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Largest Online Community of VU
SPRING 2006 Marks: 50
ISL201 - ISLAMIC STUDIES (Session - 5 ) Time: 60min

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Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the
1. Attempt all questions. Marks are written adjacent to each question.
2. Do not ask any questions about the contents of this examination
from anyone.
a. If you think that there is something wrong with any of the
questions, attempt
It to the best of your understanding.
b. Write all steps; missing steps may lead to deduction of marks

**WARNING: Please note that Virtual University takes serious note of

unfair means. Anyone found involved in cheating will get an `F` grade
in this course.

For Teacher's use only

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 2 ) - Please choose one

During Ascension (Miraj) the Holy Prophet PBUH was transported from :

► Makkah to Madina

► Makkah to Al-Quds

► Makkah to Quba

► Makkah to Badar

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 2 ) - Please choose one

Belief in the life of hereafter is a :

► Fundamental of Humanity

► Fundamental of Faith

► Fundamental of modern civilization

► None of the above

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 2 ) - Please choose one

Morality means :
► Good qualities

► Politeness

► Internal qualities of human being

► All of these

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 2 ) - Please choose one

Two main principles that emerge as necessary corollaries from the doctrines of
Oneness of Allah are:

► Justice and Taqwa

► Namaz and Roza

► Zakat and Hajj

► None of these

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 15 )

Prove this statment "There is no God but Allah"

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 15 )

What is place of morality in Islam? Briefly discuss.

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 12 )

Write down the definition of Namaz and discuss its importance.

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