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Journal of the Society of Technical Analysts

Rediscovering W. D. Gann’s
business (initially in Texarkana and then
in Oklahoma City), Gann spent nine
months collecting and analysing stock

method of forecasting the prices in public libraries both in the US

and UK. The resultant data set of stock

financial markets
prices started in 1820 and went through
to 1909 (Wyckoff op. cit. p. 52).

By James Smithson Gann eventually discovered the natural

law, or the set of immutable principles,
governing stock and commodity prices.
1. Introduction Gann called this natural law “the Law Of

William Delbert Gann (1878 -1955) was a successful stocks and commodities “After exhaustive researches and
trader. He also wrote seven books and numerous short courses on how to trade investigations of the known sciences,
successfully. However, Gann’s unique skill was the way in which he accurately I discovered that the Law Of Vibration
enabled me to accurately determine
forecast the financial markets.
the exact points to which stocks or
commodities should rise and fall within a
This paper examines Gann’s method of measurement, and experiment, and the given time” (Wyckoff op. cit. p. 52).
forecasting the financial markets. More formulation, testing, and modification of
specifically, it examines the genesis of his hypotheses.” The evidence shows that by late 1909
forecasting method, its early application Gann had fully discovered and tested
by him, the potential problems with its Thus Gann discovered his method of his method of forecasting the financial
practical application and their resolution. forecasting the financial markets from markets, found it to be sound and
It goes on to look at the evolution his research based on the scientific was highly proficient in its practical
over time of Gann’s methodology in method. application. For example, in December
the construction of annual forecasts, 1909, an interview with Gann was
the problems arising from the greater Gann stated that in August 1902 he published (Wyckoff op. cit. pp. 54-
complexity of annual forecasts and his 55) which showed at that time Gann
started researching the financial markets
solution to this complexity. was skilled in forecasting and trading
and in August 1908, shortly after he
individual stocks, in forecasting the Dow
moved to New York City, he “made one
Jones Industrials Average (which then
2. Gann’s discovery of his of his greatest mathematical discoveries
comprised 12 stocks) and in forecasting
forecasting method for predicting the trend of stocks and
and trading the two leading commodities
Gann summarised the way in which he commodities” (Gann, 1954, p. 1).
(viz. wheat and cotton).
discovered his forecasting method as
follows: Gann initially observed that the prices of
3. The principles of Gann’s
stocks and commodities appear to move
“A man may evolve a beautiful theory for forecasting method
in cycles. Through inductive reasoning,
making money in the stock market, and Gann’s method of forecasting the
he then hypothesised that there is a set
he may try it out on paper and find that financial markets consisted of two
of immutable principles, which he called
it works. It is apparently successful, but elements: (1) cycles of time and (2) the
‘natural law’, underlying the complexity
when he applies it to actual trading and rate of vibration.
of stock and commodity prices. Gann
begins to buy and sell, he then finds the
then set out to discover these principles
weak point and the theory fails in actual 3.1 Cycles of Time
governing market prices:
practice. I know whereof I speak, for I Cycles, and their possible influence on
have tried dozens of different theories, “I soon began to note the periodical human activities, have been a source
put my money down and lost; exploded recurrence of the rise and fall in stocks of speculation since time immemorial.
the theory, discarded it and started all and commodities. This led me to conclude However, it appears that it was not until
over again……. The fact that my method that natural law was the basis of market Gann carried out his research between
of forecasting has stood the test of time movements. I then decided to devote ten 1902 and 1908 that the cause and effect
is sufficient proof that I have solved the years of my life to the study of natural of cycles on financial markets was fully
problem” (Gann, 1923, appendix, p. 1). law as applicable to the speculative understood for the first time. Gann
markets and to devote my best energies subsequently referred to time cycles
The Oxford English Dictionary defines toward making speculation a profitable throughout his writings, including:
scientific method as “A method of profession” (Wyckoff, 1909, p. 52).
“Time is the most important factor in
procedure that has characterised
determining market movements because
natural science since the 17th century, In addition to his early research carried
consisting in systematic observation, out while an employee in a brokerage
ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016 7
Journal of the Society of Technical Analysts

the future is a repetition of the past and

Figure 1: Chicago wheat September 1909 futures contract daily price chart
each market movement is working out
time in relation to some previous time
cycle” (Gann, 1946, p. 4).

