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26 years (24/09/1993)

Occupation: Technology Analyst (Business Intelligence) at

Infosys Limited, Bangalore
Income: 7 Lakhs Per Annum
Education: PGDM (Business Analytics) & B.Tech (IT)
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu
Religion: Islam
Community: Sunni Muslim
Height: 5' 4"
Complexion: Fair
Habits: No drink & Smoke


I am a hardworking, well-cultered, understanding and practical person with a positive attitude. I come from a
Sunni Muslim upper middle class family. My beliefs are both modern and traditional. I balance my
professional & family life and share a special bond with all my family members and close friends.

I enjoy travelling, sight seeing, exploring new cuisines, homour and stand-up comedies, learning and keeping
my self updated with new technologies and things. I am a progressive thinker and respect each person(s)
space & values.

Family background

Father: M LIYAKATH ALI (Regional Manager - Rentokil PCI Pvt Ltd)

Mother: M ZARINA (Home Maker)
Sister (Younger): ASIMA FARHATH (Student BSc- Nutrition)

Sunni Muslim Upper Middle Class nuclear family abiding & practicing all the principles of Islam. A family
that appreciates progressive thinking and at the same time to evolve as a society sticks to its traditions
and moral values.

You can expect a homely behavior and dedicated up-bringing from our family.


I am looking for somebody who is accomplished, well-educated and career-oriented girl whose beliefs are both modern and
traditional. She should have a balanced nature in maintaining and managing family life and friends. She should appreciate,
respect and engage in my family customs and practices and vice versa. More importantly she should be a good cook and a
friendly human being.

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