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.saturn star. Venus ls tn Mars star. His return will be during

Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukthi Venus Anthra Marg Shookehma, 1.o., \
around 4tb weck ofJuly, 1971.

"Hotiv clo you take Sun sub-period. lt can be Moon or

Mars sub-period also."
Now the point which rises ln thc east is Simha-Leo lagna. It ls
ncither Karkata-Cancer, nor Scorpio.
Secondly, the lagoa is in Poorvapalgunl star ruled by Vcnus.
Further Moon is in Venus sign-Jupiter star. Qucr_y is tofind out'
thc father's dare of return. So take thc ruling planets. Juplter
Dasa Venus Bhukrhi, Sun, Moon and Mars Anthra passed.away.
So, thc next date is only Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukthi .Vcnus
Also note the transit. Jupiter from itr retrogradc iotioo '
tates direct course in Mars sign Jupiter star ln the th-week of '-.
July, 1971. Venus will be in Jupiter star Sun sub. Sun-will bc
ln Moon sign.' Mars in exaltation in its own star. Saturn ln
Suo's star Venus sub. So one should predict 4tb lr€€k of July,
" l97l to be the safe return of the fatber.
"So, two more years."
"Yes, What to do ?"
"Can I pray to God, Sir ? Will it not help for early
rcturn ?"

"Whether you pray or oot, publish in the paper or not, his

date of return wlll and must be 4th weck of July, 1971."

Overseas-When ?

Dcar friend !
One should know whether one is promised to go overseas
of oot; theo alone one should think'whcn one will bo going.
are a wonderful bcy. -Xou select the name to be given to .2,.-*,
your child at the time you rebain unmarried. Should not you ' i
find whether mcrriage is promised-and then whethcr you cao i

have at teast ono child. Therefore your gucry t bould be rbcthcr

it is porsiblc for you to go ovGrscas and if so, when ? It rhowr
your dcsirc to ge-good.

You have givcn 57 with is 249.

mcans according to Krlthnamurti Padhdhatl that tho
fallo io Gomini 2lo 46' 40'. Ag thls ls workcd at 10-32
A.M. on Thursday, the ?th Augurt 1969, at Dclhi, one ls to
crect a chart for Dclhi Latitude and lnsert thc ptaactg for 10.32
, A.M. Tbc following ic thc horoscopi:-

The l2th cusp ir to be

ju,jged to find out
whether one is promised
lrfe in a foreign placo.
lt should bc supportcd by
thc subJord of ths tlh
cusp indicating that long
journey is also promised.
l2th cusp is in lG20 of
Tautus. That ie Moon
siar KGthu sub. 9rh cuep
in 10-20 Aquariur in
Rahu star Jupiter sub.
Both Kethu and Jupiter
aro ig the third house indicatiug that onc will lcave hir rcqideuco-
and rnake journey. Hcncc thie numbcr promiser long journey
rnd life in a foreign place.

Now let us fiud out the rigniFcators to notc the time of

departure, Foi ovcrseac ono is to judge the houscs 3, 9, and 12.
Third housc extends ftom LEO 10-20 to VIRGO 12-20. In
this area we find Jupiter and Kethu. Mercury is io Kethu star
and Rahu ln Jupiter star. Rahu ls in tho 9th houso and Ycnut
ls in Rabu star lAh houso is occupied by Venur and Sstnrn
alone is in Vcnus star. Thus it will be &ea-tbat Mcrcury,
Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Kothu and Rahu are the significators. .

When so many planets bccone the significators therc arc two

Ecthods of seloction after rejcctiag the invalid oncs.

Thosc planets which are not in the sub ofithe significatots

of 3,9 or 12 arcnot useful to make the journey. But thcy will
offer other rcsults of the house which thcy signlfy

Alao one should notc thc ruling planGts at the momcnt of

judgmcnt. Today it is Thursday. The star is Rohinl. Thc
sign in which Moon moves ls Taurus owned by Venus. Thc
lagna isVirgo governed by Mercury, in Moon star Hastha and
in the sub of Venus. Thcrefore one ls to say that durlng
Mercury Bbukti, Venus Anthra and Jupiter Shookshma you wlll
go ov€rseas. At tho timc of judg€ment there were only 6 ycars of
MoonDasa'lcft over. Melcury Bbuktl commcnces os 7-6-71.
In that-Venus Anthra starts on tgth Scptembcr, 1971. In that
of Veous Anthra Jupitcr Shookshma will be in the end of
Octobcr end beginning of Novcmber 1971. Eenco you are
going ovcrseag and that must bo on l-ll-?1.

Any Sturily Qvcrseas ?

Studies upto High

school and College 1n,,,
| ,* r-ou
I* r-0, I
ra-l I
xr g-+e
reguire legular atten- jsat. 25-38
lnanu lven.
dance and study yeaf
after year. This is indi- I
Sun I-31
Gatcq by thc 1th house. t7-7-t969 xII 3-46
Higher study is shown
by the 9th house. t_:: 7-30 P. M. r.s.T.
Ayanamm 23r 20
n,,.n. u0
9th housc also showg I Moon
longjourney. l2th housc l___,__
shows life in an altogetbcr Mars Kethu
n€w environment and 8:58 trl 3-46 tt 246
separatioa from family, 1",,, 3-46 Jup. G57

whethcr one will bo successfur in higher studies is to be seen

from thc llth house. If th€ lith howe is iir any manner
oonnccted with the 9th house, success is promised. But if the
- sub'lord of thc llth cusg is retrogrede, srcces$ is denied.
Ambidon cannot be rcalised.

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