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In the world of industry, if the client does not satisfy with the service provided by the consulting

engineer, they may search for another consulting engineer to take care of the current job. So basically,
the main idea is whether the new consulting engineer should supplant the work of the 1 st consulting
engineer knowing that the 1st consulting engineer has already been entrusted with the work?

In IEM regulation, the new consulting engineer should not supplant the job of another consulting
engineer. The new consulting engineer should find out the reason why client approach him while there
is another consulting engineer entrusted with the job. It can be due to many reasons such as the client
intend to find for another cheaper service rate from another engineering organization, there is a
dispute of safety which the 1st consulting engineer has advised the client, but the client refuse to listen,
poor service provided by the 1st consulting engineer etc.

If the client is not happy with the service provided by the 1st consulting engineer and want to engage
the new consulting engineer as a new replacement for the current job, the new consulting engineer
should make sure that the client has fully terminate the 1st consulting engineer and all the fees of the
1st consulting engineer had been fully paid or settled. If the fee of the 1st consulting engineer has yet
to be fully settled and at the same time the new consulting engineer accept the job blindly, he or she
may face difficulties when receiving the fees of service in later time after the completion of the project.

He should also check on whether he is held liability due to work done by the previous 1st consulting
engineer. To handle to work of the 1st consulting engineer is not an easy task as he may have to check
thoroughly the work of the previous engineer.

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