“My experience has taught me that

nothing can stop the trend as long as the
time cycle shows up-trend. Nothing can
stop its decline as long as the time cycle
shows down. Stocks can and do go up on
bad news and go down on good news”
(Gann, 1949, p. 3).

3.2 The Rate of Vibration

In addition to cycles of time, the so-
called rate of vibration was a key element
in Gann’s method of forecasting the
financial markets. Gann established the
rate of vibration by measuring the slope
of the trend line in prices for a particular
financial instrument. Importantly, in his specified time. Importantly, if one has Please refer to Figure 1 as we examine
research between 1902 and 1908, Gann correctly identified the underlying cycles this forecast.
discovered similar principles operating driving a particular stock or commodity,
in the financial markets to those being
one can precisely forecast when those Firstly, Gann identified the start of the
discovered contemporaneously in quantum
cycles will come to an end. Consequently, uptrend in the September 1909 Chicago
by knowing the date when the underlying wheat futures contract as a price of
cycles will end and by observing the rate 94 cents per bushel on January 26th
For example, Gann discovered that the
of vibration (i.e. the slope of the trend 1909. More specifically, Gann examined
rate of vibration (as measured by the
line in prices), one can make a precise the set of positive (or constructive)
slope of the trend line) of stocks and
forecast as to when and at what price cycles driving the uptrend in wheat and
commodities conforms to a series of
the current uptrend (or downtrend) of observed that these cycles started on
principal energy levels and subshells.
the stock or commodity will end. January 26th 1909.
More specifically, the principal energy
levels equate to a doubling and halving
4. Illustration of Gann’s early Gann then calculated the long-term
of the rate of vibration and the subshells
application of his forecasting rate of vibration for this uptrend, which
equate to a fourfold division of a principal
is 0.1053 cents per day (or 1 cent per
energy level. Moreover, Gann discovered method
9.5 days). In completing this task, Gann
that these principal energy levels and Here is an example of a forecast that
had to correctly identify the position
subshells constitute important support Gann made in 1909:
of the trend line (from the origin of 94
and resistance points. Thus in 1909 “One of the most astonishing calculations cents on January 26th 1909) and then
Gann stated: made by Mr. Gann was during last to measure the slope of the line. Gann
“Stocks, like atoms, are really centers of summer (1909) when he predicted that would have received corroboration that
energies, therefore they are controlled September wheat would sell at $1.20. he had identified the correct position of
mathematically” (Wyckoff op. cit. p. 53) This meant that it must touch that the trend line from two observations:
and “By knowing the exact vibration figure before the end of the month of
wheat prices received support on
of each individual stock I am able to September. At twelve o’clock, Chicago
March 22nd 1909, when the rate of
determine at what point each will receive time, on September 30th (the last day)
vibration had exactly halved, and
support and at what point the greatest the option was selling below $1.08,
resistance is to be met” (Wyckoff op. cit. and it looked as though his prediction 2. 
wheat prices met resistance on April
p. 52). would not be fulfilled. Mr. Gann said ‘If 13th 1909, when the rate of vibration
it does not touch $1.20 by the close of had exactly doubled.
In summary, Gann’s method of the market it will prove that there is
forecasting the financial markets was something wrong with my whole method Gann then forecast that the set of
based on correctly identifying the of calculation. I do not care what the positive cycles driving this uptrend would
underlying cycles that are driving a price is now, it must go there.’ It is remain in force until at least the end of
particular stock or commodity and then common history that September wheat this futures contract (i.e. until at least
analysing the resultant rate of vibration surprised the whole country by selling at September 30th 1909). Consequently,
(as measured by the slope of the trend $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour based on the starting point of 94 cents
line) to precisely forecast prices at a of the trading, closing at that figure” per bushel on January 26th 1909 and
(Wyckoff op. cit. p. 54). a long-term rate of vibration of 0.1053

