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Christopher Case: Death by Witchcraft?

Bedtime Stories Video

 Thursday, 18th of April 1991 – Chris found dead in his apartment after a week of telling
friends that something was trying to kill him. People have suggested that he literally scared
himself to death…
 Chris grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and was a small-town radio DJ. He was a well-rounded
and sophisticated individual. He was intelligent and was very into fitness – taking daily
vitamin supplements and exercising constantly.
 He decided to move west to Seattle, Washington State to start a new career as a music
executive in his early 30s. He worked for Muzak Holdings Company – producing the soft
ambient music played in lifts and waiting rooms all across the world.
 He was a popular young man – having made good friends in his new role and still managing
to keep in touch with old friends back in Richmond. Despite this, he was a bit of a loner and
had remained single for many years.
 This wouldn’t be considered strange in itself, his job required him to travel all over the US –
and he had a real passion for music, especially compositions of the ancient world.
 He was an introvert – his idea of a good time was sitting at home listening to his favourite
tracks as opposed to going out and socialise. He would find solace in the arrangements of
notes and harmonies as opposed to the company of others. He didn’t ask much – he didn’t
bother other people and other people didn’t bother him in return.
 It is for this reason that nobody who knew him has been able to comprehend the fateful
week in the summer of 1991 – which would ultimately lead to his tragic and bizarre demise.
He would be found dead in his apartment on the morning of the aforementioned date.
 There was no sign of a struggle or of forced entry, and his body was fully clothed – sitting
inside his empty bathtub with his head resting against the wall in a kneeling position. It
looked like he had simply fallen asleep in this position and died.
 However, police soon discovered something alarming when they searched his apartment.
There were a multitude of crucifixes, books on the occult, and salt poured on the entrance
and along every single skirting board. Salt is often thought to be capable of repelling evil
spirits. There was also religious music quietly playing in a number of rooms.
 The coroner was able to determine, at the scene, that Chris had died of heart failure. He was
just 35 years old. Although the circumstances of his death were certainly odd, the story that
began to take shape over the following months of investigation seemed straight out of a
horror movie.
 Shortly after his demise, some of his friends reported that Chris had been having very oddly
in the days leading up to his death. He had apparently called them on numerous occasions in
a state of panic – claiming that something was after him and that he feared for his life. He
had told them that he was certain that he would be dead before the end of the week.
 As a result – what had previously been thought to be a death by natural causes started to
take on a much more sinister bent. After weeks of looking into his case, investigators
discovered another chilling layer to Christopher’s story.
 On the 11th of April, only seven days before his death, Chris had gone on a business trip to
San Francisco in order to meet with other executives within the music industry. At some
point during this visit, he had been introduced to an older woman who seemingly shared his
passion for the music of the ancient world – particularly that of Egyptian and Mediterranean
civilisations. They had a lot in common, and as their conversation progressed Chris realised
that she wanted a romantic relationship with him.
 She made no secret of this, and even asked him to take her home on more than one
occasion. He politely declined these requests – because although she was an attractive lady,
her intensity unnerved the young executive.
 This, as well as the fact that she was at least 20 years older than him, led Chris to suggest
that they call it a night and go their separate ways. This seemed to anger her. She felt the full
force of his rejection, and apparently said something strange in response.
 She told him that she was a witch, and that she would put a curse on him – and then assured
him that he would be sorry. She promised him that he would be dead within a week. Chris –
who thought of himself as a rational individual – simply shrugged this off.
 He did not believe in the paranormal and was an atheist. He disregarded her threats and
travelled back to Seattle a day later. He told his friend, Sammy Sauder, about this event
upon his return – and she dismissed it with the same alleged rationality. Chris likely then
forgot about the entire incident – at least for the first few days after his return home.
 Just three days later – on the morning of the 14th of April – Sammy was alarmed to receive a
panicked phone-call from Chris. Chris said that he had been kept awake all night by
whispering voices coming from somewhere in his house, and that he couldn’t find the
source. He also claimed that he had seen shadows moving around his apartment despite him
being the only person in there, and that he felt like he was being watched at night.
 This bizarre conversation would be the contents of the first of three frantic calls that Chris
would make to Sammy over the next few days. Chris called Sammy on the 16th to tell her
that something had attacked him during the night. He had apparently woken to find himself
paralysed, and being throttled by unseen hands. This attack was intense and violent, the
force of it lifting Chris off his mattress before releasing him and throwing him back down
onto his bed.
 After this, he had noticed that there were tiny cuts on the ends of each of his fingers and
that his bedsheets were stained with his blood. This incident would prove too much for
