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Alcohol is a very spread social drugs.

According to the “use”, there are three kinds of

drinkers: recreational alcohol drinkers /user who
drinks alcohol just for recreational use, the heavy
drinkers who generally recover from its effects
without any long-term problems and the alcoholics a
person that is addicted to alcohol.

The effects of alcohol depends of many factors: the

gender, the drinker's body's size and metabolism (and
body build), type and amount of the food in the
stomach and amount of alcohol consumed in a given
time period ( given period of time ).

According to lastest findings/scientific researches

consuming moderate doses of alcohol (1-2 drinks
per / for day) has positive effects : anxiolytic
(relieve anxiety and depression) , lower mortality
rate ( relative ) than non-drinkers (it is probably due
to the high level of HDL), increase levels of estrogen
(ease postmenopausal symptoms).

Many “positive” alcohol effect are only expectancy-

based: attractiveness, sociability... an so on

But, negative effects of high consuming include

effects on nervous system: peripheral neuropathy,
korsakoff's syndrome , depression, addiction, reduce
sex drive, decrease brain glucose metabolism,
shrinking brain, enlarge ventricules.
It has effect on other orgnas: high blood pressure,
increase risk of stroke and ictus, it leads in men
decrease of level of testosterone production and in
women it leads menstrual irregularity, and so on...

Alcoholics are affected by alcoholism a disorder that

cause cognitive impairments, social problems ,
health impairment ( the main affected organs are :
brain, liver and heart).

Chronic heavy drinking and alcoholics

can have serious repercussion for
function of the brain and of the entire
central nervous system. These effects
includes cognitive impairments: loss of
inhibitions, confused , abnormal thinking
and poor decision making, problems with
memory ( short term memory or long
term memory ) , language , learning,
emotions, perception, learning, thinking
and judgement, attention deficit
(selective and divided). These effects
are as result of damage to dendrites and
killing neurons by poisoning .

Neuropathological and imaging

techniques show / give the evidence of
abnormalities and damnages in the
brainof alcoholics as atrophy of nerves
and neurons and brain shrinkage , and
at cellular level alcohol affects directly
neurons interferring with
neurotransmitters (expecially
However other neurological disorder can
result /appear(?) from/due to vitamin
deficiency and liver disease (these
problems often occur in alcoholism).

Recent researches show (proved/tested/

proofed) that with prolonged abstinence
can cause a slow impairment of
cognitive process. // a slow impairment
of cognitive process can occur in some

Alcohol is a depressant because it slow

down the function of the Central
Nervous System. It means that normal
brain functions are delayed and it is
unable to (can't) function normally , but
it is important to remember that alcohol
affect individuals differently.

A study has showed that alcoholics are

more sensitive to the stress than non
alcoholics because alcohol blocks one
receptor that mediates for “ stress
reduction” / stress and it reduce the
exagerate activation of some areas of
the brain associated with negative

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