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Journal of Pest Science


Considering biology when inferring range‑limiting stress mechanisms

for agricultural pests: a case study of the beet armyworm
Tania Yonow1,2   · Darren J. Kriticos1,2 · Natalia Kirichenko3,4 · Noboru Ota5

Received: 26 October 2016 / Revised: 10 August 2017 / Accepted: 20 November 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Reliable niche models are a cornerstone of pest risk analyses, informing biosecurity policies and the management of biologi-
cal invasions. Because species can invade and establish in areas with climates that are different from those that are found in
their native range, it is important to accurately capture the range-limiting mechanisms in models that project climate suitabil-
ity. We examined a published niche model for the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, to assess its suitability for bioeconomic
analyses of its pest threat, and identified issues with the model that rendered it unreliable for this purpose. Consequently, we
refitted the CLIMEX model, paying close attention to the biology underpinning the stress mechanisms. This highlighted the
necessity of carefully considering how the different stress mechanisms operate, and to select mechanisms which align with
knowledge on the species’ biology. We also identified the important role of irrigation in modifying habitat suitability. The
refitted model accords with both distribution data and our understanding of the biology of this species, including its seasonal
range dynamics. The new model identifies establishment risks to South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and
highlights that under current climate, Europe is only climatically suitable during warm seasons when crops are available.
The modelling exercise reinforced the importance of understanding the meaning of a location record (e.g. persistent versus
ephemeral populations) and of carefully exploring the role of habitat-modifying factors, such as irrigation, in allowing spe-
cies to persist in otherwise inclement localities.

Keywords  Bioclimatic modelling · CLIMEX · Niche modelling · Pest risk · Spodoptera exigua

Key message

Communicated by B. Lavandero.
• We refit the existing CLIMEX model of this species by
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this explicitly considering how different stress mechanisms
article (http​s://​/s103​40-017-0938​-9) contains
work to restrict range distribution.
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
• Robust niche models demand the simultaneous consid-
* Tania Yonow eration of species’ distributions and their biology in rela- tion to climatic range-limiting factors.
* Darren J. Kriticos • The new model emphasizes the critical role of irrigation in extending the potential range of Spodoptera exigua
1 into xeric environments, and the role of migration in
HarvestChoice, InSTePP, University of Minnesota, St. Paul,
MN 55108, USA extending the threat into seasonally suitable habitats.
• The potential distribution and biosecurity risk of this pest
CSIRO, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT​ 2600, Australia
extend significantly beyond its current distribution.
Forest Zoology Department, Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Sukachev Institute of Forest,
Akademgorodok 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 660036
Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny Pr., Krasnoyarsk,
Russia 660041
CSIRO, Private Bag 5, Wembley, WA 6913, Australia

Journal of Pest Science

Introduction responses to climatic variables. Parameters can be inferred

by fitting stress functions to accord with distribution data,
The potential range of an invasive species is critical to pest or parameters can be derived from experimental observa-
risk analyses and in the establishment of appropriate sani- tions of laboratory or field data or theoretical principles
tary and phytosanitary measures (e.g. Baker et al. 2000; (Kriticos et al. 2015a; Lawson et al. 2010; Van Klinken
FAO 2006; Sutherst 2014; Venette et  al. 2010). Niche et al. 2009), and any conflicts between information derived
models are commonly used to estimate the potential geo- from different knowledge domains can be investigated and
graphical range of species and are a critical component of resolved using the method of multiple competing hypoth-
pest risk analyses. Niche models should be preferred over eses (Chamberlin 1965). CLIMEX calculates an Ecocli-
correlative species distribution models (SDMs) for this matic Index (EI) that describes the suitability of locations
task because of the challenge of assessing the climatic for population growth and survival. The EI is defined by
suitability in novel environments (Sutherst and Bourne variables that reflect conditions during the growing season
2009; Webber et al. 2011). The literature abounds with (Growth Index) combined with variables that describe the
examples of correlative species distribution models that effects of stresses accumulated during inclement seasons
appear to fit the native distribution well, but give spurious (Stress Index).
results when extrapolated to novel climates (Elith et al. It should be possible for any model to be reproduced.
2013; Rodda et al. 2009; Zhu et al. 2012). This is a relatively simple matter with a CLIMEX model,
Correlative SDMs typically define species range lim- which is sufficiently structured, enabling environmental
its in terms of Bioclim variables. There are many such tolerances to be clearly inferred (Venette et  al. 2010).
variables to choose from, including such factors as mean Any published CLIMEX model can easily be recreated
annual temperature, minimum temperature of the coldest/ by another user, and assuming that there were no errors
wettest/driest quarter, maximum monthly temperature, etc. or omissions in the published values, the results should
(Kriticos et al. 2014). In contrast, CLIMEX uses a library be identical.
of well-studied stress mechanisms that draw from on a The beet armyworm S. exigua (Hübner 1808) (Lepidop-
solid foundation of experimental biology. Consequently, tera: Noctuidae) is a major agricultural pest, originating
parameter values for stresses in CLIMEX models have, to from southern Asia. During the last century, it has spread
a greater or lesser extent, biological or ecological mean- throughout tropical and temperate regions of Africa, Asia,
ing. When appropriate information is available, the stress Europe, and North America (Feng et al. 2003; Zheng et al.
mechanisms can be selected, and associated parameter val- 2011a). This highly fecund and long-distance migratory spe-
ues adjusted to accord with experimental observations, cies attacks various cultivated crops in greenhouses and open
allowing the model to be applied in a deductive manner. fields, including maize, cotton, soybeans, beet, tomato, cab-
However, this necessary information is rarely available, bage, alfalfa etc., causing serious economic losses (Adam-
and the dominant range-limiting processes may not be czyk et al. 2003; Feng et al. 2003). The insect’s life cycle
immediately apparent. In such circumstances, it may be takes about 3 weeks, with up to six generations possible per
necessary to infer the mechanism and its parameters from year in warmer climates (Wilson 1932). Spodoptera exigua
a range of information sources, including distribution lacks a diapause mechanism (Kim and Kim 1997); there-
data and phenological observations (e.g. De Villiers et al. fore, it can only overwinter successfully in relatively warm
2013). regions (e.g. Adamczyk et al. 2003; Zheng et al. 2011a).
What sets CLIMEX apart from correlative SDMs when Zheng et al. (2012) present a CLIMEX model for S. exi-
estimating pest risk in novel climates is the biological rel- gua identifying potential overwintering regions of the pest in
evance of the stress functions, the ability to make use of China. However, when we use their published parameter val-
phenological observations, and the ability to interpret and ues with both the CliMond meteorological dataset (Kriticos
challenge parameter values based on theoretical or other et al. 2012) and the standard CLIMEX point dataset, we are
grounds. There are more than 630 CLIMEX publications, unable to replicate the delineation between overwintering
estimating the potential range of pests and pathogens (Krit- and non-overwintering locations reported in Fig. 3 in Zheng
icos 2016). In many cases, these model projections have et al. (2012) (see Fig. 1).
been validated, providing reliable prognoses of their future In this paper, we refit a CLIMEX model for S. exigua,
expansion and indicating the regions at risk (Hall and Wall focussing on the process of selecting amongst the available
1995; Kriticos et al. 2003b, 2015b, 2007; Sutherst and stress mechanisms. We provide a rationale for the choice
Bourne 2009; Yonow et al. 2013). CLIMEX is a mecha- of all parameter values that we adjusted, and discuss the
nistic bioclimatic modelling platform, supporting a hybrid importance of setting these values and selecting stress mech-
inferential and deductive approach in estimating species’ anisms based on an understanding of the species’ biology
and ecology.

