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se1 International law:

1. What is the relationship between Positive Law Theory, Natural Law Theory and International
Law? How these theories contributed in the evolution of International Law? (20) both theories
are based on states’ acceptance of law
2. John Austin says “International Law is not a real Law, but a positive International Morality.” Do
you agree with him? Give arguments in support of your answer. 2008

2 Definition:

3. Give such a definition of Int Law which could cover all the modern trends in it? 2010 copy
4. International law is a product of centuries - elaborate the statement in view of the scientific
development and codification of the law. 2013
5. International Law is primarily concerned with the rights, duties and interests of states." Examine
this statement with reference to the place of individuals and non-state entities is International
Law. 2011
6. International Law is Oxymoronic. Argue 2017
7. Define intl law, discuss its nature and scope. To what extent it is relevant and effective in
modern times? 2016
3 Sources:
8. Explain the sources of International Law in the light of Article 38(1) of the Statute of
International Court of Justice. (2015)
9. Material sources of law. Examples 2016
10. Explain the basic difference between Primary and Subsidiary sources of International Law. 2017
4 Subjects:
11. Briefly and precisely define SUBJECTS International Law. Do you agree that INDIVIDUALS can be
considered as subjects of International Law? Give appropriate examples in this regard. 2008
12. What is meant by 'Subjects of Int Law'? Justify Individuals as the subject of Int Law by giving
appropriate examples. 2010
13. States continue to be the principal subjects of international legal relations but non-state entities
too exert a great deal of influence on the legal system. Examine the statement with reference to
rights and duties of international organizations under law. 2013
5 State succession/annexation:
14. What is STATE SUCCESSION ? What is the scope of treaty continuity or treaty obligations in case
of extinction of a state? 2013
15. Territory is essential part of a state - examine the statement in view of modes of acquisition and
loss of state territory. 2013
6 Types of law
16. 8) Considering the practice of leading states how far is it true to say that international Law and
municipal law are two distinct but coordinate legal systems. 2013
17. While customs form the major part of International law it is conventions that make it more
authentic and applicable. Discuss. 2013
18. the assumption that the "genuine link" formula, invented for dealing with people, is capable of
immediate application to ships..........smacks of a disappointing naiveté 2014
7 Territory:
19. 6. Discuss various modes of Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty by the states acknowledged in
Int Law. 2010
20. Lord Curzon once said, “Frontiers are indeed the razor’s edge on which hang suspended the
modern issues of war or peace, of life or death to nations.” Explain in this light the various
modes of acquisition of territory by a state. 2012
8 War:
21. Give an account of the efforts of international community to protect the civilian population from
the effects of war. 2010
22. How does International Law deal with POW's (Prisoners of Wars)? Explain with examples. 2017
9 Personality:
23. Define International personality and discuss various entities as International Legal person. 2009
10 Jurisdiction:
24. Define State jurisdiction and explain how domestic jurisdiction can be limited by and reduced by
principles of International Law? 2009
25. Territory is undoubtedly the basic character of a state as well as widely accepted elaborate with
reference to exclusive rights of states on Land and Air territory. 2009
26. State jurisdiction, types. 2016
11 Diplomacy:
27. Describe Importance of diplomacy in interstate relations and discuss the concept of diplomacy
and immunity? 2009
28. What is the difference between immunities and privileges of diplomats? What is its place in
International Law? How it affects the functions and responsibilities of the diplomats? (2015)
29. Define Diplomatic Envoy. Give a short account of the functions, privileges and immunities of the
diplomatic envoys accredited to other states. 2011
12 Dispute resolution:
30. Discuss Amicable Means for the settlement of International Disputes.? 2008
31. Discuss in detail amicable means for settlement of international disputes. 2010
13 Extradition:
32. Give precise definition of Extradition. Write a comprehensive essay on extradition by covering all
its aspects. 2006
14 Law of seas:
33. Define High Seas. Explain the concept of Freedom of High Seas along-with restrictions over it.
34. Freedom of high seas? restrictions on it by law, including right of hot pursuit by ships of coastal
states on the high seas. 2016
35. Differentiate between Territorial and Extra-Territorial Asylum. Under which circumstances an
Embassy or Consulate can offer asylum to a fugitive/offender of the territorial State? 2006
36. Why is the third UN convention on the law of sea (UNCLOS-III) considered a vast diplomatic and
legal undertaking and what has made it different to the earlier efforts on the subject ? 2013
37. What ever be the generally accepted rules governing the outer limit of the territorial limit of the
territorial sea this issue, and others like it, will be settled in many cases on the basis of the
principles of acquiescence and opposability". Discuss 2014
15 Recognition:
38. "What is meant by RECOGNITION of STATES as a member of FAMILY of NATIONS? State the
different modes of such recognition. 2007
39. Discuss Recognition. Differentiate between de-jure and de-facto recognition. What are the
disabilities of an unrecognized state? 2006
40. What is the role of state recognition in the commencement of existence of a state? What are
the rules that govern the issues that arise out of a state ceasing to exist? (2015)
41. Define Recognition. Differentiate between Defacto and Dejure Recognition. 2010
42. "The Subject of Recognition is one of the most difficult branches of international law, not merely
from the points of view of exposition of principles, but also intrinsically by reason of manyh
difficulties which arise in practice." Discuss 2011
43. “Non-recognition of a government can be amounted to denying the recognition of the state
itself as it is the governments that do international business on behalf of the states.” Argue in
