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William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Dramatis Personae
1 Who are the main characters?
2 What is the time and the setting?

I. 1.:
1 What is the exposition?
2 What conflict is introduced? What is the relationship between parents and children like?
What is the “crime” and what punishment is promised? What solution is suggested?

I. 2:
1 Identify sources of comedy: comic characters, verbal humour.
2 Characterise Bottom.

II. 1:
1 Characterise Puck.
2 What does he tell us about Oberon?

II. 2.:
1 Identify the conflict(s) between Titania and Oberon.
2 Describe the proposed stratagem and tell where it goes wrong.
3 Identify comic effects.
4 Define “motif” and find examples for the motif of “dreams”.

III. 1.:
1 Identify comic effects.
2 Discuss the difference between reality and appearance.

III. 2.:
1 Identify comic effects.

IV. 1.:
1 Identify sources of comedy. Characterize the dramaturgical role of Puck.
2 How is the tragedy averted on both levels?
3 Find examples for the motif of dream.

IV. 2.:
1 Identify sources of comedy.

V. 1.:
1 Identify sources of comedy (verbal and other).
2 Bring examples and describe the motifs of "play within a play" and "dream".
3 Try to explain the epilogue and prologue in the play within a play.
V. 2.:
1 Bring examples and explain the motif of "Dream".
2 Try to analyze the role of Puck's epilogue.

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