Journal of Pest Science

Fig. 1  Figure  3 from Zheng et  al. (2012), published as an Open tering regions (gray shades indicated suitable areas according to the
Access paper in the Journal of Insect Science under the Creative El values, and the darker the color is, the more suitable the area). Red
Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Overwintering regions of S. exigua dots represent the site of fieldwork during winter. 1, Sanya; 2, Guang-
under current climate in China. The map was constructed by Arc-GIS zhou; 3, Longnan; 4, Nanchang; 5, Yongxiu; 6, Yibin; 7, Wuhan; 8,
using the Ecoclimatic Indices (El) obtained from CLIMEX param- Jurong; 9, Nanjing; 10, Xi’an; 11, Tai’an; 12, Anqiu; 13, Zhangqiu;
eters in Table  1. In these areas covered colour with green indicates 14, Beijing
perennial damage regions and covered with grey indicates overwin-

Materials and methods climatically unfavourable conditions. The individual com-

ponents of stress are combined into a stress index (SI) and
The CLIMEX compare locations model (Kriticos et  al. a stress interaction index (SX) (Eqs. 3, 4; CDX = cold–dry
2015a; Sutherst and Maywald 1985) calculates, inter alia, stress, CWX = cold–wet stress, HDX = hot–dry stress and
an annual index of climatic suitability, the Ecoclimatic HWX = hot–wet stress) (Kriticos et al. 2015a). Stresses
Index (EI). The EI reflects the overall climatic potential for largely define a species’ potential range and are primarily
population persistence, accounting for growth during favour- informed by geographical distribution data.
able periods and survival during stressful periods (Eq. 1). EI = GIA × SI × SX (1)
The Annual Growth Index ­(GIA) describes the potential
for growth as a function of average weekly soil moisture 52
(Moisture Index; MI) and temperature (Temperature Index;

GIA = 100 TGIW ∕52 (2)
TI) (Eq. 2; weekly Growth Index, G ­ IW = TI × MI). Four i−1
parameters define both the MI and TI: a lower threshold
below which growth cannot occur; a lower optimum and SI = (1 − CS/100)(1 − DS/100)(1 − HS/100)(1 − WS/100)
an upper optimum that define the range in which the maxi- (3)
mum growth rate is achieved; and an upper threshold above
which no growth occurs. These nonlinear growth response SX = (1 − CDX/100)(1 − CWX/100)(1 − HDX/100)(1 − HWX/100).
functions conform with the law of tolerance (reviewed in (4)
Shelford 1963), and they are combined in a manner that The EI ranges from 0 at locations where the species is
accords with the law of the minimum (reviewed in van der unable to persist, to 100 at locations that are optimal for
Ploeg and Kirkham 1999). the species year round. In practice, EI values above 50
Stress indices describing cold stress (CS), wet stress only occur in highly climatically stable environments near
(WS), heat stress (HS), and dry stress (DS) and their inter- the equator. It is important to appreciate that the EI only
actions can be used to describe the species’ response to has meaning as an annual summary statistic, related to