8 ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016
Journal of the Society of Technical Analysts

cents per day, he was able to forecast future predictions based on exact (iii) 
Cross-currents. Another potential
that on September 30th 1909 the price mathematical law is only restricted problem in the practical application
would be $1.20. by lack of knowledge of correct data of Gann’s method is cross-currents,
on past history to work from” (Gann, which refers to a stock or commodity
In monitoring his forecast, Gann would 1927, pp. 76-77). ceasing to act in harmony with its
have observed that between July 21st underlying cycles. Gann stated that
and August 26th 1909 strong short-term Clearly, this problem is much less cross-currents are typically more
negative (or destructive) cycles drove onerous today because of the availability of a problem for stocks than for
prices well below the long-term trend of governmental, commercial and commodities:
line (or rate of vibration). Moreover, academic databases containing large
amounts of electronic price data. “When you have a forecast made up
from examining the underlying positive
for cotton or grain, if you are right,
and negative cycles, he would have
Complexity of underlying cycles. you are sure to make money because
established that the short-term negative
However, another potential problem all options follow the same trend.
cycles operated simultaneously with
in the practical application of Gann’s There are no cross-currents, as in
the longer-term (but weaker) positive
method is the complexity of the stocks, with some stocks declining
cycles driving the uptrend; and that the
underlying cycles. More specifically, to new low levels and others making
short-term negative cycles would start
from the above examination of Gann’s new highs” (Gann, 1951, foreword).
to expire from August 26th 1909. Gann
September 1909 wheat forecast, we
would have received corroboration that
can conclude that an individual stock One cause of cross-currents in stocks,
this analysis was correct from observing
or commodity is typically governed by which Gann gives as an example, is
that on August 26th 1909 the price (96¾)
a number of positive (or constructive) dividends. More specifically, dividends
showed that the rate of vibration had
cycles and negative (or destructive) can suddenly be declared or cancelled
fallen to precisely one eighth of its long-
cycles; and these multiple cycles and the resultant stock prices may cease
term rate (i.e. it had halved precisely
act simultaneously and sequentially. moving in harmony with the underlying
three times) and the rate of vibration
Consequently there are likely to be cycles. In fact any major and sudden
then started to increase. Thus, from
periods of time when it is difficult to action by a company’s management (e.g.
August 26th 1909 Gann forecast and
identify which particular set of cycles a sizeable acquisition or divestment, or
observed the simultaneous expiration
is governing a stock or commodity. the issue of a material amount of new
of the short-term negative cycles and
The solution to this problem, as Gann
the doubling three times of the rate of shares) may for a time produce cross-
recommended, is always to trade in
vibration, so that the long-term rate of currents in the stock price.
active stocks and commodities:
vibration was regained on September
30th 1909 (at a price of $1.20). “Always confine your trading to Gann’s solution, once more, is to avoid
standard, active stocks listed on the such problematical stocks and to restrict
In summary, this example clearly shows New York Stock Exchange. Outside one’s trading to active stocks:
the two elements that constituted Gann’s stocks have spurts, but the active
“The kind of stocks to trade in are those
forecasting method: the cycles driving a leaders yield more profits in the long
that are active and those that follow the
particular stock or commodity and the run” (Gann, 1923, p. 34).
rules and a definite trend. There are
resultant rate of vibration, as measured “You should always trade in stocks always queer-acting stocks and some
by the slope of the trend line. that cross former highs and make stocks that don’t follow the rules. These
higher tops and higher bottoms, as stocks should be left alone” (Gann, 1936,
5. Potential problems in the they are the best to buy, and leave p. 34).
practical application of Gann’s the dead, inactive ones alone” (Gann,
forecasting method 1936, p. 60).
6. The evolution of Gann’s
Obtaining a detailed price history. forecasting method into the
Gann stated that the only potential There are two key advantages to trading
in active stocks or commodities. Firstly,
construction of annual forecasts
problem in the practical application
of his forecasting method is obtaining if they are active then they are probably In 1909 Gann clearly stated that he
a sufficiently long and detailed being governed by a set of strongly- would not disclose his actual forecasting
positive cycles and, therefore, the method: “Mr. Gann has refused to
price history of a particular financial
underlying cycles are likely to be more disclose his method at any price”
instrument, in order to identify the
easily identified. Secondly, these active (Wyckoff op. cit. p. 55). Nevertheless
underlying cycles:
stocks or commodities are likely to offer the evidence suggests Gann also had

“In making my calculations on significant profit potential. Conversely, a strong desire to help others in their
the stock market, or any future the cycles governing inactive stocks or
trading activities.
event, I get the past history and commodities are likely to be in balance
find out what cycle we are in and and therefore the underlying cycles may
Gann’s early attempts to reconcile
then predict the curve for the well be difficult to identify; anyway there
these two conflicting goals included
future, which is a repetition of past is very limited profit potential during
market movements……. The limit of these periods of inactivity.
ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016 9
Journal of the Society of Technical Analysts

examined above with reference to his

Figure 2: The chart that Gann included in his annual forcast for grain for 1922
forecast of the September 1909 Chicago
wheat futures contract (see Figure 1).
Gann’s forecasting and trading in stocks
in 1908 and 1909 followed a similar
structure (see Wyckoff op. cit. p. 54).