Chris’s atheism to bear – and so the next morning he visited a religious bookshop called
Evangel Incorporated.
 Rodney Higucci – the store manager – described the odd scene when Chris entered the
store. He had apparently walked over to one of the displays and picked up a handful of
crucifixes. Higucci asked Chris how he was going to use them, to which Chris divulged the full
truth of the matter – he said that he was being attacked by paranormal entities and that he
intended to defend himself.
 Rodney tried to help as best he could, and so recommended a number of books about how
to fight witchcraft. While repeatedly visiting this bookshop and frantically calling his
concerned friends, it became clear that Chris had begun a determined effort to fight off
whatever it was that had been tormenting him. By the afternoon of the 16th, the battle lines
had been drawn.
 He had placed multiple crucifixes around his home – which were interspersed with candles.
He had poured lines of salt along the extremities of each room, and had left piles of it in
each corner. He had written many notes on methods of combating evil spirits, which were
scattered throughout his apartment.
 It had taken less than a week for the ‘curse’ placed upon him by the strange woman to
transform Chris into something barely recognisable compared to the confident and rational
young executive he had been only days before. He was an obsessed individual, determined
to the point that it was detrimental to his health. He wasn’t sleeping, and he had not shown
up for work in two days.
 He would call other friends apart from Sammy, and they would all attest to how they could
hear how utterly afraid he was in his voice. The coming evening of the 16th would be his
most harrowing experience to date. It is not clear exactly what transpired during that night,
but something evidently frightened him so much that he left his home during the early hours
of the morning to stay at a hotel.
 Due to his sudden move, Sammy could not get through to him the next morning. Her only
recourse was to call a local police department and have them perform a welfare check on
Chris’s property. Upon arrival, the cops found that the premises were locked – and so were
unable to gain access. They left the scene and reported their findings to a concerned
 She lived on the other side of the country, and so felt distraught and helpless. She couldn’t
do anything else but wait to hear from Chris. That evening, she came home to find a
message stored on her answering machine. Little did she know at the time that this would
be the last time she ever heard from Christopher Case.
 There was an eerie calm to the young man’s voice – almost as if he had resigned himself to
his fate. In this message, he spoke about how ‘they’ had almost got him the night before,
and about how he believed that this would be his last night on Earth.
 However, Sammy wouldn’t be the only person to hear from Chris that day – he had also
visited a Catholic priest in the afternoon before later returning to Evangel Incorporated.
Higucci said that Chris had looked exhausted on this occasion, but that he was still desperate
and was asking for more advice on how to defend himself. The manager obliged happily.
 Despite Chris’s best efforts – he would lose his life on the night of the 17th of April, 1991.
Myocarditis was listed as the official COD on the coroner’s report – a sudden and seemingly
inexplicable stopping of the heart.
 Did this man somehow convince himself that he had been cursed and then literally scare
himself to death? Myocarditis is a rare, but potentially deadly disease affecting one in every
100,000 people. It is not hereditary, and is therefore not based on one’s genetic makeup. It
can afflict anyone at any time, but most commonly occurs in people between the ages of 20
and 40. A viral infection can cause myocarditis, as can a reaction to a drug of some kind.
 It is not unheard of for myocarditis to take the lives of young men and women who were
otherwise fit and healthy. It has been listed as the cause of many sudden deaths in young
athletes all around the world. Some medical experts have speculated that there could be a
link between the condition and man-made supplements such as vitamins or steroids – which
could potentially aggravate an existing condition.
 It is therefore important to remember that Christopher was a fitness junkie, and that he
went to the gym daily. He also took vitamin supplements, and was 35 years old – meaning
that he was well within the targets of this disease.
 However, close friends and relatives of Mr. Case are not so quick to accept the official
explanation of Chris dying by natural causes. Holes in the myocarditis theory include that
there are a number of other symptoms which usually manifest in sufferers of myocarditis –
including chest pain, difficulty breathing and general fatigue. Also, sufferers will usually
display flu-like symptoms in the weeks leading up to their deaths. Chris experienced none of
these, and was otherwise a fit and healthy young man with a powerful immune system.
 Chris’s mental state during those last 5-6 days is also something to consider. He was a stable
individual, not prone to flights of fancy about the paranormal. Why did he suddenly change?
He went from being a sane and rational young man one day to a desperate and obsessed
wreck the neck.
 We are also faced with the fact that Chris knew that he was going to die. He predicted it with
alarming accuracy, telling Sammy on the 17th that he knew that he would not make it
through the night. It seems unlikely that a fit, healthy and (allegedly) mentally-stable young
man would die of natural causes after a week of fearing for his life.
 Chris truly believed that he was being haunted by something horrific enough to literally
scare him to death. The police never followed up on the identity of the witch because his
death was never seen as suspicious, therefore not warranting that sort of investigation.

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