Journal of Pest Science

population persistence. In order to better understand the Zheng et al. (2012) is well below the permanent wilting point
biosecurity threat posed by a species, in addition to looking of plants, which is typically about 0.1 using the CLIMEX
at the EI, it is necessary to explore the potential for popu- 100 mm bucket soil moisture model (Kriticos et al. 2003a).
lation growth as indicated by the ­GIW variable, the stress SM0 is therefore increased to 0.1. Zheng et al. (2012) set
indices, and also to consider the effects that cultural factors the lower optimum soil moisture threshold (SM1) to 0.31.
such as irrigation (De Villiers et al. 2016; Yonow et al. 2017) However, Fye (1978) reports that pre-pupae preferred soils
or glasshouses may have on these life history components of < 20% moisture, and Zheng et al. (2013) find that pupa-
(Sutherst 2003). tion and survival decrease as soil moisture increases from
CLIMEX is a model of moderate complexity, designed to 10 to 30%. As dry soils are preferable to wet ones, SM1 is
explore the effects of climate on a species’ distribution and decreased to 0.2, to improve dry-tolerance. No changes are
phenology. It combines the strengths of correlative mod- made to the other soil moisture parameters.
elling methods (allowing stress parameters to be fitted to
geographical location data) and deductive modelling meth- Temperature
ods (allowing growth functions to be informed by labora-
tory studies and phenological observations) (Kriticos et al. Most of the temperature parameters of Zheng et al. (2012)
2015a). are adjusted. The developmental threshold for the vari-
We used the parameter values given by Zheng et  al. ous life stages of S. exigua is estimated to be between 12
(2012) to recreate their CLIMEX model. With both the and 16 °C (Ali and Gaylor 1992; Butler 1966; El-Refai
standard meteorological dataset that comes with CLIMEX and Degheele 1988; Han et al. 2002; Hogg and Gutierrez
and the CliMond dataset (Kriticos et al. 2012), we obtain 1980; Karimi-Malati et al. 2014a; Xu et al. 1999; Zheng
results similar to Fig. 2 in Zheng et al. (2012) (see Fig. 2). et al. 2012). The change to the development threshold (DV0)
However, when we add a shapefile of overwintering and is thus minimal: the value is simply rounded down from
non-overwintering locations for S. exigua in China, geo- 15.06 to 15 °C. The level of accuracy obtained by includ-
coded according to the coordinates given by Zheng et al. ing two decimal places is unwarranted given that CLIMEX
(2012), the resulting maps (Fig. 3) indicate that three of the uses average meteorological data, and because the literature
known overwintering sites (Nanchang, Yongxiu and Wuhan) (see above) merely suggests that this value lies somewhere
in China are modelled as unsuitable, as is Baýramaly in between 12 and 16 °C. The value of the lower optimum
Turkmenistan, a known overwintering site (Kurdov 1986; temperature (DV1) is left at 26 °C, as various authors used
Zheng et al. 2011a). 26–28 °C for mass rearing of S. exigua (Jiang et al. 2001,
Location records for China were taken from the coor- 2011; Karimi-Malati et al. 2012), and Xu et al. (1999) indi-
dinates given by Zheng et al. (2012), and coordinates for cate that greatest fecundity occurs between 24 and 28 °C.
Baýramaly, Turkmenistan, were taken from Google Earth, The upper optimum temperature (DV2) is increased from 29
and other location records were downloaded from the Global to 32 °C, since various authors obtain good development and
Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Atlas of survival of all stages at temperatures between 32 and 35 °C
Living Australia (ALA, 6 December 2013). All CLIMEX (Ali and Gaylor 1992; Butler 1966; Fye 1978; Han et al.
parameter values are provided in Table 1. 2002; Xu et al. 1999), and Xu et al. (1999) calculate that the
Using the CliMond CM10_1975H_V1.1 dataset (Kriti- highest Ro occurred at 32 °C. Finally, the upper threshold
cos et al. 2012), we adjust parameter values so as to fit the for development (DV3) is increased from 36 to 38 °C as Ali
Chinese data (Zheng et al. 2012) and the most northerly and Gaylor (1992) obtain full development and survival of
known overwintering site, Baýramaly (Kurdov 1986; Zheng all stages at 38 °C, and Guerra and Ouye (1968) find that 4 h
et al. 2011a). The CliMond dataset comprises 30-year aver- at 43.3 °C does not affect egg hatch. However, Ali and Gay-
ages of monthly values for daily minimum and maximum lor (1992) do not specify that reproduction occurs at 38 °C
temperature (°C), relative humidity (%) at 09:00 and 15:00, (only that they obtained full development and survival at this
and monthly rainfall total (mm). To validate the final model, temperature), and Karimi-Malati et al. (Karimi-Malati et al.
we examine the projections in Europe and North America, 2014a, b) failed to get development or egg hatch at 36 °C.
where there is some information on the occurrence of this The value of 38 °C for DV3 in our model is a consensus of
species. the evidence from the literature regarding both heat stress
and development (Ali and Gaylor 1992; Guerra and Ouye
Soil moisture 1968; Jiang et al. 2011; Karimi-Malati et al. 2014a, b). It
is selected in preference to 36 °C to increase the suitability
Moisture plays an important role in the survival and growth at Baýramaly (under an irrigation scenario) as insects were
of S. exigua, particularly in the pre-pupal and pupal stages. captured in light traps throughout the year here (Kurdov
The lower soil moisture threshold (SM0) of 0.03 set by 1986).