Thus Gann’s initial application of his

forecasting method was to forecast
when and at what price an existing and
established trend in a particular stock
or commodity would end. However, the
key problem that Gann encountered
some ten years later when he started
producing annual forecasts was that they
were significantly more complex than
his initial application of his forecasting

Annual forecasts are more complex

because one is not only required to
forecast when (and at what price) the
current trend will end, but when (and
at what price) all subsequent trends
over the next calendar year will end.
Thus the construction of an annual
the publication of a daily letter which should follow it very closely.” This chart forecast requires one to make a series
advised on when to buy and sell stocks, is reproduced in Figure 2. of forecasts for a particular period of
cotton and wheat (advertised in The time and, for each of these periods, to
New York Herald between April and Gann subsequently added further accurately identify the cycles that will
November 1909). In 1910 he published commodities to his service and he drive a particular stock or commodity as
a booklet entitled “Speculation - A continued producing annual forecasts for well as make a forecast for the resultant
Profitable Profession” and in 1911 Gann the rest of his life. In 1923 Gann wrote rate of vibration (i.e. the slope of the
the first of seven books, entitled “Truth trend line). I will now examine how Gann
sold a mechanical method, based on
of the Stock Tape” and he continued sought to resolve these problems in
fixed rules, for trading in stocks and
producing courses on trading the stock constructing his annual forecasts.
commodities (see The (New York) Sun,
1911, December 19, p.10). and commodity markets. Overall, the
evidence suggests that from 1909 until 7.1 Gann’s solutions to the problem
his death in 1955 Gann pursued in his of accurately forecasting cycles.
In 1918 Gann published his first annual
Delay publication of the annual
forecast, which was his latest means professional activities two conflicting
forecast. Figure 2 reproduces Gann’s
of helping his clients in their trading goals; which were to seek to help others
annual forecast for 1922 for grain.
in their trading activities, but without
activities, but without disclosing his Although this forecast starts on
disclosing his actual forecasting method.
actual forecasting method. He published December 27th 1921, Gann did not
a forecast of the stock market’s publish it until January 31st 1922. It
performance in 1919, on December 7. Potential problems in
appears that the reason for this delay
16th 1918. It comprised a short textual constructing an annual forecast was because he was unsure whether
commentary. However Gann’s annual and Gann’s solutions in January 1922 strongly-positive
stock market forecast for 1922 included As examined above, Gann’s method cycles would start a strong uptrend
for the first time a chart which forecast of forecasting the financial markets or whether strongly-negative cycles
the trend of industrial stocks and a was based on correctly identifying the would start a strong downtrend.
separate chart which forecast the trend underlying cycles that are driving a Therefore, Gann delayed publication
of railroad stocks. Also for 1922, he particular stock or commodity and then until January 31st, at which time he
analysing the resultant rate of vibration observed that wheat had made a
produced (apparently again for the first
(as measured by the slope of the trend significant low on January 16th and
time) an annual forecast for cotton and
line) to precisely forecast prices at a then established a stable uptrend.
also for grain; both of which comprised
future point in time. Similarly, Gann delayed until April
a commentary and a chart. Gann stated
25th 1922 the publication of his
that his grain forecast was “Made up
Gann’s practical application of his annual forecast for 1922 for cotton;
principally for wheat, although corn
forecasting method shortly after he which was thereby reduced to an
completed its discovery (in 1908) was eight-month forecast.

