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 What occupations have you enjoyed all your life?

 Why do/did you enjoy them?
 What occupations have you not enjoyed? Why?
 How have your interests changed as you have grown and developed?
 What influenced those changes?

An occupation that I have enjoyed all my life is spending time with my family. I

am a family oriented person and I enjoy being able to spend as much time as I can with

my family. Everyone in my family is very positive and supportive so when I am around

them my spirts are always lifted. If I have no one else I know that I can count on my

family to be there for me. Also, being around them helps me destress because we are

always having fun together and I do not think about all the other issues or stressors that

I have going on at that moment in my life.

An occupation that I have not enjoyed would have to be …

As I have matured and grown I believe my some of my interests have changed.

One in particular that I noticed was my interest in living a more healthier lifestyle. I now

know that eating a balanced diet and exercising is something that is important if I want

to have a better lifestyle. What influenced this change would have to be the way I

started viewing myself. I saw how my body was changing and how my health was

starting to decline. Once I noticed these things I knew it was time for a change if I

wanted to live a longer life and be able to reach my goals and dreams in life. So now I

make it a priority to ensure that I am exercising everyday for at least thirty minutes and

that I am eating a balanced diet.

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