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Memorable Journey

HI my name is SARAH this is my story I am from

PAKISTAN (Karachi) but I live in KSA (JEDDAH)
I really wanted to go to a waterpark but it was really
expansive here so last to last summer in 2017 we went to
Pakistan and Pakistan is a cheap country so one afternoon
My mom came and surprise me and my family that we are
going to a “GREAT FIESTA WATERPARK” me and
my brother were jumping in the air my family and my. my
cousin family were going so we packed our backs and
slept early we woke up at 7:00
My mom was making delicious burgers and pizza and
our bus came we sat on it and start our journey huff it
took 2hr to arrive there but finally we arrive it was so big

And so beautiful then we enjoy are waterpark there were

different types of songs then we got 1hr break we eat our
lunch and started aagain enjoyin the it star raining like
cats and dogs huff we changed our clother and went to
our home then we slept this was thurneeye meomorable jo

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