Journal of Pest Science

Fig. 2  Figure  2 from Zheng et  al. (2012), published as an Open wintering sites after importing total of 758 meteorological stations.
Access paper in the Journal of Insect Science under the Creative Crosses indicate unsuitable overwintering locations. Spots represent
Commons Attribution 3.0 license. CLIMEX map of overwintering El’s greater than zero. The larger spots indicate that the climate at the
regions of S. exigua in China inferred from its known world over- station is more suitable for overwintering of this species

Cold stress climate data from CLIMEX for the grid cells containing
overwintering and non-overwintering sites in China (Zheng
Since the cold stress (CS) mechanism used by Zheng et al. et al. 2012) and Baýramaly (Kurdov 1986; Zheng et al.
(2012) precludes persistence at three known overwintering 2011a). The average weekly minimum temperature at Baýra-
locations (Online Resource 1), we sought to identify a bet- maly (overwintering site, − 1.7 °C) is lower than that at the
ter range-limiting mechanism. We exported and plotted the two warmest, most southerly Chinese non-overwintering

Journal of Pest Science

Journal of Pest Science

◂Fig. 3  Modelled climate suitability of Asia for S. exigua, using the Zheng et al. (2012) is based on a threshold of 40 °C. Thus,
parameters given by Zheng et al. (2012), a using the CliMond mete- the temperature threshold (TTHS) is increased to 40 °C,
orological dataset, b using the standard point location dataset that
comes with CLIMEX
and the rate of stress accumulation (THHS) is decreased to
0.01 week−1, rounded down from the Zheng et al. (2012)
original value of 0.0177 week−1. These changes to the HS
sites (Jurong, − 1.2 °C; and Nanjing, − 1.4 °C) (Online parameters increase the overall modelled climate suitability
Resource 2), thereby making it impossible to use the tem- of much of Asia. We explore the degree-day mechanism of
perature threshold model of CS to distinguish between over- HS, and the parameter values given in Table 1 result in mini-
wintering and non-overwintering sites. Using a minimum mal difference to the accumulation of HS when compared to
temperature threshold model would necessarily preclude the temperature threshold mechanism or to the model results
overwintering at Baýramaly before impacting the Chinese overall: EI values increase by a maximum of three in a few
non-overwintering sites. isolated spots in Africa.
Figure  4 suggests that it should be possible to use a
degree-day model of CS to distinguish between the overwin- Dry stress
tering and non-overwintering sites, as the two warmest non-
overwintering sites in China (Jurong and Nanjing, Zheng The dry stress (DS) parameters of Zheng et al. (2012) are
et al. 2012) have the fewest degree-days above 15 °C, both at increased. The threshold soil moisture (SMDS) is increased
the end and at the beginning (Fig. 4) of winter. Another key from 0.02 to 0.1, to be in line with SM0, and the stress
non-overwintering site (Xi’an) warms up relatively quickly accumulation rate parameter (HDS) is decreased from
in spring, with the number of degree-days > 15 °C match- − 0.005 to − 0.01 week−1, increasing how quickly the stress
ing those at a couple of overwintering sites, but becomes accumulates.
colder earlier in the autumn (Fig. 4). The parameter values Setting the threshold soil moisture (SM0) and DS thresh-
ultimately selected for this CS mechanism (Table 1) result old (SMDS) at 0.1 means that Baýramaly experiences a cer-
in some CS accumulating in all of the Chinese overwin- tain degree of DS (DS = 38), which in combination with the
tering sites, relatively high CS (76–83) in the four coldest relatively high CS experienced here (CS = 73), is sufficient
Chinese overwintering sites, and a CS value of 73 at Baýra- to preclude the persistence of S. exigua (both stresses com-
maly (Fig. 5a). These CS values, when combined with the bined give a total stress > 100, therefore EI = 0). Such a
­GIA values, correctly result in a positive EI at all known result is contrary to the knowledge that S. exigua is a pest
overwintering sites. here, and that Baýramaly is a known overwintering site
Because the maximum temperatures at Baýramaly are (Kurdov 1986). The CliMond climate data exported for this
in fact reasonably high, we explored the average tempera- area indicate that rainfall is very low, but both Google Earth
ture cold stress mechanism. Jurong and Nanjing (the two and Google Maps images indicate that this is a major water
warmest Chinese non-overwintering sites) have the coldest catchment area, with an extensive series of canals and water-
average temperatures in winter (Online Resource 3). It is ways clearly supporting any agriculture that occurs here.
possible to parameterise the average temperature mechanism Adding a moderate amount of irrigation to the simulation
for CS to correctly distinguish between overwintering and (2.5 mm day−1 added as top-up throughout the year) is suf-
non-overwintering sites, and to only have a small amount of ficient to completely remove DS and make Baýramaly suit-
CS (CS = 19) at Baýramaly (Fig. 5b). However, as it makes able (EI = 7). These parameters ensure that in the absence of
little biological sense to use an average weekly temperature irrigation practices S. exigua is prevented from establishing
threshold (TTCSA) of 4 °C to trigger CS, given the apparent and persisting in areas that are otherwise too dry.
cold-hardiness of S. exigua (Jiang et al. 2001; Kim and Kim
1997; Zheng et al. 2011b), we reject the average temperature Wet stress
CS mechanism in favour of the degree-day CS mechanism.
The wet stress (WS) threshold (HWS) is decreased to be in
Heat stress line with the upper soil moisture threshold (SM3 = 2) and
because of evidence that excessive moisture is not conducive
Because the upper temperature threshold (DV3) is increased to pupation (Fye 1978; Zheng et al. 2013).
to 38 °C, and HS cannot begin to accumulate whilst the
temperature is still suitable for growth (Kriticos et al. 2005; Number of generations
Van Klinken et al. 2009; Yonow et al. 2017), the HS thresh-
old (TTHS) must be increased from the Zheng et al. (2012) The number of degree-days above the developmental thresh-
value of 36 °C. Jiang et al. (2011) indicate a high tolerance old of DV0 (PDD) is increased from 265.6 to 300 °C days.
to temperatures in excess of 40 °C, and the original model of PDD represents the annual thermal accumulation needed to

