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Will I have satisfactory spirituat llfeJ


The 5th house in tho horoscopc lndicatcs tho rnitiatron for

the mantra; the lOth house shows how he wlll be practlslng,
'{egutarty or not and the I lth house indicates hls
here. One is to find out the sub-lord of the llth: if lt ls dcpo.
sited ln the constellation of a planet who is the significatot or s
and 10, one will surely have the satisfaction in the spirltual life.
Siddhi is lndicated.

Can I become a Sanyasi ?

!y Saoyasi it is meant that one gives up this worldly pleasu-

res and possessions and cares more for paralokasadnanam. Ee
severs connection from the famlly anc a new cycle of rii" rr"*r.
fn-Ifora_ry one oan becomc a Sanyasl only when the
sub-lord of-Astrology,
the Ascendant is conrected with the hluser 3, rr)
and 12 and it ls ln any mannor connected with Saturn

Any re-rppointmcnt for me ?

This questlon is to be taken just lllre that asked by a young

person wbether he wlll get lnto servlce at all, if
sor *n"n f
Re'.appoihtm€nt means that he has compreted one servrcs and
served, connection with it. Now he re seckrng for
Theretbre it should be taken as thougb it ls a new appolntment
thea judge 6th cusp. The subJord of the 6th cusf le to be
deposlted in the constellatton, the lord of whlch ls the slgnift-
cator of the 6th or r0th or ?nd then he wilr be re-appolited.
But if the sub-lord is ln the constellatlon lord of *hi;h l;;"
slgnificator or I or 5 or 9 or l2th houso he wiff ioi;; ;;

'3Cure eny: if so, whe[',

Number given ls 249ltself.

Tlme of judgmeot: 9.30 A.M. on 9-+,1969.

Place: l3o 04' N.
Chart for 249 number is as under:
lzt-ss-zol I I
Venus Dasa Balance :
9 years 3 months.
Fahuasl I
| 'u,u.,
The guery is about


I e-4-te6e I 6th sbows diseaso; 8th

danger and l2th defect.

l-l I
I vtztol
So, judge 6th cusp. It


is in Sun sign, Veuus star,
Jupiter sub. Jupiter is in
the constellation of Sun,
I *idoo- t* to-n
z*n I -M;';- l-lup. 5-321
| lvut ze-r ["t$1,0.s1 lord of 6 in 12: Venus
*ro I ,t-rt I is lord of 8 in thc conste-
I lrr_Yi:, llation of Mercury ln 12.
Rahu ln Jupiter's sign is stronger than Jupiter. Rahu is tle sub.
[".- lord of Ycnus who is the lord of the consteilarion of 6tb cusp.
r Naturo of disease, thcrcfore, is shown by Mercury, Rahu and
Venus. This shows nervous tvpe of leprosy. Mercuiy affects_
i aervous system ; Venus denotcs bcauty_Thejas ; aad Rahu
I lcprosy.
Hence thls lsryour ailment.

Curc-Any? t'
Notcwherethe,llth cusp hes fallen. I ls in Saturn sign,
Malara, Moon star, Sravana and gub of Kethu who ls ln 6.
As thc sub lord is to cause diserise, the llth cusp doee not
promise curo. lt ehows that you will have the abovqailmcnt
Kothu has to offer the results of 4,6 and 12, and also rhat you
wlll have trcatment at home only. If thc bouses signified by
Kcthu would'be , 6, and l2 or -t, 6, ll aod tZ tnco you wlil
hospltalise yourself.

3, 6, ll and 12 show euccessful treatment la the hospltal.

So, cure ts dcnlcd.
Prav to Mahalaksmi. Let hor arrest fqrther develop_

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