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Balance Sentence Structure

Is a sentence made up of two parts that are equal in length, importance,

and grammatical structure. They are either separated by from each other by
semicolon or connecting words.

On days when warmth is the most important need of the human heart,
the kitchen is the place you can find it; it dries the wet socks, it cools the
hot little brain.

Every man has the right to say what he thinks is true , and every other
man has the right to knock him down for it.

“Buy a bucket of chicken and have a barrel of fun.”

It was a very sad time in my life, living alone looking for work, dreaming
of home.

In most cases, this type of sentence is particularly useful as a means of

making contrast effective.


Assertion recommends that I speak; humility demands that i remain


Familiarity breeds contempt, but respect begets respect.

Reported by:
Anabelle Brosoto
BSED 1B (day)

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