Journal of Pest Science

Table 1  CLIMEX parameter values for S. exigua 

Parameter Description Zheng et al. (2012) values This study

 SM0 Lower soil moisture threshold 0.03 0.1
 SM1 Lower optimum soil moisture 0.31 0.2
 SM2 Upper optimum soil moisture 1 1
 SM3 Upper soil moisture threshold 2 2
 DV0 Lower threshold 15.06 °C 15 °C
 DV1 Lower optimum temperature 26 °C 26 °C
 DV2 Upper optimum temperature 29 °C 32 °C
 DV3 Upper threshold 36 °C 38 °C
Cold stress
 TTCS Cold stress temperature threshold 3.2 °C 0
 THCS Temperature threshold stress accumulation rate − 0.2 week−1 0
 DTCS Degree-day stress cold stress threshold (CS accumulates if there are 8
fewer than the threshold number of degree-days above DV0)
 DHCS Degree-day stress cold stress accumulation rate − 0.00048 week−1
 TTCSA Cold stress average temperature threshold 0 4 °Ca
 THCSA Average temperature stress accumulation rate 0 − 0.065 week−1a
Heat stress
 TTHS Heat stress temperature threshold 36 °C 40 °C
 THHS Temperature threshold stress accumulation rate 0.0163 week−1 0.01 week−1
or or or
 DTHS Degree-day heat stress threshold (HS accumulates if there are more than 2.5 °C days
the threshold number of degree-days above DV3)
 DHHS Degree-day heat stress accumulation rate 0.005 week−1
Dry stress
 SMDS Soil moisture dry stress threshold 0.02 0.1
 HDS Stress accumulation rate − 0.005 week−1 − 0.01 week−1
Wet stress
 SMWS Soil moisture wet stress threshold 2.5 2.0
 HWS Stress accumulation rate 0.002 week−1 0.01 week−1
Threshold heat sum
 PDD Number of degree-days above DV0 needed to complete one generation 265.6 °C days 300 °C days
Irrigation scenario 2.5 mm day−1 as top-up throughout the year

Values that differ from those of Zheng et al. (2012) are given in bold
 These values are not used in the final model, but do provide a delineation between known overwintering and non-overwintering sites (see
Fig. 5a, b)

Fig. 4  Number of degree-days
above 15 °C plotted by week
for selected overwintering and
non-overwintering sites in
China (Zheng et al. 2012) and
at Baýramaly (Kurdov 1986;
Zheng et al. 2011a). O indicates
overwintering site; NO indicates
non-overwintering site; grid
cell number included; number
in parentheses matches location
number in Zheng et al. (2012)
(Fig. 1)

Journal of Pest Science

Fig. 5  Cold stress maps

for S. exigua a using the
degree-day threshold mecha-
nism, with DTCS = 8 and
DHCS = − 0.00048, b using the
average temperature mecha-
nism, with TTCSA = 4 and
THCSA = − 0.065. Triangles
represent overwintering sites;
squares represent non-overwin-
tering sites (Zheng et al. 2012)

complete a full generation and for successful reproduction We adjust the value to arrive at approximately the correct
to occur. When the value of PDD exceeds the threshold, number of generations in different locations. A PDD value of
the excess contributes to the development of subsequent 300 degree-days above 15 °C provides for seven generations
generations. at Gainesville (Florida, USA) which is close to Wilson’s

