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Ikhlasul Amal1), Farah Hendara Ningrum2), Sigit Wijokongko3)

Department of Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy Techniques, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
Radiologist RSUP Kariadi

Background: Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is ways to depiction blood vessels using MRI. There is
two methods that can be used to MRA, namely 3D time-of-flight (TOF) and 3D phase-contrast (PC). Some of
hospital use both method and the other one just using one method. Using two method to produce the same image
makes the examination time longer. The purpose of this study is to compare anatomical information that produced
by 3D TOF and 3D PC and to know the better methods for Cerebral Artery MRA examination.
Methods: This type of research is a quantitative study with an experimental approach. The sample used was 10
volunteers who performed MRA Artery Cerebral examination using 3D TOF and 3D PC methods. In this study,
the anatomy assessed by radiologist are Internal Carotid Artery, Verterbral Artery, Basilary Artery, Anterior
Cerebral Artery, Posterior Cerebral Artery, Middle Cerebral Artery, Anterior Communicating Artery dan
Poserior Communicating Artery. The results of the assessment of 3 radiologist were tested by Cohen's Kappa to
find out the agreement between respondents, then the Wilcoxon statistical test was conducted to look for differences
and look for mean rank values to find out the best method.
Result: Differences in anatomical information between 3D TOF and 3D PC are found in the anatomy of the
anterior cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, Middle Cerebral Artery, and anterior communicating artery
which are supported by the result of Wilcxon test with p-value 0.000. The anatomy can be seen better in 3D TOF
than 3D PC. A better sequence to present Cerebral Artery MRA is 3D TOF, this is reinforced by the Wilcoxon test
results with mean rank results for 3D TOF is 28.23 and 3D PC is 24.00.
Keyword : Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Artery Cerebral, 3D Time-of-Flight, 3D Phase Contrast.
Cerebral artery MRA research with PC and TOF
sequences has been carried out with tittle of
Magnetic Resonance Angiography is imaging differences image quality of brain magnetic
diagnostic technique that could be showed the image resonance angiography phase contrast on
of blood vessels from maximizing signal intensity of hypertension patient on variation of velocity
flowing spin and minimizing signal from stationary. encoding (Irawan, 2018), the differences variation
There are two methods to produce MRA image, the velocity encoding (venc) about information of
methods are Time of Flight (TOF) and Phase magnetic resonance angiography brain artery
Contrast (PC). The mechanism of TOF sequence is anatomy on MRI 1,5 T (Rohmah,2018), and the effect
based of T1 contrast, because TOF is sensitive with of time repetition (TR) and flip angle (FA) on
T1 effect. Phase contrast sequence is using bipolar anatomical information about 3D tof sequences
gradient (positive and negative magnet) and velocity (Alamsyah, 2017).
encoding (VENC). In addition to these sequences, Based on preliminary studies, each hospitals has
other squences that can be used are contrast- a selectin of used sequences for MRA examination.
enhanced (CE)MR (Westbrook, 2019). In the SMC Telogorejo Hospital only using the TOF
According of Mukhrejee (2007) 3D TOF is an sequence, then at Santo Boromeus Hospital is using
important sequence to diagnose stenosis, occlusions, TOF and PC sequences. Base on it, the examination
aneurysm and vascular malformation intra cranial that using both of the sequences, the examination time
artery. 3D TOF is the most relevant sequence for will be longer because there is two sequences that
artery that have thin layer and high speed of blood produce same image of the head blood vessels.
flow. According of Bachtiar (2014), PC sequence is
better than TOF to visualized carotid artery.

