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Organizational Cultural Quiz

1. Communications and Transparency - Does your company have

a method to communicate the most important information and
collect feedback from people face to face at least once a month in
methods other than informational meetings conducted by
management? (i.e., Is your rumor mill (everyone has one) filled with
the latest gossip or is it full of positive remarks and good plans and
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

2. Change...the magical elixir - Is your company able to adapt to

a competitor or a serious change quickly by pulling together around
a central idea or goal? (i.e., Can you count on people to pay
attention to what is going on in the market place and pushing you to
be better each day?)
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

3. Selfless leadership - Does your senior staff and their managers

lead by placing a greater value on their contributions to the other
parts of the organization before taking care of their needs? (i.e., Are
your leaders humble and more interested in the growth of others and
finding the potential in people?)
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

4. Surprise, oh yes, glorious surprise - Do your people constantly

surprise you with the things they do that add value to the workplace
and their community? (i.e., Do they organize "kindness" events for
others, without regard for anything except "doing the right thing?")
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

5. Ideas - Is your organization a place where the best ideas win

every time? (i.e., Do you collect, expect and even demand that your
people “not” check their brain at the door and constantly look for,
suggest and implement the best new ideas?)
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

6. Yes or no – Do you hear yes or no most often? (i.e., Is the

environment full of hope or despair? Do people have bounce
in their step or do things move like a "heard of turtles?")
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

7. Leads or manages - "Managers are people who do things right;

leaders are people who do the right thing. Bennis, Warren Do your
leaders hold their leaders to a higher calling? (i.e., Do the people
closest to the customer hold their leaders to that same higher calling
and does each of your people see themselves as leaders?)
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

8. 60 minute blues - Do people watch 60 minutes on Sunday

evening and start to dread the end of the weekend because they
have to go back to "you know where" in the morning?
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

9. A penny saved - Do people routinely discuss ways to be more

efficient, save money and utilize all resources to their fullest
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

10. Courage - Are your people worried about things that distract
them from their good work like retribution, being labeled, held back
or marginalized?
Circle one
Seldom A little Occasionally Usually Always

The ten areas above will give you a glimpse of what is possible and what we
have witnessed with dedicated, caring and ‘people focused’ organizations. If
your answers surprise you, or you give this to others to complete and their
answers surprise you, remember that you can have it all.
Hope you are enjoying August and I will be back in September.

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