Journal of Pest Science

(1932) claim of six generations in northern Florida (no spe- has a positive EI, as the combination of both DS and CS
cific location given), and it provides seven generations in exceeds 100. However, as in Baýramaly, irrigation is used
Fuzhou (Fujian Province, China) which is close to the eight to sustain agriculture, enabling both of these locations to
overlapping generations reported by Xu et al. (1998). These sustain permanent populations (Fig. 6a). It is also possible
differences could easily be accounted for by the fact that for overwintering to occur in these locations, as suggested
we are using long-term average data rather than data for by Khanjani (2005, in Atapour and Moharramipour 2014).
a specific year. We also used other data presented in the In Northern Europe, although the EI values are unsuit-
literature for development times at different temperatures able (Fig. 6a), the G­ IA is positive for much of the region
and converted these into a common format. We opt for days (Fig.  6b). This is consistent with observations that S.
taken to complete a generation at 25 °C, in accordance with exigua does not persist there, but rather, migrates from
results presented by Farahani et al. (2012). Our PDD value warmer overwintering regions in the south (e.g. French
of 300 equates to 30 days for a generation to be completed at 1969; Mikkola 1970; Mitchell 1979). There are some
25 °C, which falls well within the range (25–42.4 days) pro- potential discrepancies through the alpine regions of
vided by numerous authors (Ali and Gaylor 1992; Farahani Northern Italy, Switzerland, and Austria. Location records
et al. 2012; Greenberg et al. 2001; Han et al. 2002; Hogg and in these alpine areas are apparently unsuitable year round
Gutierrez 1980; Lee et al. 1991; Zheng et al. 2012). because the temperatures are too cool to support popu-
lation growth, as they rarely exceed 15  °C, the lower
Irrigation developmental threshold. The distribution records may
have been collected during an abnormally warm year, or
Because many cropping areas are irrigated (e.g. in Google it is possible that the CliMond dataset does not represent
Earth, irrigation patterns are clearly visible around Baýram- the climate here with sufficient topographic precision:
aly), a 2.5 mm day−1 irrigation scenario was added as top-up the nature of this region is such that there are very great
throughout the year. In other words, irrigation is only applied changes in altitude (and thus climate) in very short dis-
when rainfall is less than 2.5 mm day−1. A composite cli- tances, which cannot be accurately represented with 10′
mate suitability map was created by combining the natural datasets (Kriticos and Leriche 2010).
rainfall and irrigation scenario results using the irrigation For North America (Fig. 6a), the EI pattern accords
pattern data from (Portmann et al. 2010). with Zheng et al.’s (2011a) map of overwintering and per-
ennial damage sites, and the ­G I A matches the potential
range this species can achieve in summer (Fig. 6b). Spo-
Results doptera exigua has established permanent populations in
Florida, California, and southern Arizona (e.g. Carlson
In Asia (Fig. 6), the model accords with known overwin- 2010; Fye and Carranza 1973; Hogg and Gutierrez 1980;
tering and non-overwintering locations (Kurdov 1986; Sparks and Riley 2015; Trumble and Baker 1984), which
Zheng et al. 2011a, 2012). The results corroborate all the agrees with the model projections.
evidence provided for Turkmenistan by Kurdov (1986): There are a number of location records in central
CLIMEX shows a positive EI at overwintering localities; Australia with corresponding EI and G ­ IA values of zero
a peak in the population growth in May, corresponding (Fig. 6a, b). Examination of these records indicates that
to the most damaging second generation; and population most were collected between 1960 and 1980, with the bulk
growth until November, in accordance with the observa- having been collected in 1972 and 1978. When the S. exi-
tion that adults fly from April to November. Furthermore, gua model was used in the latest version of CLIMEX,
the results accord with what is known of the distribution using compare years/locations and the monthly sequence
in Iran, with the appropriate number of generations (six) of meteorological data from 1960 to 1990 in the WFDEI
in Shiraz (Eghtedar 1989), and winter growth in Khuz- dataset (Weedon et al. 2014) under natural rainfall condi-
estan (Atapour and Moharramipour 2014). Khuzestan is tions, the resulting series of maps indicates that there is
modelled as having an EI value of zero due to excessive great annual variation in the areas where EI and GI are
HS, but S. exigua is known to be a migratory species (e.g. positive or not. In other words, in some years it would be
Jiang et  al. 2011; Mikkola 1970; Zheng et  al. 2011a), possible for S. exigua to both grow (positive ­GIA) and per-
and Atapour and Moharramipour (2014) do not indicate sist to the following year (positive EI) in these locations,
that it occurs 3 year round, only that it overwinters there. whilst in other years both of these indices have a value of
Although the EI value is zero, the Growth Index ­( GI A) zero. These location records therefore probably indicate
is positive, and growth is estimated to occur in winter at seasonal migrations and/or transient populations that did
Khuzestan. Under the natural rainfall scenario, neither not survive in subsequent years when climatic conditions
Qazvin nor Khorasan (Atapour and Moharramipour 2014) became unfavourable.

Journal of Pest Science

Fig. 6  Modelled climate suitability of the world for S. exigua. a Eco- ber 2013); for Australia downloaded from the Atlas of Living Aus-
climatic Index, b Annual Growth Index (­GIA). Climate suitability tralia (6 December 2013); for China were taken from Zheng et  al.
is a composite of natural rainfall and irrigation based on the irriga- (2012); and for Baýramaly were geo-coded from Google Earth coor-
tion areas identified in Portmann et  al. (2010). Location records for dinates. Triangles represent overwintering sites; squares represent
Europe, the Americas, and Africa downloaded from GBIF (6 Decem- non-overwintering sites; crosses represent GBIF and ALA locations

Discussion is an interpolation technique used to estimate a value for an

unmeasured location. In this particular case, the CLIMEX EI
Several critical issues regarding the modelling of a species’ output for specific location points was interpolated to obtain
distribution arise from our analysis of Zheng et al.’s (2012) a surface of suitability. The authors state that they used this
CLIMEX model for S. exigua. Whilst we are bound to dis- process to provide “…a visual description showing species
cuss issues with this previous model, we do so in the spirit ranges rather than simple points, particularly for poorly sam-
of promoting good modelling practises. pled regions…”. However, this is not a valid methodology
The discrepancy between Figs. 2 and 3 in Zheng et al. to use on CLIMEX output, as kriging assumes that the spa-
(2012) (see Figs. 2 and 1) appears to be the result of the krig- tial variation in the data is homogenous across the surface,
ing process that they used on the CLIMEX output. Kriging which is not, and cannot be, the case for a climate suitability

