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Managed Network Expert (MNE) Payment Structure

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Managed Network Expert!

Payment for Q&A Answering is per solution, with no limit to the number of questions you
can answer. You will be paid monthly based on your total number of answers posted.
Average answers per month depend on your area of expertise, but we have seen Experts
answer as many as 1,500 questions in a month (our record!)

Below are the current rates per solution for each subject:

Subject Rate per solution*

Mechanical Engineering 168 INR
*Subject to change

We appreciate your excellent work and expertise, so we think you should be compensated
accordingly. Our current Managed Network Experts love their unlimited earnings potential,
and we hope that you will too!

Please contact your Territory Manager with any questions.

Chegg- The Student Hub™

This information is confidential. Please do not share with anyone outside of the Chegg network.

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