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Unit 1

Based on the first session what was reinforced and stood out for me is the understanding of life skills like when
you are trying to button your shirt and what is essential life skills which help to develop areas in my life
including my critical thinking, resilience, self-control, decision-making and problem-solving. My views on
these areas are different after this session. I will be trying to improve my thinking differently in and out of the
classroom. Also, the difference between life skills and essential skills. After this session, I am feeling well
equipped to engage with my pupils to educate them about life skills and essential skills.
What are life skills: a skill that is necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life.
What are essential skills: help people perform the tasks required.

Unit 2
Who am I?
The question I ask myself without knowing the answer. In this session, I was able to develop and know who I
am. During figuring out who I am I was introduced to the Johari Window method aspects of life and all about
the dimensions. What is self-development? According to the oxford dictionary, it is the process by which a
person's character or abilities are gradually developed. In this session, what was reinforced was the stages of
human growth and development in the process what stood out for me was self-concept (according to the oxford
dictionary self-concept is an idea of the self- constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the
responses of others) and developing ways to unmask myself and enhancing my self-esteem at the end of the
session I felt empower and educated to impart knowledge to my pupils how to enhance they self-esteem and
unmasking the their selves.
Unit 3

What is human sexuality?

In this session what was reinforced was the stages of human growth. Pregnancy and infancy are the first crucial
stages. Teenagers must adjust to their changing bodies because of the numerous physical changes brought on by
puberty. Adulthood, which lasts from the age of twenty to 65, is the fifth stage. For people 65 and older, the last
step is available. In this educated session what stood out for me is the topic of human sexuality. What is human
sexuality? It is the way people experience and express themselves sexually. In this interesting topic the term
sexpert (a person who professes a knowledge of sexual matters) Comprehensive sexual health education is
needed to help young people take ownership of their own health and wellbeing. Young people have a right to
live healthy lives, and it is society's duty to provide them with the information and skills they need to make wise
choices. Teens who got comprehensive sex education were 50% less likely to become pregnant than those who
attended abstinence-only-until-marriage programs. What also stood out for me in this session were building a
sexual relationship and sexual desires, while talking about the sexual relationship it was discussed that an
intimate sexual relationship involves trust and being vulnerable with each other. Closeness during sex is also
linked to other forms of intimacy including emotional and spiritual intimacy. Intercourse is only part of sexual
intimacy which involves foreplay and other forms of physical intimacy and to build this relationship we need to
be confident and communicate with others even when it’s awkward diving deeper into the topic of inappropriate
sexual activities was introduced. Where I learned that people do anything to have pleasure which affects the
marriage life for most meaning that their husband or wife won’t be able to give the right pleasure or sexual
desires, they need which will cause cheating and one partner can get sexually transmitted infections. What was
also reinforced is that infections can occasionally spread non-sexually, such as during childbirth, blood
transfusions, or when people share needles. Body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and others can
harbor the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause STDs. I was also reminded of ways to prevent STDs which
are as follows:
 Abstain. The most effective way to avoid STIs is to not have (abstain from) sex.
 Stay with one uninfected partner.
 Wait and test.
 Get vaccinated.
 Use condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly.
 Don't drink alcohol excessively or use drugs.
 Communicate
 Consider male circumcision.
 Consider using preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
This session ended with me being well-educated.
Unit 4

During this week health and healthy lifestyles or habits were introduced and reinforced where we discussed
What is health?
According to research health is the state of being free from illness or injury. Or a person's mental or physical
What are healthy habits?
According to research, healthy habits are habits that promote health and wellness in your life — like
exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and socializing with friends. Of course, important
habits don't always have to do with your physical health.
The topic that stood out for me is health and fitness. I am a very fit but unhealthy person; I spent time exercising
and keeping my body fit without eating healthy after this session I knowledgeable about the importance of
eating healthy and balanced. I was reminded of the causes of these diseases and their preventions.
Unit 5

During this week the environment was reinforced

What is an environment? An organism's surroundings or conditions (including those of people, animals, and
plants) are referred to as its environment.
We also covered the types of pollution the effects caused by pollution and how to prevent pollution. The five
R’s were discussed (reuse, recycle, reduce, repurpose, and refuse/ recycle). Natural phenomena were also
covered. Types of natural phenomena include Weather, fog, thunder, tornadoes; biological processes,
decomposition, germination; physical processes, wave propagation, erosion; tidal flow, moonbow, blood moon
and natural disasters such as electromagnetic pulses, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, midnight sun and polar
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, midnight sun and polar night
Unit 6

During this week we concentrated on the topic, “Assessment and Assessment Instruments.” Assessment is
known as the process of evaluating someone.
Through assessment, we can deliver our finest work and avoid failing. We looked at the two types of assessment
that we utilize every day. These two types are the traditional assessments and the alternative assessments.
Traditional assessment refers to the traditional testing procedures that typically result in written documentation,
such as tests or quizzes. Most state achievement assessments, standardized examinations, and high school
diploma exams are all forms of traditional evaluation. Performance tasks are typically the foundation of
alternative assessments. To prove your knowledge and skill level, you can either complete one challenge or a set
of tasks. We also looked at micro-teaching. I understand that Micro-teaching is a technique where a student
teacher or trainee teacher gets to experience teaching with fewer students for a shorter amount of time while
focusing on a single and limited teaching ability.
In conclusion, Assessments are how our knowledge is checked daily.

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