Journal of Pest Science

model, as climate does not vary equally or evenly across any known locations of persistence. It is clear from both Google
surface. The spatial interpolation techniques used to cre- Earth and Google Maps images that Baýramaly and its sur-
ate gridded climate surfaces typically use thin-plate splines rounds are irrigated: Google Earth images clearly show this
that include topographic factors as covariates to account for area to be green by comparison to the surrounding desert,
important processes, such as adiabatic lapse (Hutchinson and fed by a series of dams and rivers, and Google Maps
et al. 2009). The kriging process (Fig. 3 in Zheng et al. 2012) shows a series of rivers and dams, and numerous irriga-
(see Fig. 1) has produced a continuum of estimated climate tion canals through the town itself. Similarly, Google Earth
suitability, whilst the CLIMEX output based on gridded images indicate that agriculture in both Qazvin and Kho-
climate data (Fig. 3 above and Fig. 2 in Zheng et al. 2012) rasan (Iran) is sustained by irrigation. The irrigation scenario
clearly shows an isolated patch of suitability in the central in CLIMEX enabled us to use DS parameters to preclude the
region (site 6, Yibin, in Zheng et al. 2012). To avoid point distribution of S. exigua in these areas under natural rainfall
location mapping (Fig. 2), these authors should instead have conditions, whilst allowing it to persist with the applica-
used any one of the many gridded climate surfaces available tion of a moderate amount of irrigation. This highlights the
(see Kriticos et al. 2012 for a discussion on other datasets importance of considering how distribution data contribute
available), rather than interpolate between EI values. to our understanding of a species’ biology, and of trying to
Another error with Fig. 3 in Zheng et al. (2012) (see understand those aspects of the location records that make
Fig. 1) lies in the categorization of EI values. The kriging them suitable for the persistence of an invasive species.
process has produced interpolated, non-integer, EI values. It is also essential to consider the choice of mechanisms
A suitable EI is designated in that paper to be any value available for modelling stresses. We clearly demonstrate
above 0.1, and all areas with an EI value ranging from 0.1 that the temperature threshold mechanism of CS would
to five are shaded the same. In CLIMEX, an EI value of not be able to correctly distinguish between overwintering
less than one is considered unsuitable for establishment. The and non-overwintering sites (Online Resource 1), although
classification system in Zheng et al. (2012) makes it impos- both of the other CS mechanisms (degree-days above the
sible to know whether sites 4 (Nanchang), 5 (Yongxiu) and developmental threshold and average temperature) are able
7 (Wuhan) are in fact suitable with the kriging process (see to discriminate successfully between these types of sites
Fig. 1): they may well have EI values less than one and be (Fig. 5). With the degree-day mechanism, CS accumulates
climatically unsuitable. if there are fewer than the designated number of degree-days
Critical to model construction is the choice of appropriate above DV0 (developmental threshold): i.e. there is insuffi-
parameter values. Zheng et al. (2012) set both the soil mois- cient warmth. With the average temperature mechanism, CS
ture threshold (SM0) and the dry stress threshold (SMDS) accumulates when the average temperature drops below the
excessively low, at 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. Unless there designated threshold. This mechanism, with parameter val-
is specific evidence to suggest that highly drought-stressed ues of TTCSA = 4 °C and THCSA = − 0.065 week−1, only
host plants result in a herbivorous pest species doing better provides for marginal CS at Baýramaly (Fig. 5b), whilst the
(e.g. increased reproduction, more rapid development, bet- degree-day mechanism (Table 1) provides a high level of CS
ter survival, increased colonization), as in the case of Phe- in all of the known overwintering sites (Fig. 5a), though still
nacoccus manihoti (Ezumah and Knight 1978; Herren and allowing persistence. The degree-day mechanism is retained
Neuenschwander 1991; Singh 1982), the lower soil moisture because it is the more biologically reasonable, given what
threshold for growth (SM0) is generally set at the permanent is known about this species. In the first instance, it makes
wilting point of plants, which for shallow-rooted crops is no sense to use an average weekly temperature of 4 °C to
around 0.1 using the CLIMEX 100 mm bucket soil moisture trigger CS, given the apparent cold-hardiness of S. exigua
model (Kriticos et al. 2003a). Similarly, the DS threshold is (Jiang et al. 2001; Kim and Kim 1997; Zheng et al. 2011b).
normally at the same level. Setting SM0 and SMDS at 0.1 Secondly, as Zheng et al. (2012) point out, “temperature gen-
means that Baýramaly experiences a certain degree of DS erally affects the distribution in the north–south direction”.
(DS = 38), which in combination with the relatively high The degree-day cold stress mechanism clearly does this, pro-
CS experienced here (CS = 73), is sufficient to preclude viding a north–south gradient in the CS (Fig. 5a), and there-
the persistence of S. exigua under natural rainfall conditions fore also in the EI values (Fig. 6a). In contrast, the average
(both stresses combined give a total stress > 100, therefore temperature mechanism provides a very sharp delineation
EI = 0). This result is clearly at odds with the fact that not between areas that do or do not experience CS (Fig. 5b),
only is S. exigua a pest here, but that Baýramaly is also a resulting in relatively uniform EI values. So although both
known overwintering site (Kurdov 1986). mechanisms can distinguish between known overwinter-
By considering the impact of irrigation in sustaining ing and non-overwintering sites, the parameter values and
agriculture in certain areas, we are able to set moisture and the output from the average temperature mechanism do not
DS parameters that would otherwise preclude S exigua from accord with what we know of how S. exigua responds to low