affirmative this statement with particular reference to Constitutive Theory of Recognition. 2012
44. Define Recognition and explain its kinds. Also point out the difference between recognition of
states and governments. 2013
45. what are Jurisdictional constraints to the right of self-determination in context to Montevideo
Convention on the recognition of state? 2017
16 Consent:
46. "In the absence of any form of international legislature of democratic states, international law
was said to be based upon the consent of the states upon their individual acceptance of its
principles and rules." Discuss. 2007
47. As a law based on common consent of states, international law should have more binding
authority and less moral considerations . Discuss. 2013
48. How far do you think that International Law is based on common consent of States? Evaluate
importance of customary law and treaty law as binding in this regard 2009
49. As the basis of the Law of Nations is the common consent of the member states of the Family of
Nations, it is evident there must exist as many sources of international law as there are facts
through which such common consent can possibly come into existence." (Oppenheim). Discuss
50. " 2014
17 International institutions:
51. How far has the United Nation succeeded in developing a comprehensive system of Human
Rights protection? Can emphasis on social justice and Human rights lead to a stable
International Order 2009
52. What is "VETO?" How , when and by whom it is used? 2007
53. State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by STARKE in the creation of legal
obligation by a treaty.2007
54. keeping in view the objectives of the charter seeking to establish a mechanism of peace and
security how far has United Nations succeeded in confronting changes in Global society? 2009
55. Elucidate and justify: "The United Nations in spite of its imperfections, is the only organizations
that can save humanity from disaster and complete annihilation." 2011
56. "All the major issue on voting in the Secretary Council are now satisfactorily resolved. The real
problem today is about the composition of the Security Council." Discuss 2011
57. The case law of the international court of justice and the practice of United Nations show that
while the principle of self-determination is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor
the method of decolonisation has been settled" Discuss 2014
58. Keeping in view the powers of the security council what suggestions can you give for improving
its structure as a dominant body within UN . 2013
59. Explain the structure and powers of the International Court of Justice and assess the importance
of the principles laid down in judicial decisions of leading cases as precedents for states. 2013
60. The Practice of United Nations Organization Show that while the principle of Self-Determination
is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor the method of decolonization has been
settled." Discuss 2011
61. Keeping in view the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). What can be a reform agenda
in your opinion for making the UN more effective ? 2013
62. To what extent could the constitution and practice of the international labor organization server
as a useful model for other specialized international organizations ? 2014
63. Explain with reference to the relevant articles of the UN Charter that whether the world body is
authorized to intervene in the domestic jurisdiction of its member states. 2012
64. What is Veto? How, when and by whom it is used? What consequences Pakistan had to face in
the past because of its use by a former superpower?
65. "The office of the Secretary General of the United Nations is certainly the most important and
visible post in intentional multilateral diplomacy but it has been called the most impossible job
in the world because the faces complex and contradictory pressures in the performance of his
duties" Discuss 2014
66. How can good offices and mediation help in avoiding influence of Security Council's high-
handedness? Analyze. 2017
18 Treaty:
67. Coercion against a state renders a Treaty invalid. Discuss main features of the principles. Also
elaborate TWO other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a State to be bound by a
treaty. 2007
68. "Treaties are known by a variety of differing names, ranging from conventions, international
agreements, pacts, general acts, and charters through to statutes, declarations and
conventions.' Discuss in the light of laws of its formation, interpretation and termination. (2015)
69. What are the various kinds of treaties in international law? Explain the laws about formation,
interpretation and termination of treaties. 2012
70. Under Vienna Convention how would you define treaty, its major features and conditions of
termination of a treaty? 2017
19 Nationality:
71. Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing NATIONALITY. What is DOUBLE NATIONALITY
20 Neutrality:
72. Discuss the concept of Neutralization. How is it done? Explain the Rights, Duties and Guarantees
given to a Neutralized state. 2010
73. Define the term NEUTRALITY and explain the rights and duties of a neutral state. 2013
74. how a neutral state differs from neutralized state. Rights and duties of belligerent and neutral.
21 Terrorism:
75. Explain the rules which govern how an insurgency movement can become a subject of
International Law. (2015)
76. Does the customary international law grant the right to use force to a state in response to a
terrorist attack on it? Substantiate your answer by arguing from Article 51 and Paragraph 4 of
the Article 2 of the UN Charter and other recent examples in this regard. 2012
77. TERRORISM has become an international phenomenon - how far are you satisfied with
international legal controls of such criminal conduct. 2013

Write short notes on: 2007

(a) universal declaration of human rights

(b) international court of justice

(c) international boundaries

(d) extradition

(e) neutrality


(a) Corfu Channel Case; (b) The Rainbow Warrior Case; (c) The Nottebohm Case.


(a) Protectorate (b) Prize Courts (c) Extradition

(d) Double Nationality (e) Continental Shelf (f) Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Lotus case

Scotia case

Territorial and extra territorial asylum


Nature of relationship of a state with an individual

(b) International Soft Law

(c) Collective use of Force

Corfu Channel Case, U.K.V. Albania(1948), I.C.J. Rep. 1949

. Chorzow Factory case, Germany V. Poland (1928)

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