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27th Korea Culture Course

The 27th AKS Summer Program for International Students

2019 In July Mon the 8th to July Fri the 26th
July 8 (Mon) ~ July 26 (Fri), 2019

G won book
1. Personal information (Participant Information)
English Name (English Name): ※ castle Underline (underline Surname)
Korean Name (Korean Name):
Sex (Gender): □ Male □ Female
Date of birth (Date of Birth): (YYYY) (MM) (DD) Age (Age):
Language (Native Language): Nationality (Nationality):
School Name (Name of the University): Grade (Year):
Major (Major): Minor (Minor):
English Address (Address in English):

E-mail (E-mail):
Phone / Mobile number Telephone / Mobile (Country Code-City Code-Number):

2. AKS or Other Korea Of institutions Support received experience

(Previous Fellowships, Grants or Scholarships from Korean Institutes including Academy of
Korean Studies)
Support Organizations (Sponsor
Program Name (Title of Grant) Period (Period)
of the Grant)

3. Korean Learning Experience(Experience of Korean Language Courses)

Organization (Name of the Period (Years Attended: from-to) learning Level (Course Level)

4. Korea relation Major Learning Experience(Experience of Korea Related Courses)

Organization (Name of the Institution)
Period (Period) course title
(Subject Name)

5. Visit experienced Korea (Previous Visits to Korea)

visit Date, place And The purpose in detail Record please give it to me.
(Please describe in detail including dates, places and purposes of your visits.)
6. Optional (Optional) Korean Ability Test (The Korean Proficiency Test) -TOPIK
* Korean Language Proficiency Test grade card A copy together Submit please give it to me.
Submit a copy of your score report of the Korean proficiency test.
sexual And Rating (Score) To take one (Date)

7. Korean ability Checklist(Korean Proficiency Evaluation Sheet)

* Korean or Korea relation Majors charge Professor (Lecturer) wrote You are right A table.
Indicate applicant's level of the Korean language proficiency evaluated by a professor / lecturer in
Korean language or Korea related courses of student's university.
Language (Language) Field (Section) Level (Level)
Painting (Speaking) □ Native □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Korean Reading (Reading) □ Native □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Korean Writing (Writing) □ Native □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
Listening (Listening) □ Native □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □ Poor
* Reviewed Information (Information of the Evaluator)

Name (Name)

Sector (Affiliation) Position (Position)

Address (Address)

Phone (Telephone) E-mail (E-mail)

I Applicants Korean The ability That it has evaluated Check.

I confirm evaluating the applicant for his / her Korean proficiency.

Date (Date): Signature (Signature):

8. introduce ourselves as a Korean or English, and South Korea to create a culture courses that support
synchronous and hope
Please introduce yourself in Korean or English including your purpose for applying, what you
expect to learn from this program, and other relevant information that should be considered with
your application.
Paper If you lack Separate The space Write us wish.
(If additional space is needed, separate sheets should be attached.)

I Over The application form The fact The basis Faithfully That it has created Check.
I certify that the information provided above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date (Date): Signature (Signature):

Personal Information Collection and Use Agreement

Agreement on
the Collection of Personal Information
Name (Name)

date of birth

(Date of Birth)

1. The purpose of collecting and using personal jeopbo

(Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information)
- Reception Korea Culture Course applicants (To accept the application of
AKS Summer Program for International Students)

2. The entry of personal information collected

(Collected Items of Personal Information)
- Sex (Gender), date of birth (Date of Birth), age (Age), nationality
(Nationality), address (Address), phone number (Phone Number), name of
the school (Name of the University), Major (Major), etc.

3. Personal information retention and availability

(Holding and Using Period of Personal Information)
- 10 years (10 years)

4. The right to refuse consent guides

(Right to Refuse the Agreement)
- privacy and the provider can refuse to consent to the personal information
collected and used is provided, which can result in penalties (You have
the right to refuse the agreement on collecting and using personal
information, and if you refuse, you can be put at a disadvantage.)

※ I have been fully understood this notice about Privacy and agree.
(I have been informed about the collection of personal information and
I deeply understand and consent to it.)
East of the Sun: 2019. . .
(Date of Agreement)

Of copper: (signature)
(Assenter) (Signature)

Korean Central Institute precious

example application And Other submission The papers Single pdf filein Tie bottom By e-mail
February Fri the 22nd 24:00 (Korea time Up to standard) Submit Please wish.

e-mail address:

e-mail Title: 27th Korea Culture Course Supporting documents _ applicants me name

Please combine this application form and other required documents in 1 pdf file and send it to the e-mail
address below by February 22nd (Fri), 24:00 (Korea Standard Time).

E-mail Address:

E-mail Title: Application Documents for the 27th AKS Summer Program_Name of the Applicant

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