The type of this research is quantitative research 2. Description of research result
with an experimental approach. The study was Table 3. Result of Cohen’s Kappa by 3 Respondent.
conducted by comparing anatomical image
information from 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences on p-value
Cerebral Artery MRA Examination. The population Respondent Measure of Information
and sample of the study were the image of Cerebral agreement
Artery MRA 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences. The R1 - R2 0.806 Good
MRI modalities using Siemens Avanto 1,5 T. R1 - R3 0.384 Moderate
Questionnaires data of the anatomical image R2 - R3 0.430 moderate
information was assessed by 3 radiologist.
The level of agreement between respondent one
Data from respondent’s result are in the form of and respondent two could be said to be good because
ordinal data which is proessed and analyzed with the value of p-value between these respondent is in
statistical programs. The data was tested by Cohen’s the range of kappa coefficient value 0.61-0.80. While
Kappa to determine the level of equality of the level of agreement between respondent one with
perceptions among respondents. Furthermore, for three and respondent two and three could be said
anatomical information, data analysis was performed moderate because the value of p-value between the
with Wilcoxon statistical test. To assess the best respondent is in the kappa coefficient range 0.41-
image using the result of Wilcoxon mean rank test 0.60.
then comparing the value between 3D TOF and 3D
PC. Because the level of agreement between
respondent one and respondent two is good, the writer
is decided to use the data obtained from the second
respondent, taking in to the result of cohen’s kappa
RESULT Sequences Sig. Information
1. Sample Description 3D TOF
Table 1. Description of sample based gender 0,000 Nothing Difference
test of respondent one and two having good level of
Gender N (Amount) Percentage (%) agreement, and the second respondent having most
Man 6 60% experience assessing MRI image than respondent
Women 4 40%
Table 4. The result of Wilcoxon Test differences of
Sum 10 100% image information over all
Based on table 1, the variation of gender on these The Results of differences in anatomical image
sample is showed the man sample was dominated information on 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences for
with the percentage is 60%. cerebral artery MRA examination as a whole. Based
on table 4 the result of the Wilcoxon test showed p-
Table 2. Description of sample based on age
value = 0.000 or p<0.005, it was showed that Ho is
Percentage rejected and Ha is accepted, these results indicate a
Age N (Amount) significant difference in anatomical information
20 - 22 7 70% between 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences on Cerebal
23 - 25 2 20% artery MRA examination.
26 - 28 1 10% Based on table 5, it can be seen that there are
differences in anterior cerebral artery, posterior
Based on the table that know the research was cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior
used 10 volunteer with the percentage of the age is communicating artery which is it have p-values <
20-22 70%, 23-25 20% and 26-28 10%. 0.05.
Comparison of better anatomical image information
between the 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences on
Cerebral Artery MRA examination was analysed
using mean rank values in table 6. Obtain from the
test from each anatomy was tested.

Table 5. The results of Wilcoxon test differeces of the The velocity of blood flow in vessels with a
anatomi between 3D TOF and 3D PC narrow surface area, more than the velocity in large
surface, this results in some cerebral artery anatomy
on 3D PC sequence not shown (Figure 1), sepecially
on anatomical criteria that have narrow surface, the
3D PC sequence has a velocity encoding (VENC)
setting to controls the strength and duration of the
pulse encoding speed.

Table 6. The results of mean rank Wilcoxon test in

the anatomy Figure 1. Comparison of image results of 3D TOF
and 3D PC (A)3D TOF (B) 3D PC
According to Westbrook (2019), the
recommended VENC value artery imaging is 60-80
cm/s. With the VENC that used in this research is 75
cm/s the results of the 3D PC image on the blood
vessels whose small crossectional area does not
appear or is still visible but not clear. It can happen
because the VENC setting is considered too large, it
made the blood vessels to appear to be smaller and
less visible
The abnormalities on blood vessels such as
contriction and blockages can also affect the MRA
image. The part does not flow through the blood not
produce a signal from the flowing nuclei, in that part
will be considered a stationary nuclei so it will
produce a void/ dark signal.
DISCUSSIONS According to Ferreira (2014), 3D TOF
The imager results between 3D TOF and 3D PC sequences can be used to produce high resolution
have differences which is 3D TOF image on small volume image on three directions, it makes the TOF
artery vessels are still clearly visualized while on the sequence suitable for describing small vascular
3D PC are not visualized. The difference ws caused structures. The 3D TOF sequence specifically
each sequences has advantages and disadvantages produces high spatial resolution which is suitable for
and different mechanisms in producing of image and studying small intracranial blood vessels. The 3D
characteristics of artery blood vessels themselves. TOF sequence application also includes for stenosis
imaging or extracranial occlusion or intracranial
One of the characteristics of blood vessels that artery and intracranial aneurysm imaging
influential in imaging MRA is the speed of blood
flow. It is the amount of blood through blood vessels Based on the mean rank value in table 6 on each
or groups of blood vessels in one unit of time. If the anatomy criterion that has been tested using
amount of blood through the vessels is constant, than Wilcoxon statistical test, it shows that the 3D TOF
the speed will decrease with increasing surface area sequence has a higher mean rank than the 3D PC
of blood vessels that must be drained of blood. The sequence. The mean value of the overall anatomical
flowing fluid in a vessels will experience obstacles, criteria for 3D TOF is 28.24 and for 3D PC is 24.00,
especially for the near the wall vessels (Guyton, it indicares that the 3D TOF sequence is better than
2007). 3D PC.

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