10 ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016
(ii) M
ake a contingent forecast. In and 1918; which focused on when ii) 
For that period of time (i.e. for that
Gann’s commentary included in (and at what price) an existing and section of his annual forecast),
his annual forecast for grain for established trend in a particular Gann then drew a trend line which
1922 he stated, “Remember This stock or commodity will end. best represented the underlying
Point: If May wheat sells at 1.08 cycles driving the particular stock or
after January 25th it will indicate 7.2 Gann’s solution to the problem commodity. Clearly, if Gann forecast
much lower prices and probably a of accurately forecasting the rate of that positive cycles would be in
decline to around 95 to 92 cents vibration. force, then the trend line would slope
per bushel” (Forecast On Grains For In summary, the construction of an upwards. Importantly, the greater the
1922, reproduced in the appendix to annual forecast requires one to make a strength of the underlying cycles that
Gann 1923). In this statement Gann series of forecasts for a particular period Gann forecast, the steeper the slope
was warning that, if the price of the of time and for each of these periods to of the resultant trend line that he
May 1922 Chicago wheat futures accurately identify the cycles that will drew in his annual forecast. The slope
contract fell back to its January 1922 drive a particular stock or commodity of this initial trend line was the initial
low point (of $1.08 per bushel), and also to forecast the resultant rate of rate of vibration that Gann forecast
strongly-negative cycles would be in vibration (i.e. the slope of the trend line). for that particular period of time.
force and consequently the strong
In order to solve the problem of iii) Gann then made use of the template
downtrend would continue.
forecasting the rate of vibration when depicted in Figure 3, if and when he
constructing his annual forecasts, Gann needed to forecast changes in the
Forecast a change in trend over
produced a template or chart overlay initial rate of vibration. More
several days. From Figure 2 it can
similar to that illustrated in Figure 3. It specifically, Gann placed the origin
be seen that Gann typically forecast
is likely that this was originally drawn up of the template over the start of the
that a change in trend would occur
on tracing paper and later on transparent initial trend line and rotated it until the
over several days. For example, he
plastic. 1 x 1 line was over the initial trend line.
forecast that between May 7th - 10th
From the 2 x 1 line on the template,
1922 wheat would make its high
prices for the year and then start Figure 3: Template or chart overlay of Gann could then see when the rate of
the sort Gann would have employed in vibration of the initial trend line had
a downtrend. This technique that
the construction of his annual forecasts halved (or from the 1 x 2 line when
Gann employed reflects the multiple
nature of the underlying cycles. the rate of vibration had doubled). As
More specifically, in this instance discussed above (and as illustrated in
Gann was forecasting that on May Figure 1), Gann had discovered that
7th negative cycles would start to when the rate of vibration halves it
exert an influence but they might constitutes significant price support
be insufficiently strong to overpower and, conversely, when the rate
the previous positive cycles until of vibration doubles it constitutes
May 10th 1922; by which date - at significant price resistance. Thus,
the latest - the downtrend would by means of his template, in the
begin. construction of an annual forecast
Gann was able to integrate his forecast
(iv) Publish regular updates to the on the underlying cycles (particularly
annual forecast. At the end of his their quality and strength) with his
annual forecast for grain for 1922 forecast on the resultant rate of
Gann stated “A supplement will vibration (or slope of the trend line)
I will now examine how Gann solved the and changes in that rate of vibration.
be mailed you each month, giving
problem of forecasting the rate of vibration
any changes that are indicated, if
when constructing his annual forecasts: Figure 4 (on the next page) illustrates this
the market is not following closely
the trend as outlined” (Forecast i) 
Firstly and most importantly, when process. This is Gann’s annual forecast
On Grains For 1922, op. cit.). Gann constructing an annual forecast for 1922 for grain (which was reproduced
in fact published regular updates Gann would have had to identify the in Figure 2), but with the addition of the
to all of his annual forecasts. This cycles that would drive the stock or trend lines that he would have drawn
technique is highly significant commodity for a particular period of in its construction with the aid of his
because although he marketed, time in the next calendar year. Thus, template. For example, Gann forecast
produced and sold annual forecasts the necessary analysis is to forecast strongly-positive underlying cycles and
(which are inherently complex), by for that particular period of time therefore a strong upward trend (i.e. a
producing regular updates Gann whether the stock or commodity will steep initial trend line) between January
was converting his annual forecasts be governed by positive cycles or 16th and February 20th 1922. However,
into the more simple, accurate and by negative cycles. Moreover, it is he then forecast negative cycles between
reliable type of forecasts that he had also necessary to forecast the likely February 20th and February 22nd - 25th,
previously produced between 1908 strength of those cycles.
ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016 11
Journal of the Society of Technical Analysts

With regard to its effectiveness, Gann

Figure 4: Gann’s annual forecast for grain for 1922 with the addition of the trend lines
(1923, appendix p.1) suggested that his
Gann would have used in its construction
forecasting method had performed well
over the 15 years since its discovery:
“The fact that my method of forecasting
has stood the test of time is sufficient
proof that I have solved the problem”. An
initial assessment by the author suggests
that Gann’s forecasting method performs
well when applied to a number of current
markets (especially if they are very active;
in that they are exhibiting large price
changes and hence are probably governed
by strong underlying cycles)”. Therefore
the prima facie evidence suggests that
Gann’s forecasting method is still effective.