Journal of Pest Science

temperatures or with our understanding of how CS might also obtain similar results for B. tryoni using the two differ-
affect S. exigua overwintering. ent HS mechanisms. Here, we produced virtually identical
The choice of HS mechanism makes little difference to results using both the temperature threshold mechanism and
the model. With the temperature threshold mechanism, HS the degree-day mechanism of HS, but selected the degree-
accumulates when the maximum temperature exceeds the day mechanism because it makes more biological sense.
designated threshold. With the degree-day mechanism, HS Nonetheless, these analyses all indicate that CLIMEX pro-
accumulates if the threshold number of degree-days above vides different ways of looking at how temperature stresses
DV3 (the upper threshold for development) is exceeded. As may limit the distribution of a species, and that it is impor-
with the Queensland fruit fly (Yonow and Sutherst 1998), tant to consider the results and implications of each mecha-
it is possible to use either mechanism to model HS in S. nism. Even the small sample of Chinese overwintering and
exigua: the degree-day HS mechanism provides marginally non-overwintering locations (Zheng et al. 2012) provides
less HS in a few isolated areas of Africa and in central India, sufficient information upon which to select an appropriate
allowing the EI value to increase by a maximum of three CS mechanism, again highlighting the importance of trying
units. The choice of HS mechanism and the parameter values to understand what distribution data are telling us about a
used are linked to the value of DV3, the upper temperature species’ occurrence and the stress mechanisms that limit
threshold for development. With DV3 = 38 °C, there is lit- further expansion.
tle to choose between the HS mechanisms given in Table 1, Whilst S. exigua may be precluded by climate from per-
and it is not evident that one mechanism should be used in sisting in many regions of the world (Fig. 6a), it is capable
preference to the other. Were DV3 to be reduced back down of sustaining seasonal growth across a much larger area
to 36 °C as per the model of Zheng et al. (2012), this would (Fig. 6b). Because it is a migratory species (French 1969;
be a different matter, and there would be a stronger argument Mikkola 1970; Mitchell 1979), this analysis highlights the
for using the degree-day mechanism of HS in preference to very real threat that seasonal invasions could cause damage
the temperature threshold mechanism, as there would be a across substantially larger areas in the future, particularly
4 °C disparity between DV3 (36) and TTHS (40 °C). We can where irrigation is practised. A vast proportion of the Amer-
think of no biologically plausible reason that S. exigua devel- icas, Europe, and Asia is modelled as having a climate suit-
opment would cease at 36 °C, but that HS would not begin to able for seasonal growth of this polyphagous pest (Fig. 6b).
accumulate until the temperature increased by another 4 °C. As CLIMEX has previously correctly predicted areas at
The results of Guerra and Ouye (1968) indicate that there is risk from future expansion of pests and pathogens (Hall and
no difference in the egg hatching rate or development time of Wall 1995; Kriticos et al. 2003b, 2007, 2015b; Sutherst and
S. exigua kept for varying lengths of time at 43.3 °C and then Bourne 2009; Yonow et al. 2013), it will be interesting to
returned to 26.7 ± 2.2 °C. It would appear therefore that it is note if the current projections of potential range expansion
not high temperatures per se that are limiting, since returning and seasonal infestation by S. exigua are proven correct.
the life stages to a more moderate temperature resulted in For a pest of such significance as S. exigua, we discovered
normal development. This argues in favour of a degree-day a remarkable paucity of information on its distribution and
mechanism of HS, where more than a designated number of impacts, outside of Europe and North America, highlighting
degree-days above the maximum developmental threshold the need for better biosecurity information infrastructure in
results in the accumulation of HS. Thus, whilst both HS developing regions.
mechanisms produce virtually identical results, limited evi-
dence suggests that might in fact be more correct to use the
degree-day mechanism. Clearly, this is an area where more Conclusions
research could help refine the model.
From the analyses on HS and CS, it is evident that the We have produced a new model of the potential distribution
distribution data contain a fingerprint of stress mechanisms. of S. exigua that addresses the errors found in the model pre-
Even with relatively few location records for S. exigua in sented by Zheng et al. (2012). In fitting this new model, we
China, we were able to distinguish between CS mechanisms, carefully explored both CS and HS mechanisms. We were
and select ones that make biological sense. Similarly, Kriti- able to provide a biologically plausible and appropriate CS
cos et al. (2003b) use CLIMEX to determine appropriate mechanism with which to limit distribution. The new CS
mechanisms to limit the southerly distribution of prickly aca- parameter values correctly distinguish between known over-
cia (Acacia nilotica) in Australia, and Yonow and Sutherst wintering and non-overwintering sites in China. The ­GIA
(1998) examine how different CS mechanisms restrict the patterns in the new model correctly identify areas where
distribution of the Queensland fruit fly (Bactocera tryoni). populations cannot persist (EI = 0), but where migrations
The different HS mechanisms in CLIMEX do not differenti- can result in seasonal occurrences of this pest. Although we
ate a species’ response as easily. Yonow and Sutherst (1998) find that both of the two HS mechanisms produce similar

Journal of Pest Science

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Foundation by way of the HarvestChoice Project. Thanks are due to temperature. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwweten-
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