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1. Short quiz on human development: meaning, concepts and
approaches. (Objective and essay type)

In this module, I realized that as the day pass by we develop our

self. As we grow up our body is being developed in to our own
stage in human development. In this module human development
is a stage of developed, the development is an age period when
certain needs, behaviors, experiences and capabilities are the
common and different from other age periods. The pre-natal
period, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood,
adolescence, and early adulthood are the stage of human
development. And I belong in the stage of adolescence because
I’m already in the one decade and eight. In adolescence is a
transitional period, a time of change, a problem age. A time when
individuals search for identity, a time unrealism, and the threshold
of adulthood. Adolescent is the stage of achieving nature
relations with both sexes. Achieving a masculine or feminine
social role. Accepting one’s physique. Acquiring values and an
ethical system to guide behavior. Preparing for an economic
career. Preparing for marriage and family life and achieving
emotional independence of adults. Adolescences is beginning
with a rapid physical change dramatic again in height and weight,
changes in body contour. A development of sexual characteristics
such as the enlargement of breasts of the girls, development of
public and facial hair, and deepening of voice. Pursuit of
independence and identity are prominent thought is more logical,
abstract, and idealistic. More time is spent outside of the family.
Because in my stage I becoming matured enough to control
myself in everything that I’m doing. I know what is wrong and
right, I know what I supposed to do. Because it is part of our life,
to passed the problems that God what he sent to us to handle, we
just have trust and faith in everything that he does.

2. “Growth is evidence of life” or “development is evidence of

life.” What does this mean?

You can’t be living unless you’re growing. Our bones, muscles, tissues,
and cells are all developed as we grow. Furthermore, growth can
ensure sufficient nourishment; if it does not, it indicates that you are
not growing properly, demonstrating that if you grow, you have life.
This indicates that we must value ourselves in this world in order to
adapt with environmental changes and survive. Growth, improvement,
and adversity will always be present; all you have to do is take it all in
and do what’s right, continue to grow, and live in the now. Learning is
about growth, and unlike our bodies, our minds may continue to
expand as long as we live. The only sign of life is growth. We are all
human, and we all make mistakes. As a result of our mistakes, we learn
and grow. That is the reason we live: to learn, grow, and develop us

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