Overall, Gann’s forecasting method is

likely to be of considerable interest to
investment practitioners; particularly
those looking for a scientifically-based
forecasting system applicable to the most
active markets and financial instruments.

the effect of which would be to precisely annual forecasts require one to make a Gann’s forecasting method is also
halve the previous rate of vibration. Gann series of forecasts for a particular period likely to be of interest to academics;
forecast that this halving in the rate of of time, and for each of these periods to for example those seeking a scientific
vibration would provide strong support accurately identify the cycles that will paradigm to succeed the Efficient
and prices would then rally until March drive a particular stock or commodity Markets Hypothesis, which according to
10th - 12th. At this point, negative cycles and also to forecast the resultant rate of the analytical framework of Kuhn (1962)
would again come into force which, he vibration (i.e. the slope of the trend line). would appear to be in a crisis state.
forecast, would cause prices to fall until However, by publishing regular updates
April 3rd - 6th; when positive cycles to his annual forecasts, Gann was able References
would once more come into force. Gann, W. D. 1923. Truth of the Stock
to substantially revert to the earlier and
Tape. Lambert-Gann Publishing Co.
simpler application of his forecasting
Gann, W. D. 1927. The Tunnel Thru the
Thus, from Figure 4, we can see that in method, which focused on when (and at
Air or Looking Back from 1940. Lambert-
constructing his annual forecast for grain what price) an existing and established
Gann Publishing Co.
for 1922, Gann in fact made a series of trend in a particular stock or commodity
Gann, W. D. 1936. New Stock Trend
forecasts. More specifically, he forecast would end. Detector. Lambert-Gann Publishing Co.
positive cycles (producing an up-trend)
Gann, W. D. 1946. Forecasting Grains
from January 16th, negative cycles 8. Conclusion by Time Cycles (included in W. D. Gann
(producing a down-trend) from February This paper has examined Gann’s method Commodities Course)
20th, positive cycles from April 3rd-6th, of forecasting the financial markets, Gann, W. D. 1949. 45 Years in Wall
negative cycles from May 7th-10th, including its scientific discovery in Street. Lambert-Gann Publishing Co.
positive cycles from August 15th-17th and the early twentieth century, its initial Gann, W. D. 1951. How to Make Profits in
finally negative cycles from October 16th- application to the financial markets and Commodities. W. D. Gann Holdings, Inc.
19th to December 31st 1922. Therefore its evolution into the construction of Gann, W. D. 1954. Why Money is Lost
this annual forecast comprised three annual forecasts. on Commodities and Stocks and How to
periods of positive cycles (or up-trends) Make Profits. Promotional booklet.
and three periods of negative cycles (or Kuhn, T. S. 1962. The Structure of
Now that Gann’s forecasting method
down-trends). This annual forecast was Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. Chicago,
has been rediscovered, the next goal
therefore significantly more complex IL: University of Chicago Press.
is its effective and efficient application
and prone to error than Gann’s initial Wyckoff, R. D. 1909. “William D. Gann; An
to the financial markets of the twenty-
application of his forecasting method operator whose science and ability place
first century. Consequently the author is him in the front rank – his remarkable
(which was illustrated in Figure 1).
currently involved in a project to determine predictions and trading record.” The
how best to apply Gann’s forecasting Ticker and Investment Digest, vol. 5, no.
In summary, Gann used a number
method to all the major financial 2 (December).
of techniques to solve the inherent
markets (for example, paradoxically, the
complexity of constructing annual
construction of annual forecasts may in James Smithson (smithsonjames@
forecasts. This complexity arises because
fact be a highly inefficient application of is an investor and trader
Gann’s forecasting method). based in London.

12 ISSUE 80 – FEBRUARY 2016

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