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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Good morning ladies and gentlemen honorable juries and respected audiences. First of all, we
should say alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin to the almighty Allah SWT for the blessing the gives us
here. So that, we can gather here to parcipate in this important program for youthful especially
for students of senior high school to improve our english know ledge or ability and i dont forget
to send our prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he has brought us from the dark world to the
know ledge world as we feel now.

Happy brother and sisters !

Lets pay attention more what happens in our surroundings at present ! free sex,
pornography, alcoholic drink and drungs become youth customs in this country. Most of them
always imitate what becomes “ up to date “ without. Filtering and thinking before and they never
make balance between thought and desire planning and implementation and between ability and
action. In addition, they do not preserve the islamic laws because they think that relegion is the
symbol only. Whereas, youth is the generation next of this country. So, how this country`s future
is if most of them get a drop in their moral values ?.

Coenseguently, we are the next generation of this country. We have to keep ourselves by
falth, beliefs, and plety in facing the globalization era. And we have to be a ware of conserving
the islamic laws. More over we are the islamic students have obligation to fight a gainst the weak
ness of our beloved nation.

Moslem brothers and sisters

We should not keep silent when we know the negetive changes that happen in our society
because of globalitation era. As islamic students we ought to become figures in anticipating the
negative effect of this global era.

Allah state in the noble Qur`an.

(waltakum ming kum umatan yad una ilal khoiri waya` muruna bil ma`ruf waljan hauna
anil mungkar waula ika humul muflihun).

The meaning is : let there arise out of you a group of people. Inviting to all that is good,
enjoining alma`ruf and forbidding almunkar and those who are the succesful man.

Dear brothers and sisters !

The islamic students with their moral forces and islamic students must be proactive to guide
what is and what globalization era is for and the purpose of it, so that. Let`s hope for the best.
They become the public figures and they can color the social and cultular lives. Of their society
in achieving the goal. Thats good moslem is a good country.
Happy brothers and sisters !

The generation next we should.

- Take the positive effects of globalization era only

- Raise our taqwa and realize our religious doctrine in our daily lives.

Become good figures for the sesaity in facing globalization information, and
communication technologi thats all my speech.

Dear brothers and sisters

Those are what i can deliver to you, and i ask forgiveness for all my mistakes and also thanks for
all of your attention.

Wabilahi taufik walhidayah ...

Wassalam ..

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