drying trays and stack these on your dryer for 36 to 48 hours until
everything is well desiccated.
6. To make the powder from all the dried ingredients, you will to measure 30ml or 2 tablespoons of dried onion
flakes, 15ml or a tablespoon of lemon pepper, 15ml of salt and 15ml of cornstarch.
7. Place all of the ingredients from the dryer on a chopping board and chop them roughly to make them more
manageable for your spice grinder.
8. Fill your spice grinder to the top with some of this mixture and machine it until reasonably fine.
9. During the machining the mixture will break down considerably leaving space to add more of the mixture.
10. Add more of the mixture along with some of the cornstarch.
11. Machine it again, and carry on adding more of the dried ingredients along with a little cornstarch, until all of the
ingredients from the dryer have been ground.
12. Place this in a bowl, and add the salt, onion flakes, lemon pepper and remaining cornstarch. Mix this together
13. Put the mixture back into the grinder in batches and machine each batch until fine.
14. Place the fine mixture in a jug and add a further 15ml of cornstarch and mix this in. The cornstarch is used as an
anti-caking agent.
15. Transfer the magic powder to an air-tight sprinkle bottle with large holes and you're ready to go.
16. To make your magic burger patties you will need 7.5ml or 1.5 teaspoons of magic powder for every 100g of
ground beef as well as 10ml or 2 teaspoons of water for each 100g of beef.
17. Place this all in your stand mixer with the dough hook attached and allow this to mix for 7 minutes on medium
low speed, until well emulsified.
18. Press the burger patties and grill as normal.
19. Make up your burgers and enjoy. Here we see a double cheese burger using my magic patties and the
McDonald's burger we made 2 episodes back.
20. For the chicken, cut the bird down through breast bone and flatten it out. Place it in a large roasting pan.
21. Sprinkle the magic powder liberally over the chicken and fill up any space in the pan with the roasting vegetables
of your choice.
22. Pour in 400ml of chicken stock and cover the pan with foil.
23. Bake the chicken in a pre-heated oven at 200c or 400f for 45 minutes.
24. Remove the pan from the oven, remove the foil from the pan and return it to the oven uncovered for a further 35
25. Increase the heat to 250c or 480f for a further 10 to 15 minutes until the chicken is crispy and golden. Allow it to
rest for 5 minutes before cutting and serving.
Recipe by Whats4Chow at

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