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Enuff of Puff: Living a Healthier Lifestyle for a Happier Family


The purpose of the 2019 Nutrition Month Celebration is to disseminate nutrition

related information through the theme “Kumain nang wasto at Maging aktibo… Push
natin ‘to!” (Eat heatlhy and do physical activity… let’s push this!). As mandated by
Presidential Decree 491, all schools are enjoined to participate through meaningful
activities to create greater awareness on the importance of nutrition.
Although there is a decree or law to create awareness on the importance of nutrition
(and being healthy or maintaining a healthier lifestyle), the discipline to enact or act out
the purpose of this awareness rests in the hands, not of the government, but in each
individual. Although we become aware or become educated about many topics in
school, education starts at home.
One of the major roles of parents is to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the
family. It’s no joke when a family member gets sick. It causes a heavy burden for the
family not only in terms of expenses but in their hearts.
None in their right mind would want to become sick. And despite the advances in
technology, knowledge and medicine, according to an article published by the The
Lancet on Science Daily on June 8, 2015, "Over 95% of the world’s population has
health problems, with over a third having more than five ailments." This means that
only one (1) out of twenty (20) individuals is considered without a form of sickness.
To learn more about the diseases to look out for to safeguard our family, you can
search the Internet for the Top 10 Deadliest Diseases in the Philippines.
But why do people get sick. There are a lot of reasons why people get sick. Lifestyle is
one. The environment is another. Some would even say that it is our genes. But another
is actually our misconceptions. “I am strong. I don’t feel anything. I have no pains. I
don’t need anything to be concerned with about my health.” Individuals who think like
this are the hardest to convince to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle especially if
they have vices that are considered unhealthy.
With this, let us talk about smoking. Why do so many find it difficult to stop smoking?
Those who smoke refuse to quit because they don’t feel anything and if they do try to
stop, they feel week. Leading to some saying that smoking is their “vitamin”. However,
this is contrary to the government warning that: Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to
Your Health. The government including tobacco manufacturers have said that:
 Smoking causes 9 out of 10 lung cancers,
 Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer,
 Smoking causes heart attacks,
 Smoking causes strokes and disability,
 Your smoke harms your children, family, and friends,
 Smokers’ children are more likely to start smoking,
 Smoking causes a slow and painful death, and
 In the Philippines, 10 people die every hour because of smoking-related diseases.
This translates to 240 deaths every day or 87,600 deaths every year. And some
2,600 of those cases are child deaths caused by inhalation of secondhand smoke,
just to stat a few.

Smoking is also expensive. This is a projected cost incurred by smokers according to a

recent study.
Total cost/year
No. of sticks smoked daily Cost of cigarettes in 30 years
1 to 5 sticks P1,095 – P9,125 P32,850 – P273,750
6 to 10 sticks P6,570 – P18,250 P197,100 – P547,500
11 to 15 sticks P12,045 – P27,375 P361,350 – P821,250
16 to 20 sticks P17,520 – P36,500 P525,600 – P1,095,000
21 sticks or more P22,995 and above P689,850 and above

And if a campaign to increase the price of cigarettes to Php25/stick pushes through,

millions would be saved if a smoker decides to quit. He or she would also save on costly
medical bills.

Medical care Projected cost per person*

Hospitalization from P700 to P2,500 per day
Maintenance medicines about P1,000 a week
Clinic visits around P600 per session
Diagnostics and tests P500 to P20,000 per procedure
Surgery up to P1 million
Chemotherapy about P30,000-P100,000 per session

What are some suggested ways to stop the habit of puffing?

1. Just decide to stop. Have the confidence that you can stop the habit.
2. Avoid triggers. Stress is the most common trigger for smokers. Instead of grabbing a
stick, exercise.
3. Delay. Feeling the urge to smoke, wait for a few minutes. Do another activity during
this time. A simple activity like moving from one area of the house to another may help.
4. Chew on it. Instead of a cigarette, eat some fruits if you feel the urge to smoke.
5. Don’t say “Just one” or “Lessen little by little”. Look at number one.
6. Get physical. Physical activity lessens cravings.
7. Practice relaxation techniques. Deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation,
meditation, visualization, massage or listening to relaxing music are some examples.
8. Ask for help. Family members should be the first people a smoker must seek help
9. Remind yourself of the benefits.
a) Feeling better
b) Getting healthier and adding more years to your life
c) Sparing your love ones from secondhand smoke
d) Saving lots of money

The decision to quit smoking is just one of the many lifestyle changes we can do and
being physically active not only helps quitting the habit but also promotes this years
Nutrition Month Celebration of “…maging aktibo… push natin ‘to!”

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