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The Forest Princess

By : Ayesha Manzur (Year 2)

Deep in the dark forest, lived a princess called Princess Ciara. She was born in a
rain forest with no parents at all, so the animals looked after. She never knew she
was a princess.

She was very upset she didn’t have parents. One day, the evil witch flew through
the forest and spotted Ciara. When the witch landed on the ground she walked
towards Ciara afraid the witch would harm her. So the animals surrounded Ciara
in fright. Suddenly the witch captured Ciara and took her away! “Ciara, did you
know that you are the lost Princess? Well, I have found you now! Ha ha ha!” TH
witch cackled. The animals gasped out of fear and they searched the entire forest
for Ciara. They couldn’t find her!

“Oh where’s Ciara gone?” They all said. Suddenly, bear had an idea. His idea was
that with his nose he would smell the trail of Ciara and the witch to find them.
The animals ended up finding a huge witch’s castle and they went in to find Ciara.
In the castle, there were giant towers and a massive staircase. The animals
followed Bear down the stairs, and into the dungeon. Finally, they found Ciara
locked up in a metal cage. With his sharp claws, Bear broke the lock on the cage
and freed Ciara. The animals went in to hug Ciara. They were thrilled to find her.

“Ciara, don’t be afraid. We have come to save you!” The animals said. Ciara
realised that she has great friends and that friendship is magic!

Written By: Ayesha Manzur

Year Level: Year 2

School: Wilandra Rise Primary School

Contact Information: Mr Manzur Ashraf –

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