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STEM 11- 7, Senior High School Department
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

 1864- Miss Emily is born in the year 1864. Her father does not communicate with her kin in
Alabama. The father of Miss Emily does not allow her to have suitors.
 1894- The father of Miss Emily passed away, when she was 30 years old. Her taxes are remitted
by Colonel Sartoris.
 1895- The summer after her father’s death they began construction. Miss Emily meets Homer
Barron. They begin to have weekly yellow-wheeled buggy rides.

- Miss Emily bought arsenic from the druggist. After having bought poison, the townspeople
all said that “She will kill herself.” They forced the Baptist minister to speak to Miss Emily. The
minister’s wife wrote to Miss Emily’s kin in Alabama.

- Miss Emily’s two cousins came to visit her. Miss Emily ordered a man’s toilet set in silver,
with the letters H.B. during her the visit of her cousins. Two days later, she had bought a complete
outfit of men’s clothing. Then, Homer Barron left. Another week passed, Emily’s cousins left.

- Within three days, Homer was back in town. One evening, the Negro let Homer Barron in
through the kitchen door. Homer disappears. A smell developed at her house.

- Judge Stevens receives complaints. The next night, after midnight, the four men cross Miss
Emily’s lawn and sprinkled lime. A week or two later the smell went away.

 1904- For a period of six or seven years, when Miss Emily was forty years old, she gave China
painting lessons. Colonel Sartoris dies. China painting lessons end.
 1914- Eight or ten years after china painting lessons ceased, a deputation attempted to take taxes
from her. Emily has become grotesquely obese and pallid, her hair now an iron-gray color.
 1938- Miss Emily passes away at age 74. Once Miss Emily was buried, they discovered a man
lying on a bad in her house. Next to him, a pillow with a head indentation and a long strand of iron-
gray hair was found.

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